Heppner herald. (Heppner, Or.) 1914-1924, April 19, 1918, Image 2

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S. A. PATTISON. Publisher.
An Independent, Loral Newspaper.
Entered at the Heppner, Oregon,
Post Office as second-claw matter.
Terms of Subscription.
One Year - - $1.50
Six Months - - 75
Three Months - - 50
FRIDAY. Al'RIL 19. 1918.
TICIANS Here is how tho Reedsport
Courier hands it to the numerous
candidates who have flooded its
office with long-winded platforms
and fulsome auto-biographies:
"They never think of enclos
ing acheck to the editor and hav
ing their announcements publish
ed as a paid advertisement. That
would take all of the camouflage
out of the matter, although it
would be the only honest way of
getting their names before' the
public, and if they can not be
nonest, squore and equitable be
rates, would 'amount to several
times that amount each week.
It is exactly the same proposition
as though these gentlemen would
go to a hrst-class hotel and buy a
medium-priced supper and pay
cash for it and then blandly ask
the proprietor for free meals for
a month with a de luxe room-with-a
bath thrown in as good
measure. A candidate for office
who would make such a proposi
tion to any business man outside
of a country newspaper office
would probably be held for ex
amination as to his sanity, and
yat that is the very kind of stuff
they are putting over on country
editors every day.
It is not altogether the fault of
the politicians altho it might be
argued that their pride and sense
of fairness would keep them from
making a play so raw the news
paper men are primarily to blame.
If they, as a class, had the wis
dom of blind monkeys they would
not stand for such treatment for
a minute. There is not a man
running for a state office in Ore
gon today but the country news
papers could put out of the run
ning within two weeks if they
wanted to. They have a Dower
fore thev are elected, what own hp
expected of them after election? which many of themselves do not
w jLdnL5rnu,SheorcSf; rerstand nor realize-and yet
newspapers at the present time tney are content to plug along
fr ,.,U 4 1, .1 lilr CI fvnie. 1
ai, icani, wmtii Liit'v are uoing "-. wan. ui ucavnjr lauen asses
everything they possibly can to- packing the loads of the political
ward helping the Government office-seekers who in return there
win the war, by giving unlimited f ..,:..,, ., ,
space in their columns f,,r thP lor graciously allow them to
purpose ot advertising every
thing worthy to that end, abso
lutely tree, are not worthy ot con
sideration by the public, no mat- and thorns by the wayside
ter what party they are affiliated
While all the Courier says about
the politician may be true it is
hardly fair to lay all the blame
for existing conditions as between
politicians and newspapers at Ihe
office-seeker's door. Office-seekers
are generally out to win some
well-salaried office or some office
that will serve as a stepping
stone to some well-salaried office
as a strictly selfish business pro
position, and it is natural that
they figure on putting the deal
over at as small an expenditure
of money as is possible and at
the same time keep themselves
in good standing in the commu
nity. Of course, when an ollice
seeker starts out to make a cam
paign ot the state in search of
votes lie finds that certain items
of his expenses must be paid for.
Among these items may be men
tioned railway fare, hotel bills,
auto hire, gasoline, cigars, whis
key, laundry, etc. 1 low far does
anyone suppose a politician would
got if he started out to make a
htatowide campaign with the do
libel ate intuition of getting from
15 per cent to lni) per cent of all
these expense items donated to
him by an admiring public? lie
Would get ditched mighty quick
anil his name from henceforth
ami forever would be 1 tennis with
u big D The railway ticket
agents and conductors, the hotel
keepers, garage people, cigar
men. hoot-legos, laundr) men.
etc , are generally business men
and they f;,il to a!l lor the glad
band st nil' and t lie endearing per
sonal letters such as are habitu
ally peddled to country newspa
permen by politicians w ho must
huvo publicity and who know
from past experience that the av
erage count ry newspaperman is
n big enoui'h dam tool to give his
Htock in trade for'nothmg
Specific cases ceul 1 easily ho
given in the presmt campaign
of men who are seeking the nom
ination for the highest positions
within the gilt of the people of
Oregon and who are t -ending
money like water to advance
their interests, who are sending
out thousands of do!, an worth of
purely ohtieal advertising mat
ter and askii.g that it be pub
lished w ithoul inoi't y and with
out price.
