Heppner herald. (Heppner, Or.) 1914-1924, April 19, 1918, Image 4

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Mrs. VVyland and daughter
have returned from a isit in
Heppner, uccoinpunied by Mrs.
Geesie and son of llermis'O'i.
Mrs. Winters, of ltid, is vis
iting her s-isiers and iritMids in
Little work was done hy the
Red Cross at list meeting he
cause of shortage of inaleiial.
Our patriotic
two weeks are
and much inten
The Liberty
nn'f t i nrs over'
In rarely attended
st, is shown.
Hond meeting
held here Friday evening was
well attended and ah enjoyed the
addresses by Mr. Johnstone, of
Portland; L'rivatu McLaren, of
Vancouver, and C. L. Sweek, of
Heppner. The speaking was to
the point and that it had a good
etl'eui was shown by the fact that
a few men who had been luke
warm ware convinced of the duty
of true American citizens at a
time like the present. Hardman
always does her part.
The weather is cold and back
ward and gardens are not yet
planted. The boys and girls who
are expecting to help win the
war hy raising gardens this year
are anxious for a change in the
Guy Had ley and family and
Bert Bleakman drove to Hepp
ner Saturday evening to attend
the Liberty meeting.
The Art of Camouflage
... ;f
111 '"i f Ja .
. v -r-- rv v
Mr. and Mrs. Shelton, of Scio,
Ore., are visiting at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. O. Ray.
Mrs. J. C. Pershall left Sun
day for a few days visit with her
parents at Walla Walla.
While Elmer Ray and Miss'
Grace Kelly were driving homej
from JEcho Thursday their carl
ran into the bank and turned
over. Miss Kelly received a
slight sprain of the arm, but no
other damage was done.
Sheep men are just finishing
up their spring lambing in this
section. They report saving a
greater percent of lambs this
year than in the previous two
Wm. Wattenburger and family
of Echo were Sunday visitors at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. E.
0. Neil.
Rev. Pershall will preach at,
the Pleasant Point school nouse
next Sunday at 11 a. in. .
James Carty is the latest pur
chaser of a Ford car. Jim will
certainly find it a great help and
a quick way to get to town.
Mrs. J M. Orr was in from
the ranch Tuesday.
Mr. and Mrs. San ford Green
came back to Lexington Monday
Latest French Aircraft for Observation
Purposes Requires Fifty Men
to Maneuver It.
Among the latest triumphs of the
French aerial service is an observation
bill loon, named "Le Caquot," writes a
I'siris correspondent. In shape it re
sembles a great tadpole. Whereas oth
er types are inconvenienced by a wind
of from 50 to 55 feet a second, Le
Caquot can remain in the air unless
the wind exceeds 65 to 75 feet per sec
It takes 50 experienced men to ma
neuver it, for as soon as it leaves the
xlied great attention must be paid to
the wind currents, so as to save the
envelope from being torn. Attached to
the balloon is a wicker car, in which
the observer is installed with his maps,
charts, arms, barometers, and tele
phone, the latter fixed over his ears so
as to leave his hands free. He is also
provided with glass and a white silk
parachute for an emergency.
When the balloon attains an alti
tude of from 2,000 feet to 3,000 feet
the windlass to which the cable Is fixed
Is drawn by horses or motor car at a
moderate pace to a point near the en
emy lines, where a refuge excavated
in the soil lias been prepared. This
accomplished, the observer transmits
Ms instruction by telephone.
Two anti-aircraft posts are estab
lished nearby to keep off enemy air
planes. If the balloon is menaced the
crew bring it down from 5,000 feet In
seven to ten minutes.
A camouflaged listening post. From the air it would appear as
a dead horse lying on the battlefield, which is actually
a papoir roadie I'oiun of horse shielding the observer.
Will Cost You Much Less if Ordered Now
1 have just put in a big stock of new
p. I'M (I
at a bargain iin.l which will bo
alunir to in v customers iitenuullv
lit I rue: i v e pi ices.
