HEPPNER HERALD S. A. PATTISON. PiiGLisHrR. An Independent, Local A'eus-paper. Entered at the Itetmer, Oregon, Post Office as second-class waiter. Terms of Svlscrijtion. One Year - - $1.50 Six Months - - 75 Three Months - - 50 FRIDA Y, APRIL M. 1918. 0 VER THERE The following rm snau'e is j'roir; a citizen soldier of the United States National Army and should be read by every eiii.i n of the United Slates. A way to help these boys who are lihtinsr for democracy is to buy War Savings Stamps and Thrift Stamps, a war activity which seems to have been somewhat neglected so far in Morrow county: "They say, who come back from 'over there,' that at night the troubled earth between the lines is carpeted with pain. They say that Death rides whistling in every wind and that the very mists are charged with awful tor ment. They say that, cf all things spent and squandered, young hu man life is held least dear. It is not the pleasantest prospect for those of us who yet can feel upon our lips the pressure of our moth er's goodbye kiss. But, please God, our love of life is not so prized as love of right In this renaissance of our country's val or, we who will edge the wedge of her assault make calm accept ance of its hazards. For us, the steel-swept trench, iho stiffening cold weariness, hardship, worse, For you, for whom we go, you millions safe at home what for you? We shall need food. We shall need care. We shall neeu clothes for our bodies and weap ons for our hands. We shall need terribly and without failure, sup plies and equipment in a stream that is constant anil never end ing. From you, who are our re source and reliance, who are the heart anil hope oi that humanit for which we smile and strive, must come these things." Oregon Military Police A company of Military Police is tube recruited m eastern Ore gon for the purpose of prevent ing and delecting crime, appre hending criminals, protecting property, etc ,1 W. Kockerhas been appointed first lieutenant and recruiting ollicer for eastern Oregon, with headquarters at Condon. The following circular has been sent out setting forth the purpose of the organization: 1. A body of state police to prevent and detect crime and up preliend criminal 2. All male citizens of the Uni ted Stall's between the ages of IS and I., years of age, physically qualified, are t limbic lor service in this body. IS '1 he lenn of rnhf.imcnt will lie for Imii ciii's iinli'.-s sooner discharged b proper authority. I. The entire 1 1 i ; ef the per sonnel of the ('..mm. Hid ill be given to tin II- u-it . ; , i eepUuns being .'i i i i.ed , i , . i,. i, h, '. tit mom i ni- i hi! 'ti'd men, t'.Mi pi i iimi,,; u a ,-i up. I'm loi in and f ,.. j i.i i urm.-iifii I l ee ti For tlio-e w I o , I-!, i,i serve their Mate ai.l i.i.u.try in the ulKM.-liincnt of m ,!,tam and other crimes which are i ampar.t during war. this m rv ice w , be pai ticu larly uit restin ror further inUfm.i! ,iin write or apply It J. W Keeker. Flt Lieutenant On ., ,,n M,,;t.,ry Po lice, recruiting ( :!,,-, t tor Lantern Ur gmi. Pox t endon, Ore. Jell .loiie receive.! l,U tlt'W Yuba ttm ti.r ihi ether day mid it U no si work in thu Join' f r in . It I. ii i, p ,u,a vili pull mx plowH mid run '.'I li.uro a UiV. AtiMil : ' ,. ; .., of liilltl can bt I ii t u J em in ;' uuir YOUR SPRING SUIT Will Cost You Much Less it Ordered Now I have just put in a big stock of new Woolens,includingWorsteds,Serges,etc. bought at a bargain and which will be passed along to my customers at equally attracti ve prices. These goode were carried over from last season by the wholesalers aud by buying heavily I was able to secure tht m at last season's prices. This means a big sav ing over present prices of this season's new goods, while the quality of last year's goods is away above this year's . offerings. The benelit I receive from this proposi tion is t