Heppner herald. (Heppner, Or.) 1914-1924, April 26, 1918, Image 4

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M K KU fcSJ '
- - - - "
What Docs J. L. Simpson Stand For?
MAY 17th
For Americanism, first and foremost.
For Republican principles.
For patriotic support of nation' war activities.
For the development of Oregon's vast resources, and
the encouragement of agriculture.
For good roads.
For rigid law enforcement.
For nation wide prohibition and women's suffrage.
For patriotic co-operation between employer and em
ployee. For national, universal eight-hour day, excepting ag
riculture. For better working and living conditions for the thou
sands of workers and laborers thruout the state.
For the greatest possible moral, social and economic
advancement of all citizens of the state.
For an efficient state educational system.
For a clean, impartial, businesslike administration,
"Policies backed by twenty years practice"
"Your kind of a man for Governor" is
r.iM Aii. -
I liy Simi-aon for (Jovernor League, 411 Selling liMtf.. Portland
Mr. Thomas MoYgau. of Hepp
ner, and Mrs. F.lizibeth J. Allen,
of Oakland, Cal. were re mar ried
it the Federated church parson
i Hire last Monday evening, liuv.
! ff. A. Noyes performed the cere
Mr. Morgan is one of the best
known pioneers in Oregon, ai.d
to old tiaierf is bust remembered
as a crack stage driver and Iurli
an tighter of the good old days.
Mrs. Allen was a former resi
dent of lleppner and both are
well known and highly respected
among lleppner people. They
will resiae in Mr. Morgan s resi
dence in North flepprier whieh
was damaged by fire some time
ago, but is now being rebuilt.
Many friends will unite in con
gratulations arid best wishes to
the hat.py couple.
I All Your Seasonable Wants Supplied
No matter what you want in Dry Goods or Ready to-Wear
we can supply it as quickly and as reasonably as any one.
Make This Your Store
Let Us Serve You
Having succeeded to t tie ha rd ware and pi u rn hi rig busi
ness formerly i mill ucicd liy Tush & Akers and also to the
farm implement branch of I tie business of Vaughn & Sons,
we bet; to iiiiiinunce that this re-orgiinized and consolida
ted business, with increased capital, is better prepared
than ever bi'l'ir" to caier to ttie wants of th people of
lleppner and Morrow county, and adjacent territory, in a
satisfactory manner. Our stock will cousist of
Shelf and Heavy Hardware,
Farm Implements and Wagons,
Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Etc.,
Plumbing Supplies and Service,
Stoves and Ranges
In short, all lines of goods usually found in a Gen Rial
Hardware store.
Appreciating the libera! patronnge accorded our pre
decessors we believe we will continue to merit a con
tinuance of the same.
Peoples Hardware Co.
Main and Willow Sis. HEPPNER, ORE.
Tash A Akers old stand
In Remembrance
Whereas, it has pleased God to
take from us by death our worthy
brother, William Erwin Wal
bridge, who departed this life
April 22. 1918, a member in good
standing of lleppner Lodge, No
(59, A. F. & A. M., therefore be it
Resolved, That while we bow
in submission to the Divine de
cree we grieve for the loss of our
Resolved, That we extend our
heartfelt sympathy to the family
of the departed brother in their
bereavement while reminding
them that the parting is but for
a short period of time.
Thomas Buennen,
John Ilek,
S. I?. Uevin,
"Mina Taylor" Dresses
Made from the best of Ginghams and in the most pleas- fl
mg styles. Also a big line 01 neat and attractive House
Dresses and Aprons in Ginghams and Percales, light and
dark colorings.
Priced as high as S4.50 as iow as $1.25
Middy Blousesjfc
cheaper and better than you can make them. New and
attractive styles and trimmings; good colors.
Peoples Cash Market
Ail Kinds ot l;resh and bait Meats
Poultry and Lard Phone Main 73
rf "'."ri-'(n!r"iiiiaa
Utah Lump p
RockSprinNut j
Cordwood and Slabs
1 Summer Coats 51
.----. dClClllUll Ul UJJIUlg CU1U UU111111CI
Coats for Ladies and Misses ever shown in Heppner.
Or leave orders with A
, Barnard.
l.WAY.-' n .l to co operate in the sup-
! ot our Government, the develop
ment nf i.,u- community and the upbuilding of
the t rain, t attle and sheep industries.
We appnri;.'.' our business ami will be glad
to be of m r uv.
t i V. T (!
at d (hie IjuarU r
I'rewitt Cox. Fred Lucas and
Andy Hayes drove over to Pen
dleton Saturday evening to see
the Sunday ball frame
Joe Kenny, young son of Mr
and Mrs. Michael Kenny, has
uit school and accepted a posi
sion in the First National Rank
John Kilkenny, sheep king of
Morrow county has made Currier
poet laureate of his court and
Currier has immortalized John in
verse in an able vindication of
Kilkenny's airplane theories.
Mrs. FhillCohn pleasantly en
tertaincd the ladies guild of the
Episcopal church yesterday
ternoon at bridge. M
was assisted in her duties as host
ess by Mrs. S. W. Spencer and
Mrs. B F. I Sutler.