These ir ! were carried over from lust
: e;iM ii ,v I he holesalers and by buying
heavily 1 was able to secure the in ntl:it
seiiMUi's prices. This means li l:ig Miv
itiL' over (indent prices of this sea-oii's
while t:u U!iht of Lt-L
i is ii was above t his 3 ear's
he V (,
e' ,11, 1
inlei Mil, .
The l.elielit
t "II Is I h it
I'ev, III,. Ie
vii in
1 receive from this proposi
I inn 11'ile in continue in busi
war coi. diii. ins the direct
!', to in v customers.
Come In, Cr.itk'ucn, My Stock and Prices Will Please You
evening after a winter s visi in
One could well believe that
Lexington easily exceeded its
quota in the Third Liberty Loan
campaign judiani; by the crowd
that attended the speaking by
Private McLaren and others last
Tnursday night.
Charles Johnson and son Ho
bart left Sunday morning to go
over on Butter Creek to work
with the shearing.
Mr. and Mrs. Howard Slate
have moved into the Moyer house
in the upper part of town.
Mrs. M. F. Mulloy went to
Walla Walla, Wash., the tirst of
the week to be gone a couple of
We noticed Mr. Shutt on our
streets Wednesday morning.
Mr. and Mrs F. L Kuns are
enjoying a visit from Mr. Kuns'
Lnuis Pearson,
Electro Magnet, Proves of Value in Ca
nadian Hospitals Along the Lines
of Battle.
A sound "very much like the whistle
of a steamboat" in a stethoscope placed
on the patient's skin is the manner la
which an electro magnet tells the posi
tion of a bullet in a wounded soldier's
body, according to Surgeon General
I l'otheringliam of the Canadian army
, medical service.
The new magnet has been found to
! be of great value in a large number
I ',4' llw, I'll. will!. .1 t..M...tnl In tlii. knltln
w iiiv- iiiitiiiimi minimum ill 111c uuiiic
zones, as with it the exact location of
any electro magnetic substance, In
cluding the Oermnn bullet, can be de
termined. An easily discernible vibra'
lien is set up by the magnet when the
bullet Is not deep-seated.
In cases of deeply Imbedded bullets
Hie electro magnet is placed on one
side of the patient's body and n stethO'
scope is moved about on the side oppo
site the magnet. The nearest point to
the foreign body is Indicated by the
"steamboat whistle" and the skin Is
marked at that point. The operation
lor extracting the bullet follows.
Red Cross Notes
Morrow Coun'y Chipter, A.K.
C, wishes to extend their thanks:
for the following donations this
$15 2 from Willow Creek aux
f'JOO from Liberty for box
fc") from turkey donated by .1.
C Carter.
$32 from Ileppner Kod and
Gun Club.
Sr'JO from auto junk sold oy J
Henry Cy of Khoa Creek for
eisrht turkeys which will lie ruf.
fled for the benefit of the U. C
from Leni, proceeds of a
Glass Eye That Moves.
Capt. J. I. Aymard, a Hrltlsh army
surgeon, describes In the Lancet nn
Improved glass eye which can move,
The chief drawbacks to the ordinary
glass eye are that, being simply a con
vex shell of glass, It tends to sink
hack Into the socket and Is fixed in
itony stare. Captain Aymard gets
over these dlfliciiltles by placing In
the socket of the eye ft sphere of liv
ing cartilage or gristle taken without
risk from the patient's rilis. It Is nil
one operation. While one surgeon re
moves the destroyed eye, another sur-
;:eon removes the pieces of cartilage
from near the patient's breastbone,
Two pieces are made Into n little
::lobe. which Is placed In the snrket
iiihI the thin outer covering of the eye,
the conjunctiva, Is sewn over to hold
li In place. The ordinary glass eye
hi'l Is Inserted over this and Is pre
vented from sinking backwards. Some
Movement of the eye hy the wearer Is
siil.l to be possible.
Kate Field's Prophecy.
"hen. a gnnil many year ago. Knte
rtclil w rote those clever versos begin
tiing: "They talk about n woman'!