hat I am able to continue in busi ness under war conditions the direct saving goes to my customers. Come In, Gentlemen, My Stock and Prices Will Please You g Professional Column u.'::::':s:a:5:n:f:a:f:s:t:3tf'ii::3:i Dli. It. J. VAUGHAN DENTIST Permanently located in Oddfellow's Building HEPPNER, OREGON OCSJGS 0 3 "EC Louis Pearson, MERCHANT TAILOR a-riwmmi:m'ii'i'ijMl'W ... ..... . Buy a Liberty Bond j Aud Save by Having Your Shoes Repaired at j Bowers' Shoe Hospital j Modern Machinery Methods j Main Street Heppner, Ore. THE BRICK McATEE & AIKEN, Props. ICE CREAM and CARD PARLORS. 8. E. NOTSON ATTORNEY-AT-LAW OFFICE IN ROBERTS BUILDING FIEPPNER, OREGON iiiiiiiiiiE i! mnmniiiii Ei Eiii: ti!Ki!i:it;iiEiiiiU!!!n:;uii;:!;!!ii There Is No Monopoly in the packing industry. Swift & Company, al though the largest packer, handles not to exceed one -eighth of the total meat production of the United States. ' The five large packers do not handle to exceed one-third of the total meat production of the United States. Swift & Company is not in combination with any other packer or packers to control prices. There is very active compe tition in the buying of live-stock and equally keen competition in the sale of dressed meats and by-products. S-3 E::3 S4 1918 yer book of internhng nj Instructive fuctt cnt on requrst AdJr.u Swift & Company, Union Slock Yrdi. Chicn.o, Illinois Swift & Company U. S. A. c i iixijHiiiKcimiinnamiimunniunniuniini DR. N. E. WINNARD PHYSICIAN & SURGEON HEPPNER, OREGON DR. A. D. McMURDO . . . PHYSICIAN & SURGEON Telephone 122 Office Patterson Drug Store HEPPNER, OREGON DR. GUNSTER VETERINARIAN Licensed Graduate HEPPNER : : OREGON Phone 722 (Day or Night Watch paper for dates DR. J. G. TURNER Eye Specialist PORTLAND OREGON Regular monthly visits to HEPPNER and IONE WOODSON & SWEEK ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW Office in Palace Hotel. Heppner, Ore. SAM J i. VAN VACTOR YTTORNEY-AT-LAW HEPPNER, OREGON LOUIS PEARSON TAILOR HEPPNER, OREGON Office phone Main 643 Residence phone Main 665 FRANCIS A McMENAMIN LAWYER Ro'.ierls Building, Heppner, Oregon ROY V. WHITEIS . REAL ESTATE INSURANCE LOANS Ueppner, Oregon Notice for Publication D-Mrtment of the Interior, U. S. Land Office, at Thu Dallus. On-tron, April 5th. 1918. N'oiii-i- is htrchy niven that William Shipley, of IV ihKton, Oregon, who, on November 25. 1114. iw-hU- hoiiit'wtcHii entry No. 014162. for lota 3 and 4. S'aNW'.. SWiNK't, NWLSElij, NE!-,SWV. St riK'ii .". Lot 1, Sec. 6, iTuwnahiD S. South KiiMUf 2."-KhhI, WillaTiiette MenUian. haa Illed no tire of intention u rmike Final three-year Proof, to t'Htiitrimh i-ljiim to the land above deftenhed, be t'ore ('-. C. 1'atteraon, U. S. Commmnioner, at H'i iMi.-r, treon. on the 4th day of June lyiK. I'Uimmnt iihhh'h an witneattea: William H. I'ad bv iw of I.exiiiKtun. Oreiron; t'lifford N. Fridley, ot Li-xtnuton, Oregon: Kalph L. Henve. of Hepp inr. Or.'non; ti forge W. VanWinkle. of Heppner, i ( H. FRANK WOODCOCK, Renter. Notice of Hearing of Final Account In the County Court of State of Oregon for Mor row County. In the mutter of the estate of J. L. Egbert, de- o-tuied. Not in- is hereby given to all peraom i Mere ted that M F. WR4i worth, adminiatraUir of theatov inentunied etitate. haa tiled in the County Court of Morrow Ct.unty, Oregon, hit final account and rv t'ort. and that laid court haa flved, by ita order hi-retftre duly entered, Monday, the 13th day of Ma. lulN. at the hour of 10 o'clock a. m.. and the t'curt rootti of aid court in the county court houve j in lii-ppner, said county, aa the time and place for I bearing of objectioni to id account and the let-tU-hit t.t thereof and the cloemg and distribution I o: n;i d intate. AU penn-ni interented therein having object ion H"'t''iu my hie the ante with the clerk of aald i ivtition or Mow uul day and time. ifyiiig (he