HEPPNER HERALD S. A. PATTISON. PuBLisHrR. An Independent, Local News pa iff. Entered at the Ileppner, (Jreyon, Post Office as second-class matter. Terms of Subscription. One Year - - $1.50 Six Months - - 75 Three Months - - GO FRIDAY. APRIL 12. 1918. MR. TUTTLE AND THE GAZETTE-TIMES In its issue of April 4th our es teemed contemporary, the Gazette-Times, attempts to rebuke the Herald for publishing an ar ticle in a recent is sue in which reference was made to the fact that sheepmen, farmers and busi ness men were complaining of the treatment accorded them by one Joseph H. Tuttlo, a federal customs agent who was lately in Ileppner on business connected with the income tax. The first count in this indict ment, brought against us by the G.-T., is the more or less damn ing one that the Herald '"takes the role of champion for the busi ness men, stockmen and farmers of Morrow county." While the charge may indicate in the eyes of our esteemed neighbor that a particularly heinous olfense has been committed, the Herald man is sufficiently depraved to plead guilty. Since when did it become a crime for a Morrow county newspaper to "take the role of champion" for the people of Mor row county? Are they not pret ty good people? Are they not straining every energy to produce wheat and wool and meat to feed our armies and our allies? Do thev not buy Liberty Ilonds and subscribe to the Ued Cross, the Knights of Columbus and the Y. M. C. A.? Have they not "gone over the top" in every patriotic campaign since the war started? Have they not sent more than 100 of their boys to the front to light for democracy? Why, they even support Morrow county newspapers with their subscrip tions, adw rtising pat ronage.etc. ; does Mr. Joseph K. Tuttlo do even that much? The Herald is not in a position to answer that question The fact is that the Herald is triad to be able to "champion" the people of Morrow county when they are maligned by Mr Tuttlo or any other man, be he government emploo or private ci izee. The article of which our critic C.nnplains was based on state ni nits in. .do ;o t be I lorald by several very r putabie citizens of this county, as set forth in a sworn statement published else- w lu i'i' iii t he! paper. It may lu re bo added tliat during the c.inver sa'ion refei reil t in that sworn statement Mr. Tuttlo also made the stati meet to the editor of the Herald that if it w i ie not for himself and other federal agents coining to this toutitv the "peo ple would not pay tins tax and the e,ov i rniueiit w .mid ha o no money to carry on the war." Will the G.-1'. attempt to main tain that it is a i riino tor a Mor row com tv neW'-papi r to defel d the Herald w ith having permitted Mr. VanVactor to "inspire" the article- It therefore seems rea sonable to assume that Mr. Tut tle may have been the "inspira tion" behind the G.-T. Whether the inspirational manifestation was due to physic or purely ma terial methods is, of course, not known. The caption of our critic's ar ticle, "A Square Deal For All," seems to be too comprehensive for the text that, follows, that little word "all" means every body, as we understand Webster, including stockmen, farmers, business men even neighbor newspaperman and attorneys Why, then, does our critic at tempt to limit its application of the "square deal" to one- non resident federal agent whom the evidence shows to have been at least somewhat lacking in diplom acy in meeting the public as a public official should meet , the public, while ignoring the rights of its own neighbors, friends and supporters? Our critic further charges that the "Herald attempted an injus tice to Mr. Tuttle" in publishing the article concerning that gen tleman's methods. Will he (our critic) be good enough to read a letter published in this issue of the Herald addressed to Milton A. Miller, Collector of Internal Revenue at Portland, and signed by a dozen public officials, bank ers and business men of Hepp- ner, and then tell us in his next issue whether, in his judgment, these well-known gentlemen in writing that letter have "attempt ed an injustice to Mr. Tuttle?" If he decides that they have so offended against Mr. Tuttle will he publicly call these gentlemen to account in his paper next week as he attempted to do with the editor of the Herald last week? If he decides that these gentle men have not "attempted an in justice on Mr. Tuttle" by writing a letter which is much stronger than the Herald's article, will he be fair enough to print the state ment next week that he was wrong in making such a charge against the Herald? attention of the state w as that of Geo. Swaggart, who was brought into the court