Mo.;', of them, it h true, early
in the eatTipaigM, bought adver
tising r-'p-nv from most of the
country ne a p. to theamoiint
of from tl to f". ( a. h and then
follow e. th it u;i w it h free "dope"
which, charged lor al regular
browse their living from the
scant and oftimes bitter herbage
which starves among the rocks
The editors and publishers
then, should step under and as
sume at least one-half the blame
for the conditions complained of.
The Food -Situation !
The food situation is becoming 1
more serious. The lack of ship
ping will prevent the Argentine
crop from being available to tne
Allies. The bread ration in France
has been cut to one third the pre
war period. The French people
are fighting our fight, hence we
must feed tnem. The larger use
of sbirjs for transnort Ht.inn of
men and munitions makes it
more urgent that the concentra
ted food stuffs, such as flour be
sent. This means that America
must eat less wheat. What are
we going to do about it? Idaho
is planning to go upon a non
wheat basis. Indiana has noti
fied the Government that it may
take the wheat, they will rustle.
Many complain about the cost of
substitutes. It is not a question
of cost. It is a question of sav
ing wheat to win the war, or tak
ing a chance on letting the Kai
ser tell you what to eat.
The Fooa Administrator urges
the people of Oregon to eat more
potatoes. We have a surplus on
hand. He also urges the people
to plant potatoes in large quanti
ties. Tbe prices may not be so
attractive now, but a large crop
may save the food situation next
After the present stocks are
sold, retail dealers are expected
to require purchasers to take an
equal amount of substitutes with
all wheat preparations, such as
wheat flakes, etc.
Morrow county has made good
in all other lines and I am send
ing word to Mr. Ayer that Mor.
row county will make good on
saving wheat.
S. E. Notson,
County Chairman.
3 Professional Column
Permanently located in Oddfellow's
DR. A. D. McMURDO . . .
Telephone 122
Office Patterson Drug Store
Licensed Graduate
Phone 722 (Day or Night
Watch paper for dates
Eye Specialist
Regular monthly visit, fo HEPPNER and IONE
Who Is
for the NOMINATION for VjOVeiTlOr
Primary Friday. MAY 17. 1918
Born, Sept. 1, 1877.
Son of the late Capt. A M. Simpson, pioneer
shipping and lumberman.
Educated at Mt.Tamalpais Academy and Uni
versity of California.
Worked as a laborer in 1889, at 1 50 per day,
in the ship yards on Coos Hay, Ore. Rose
from the ranks to executive head of a large
lumber and shipping industry, employing
many thousands of men.
Started the town of North Bend, 1101. Fos
tered community progress, founded and de
veloped many enterprises.
Mayor of North Bend, 1102-1914.
Patriotic work in connection with Liberty
Ieonn, Red Cross and War Stamp activities,
for the Inst twelve months.
His executive ability, his business experi
ence and his constructive policies, DO
make him:
"Your Kind of a Man for Governor."
I'aid Ail. Uaiml by Himpeon for Uovernor t.eagu. 411 Selling lll.lg.. "..rtUnd
j-- y - ca
..-am!! ." .
' J I
And Save bv Having Your
r r - -
Buy a Liberty Bond
by Having
Shoes Repaired at j
Bowers' Shoe Hospital i
Modern Machinery Methods
Main Street Heppru r, Ore. j
Office in Palace Hotel. Heppner, Ore.
Office phone
Main 643
Residence phone
Main 665
Roberts Building,
Heppner, Oregon
Heppner, Oregon
Notice of Sheriff's Sale
Hy virtue of an execution and order of sale duly
iaaued by the Clerk of the Circuit Court of the
Suite of Oregon for the County of Morrow, dated
March 2, 11)18. In a certain nit in the aaid Circuit
Court for aaid County of Morrow and State of
Oregon, wherein Kronen K.Keuler. plaintiff, re
covered judgment against Miry E. Hawley and K.
W. Hawley. defendanta, for tie turn of ftva hun
dred llfty and no one-hundreftha dollara, with in
t n l thereon at the rate of tptr cent per annum
pnjat'le emi-annually. from o 24th day of Sep
ti'inlwr. r.ill. and the furthet aum of forty live
di llura attorney feea. and foiroataand dishurae.
moot taxed at etithteen and 5MiK) dollara.
