Heppner herald. (Heppner, Or.) 1914-1924, April 26, 1918, Image 3

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    1 -
Here's Your Bargain
Five-room house with bath, pantry
closets, cellar. Five and one-half
lots all in cultivation. Good gar
den under ditch water. Barn for
four horses, chicken house and
park. Electric lights in house and
barn. Close in to business section
of Heppner; fine view, away from
the dust.
This desirable home at a big bar.
gain if sold at once. For price,
terms, etc., inquire at the
Heppner, Oregon
Lay in Your Year's Coal
Uncle Sam says buy it now
while the buying is good.
You are sure of getting it now,
but not in the fall.
at Lexington
"a SEE
at lone
YOU know how cooking
brings out all the rich
pungent flavor of bacon
there's nothing that tastes
better. But you wouldn't like
it raw.
So we toast the Burley tobacco
used in LUCKY STRIKE Ciga
rettes for exactly the same reason
to bring out the rich, solid flavor.
If ronrdrilrr doei not nrrf
thrm, arnd tl.20forirartoa
ol 1 2 wckaAet toTlw Tobacco
Company ol CalUofnla, Urn
QJ Guaranteed by
For Sheriff
I hereby announce myself as a
Candidate for Sheriff of Morrow
county on the Republican ticket
at the coming primary election
For County Commissioner!.
I will be a candidate for
County Commissioner at t h e
coming election on the Republi
can ticket.
G. A. Bleakman,
Adv. Hardman, Oregon
For County Clerk
Notice is hereby given that I
will be a candidate for the Re
publican nomination for Countv
Uerk of Morrow county, Oregon,
at the primaries to be held May
17. 1918. Respectfully.
Adv. J. A. Watkrs.
For Sheriff
I hereby announce mvself as a
candidate for Sheriff of Morrow
County, on the Republican ticket,
subject to the will of the voters
at the primaries to be held on
May 17, 1918.
Adv. E. M. Shttttt.
For Assessor
To the Democratic Voters:
I hereby announce that I will
be a candidate for the office of
County Assessor, subject to the
decision of the Democratic Pri
mary to be held in May, 1918.
Adv. J. J. Wells.
For County Treasurer
I hereby announce myself as a
candidate for the Republican nom
ination for County Treasurer for
Morrow county, Oregon, at the
primaries to be held May 17, 1918.
Adv. T. J. Humphreys.
For County Judge
To the Republican Voters:
I hereby announce that I will
be a candidate for the offce of
Coudty Judge of Morrow Coun
ty, subject to the decision of the
of the Republican Primary Elec
tion, May 17, 1918. I have resided
in the county 32 years. My long
residence here and two years'
service as county commissioner
have enabled me to become fa
miliar with the needs of the
county. If nominated and elect
ed I shall pursue a progressive
policy, but shall carefully guard
against unnecessary expendi
tures in county affairs.
Adv. Win. T. Campbell.
For Sheriff
I hereby announce mv candida
cy for the Democratic nomination
for Shenf of Morrow jcounty sub
ject to the Democratic voters at
the primaries to be held May 17,
1918, II. C. Gitiiens.
Heppnerites Visit Pendleton
A number of Heppner people
drove to Pendleton Saturday and
took in the ball game Sunday on
the Portland club's practice
grounds in that city. P.A.An
derson, who is something of a fan
himself, was in the party and in
his opinion the game was rjarticu-
larly punk. Portland, P. A. savs.
will have to do some training to
get much of a team worked out
of the raw material on exhibition
Among those who went, over
Saturday evening were: P. A.
Anderson, Dave Wilson. Pruitt
Cox, Mrs. A.B. Bowker. Mr. and
Mrs Roy Cochran and several
others. The party returned Sun
day evening and report good roads
all the way over except about six
miles near Echo where the road
has been freshly plowed and has
not yet been placed in a thorough
state of cultivation.
Farmers Continue to Organize
Community committees are be
ing organized in different carts
of the county through the efforts
of the Morrow County Atrricul-
tural Council and County , Agent
Brown for the purpose of subor
dinating all efforts put forth in
the interest of the more and bet
ter production of food, etc
At Alpine last week a commit
tee was organized with the fol
lowing members: Mr. Shafer,
Cass Morey, Barney Doherty,
Mrs. Finley and Mrs. Lindsay.