.John M. Sprouts, of Cuprum,
I.hdio, is here tl.i-. week visiting
relative. lie vu eal.i it to
IP pple'l- a Hi'i'li wo UV tli" ii a; n
of his mo her. Mis. Maiy l."n"
a hose f u lie rid Witt held Suii.iiv
Mr. Sprout ordered I lie I lerunl
sent to his ahlre- fur tht- m t
yi-:ir, so that h" can keep posted
nil lleppner h ppel.il, l's.
A. I, Avers is on t'r.e cripple
list this vci k as the tvs.i t ot ;m
accident he met wit li S.l' .ii'e.a..
while looking after the U:.li:e',;;,g
of a car of wood at the o. p it. A
pike pole lie held in his hands
was struck hy a heavy slab an,. I
the sharp hpiko was driven ti.'ii
his foot back of the sie.;.!! t e,
Pave Wilson, w ',n L.s .. , a
good position in the First Na
tional Bank for some time, has
accepted a poition v it h the I 'ir-t
National Han W. of I i.wU tun a:i.i
vvi'.l assume his duties there May
1st. Mr. W.lsnn is ore of ii pp.
tier's most popular j n.e",
and white his friends vi,l r r. t
his leaving ti e tow nih.i w . i re
jiuce that is ad at.i n g i 1 I is
chosen v iH-at .n'i,
, i s U 111 Si. 11 1. . 1 i l ii l 1 i
The New Sleeveless Sport Coats are in (iM.OO (M CM
Better see them now .... P I"
Minor & Company
Children in May Day Fete
Pupils of the first five grades
- of the Heppner school are being
trained for an interesting enter
al'- ! tainment to be given by them in
Colin I the Fair pavilion Wednesday
evening, May 1. The affair will
be in the nature of a May Day
festival and promises to be a first
class entertainment- The pro
gram w ill commence at 8 o'clock
.-harp An admission of 25 cents
w ill be charged
Mrs. George Perry, of Rock
Creek, was in town Tuesday at
tending to business matters.
FOU 'S.M.I-: .;.,n.
Hoar, 7 months oh!; w I t alsiut
1 7 ( I'.itfJ I:. W svpi u.
is M.in ii, pie i 1 t 1
of 1 lin-e. Ft 1! !. 1 1 .
. f Mr hii I Mr. F.i
ii g tic w t Mi S' i
Get ii'it sisi. r Mi- s
lr. 1 at mi.' li' ri ' f t p
1 lllir i' Ill the e, 1 1 c -i ill
VU O III I' I lie 11 d 1 - e
: l ..rtU f-.r ir 1
'11 tuki it t..i t I.- i! 1
Chum We Produce Prit.tuitf that Ph ases t.f,,r,, (,,r -,. , ,
at the Herald Shop
Ht pptier Uctald F,V a )car
lltTJul t'Ski e let J ti lit 1 u j
'1 .11 u - '
Practically every factory, of
l'ce and homo are performing
-1 !!! kit d of war service for
their country.
The drgne to which this
w oi k progresses mitt If nu as
ured by the personal elliciency
ef the individuals participating
in it
l'ersi'i al t ir.ciency recogni
zes wood eyesight as one of its
:,rt tnpii -ites.
Your ev es are t ot doing their
'' .'I ilutv m less thev are able
11 e d stant and rear oi-ji cts
iMi.t kly and li.-tincllv.
It is'for tliis purj e-e of ren
.'.neg vol jH'rfect r.i ir and
: ,ir v ision in one pui' of k'' s s
that we recommend
Oscar Borg,
Church Notices
Catholic Church Services.
Sunday, April 28.
First Mass, 8 a. m.
Christian Doctrine, 8:43 a. m.
Second Mass at Juniper, 11a.m.
Evening Devotions 7:30 p.m.
Kev. P. J.'O'Rourke
The Federated Church
Sunday School 9:45 a ui.
Regular morning service 11;00.
Theme, "Two Sinners Before the
Christian Endeavor 7:00 p. m
Topic. "The Cross in City Slum."
Leader, Miss Thielej'J umor lead.
er. Hernice Woodson.
Evening service, 8 p, m. Sub
ject ''A Sincere Thinker Aft"?r
H. A. Noyes, Pastor.
Christian Science.
Christian Science services are
held every Sunday at 11a m.,
Wednesday at 8:00 p. m , in
the Methodist church South, on
Chase street. All interested are
nvited to attend these services.
Farm tabor Scarce
The following report on the
farm labor situation comes to the
Herald from the U. S. Employ
ment service at Portland:
"The demand for farm labor
is very much in excess of the
supply. This office will place
farm hands in steady positions
at wages from $a0 to 70 per
month, room and board, for sin
ifle men, and $03 to fSo for nmn
and wife. Good milkers, and
teamsters able to handle 4, 0 and
8-horse teams are also in de
mand. We can place good sheep
herders in eastern Oregon, wages
fiW up, room and board.
Jacks to Lease
For the season to the right par
tics. Easton Oregon Jack Farm,
B. F. Swaggart. proprietor, Lex
ington, Ore. 51dlpd
Thrift and Bank Account
A BANK ACCOUNT encourages
Thrift by discouraging needless
spending and heedless using. One does
not like to draw too frequently from his
account w hen it is nicely grow ing There
fore - start a bank account and keep it
The Farmers and Stockgrowcrs Na
tional Bank is satisfactory in every
4 per cent paid on Time Deposits.
Safety Deposit Boxes to rent
- j