Nuiu-eiaherrhy given that lull onSaturday.the
-'Tin day of April. 1918. at i ollock in the after
noon of aaid day. at the f nil door of the Court
Mouse in Heppner. Morrow Cojnty. Oregon, aellat
piihbc auction to the hiaheat Lidder for caah In
hand, the following deaenbe real proerty. to
wn: lleginning at tha norteaat corner of the
northweat quarter of the Urthweat quarter of
.-. tum twenty-five, townthujiva north of range
Iwenty-aix east of the WJhametta Meredian,
hu h i a cement nwnummln inchea In diame
ter, e.ghteen Inchea in grouii marked on top with
to).per nail, running thetfeaouth no degreea
twet'ty. three minute eaat ai hundred alxty and
. tenth feet: thence aoutht ghty-mn degree
forty three mtnuteaweat.tlint hundredthirty feet,
llu nce north no degree kenty. three minute
wet. ix hundred aixtr and tenth feet, thence
north e k-My-nme degree Vnv-thre minute
ea.t. three hundred thirty fe to the point of be
Ini.iilng. Keeervmg therefr4 one.half of a road
'.xty feet in width along the rth and eaat aide
hown on tha map of the Or n tand and Wa
tert'ompany aa kt one. blockftenty weat. aitua
ted in Morrow county, in the (ate of Oregon, and
ciHitaining fHa acre, mora ot leaa. Atau all of
tot nutnl-ere! nitieteen. twejv. thirteen, four
tc'ti, tifteen. sixteen. everttea;and eighteen, in
hl.h-k nunilvred thirtyitia i lmgon. Morrow
eounty. tlrrgon, accorlmg to record! plat
there-f. All of the above dr) bed property be
ing subject to the term and litiona of tha or
ginal .lee.1 by the Oregon l.att and ater Com
pany tu the grantee. Taket 4d levied upon a
the prt rrty of the aid defiant or BO mui'h
thereof ilwginning with the leat diviuifi aa
may t-e neeeart UiaatiBfy taid judgment in
fator of Mid piainlilT and aal aaid defendanta
logv'.hrr w ith all rte and .huraementa that
hae accrued or may accro
ki Mem m r..
I'd K her IT if Hi County. Or
How About That
1 War Garden
You are Going to Plant?
Early yet to plant but just the time
to secure the seed. We handle
four of the best.
D. M. FERRY & CO., Michigan
NORTHRUP & KING, Minnesota
C. G. MORSE & CO., California
CHAS. H. LILLY, Oregon
As some varieties are very scarce
this year we advise early buying.
Phelps Grocery Co.
Heppner, Oregon
STyFa " ""J Q f mi iu
The United States Food Administration Says U
We must save fats to feed our fighters. We must save
fats to help our fighters fight.
Every hog is as necessary to winning the war as a
shell. Every pound of fat is as sure of service as a bullet
Use fowl, tish, Vegetables, Vegetable Oils, Cheese
Purely Vegetable Cotosuiet, Crisco. Olive Oil.Wesson
Oil, Mazolo (made from Indian corn,)
Notice for Publication
Department of the Interior. U. S. I .nJ nm..
at The Dallea. Oregon. April 6th. 1S1B.
Noting ia hereby given that William Shipley,
ot Lexington. Oregon, who, on November tt. 1914
m.'ide hometead entry No. IIUIM, for lot a and 4
.V-.NVV'.. SVV'.NK1.. NW.SK'4. NK'iSW-.
Mi ction 6. Iai 1. 8. 6. ITownahip 3. South'
KangeU-haat. Willamette Meridian, ha tiled no.
tlce Of llltenl li, n t, L',.l i t, .
. iV V . ...mi inrvv-year rrooi,
to eatabliah claim to the land alnive deaenbed. be-
- v.. .ui'iKin. u. a. iommiaioner, at
Meppner. Oregon, on the 4th day of Jun. 1M8,
t laimunt n.nu. h,..- u..u ., ., .