This committee plans to unite
their efforts along the lines of
killing weeds and squirrels and
carrying out demonstrations to
encourage better farming.
A representative of the Biolog
ical Survey is here this week as
sisting the county agent in giv
ing demonstrations in the best
methods for controlling rabbits,
squirrels and gophers.
Wood and Coal'
I handle Rock Springs Coal,
Cord Wood and Slab Wood.
Leave orders at Hiimrjhrevs'
Drug store or phone 392.
39tf Ed BnisKr.iv.
Michigan Lady Suffered Such Paini
In Back and Head, Bat Say
Cardui Stopped These
Bad Spells.
Nursery Stock? See Harry Cummings
I am re stocking our Nurseries
with the very bust varieties of all
the "lifferent trees and plants
desirable for cultivation. I am
oettar equipped to supply your
needs in any thing you may
want than any time brfnre.
In add it h in to our own. I have
'he stock of three thousand acri's
of the finest nursery foods
grown anywhere, all health v.
vigorous, true to name and all
gr wn In Oregon You can get
the Milton Stock from me more
advantageously than eUewhen
I am the only fallow that. La
genuine tiursfry grown ('oik
Curaminc Nurseries Hiium.
er, Oregon. 4Jtf
Palmyra, Mich. Mrs. Oiaa. T. Ful
ler, of thla place, writes: "In 1911 I
gut run-down, and I suffered great
Ialn.. .with both dull and sharp
shooting pfllnB. . .nlso bark snd hoad,
I was weak snd could only drag
sround, snd should hRve been In bed,
for I really wasn't sble to be up. At
times I would have spells that would
be so bad I'd have to go to bed, and
suffered Intensely...
I derided to try Cardui, and saw u
preat Improvement In less than
month's time. I used 7 or 8 bottles
and wns stronger...! got so murh
bettor that my strnpth returned and
my work was easy for me. Cardui did
rue a world of good. It built me up In
health and s'renifth. I haven't had one
of those bad stalls slnre. I hsven't
bad to tal e anv more mrdlrlne stnre
or have any dortors either and have
been able to do my work rlnht along
...I rerommend It to other women
blt'bly as the best mdlrlne I know
of for women who suffer from female
If von suffer from female trouble,
follow this sdvlre. C.et a bottle nl
Cardui todsv snd rite It a thorough
trial. It, should help you, as It has
helped thousands of other women In
the past 4') years. At all druggists
Watch this Space Next Week for
Announcement by
Roy V. Whiteis
Real Estate and Insurance.
High-Cass Stallions
and Mares
We are prepared to furnish to the stockmen of
Morrow coumy the very highest class of Regis
tered animals iu Percherons, Belgians, English
Shire.s, Hackneys and Coaches.
Registered Kentucky Jacks a Specialty
We can sell this stock to responsible parties, when
desired, on easy payments with no cash down and
at eight per cent interest.
Carl Smith, General Agent for Eastern Oregon
Headquarters at Palace Hotel
Stock quartered at Stewart's Livery Barn
Home Products for Home People
We Mauufacture
General Storage and Forwarding
Heppner Farmers Elevator Co.
Gilliam & Bisbee
ARE prepared to furnish the Farmers and Slock
Growers with all kinds of Machinery and Ex
tras for their 11)18 requirements.
Extras are Kuinjr to be hard to get and we
would advise the iroinir over of all machinery
NOW and ordering the Extras, and have all ma
chinery adjusted and ready for use when the time
comes to use it. Take our word for it, if you
wait until the Extras are needed you may not he
able to get them and there will be no time to
waste in 11)18.
Gilliam & Bisbee
"We Have it, Will Get it or it is Not Made"
BLEAKMAN at RAU, I lops.
Courteous ami Efficient Service by
Courteous ami Competent Workmen
Accessories, Supplies, Expert Vulcanicrs
Cuarantceil 'l ire Service
Ltudlliin J
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