on the charge of having intoxicating liquor in his possession last September. The arrest was the outgrowth of a charge made by Mr. and Mrs. John Vink, who lived for a time in the Swaggart residence on Court street- The Vink's swore on the witness stand that they were given whiskey to drink, about a tablespoonful, by Mr. Swaggart. The state set forth the assertion that it was booze which came into Mr- Swaggart's possession after the saloons had gone out of business and S. E. Van Vactor, for the defendant, attempted to prove that the booze was taken from stock obtained from the saloon of McAtee & Aiken just before the state went dry. On top of this, for a year, Mr Swaggart said he had got his shipment regular to protect his old stock. He acknowledged giv ing the whiskey to the Vinks.but stoutly denied having come into possession of the liquor after the state went dry. The jury was out but a short time and returned with a verdict of guilty. Mr. Swaggart has filed notice for ap peal. The fine imposed was for $250.' " I knew George Swaggart from the time I was big enough to run away from church, after Sunday school. He was then in the sa loon business and he was until the day the state was voted dry. He is a conscripted prohibition ist, but I'll bet a dollar to a hole in a Swiss cheese that he is just as good a pro as those who in formed the court of his alleged perfidy. "I want to live among men who have the bigness of mind and the generosity of soul to disting uish between law violation and friendship accommodation. I love the old characters that built Ileppner, like I love the men who have made Texas, but I do hate these latter day saints, these camouflage artists we now have strutting up and down the land.' i Professional Column - V. Oil. R. J. VAUGHAN DENTIST Permanently located in Oddfellow's Building HEPPNER, OREGON GT 0 3. E. NOTSON ATTORN EY-AT-LAW OFFICE IN ROBERTS BUILDING HEPPNER, OREGON DR. N. E. WINNARD PHYSICIAN & SURGEON HEPPNER, OREGON Former Heppner Boy Recalls Old Days Garfield Craw ford, former well known Heppner boy, member of a well-known pioneer family and brother of Vawter Crawford, publisher of the Gazette-Times, who wont to Texas several years ago where he achieved consider ante distinction in newspaper work and is now publisher of the Critic. Fort Worth's militant weekly, evidently keeps in touch with happenings in his old homo town, as is shown by the follow ing article clipped from a recent n unbor of the Critic: "I remember when Heppner, O. ogon was a thriving little west ern town of 120(1 population and t a ol o saloons and an equal num her of gambling halls. In those days men wore not afraid to trust their neighbor's son around the corner w ith their daughters and nu n lent each other money, their horses and went to each others homos ami stayed all night. Hut that was a long time ago. "Now, times havebroughtahout a change in Heppner, Ore That little town is bono dry for Oregon h a bono dry state. To have liquor in your possession is a folonv in the people of Mon-ow county Oregon and it is even hinted that from Mich al .i ele-s fooli.-h and ,f Vou ovon know nfnmnn u-hn joiu'o saw a bottle of Old Kip, Old nq lams that j Crow or Canadian Club, you are DR. A. D. McMURDO . . . PHYSICIAN & SURGEON Telephone 122 Office Patterson Drug Store HEPPNER, OREGON DR. GUNSTER VETERINARIAN Licensed Graduate HEPPNER : : OREGON Phone 722 (Day or Night Watch paper for dates DR. J. G. TURNER Eye Specialist PORTLAND OREGON Regular monthly visit lo HEPPNER and IONE WOODSON & SWEEK ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW Office in Palace Hotel. Heppner, Ore SAM n. VAN VACTOR VTTORNEY.AT-LAW 1IEPP1VER, OREGON LOUIS PEARSON TAILOR HEPPNER, How About That War Garden You are Going to Plant? Early yet to plant but just the time to secure the seed. We handle four of the best. D. M. FERRY & CO,, Michigan KORTHRUP & KING, Minnesota G. C. MORSE & CO., California CHAS. H. LILLY, Oregon As some varieties are very scarce this year we advise early buying. Phelps Grocery Co. Heppner, Oregon ft 0 33 OREGON Office phone Main 643 Residence phone Main 663 FRANCIS A' McMENAMIN LAWYER Roberts Building, Heppner, Oregon Nursery Stock? See Harry Cummings I am re stocking our Nurseries with the very bust varieties of all tho different trees and plants desirable for cultivation. 1 aui butter equipped to supply your needs in any t hing you may want than any time before. In addition to our own, I have the stock of three thousand acres of the lines t tin rsery goods grown anywhere, all healthy, vigorous, true to name ami all ifrown in Oregon. You can gel the Milton Stock from me inure advantageously than oUew lo re L am tin' only fellow that has genuine nut scry grown Cork Kim. On minima NrHrie, lleppn. er, Oregon. Ji'tf ROY V. WHITEiS UKAL ESTATE INSURANCE LOANS Heppner, Oregon Wend anti Coal c I handle Kock Spun, Cord Wood ami Ma Wo.