...... .... -'"ir.ni. miiiain n. i aa-
berg of Lexington, Oregon; Clifford N. Kndley
ol Lexington. Oregon: Kalph 1.. Itenga. of liepp.
tier. Oregon. George W. VuiWinLU ..I u.. ........
4'dJ II. FRANK woiinrnrv d.-;..-.
Notice for Publication
Kepartment of In. Interior. U. 8. Land offie.
I -a Orande, Oregon, March 6th, 1DH.
Notice ia hereby given tht He.th n ti:..
f rrnerly Pert ha H. Illalt.r of 1 .n. llr
. v.Hv, n aiu,
on 'nv 11 IUI w . i . . - I
, ..tniewu entry io, UIXCIU,
I for iw'i w'. tmc. 35. tp. 1 a., r. 21 .. W. M., lota
I 1. 1. Sand 4. nea. ae nwl. a. 8. tp. !a. r. 2
. . raa niad notice of Intention to ma,
three-year Pmof. to eelabhah claim to tha land
abov. deaenbed. befora C. C 1'att.raon. I' a I tad
Statea Commiaaioner. at hia ofllca. at Heppner,
Oregon, on tha llth day of May. 11.
t laimant name aa witne: Jamea T.Mor
gan. Waldo L. Vincent, Arthur P. Hugh and
Stephen II. Ooff. all of Lena. Oregon.
a C, 8. DUNN. Register,
Try It!
A medicine which has
given satisfaction to its
users for over 40 years,
as Cardui has, must be a
good medicine. If you
suffer from female
troubles, and need a reli
able, strengthening tonic,
of real medicinal value,
ei proven by the experi
ence of thousands of
women users,
iif r f.ti'o ty tt.o
nsll t HUH niltl liitrl4
iii or tlirc" t ott
i.;it-a .a j. ii. lit
JU NKY SKUYfi:.- L-i.it a
;'tn-y fnr pi iM;il tin trio, or j
my ntliiT MTVicc. Ay or nitft.t
I'.ty j'l file Main l-JNinht ptiono
I'low um.
Will fur. 1
tut w,mt !
. !
plow ui. ;
. Hitiniit.-n, i
Notice of Hearing of Final Account i
In the County Court of Stat of Oregun for M..r- '
row t ounty.
In th matter of th mat of J. L. Egbert, daw
Notice la hereby given to all persona in tare ted
that M. V. Wlw,irth. administrator of the abov
m. t.ttonad eatata. ha Hied In th County Court of
Morrow County. Oregon, hi Ana! account and re
port, and that aa,d eourt has flied. by its order
heretofore duly entered Monday the 11th day of
Mar. mis. at the hour of 10 o clock a m.. and th
court riMn of aaid eourt In th county court houa
n He. pner aaid county, aa th tim and place fur
heart-g of otijertioci to aaid c.,unt and th set.
lament thereof and th (l.ir,( and diatributwo
of aaid estate.
All peraon intereated therein having objection
thereto mar A lb earn with th tier, of aaid
c urt on or befor ae.d day and t.me. (peeifying
the rarticutar f ad obrtioe..
lh,. notice m t jt bed for f, ur eonaeru'lv
k. beg nnmg with th mim .f April u. I. II
in a.cma c witn th outer of a 4 eouru
W r. WAIiaWuHTM.
Admin.tru lmgon. Or.
fl.F.AN fl'.-Now i ihe tune
to clean up yodr rubbish. I win
lu it away for you when jvu
ure rimly. See m or call Male-
The Woman's Tonic
Mr C 5 H,t. t
Covma, Calif., in wtitins:
of her experience with
Cardui. says: "I took a
bottle at IJyearsold.and
it cured my headaches.
I have taken It since mar
riaRe, and received much
help from il. Cardui is
the best medicine I ever
took . . . It was the only
medicine . . . that helped
my back... "Try Cardui.
All DrogguU
House and Lot for Sale
Good lot. clone in on M av at n..f
opposite First National i!ar,k.'
with irooi, mixlern "-room hoime
for sale at a reasonable ftjrure if
sold soon. Fornrice. term, iff
enquire of J. L W'iikins at IV.-ir...
47 4'.
.j. Loc t ant well. 47tf