Heppner herald. (Heppner, Or.) 1914-1924, April 12, 1918, Image 5

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    Here's Your Bargain
Five-room house with bath, pantry
closets, cellar. Five and one-half
lots all in cultivation. Good gar
den under ditcb water. Barn for
four horses, chicken house and
park. Electric lights in house and
barn. Close in to business section
of Heppner; fine view, away from
the dust.
This desirable home at a bie bar
gain if sold at once. For price,
terms, etc., inquire at the
Heppner, Oregon
at Lexington
at lone
For Sheriff
I hereby announce myself as a
Candidate for Sheriff of Morrow
county on the Republican ticket
at the coming primary election.
Adv. Willard H. Herren.
For County Commissioner
I will be a candidate for
County Commissioner at the
coming election on the Republi
can ticket.
G. A. Bleakman,
Adv. Hardman, Oregon
For County Clerk
Notice is hereby given that 1
will be a candidate for the Re
publican nomination for County
Clerk of Morrow county, Oregon,
at the primaries to be held May
17. 1918. Respectfully,
Adv. J. A. Waters.
Second Draft Quota Called
County Clerk Waters of the
local exemption board has re
ceived notice that Morrow coun
ty is called upon to send nine
men to take their places in the
national army April 26. Follow
ing are the numes and addresses
of the men as called:
Royal E. Bebb, Central Point,
Frank Otto, Boardman, Ore.
Walter H. Hayes, Heppner.
Ben Moore. Greensboro, N. C.
Geo.Thonias Cook, Heppner.
Harry Snyder. Heppner.
Robert J. Buschke, Heppner.
Jacob Dexter, Heppner.
Albert Lee Crewdson, Condon.
Elmer Lee Matteson, Heppner.
Roy Scott, Heppner.
People's Cash Market
All Kinds ot Fresh and Salt Meats
Poultry and Lard Phone Main 73
For Sheriff
I hereby announce myself as a
candidate for Sheriff of Morrow
County, on the Republican ticket
subject to the will of the voters
at the primaries to be held on
May 17, 1918.
Adv. E. M. Shuut.
Lay in Your Year's Coal
Uncle Sam says buy it now
while the buying is good.
You are sure of getting it now,
but not in the fall.
For Assessor
To the Democratic Voters:
I hereby announce that I will
be a candidate for the office of
County Assessor, subject to the
decision of the Democratic Pri
mary to be held in May, 1918.
Adv. J. J. Wells.
For County Treasurer
I hereby announce myself as a
candidate for the Republican nom
ination for County Treasurer for
Morrow county, Oregon, at the
primaries to be held May 17, 1918.
Adv. T. J. Humphreys
C. B. Ewing, of Cecil, was here
Monday making final proof on
his homestead, W. W. Ewing,
A. Henriksen and Peter Bauen
fiend of Cecil were also in town
on that day.
Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Ay res are
improving their rental property
on May street.east of the bridge,
and will also lay new cement
sidewalks in front of the proper
ty. New sidewalks are also be
ing laid on Main street in front
of the Wilson hotel and other
property in that block.
N. Harold Mason, well-known
lone boy. has enlisted in the
aviation corpse and is now sta
tioned at Charleston, South Caro
lina. Mr. Mason graduated from
the 0. A. C. in 1916 and has been
professor of industrial arts in
the La Grande high school for
two years. His present address
is 2d Reg. Co. 4, Sec. 4, U. S.
Naval Training Station, Charles
ton, S. C.
I High-Cass Stallions
I and Mares
We are prepared to furnish to the stockmen of
Morrow county the very highest class of Regis
tered animals in Percherons, Belgians, English
Shires, Hackneys and Coaches.
Registered Kentucky Jacks a Specialty
We can sell this stock to responsible parties, when
desired, on easy payments with no cash down and
at eighi per cent interest.