Miliero n. thoiich It had it limit," little
she guessed how tremendously that
sphere was destined to he enlarged
by the coining of the year of our Lord
one thousand nine hundred and seven
tern. As 11 matter of omirse. observes
Having succeeded to the hard ware and plumbing busi
ness formerly conducted by Tash & Akers and also to the
farm implement branch of the businessof Vaughn & Sons,
we beg to announce that this re-organized and consolida
ted business, with increased capital, is better prepared
than ever before to cater to the wants of the people of
Heppner and Morrow county, and adjacent territory, in a
satisfactory manner. Our stock will consist of
Shelf and Heavy Hardware,
Farm Implements and Wagons,
Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Etc.,
Plumbing Supplies and Service,
Stoves and Ranges
In short, all lines of goods usually found in a Geneial
Hardware store.
Appreciating the libera! patronage accorded our pre
decessors we believe we will continue to merit a con
tinuance of the same.
Peoples Hardware Co.
Main and Willow Sts. HEPPNER, ORE.
Tash & Akers old stand
People's Cash Market
All Kinds ot Fresh and Salt Meats
Poultry and Lard
Phone Main 73
For Sheriff
I hereby announce myself as a
Candidate for Sheriff of Morrow
county on the Republican ticket
at the coming primary election.
For Sheriff
I hereby announce my Candida
cy for the Democratic nomination
for Sherif of Morrowcounty sub
ject to the Democratic voters at
the primaries to be held May 17,
1918, H. C. GlTHENS.
For County Commissioner
I will be a candidate for
County Commissioner at the
coming election on the Republi
can ticket.
G- A. Bleakman,
Hardman, Oregon-
For County Clerk
Notice is hereby given that I
will be1 a candidate for the Re-
publican nomination for County
Clerk of Morrow county, Oregon,
at the primaries to be held May
17. 1918. Respectfully,
Adv. J. A. Waters,
I 1 1 1 e Now a Now
Line of Furniture
t :.i
1 ii
in hM mi l ew furniture.
nil CM -tin nee. the treat wnrlil wnr tx
Morrow county chapter bus re-iionsllile fur the verv ranlil iiilvnnee
the women are funklne In every xphere
ef the wnrM' work. We are no longer
sinprlseil to flml Hint women are ilnltiR
inith!tii anil eMTvihtiu: that nun ran
In. from ilrlvliu: nnrilnhe to uhlnlng
sho.i. A hoe iiolWhliii! "parlor" In
wMi li only women nre employed In
now iloini liilnen In llontoti, yet even
tliU Innovation munvly rhiilleiice at
tention In ttiene tlmi of uhlftlllK COD
been allotted three times it usual
quota of hospital L'iruienti, which
meant wo must t n bin eur ff.rt
All who can. come forward and
help in thU jrroat work. If you
can't Cetnn to the work room a
you can get work to do at jour
.n. I
I Hi-,. Il
' r ton
I s loi.lll ittil M.ieline-i in fond or ler.
n i'd ir.oi, i ij-h stud junii. Old iron fpi
I'll ii ..I Me I .it I ,;e.
Heppner School Backs U. S.
The weekly report of lloppner
schools on purchiiio of I.il-erty
Hond, V. S. S. tin 1 Thrift
Stamp for the week cloointr
April loll) hhow that the m honl
Si bought bond t and (.tump to the
amount of I'.' Let 1 1 . .
sor put tlmt In tie item int
pipe and smowe it awhile
K ii.
. Lis
Tempting Native to Work.
Tempting native nf HrltWh New
Ci'iliii'it to work wn n prm-emi whleh
iia iNplalneil ilurlne the hearlne nf
n i'm e In l.omloti r inly. A nmn who
!:i Ilv.'il many yearn there milil that
he hail olvei n very ilinVnlt liitmr
proh'eiu III New liuliieu. Till" tiled
eolll.l Hot hi-
fi .mi v. iitnl he lilt upon the Men nf ot-
f. r: nit them liemln. Kjilldy cloth. Ins'
i. , 'h iiml miiili-al Initrutiii'ht. To Set
In tiny workeil for n twelvemonth
, mi I then In liiicl other to itn like!.
For Sheriff
I hereby announce myself as a
candidate for Sheriff of Morrow
County, on the Republican ticket.
subject to the will of the voters
at the primaries to be held on
May 17, 1913.