particuUr of Haul objettima. Thu notice i publmheti for four consecutive .t , WKmnihg with the issue of April 12, lulu, so a. ct tdarve with the order of a d court. W F. W Al'SWOHTII. i'.'W Administrator, Imgon. tire. Notice for Publication l U'turtuuntt of trie interior, t'. S. Land orrce at 1 a t.tat'de. tHvt:on March Mh. WIS. N.,i ,e if ber'b gio-ti that Hertt a H. Mmton. fM.r! IknhaU. Hotter of Lena, Orvwun, h t S"v, H ly,1. not.tr homesteed mtr) No. tHitiU1. i f i , H. ti. tp. 1 a., r. ' e., W. M., Ion I . f d 4, a i ne', sw nwH, aee. 2. tp, t , r. 3t e W. M.. has ft mi notice of intention to maae tmtf-war l'nsf, to estebbeh f'aim to the land f, H.ve dtfu-rdwri, Uf.-re C.C. Tatterw-n, t nttnt ; "itttes t'ornmi!titief. at hit ofhee, at Hept-her. "t"', on tht ttth Uy of May. litis. ( Umiant name as Witnee, immv X Mjr. Wft do L. Vmrent Arthur 1. HuBhe and h t i-r 11. tU-ft aU of Lena, Oregon, 4 i - C. IH NS Ke tf, i I f. KAN riV Now in the time io rlvttn up your rubbish I wiii li?tvii it away for )u when yu ar roiitiy. St cue or call Main Li-t? Cantwt!!. 47i f JITNKY SKUVICK-Cntl a j :tnry for pcciti tram trip- or any other service, dsiy or tiij:it lUy j'lone Mam lN- NithtphiUi Maiu ir5. Lee Cut'dL 4 It 0 How About That War Garden You are Going to Plant? Early yet to plant but just the time to secure the seed. We handle four of the best. D. M, FERRY & CO., Michigan NORTHRUP & KING, Minnesota G. G, MORSE & CO., California CHAS. H. LILLY, Oregon As some varieties are very scarce this year we advise early buying. Phelps Grocery Co. Heppner, Oregon 0 The United States Food Administration Says (J SAVE FATS We must save fats to feed our fighters. We must save fats to help our fighters fight. Every hog is as necessary to winning the war as a shell. Every pound of fat is as sure of service as a bullet Use fowl, Jish, Vegetables, Vegetable Oils, Cheese Purely Vegetable Cotosuiet, Crisco. Olive Oil.Wesson Oil, Mazolo (made from Indian corn,) 0 SAM. HUGHES COMPANY i Hani m 3C Notice of Sheriff's Sale By virtue of an execution and order of ill duly isaued by the Clerk of the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for the County of Morrow, dated March 2A, 1918. in a certain auit in the laid Circuit Court for said County of Morrow and State of Ori'iton. wherein France K. Keiil.r. plaintiff, re covered judgment again.t Mary . Hawley and R, W. Hawley, defendant!, for the eum of five hun dred fifty and no one-hundredths dollar., with In terest thereon at the rate of 6 per cent per annum payable temi-annually, from the 24th day of Sep. tember, 1911, and the further sum of forty-five dollar, attorney', feea. and for cos la and di.bur ment. taxed at eighteen and 50-1(0 dollan. Notice!, hereby given that 1 will onSaturday, the 27th day of April. 11. at i o'clock in the after, noon of said day, at the front door of the Court House in Heppner, Morrow County. Oregon, tell at pubhr auction to the higheat bidder for cash in hand, the following described real property, to wit: Beginning at the northeaat corner of the northweat quarter of the northweet Quarter of cction twenty-five, township fiv north of rang iwenty-iix east of the Willlametta Meredlan, which 1. a cement monument aix inches in diame ter, eighteen inches in ground. marked on top with a copper nail: running thence south no degree twenty-three minutes east sii hundred slaty and six-tenths feet-' thence south eighty-nlna degree furty three minute. west,thr hundred thirty feet: thence north no degrees twenty-thre minute. ol. sia hundred sixty and six-tenths feet, (bene north eghty-nlne drgreee forty -three minute , east, three hundred thirty feet to the point of be lut.ning. Kwrving therefrom one-half of a road j sixty feet in width along the north and east sides; ! ihn.noii tbem.i'Sof the Oregm Land and Wa ' Wt t'ormiany a. iot one. block twenty Weal, aitua I tnl