Carl Smith, General Agent for Eastern Oregon
Headquarters at Palace Hotel
Stock quartered at Stewart's Livery Barn
For County Judge
To the Republican Voters:
I hereby announce that I will
be a candidate for the ofTce of
Coudty Judge of Morrow Conn
ty, subject to the decision of the
of the Republican Primary Elec
tion, May 17, 1918. 1 have resided
in the county 32 years. My long
residence here and two years'
service a3 county commissioner
have enabled me to become fa
miliar with the needs of the
county. If nominated and elect
ed I shall pursue a progressive
policy, but shall carefully guard
against unnecessary expendi
tures in county affairs.
Adv. VVm T. Camphf.ll.
"Our boys must have their smokes.
Send them cigarettes!" Thi9 is a
familiar appeal now to all of us.
Among those most in demand is
the now famous "toasted" cigarette
LUCKY STRIKE. Thousands of this
favorite brand have been shipped to
France. There is something home
like and friendly to the boys in the
sight of the familiar green packages
with the red circle.
This homelike, appetizing quality
of the LUCKY STRIKE cigarette is
largely due to the fact that the Burley
tobacco used in making it has been
toasted. "It's toasted" was the "slo
gan" that made a great success of
LUCKY STRIKE in less than a year.
Now the American Tobacco Co. is
making IS million LUCKY STRIKE
Cigarettes a day.
A good part of this Immense pro
duction is making its way across the
water to cheer our boys. The Red
Cross has distributed thousands of
LUCKY STRIKE Cigarettes.
Send for
Swift & Company's 1918 Year Book
It shows that Swift & Company sells the meat from
a steer for less money then the live steer cost!
Proceeds from the sale of the hide, fat, and other by-products
covered all expense of dressing, refrigeration, freight, selling
expense and the profit of $1.29 per steer as shown by Swift &
Company's 1917 figures as follows:
Average price paid for live cattle pr steer $84 45
Average price received for meat . . 68.97
Average price received for by-products 2103
Total received . ...... y. . . .
ThU leave for expene and profit
Of which the profit per iteer was
There are many other interesting and instructive
facts and figures in the Year Book.
Wo witl to lend our 1918 Yr Book, to anyonr, anywhere - fr-
for the Mkinc. Addreu Swdt & Company, Union Stock Yards. Chicago.
Swift & Company, U. S. A.
Home Products for Home People
We Mauufacture
General Storage and Forwarding
Heppner Farmers Elevator Co.
McATEE & AIKEN, Props.
Gilliam & Bisbee
A RE prepared to furnish the Farmers and Stock
Growers with all kinds of Machinery and Ex
tras for their 11)18 requirements.
Extras are Kointf to be hard to kvI and we
would advise the jroinjr over of all machinery
NOW and ordering the Extras, and have all ma
chinery adjusted and ready for list! when the time
comes to use it. Take our word for it, if you
wait until the Extras are net il"d you may not lie
able to tfet them and there will be tin time to
waste in l'Jl8.
Gilliam & Bisbee
"We Have it, Will Get it or it is Not Made"
F.I.F.AKMAN i KAU, I rops.
Courteous ami Kfficicnt Service by
Courteous and Competent Workmen
Accessories, Supplies, K Xpert Vulcaniers
Cu.ir.intceil Tire Service
'4f.i. ii itt HiMm.ii Stud, Col.
f'ti, WiiOMifiMii Forty hi'iid
for Sale .
Fifty (') lifiid fciM.il vwir
iiu!t'. Teiity.liv" il'Ti) !,fil :''l)ib'si SI, ire, IVrcln'roti
'iti. bitf inure. If you t, ' ""'I I'.t'U'mii t.ii!inti fur !.
ny Muck in tt.i lir.x il will piv ' " 'I'"' defy competition,
.nil to inipi'ct , I l.i ". ithnii iU i l.iiiff nl ii-iiii Ad'lri'f ('ulfuii
i I'.iitu, i Unit. ;ii,t.ii stul, C.if.m, WbhIi
f'tf lb l ine r. tire iiton. ,7