Adv. E. U SHUUT.
For Assessor
To the Democratic Voters:
I hereby announce that I wil
be a candidate for the office of
County Assessor, subject to the
decision of the Democratic Pri
mary to be held in May, 1918.
Adv. J. J. Wells,
For County Treasurer
I hereby announce myself as a
candidate for the Republican nom
ination for County Treasurer for
Morrow county, Orciron, nt the
primaries to be held May 17. 1918.
Adv. T. J. Humphreys-
CULATION, ETC., required by
the act of Congress of August
24, 1912, of Heppner Herald pub
lished weekly at Heppner, Ore
gon, for A,r, 1, 1918.
State of Oregon,
County of Morrow, j 8S-
Before me, a Notary Public, in
and for the State and county
aforesaid, personally appeared
S. A. Pattison, who, having been
duly sworn according to law, de
sposes and says that he is the
editor and publisher of the Hepp
ner Herald, and that the follow
ing is, to the best of his know
ledge and belief, a true state
ment of the ownership, manage
ment, (and if a daily paper, the
circulation, etc., of the afore
said publication for the date
shown in the above caption, re
quired by the Act of August 24,
1912, embodied in section 443,
Postal Laws and Regulations,
to wit:
That the names and addresses
of the editor and publisher is
S. A. Pattison, Heppner, Ore.
The owner is S. A. Pattison,
Heppner, Oregon.
The known mortgagees are
M. 0. Clark and Florence Har
lan. S. A. PATTISON.
Sworn to and subscribed before
me this 23d day of Mar. 1917.
Sam. E. Van Vactor.
Notary Publ c tor Oregon.
For County Judge
To the Republican Voters:
I hereby announce that I will : desirable for cultivation
G.W.VERD0T, Sccona-Hand Slore ;
iii.iTNi it. oiu:;o
Mr, an I M. I Hi V nor, of
near lotto, visited her pirent.
Mr. and Mr, Sit ti K V;tn V.ic
tor. over Suttdu'-.
II. C, tlitl.er I, a S le i no a
candidal- for tlw Item -erst u"
nomination for nheniT and ex
pect to tu.ike a i;nrou vim
puin for tl,o p!ace
be a candidate for the otfee of
tempte.1 to work for , Coudty Judge of Morrow Coun
ty. nut ject to the decision of the
of the Republican Primary Elec
tion. May 17, 191?. 1 have resided
in the county 32 years. My long
residence here and two years'
service as county commissioner
have enabled me to become fa
miliar with the needs of the
courty. If nominated and elect
ed I fhail purue a progressive
jttlicy, but cha!l carefully guard
iik-airst unnecessary expendi
ture in county atTairs,
Adv. Wm T. Camtpell,
Mill From Vnnult.
A n reu't of n itt:-itien from
the Anierlenii i'oniilate. ne upon
Hi,, higher prtei for maire In th Nw
Vol, i-iiirt.t 'hnii In Venezuela. lilp-
in. tit of ttl.ll .'e ftolll Venezuela to ttl
i-iii't S'u'i lnie Imiii Mtiilcrtnkca
f,r I1 e frit fine on fiN'oril. lnl al
r, , l tii ton lime Ni'U .nt. Jf pres
ent New V-fk 'rt.i' h.'M until th
in crop of tnioe conn In titer nm
he in nre hi ui. nt, n thf crp la
tniorl.nrt;j jond
Nursery Stock? SeBHarrj Cummings
I am re stocking our Nurseries
with th very best vnrietie of h'1
the iiffereot tree and p'untn
I am
better equipped to aupply your
needi In any thing you nay
want than any tirii before.
In addition to our own. I have
the atoca of three thousand acre
of the finest nursery god
grown anywhere, all healthy.
vigrtr,u, tru to rami and all
t?r wn in Oregon You can get
the Milton Stork from me more
advntagpnuiy thun -lhri
I am the only fellow thut l a
genuine nurpry gmn Crk
Cufumir.B Nurscrie. Hrrpn.
r, Oregon.