in Mnrciw county. In the State of Oregon, and containing tw acres, more or less, Al all of U.ts numbered nineteen, twenty, thirteen, four t.n. fifteen, sixteen, seventeen and eighteen. In M-wk numliered thirty-one In Irngoa, Murrew . county (lreg,in. according to the reonled I l.t , thereof. All of the above dnicrihed property be ing subject to the terms and emtdittons of the or- i nal deeds by the Oregon Land and Water Com. ' any to the grantee. Taken and levied upon a. I the erwrte of the said defendant or fto snach I th.re.if (beginning with the smalleat illvl.ionsl a n .i ( nmsrr to satisfy the saai Judgmanl In ', f.n.f ..f .aid plaintiff and gin said defendant t.ther with all eta and duburMsnenu that have acrrunl of may sv eme. j r-hertd of Morrow County. Or. For Sail Fifty (T0) bead good work tnu!i. Twenty. five (25) head tin bi(r nire. If you tiped tny tock in tl.it line it will y yuu to iDajH'Ct tlie niuii!. fliY Hoycb. 1 Hf tlfi'joer, Ore. Summons In the Circuit Court of the Stat of Oregon for the County of Morrow. Pacific Coast Elevator Company, t corporation. plaintiff, va. Augustus Walker and Emma L, Walker, his wife; Laurel Land Company, an®on corporation; Mina Zimmerman. Oregon 'and Western Colo nisation Company, a South Dakota corpora tion; Preston Campbell, William Robb and Paulin H. Robb, hialwife; Banker and Lum bermen' Bank, a corporation; F. R. Cham, bers, jr.; First National Bank of Heppner, a corporation: Bank of Heppner. a corporation; Cynthia Walker. Lumbermen'a National Bank, a corporation, defendant. To Mina Zimmerman. I' res ton Campbell and F. R, Chamber, jr., defendants: 1b th name of the But of Oregon, you are hereby required to (appear and answer th com plaint filed against you In the above entitled suit, oi or before aix weeks from the Kth day of April. lui. to-wit: On or before th 7th day of June, 191, and If you fail to o. appear or answer, for want thereof, th plaintiff will apply to th Court for judgment against you and each of you. aa fol lows, lo-wlt: For judgment against Augustus Walker and Emm L. Walker for th sum of Us.M.Of with interest thereon st th rat of 1k per annum from January! ism. together with Interest on the sum of U.S71.W at the rat of 7't per annum from January 2, IIM. until October 12, IKIO. together with Interest on th sum of 1110.(10 at the rat of 7't per annum from January 2. It, until October 2. W12. and the further sum of Run) attorney's fee. and th cost and di.hureementa of this suit; that plaintiff s mortgage deed be fore, closed and the following deecrbed property be sold to satisfy th plaintiff s judgment, aa may be re covered herein, to-wit: The Ni and th N't of th 8Wi of Sec. 20. Tp. I N of R U. oat of th Willamette Meridian, In Morrow county. Ore, That platnufT claim and demand and all sum ot money due th plaintiff from the defendant Augu.tu Walker iand EmmaL.WalSer.be de creed to be a first lien upon thereat property here. InUfure described. up.rtur and prior to the claim or Interest of In defendant., or any of them m or t said property, thai the defendant and each of them, and all persons claiming by. through or under them, or either of ihn be forever barred and foreckawl of all r-ght. title or interest in or to the real prowrty above IwrM. ar.4 every Part thereof, except the taf utorr right of redemption, and formed other relief a the e..n may deem euuit.hie. This summon i served upon you by tut Urstw thereof er.ee a week for an week, in the Heppner Herald weekly newspaper of general tirrul. Uoa. auhh.iMd at Heppner. Morrow county. Ore. "''" b nue of an ortr mad an4 entered here in en Ike Let day ef April. br the ILmnraol C. C. r.tterson County Judge ef Morrow County. Oreg- and th 4.t, f , pyWlr,1BHI April J. !.. and th date of the ai pl,l,calin lib. June 7, l; Wandwia 1 I week and C. A. Pell AttwT f.if f.a.rt Peat 0c aUdreas Uarpner. Or.