-d. Leave orders ht II :i n.pii rev s' Drug store or plume o'.'.. tf.Mf Kit Uiii--M.iv KOU SALE OoIdeiiCamprie Krg fer set ting. I Mpdi of Mrs. 0. 0. Aiken, l!o. N:' llepp nor, Oregon, 17. 1M spiteful 4'harc ? Our critic ni- o the Herald d.d tn i iMennw Mr to he despised and your neighbors Tuttle bfl'oi c i i it t i t he referred t' li e same why tiid t ot tt e C,:t.'i tt. jldel lew 1 ht i o(?ir i'f th Uel before p'.iSEish.f: it h "presumpiion" lhat tie artie'e feel it their duty to inform the token ' court on you. limes " Ihe ease I have in mind is of Her- no interest to the people ofloxa, absurd but it down hov the smailnessof ait ele character ntnl man's inhumanity wan injured l tl e ;.t!trney toman. Out at Heppner a few wh'ihad bceo n akMicvid," but eeks acothere were a number of whom tli Ci.-l. lad to t,ame Umthvguitf cases to come before The lb tali, how i i able to the hstrict eotirt. A boy whom! auppU this ouu'.m of our tn 'ch- hao kno u since inlaney was Nr hv stating that S.im I! an ar.ked before the court toexpla!n Yactr is evident y tt e ; ttorey why he paid .. per quart for referred b for the reason that, Iuiur. Then the old home paper U Muled in the woi it statement, said: Mr, 1 utile charged the idttor of 1 "The mt ease occupying the CLEAN IT -Now N th,. t,,,,.. to clean up yo ir ruhtih I will haul it awuy for e i when y. u ro reaiiy S. e ni' or cab !.iie !v.V Lee Caul w ell. 7tf Notice of Hearing ol l inal Account In lh Cuunty Co'M mmu -f t r n t i V , It th natiir of h t-.tt- , f .1 l ., t tr 1 Knlt id hMt m'1 i I -!. i. t .'.,) Iht M r i C .'.m , . 4 . Vl. mnlitt! nliir, t W.i t 1 . , ,,, f M tvw l , vtt ii On k - ..,. i , , . , , ,j . Tt ftr-it ifrM ,1 ( ' ,'1 t , fl,,, hrrt(r d.! ( rl M r Tr , f 1; ttthr h ut .! i . , k A . fS'iiM ftt .'Im I r- M t : " t , : - i , n Hii "t 1 i, . t . , (i.r of !,. l ,,,,..( . - , trti i-tt lhTr'( ul llr u r j i" . ,, -f 1 All ll-ttt! '.IM',. )r-. Is. , . . , ihrvt. ni r..- ih -t. -i r , . - . ' f I pf. f I ,Ut b i s (, g h rr!it !. ,.( t . v m rk,t lPt. r- t f. r . , , r lg-!' "i 'r . , 'n ft t tt h t ' . i . ; , W t t j a Notice of Sheriff's Sale lty virtue of An execution and order of sale duly HHiutj by the Clrk of the Circuit Court of the State nf Orrirun for the County of Morrow, dated Mun'h i!t, lyl, in a certain suit in the said Circuit I Court fur sid County of Morrow and State of ! Oregon, wherein Kranci K. K easier, plaintiff, re- I t-overtd jutlKinent auatnst Mary E. Hawley and R I W, Hnwley. defrndanU, for the sum of five hun ! tired lifty and no one-hundredths dollars, with in terest t hereon at tho rate of 8 per cent per annum 1-nyaliie nenu-fcitnually. from the li4ih day of Sep j tentttr, r.ll. and the further aum of forty-rive : (tollur attorney's fees, and for costs and disburse ! it), inn tM-il at enrhteen and TiU-ll) dollars. j Notu-eidhen-hy given that I will on Saturday ahe .;th ln of April, liMH, at 2 o'clock in the after t Hn of said day, at the fmit door of the Court lliMiw in ileppner, M'rmw Cinty, Oregon, sell at I'liiiitt nui'tiii'i lo the highest bidder for curb in i h:tnd. the following discribetl real pniperty, U- wit: Beginning at the northeast corner of the imrth went quarter of the northwest quarter of iv turn twenty-live, township five north of range twent mix ett of the Williemette Meredian, v hu h m a cement monument six inches in dame- tor, eitihtit-n itwhes in ground. markeil on top with jniopptr nail, running thence south no degree twenty-three minutes eaal an hundred sitty and ix-tenth fe t: thence south eighty-nine degrees ; forty threeminuteewent, three hundmlthirty feet 'thence north no degrees twenty-three minute went, mi hundred suty and sl-tenths feet, thence I mull eghty-nine digrers forty-three minutes i Ht. three huiulml thirty feet to the point of be liinti.htf, U'-'-rvHig tlierefrom ene hulf of a roibt il ft-t in width !!' g the north and eat Ride hiiw n on the rrmps of the Oregon Land and V a-i.-r t ..mi'sny av l-t one. bk twenty Nt, situa- (eii tn Morrow county, in the State uf tr-gn. and iui'i;ti:nKlUf acre, more or less. Also all of iots numlwred nineteen. te- ty. thirteen, fi.ur-t.-en. fifteen, ixteen. seventeen and eighteen, in i Wk riuiiN-retl thirty-one in Irngon. Morrow ..iuM5 ttrewi'H. accord i rg to the ret ordeil f lat On"-if. All of the sbove d rill pnierty W u 'itfvt to the terms and condition uf the or -rf.nl U hi the Oregon l and sr d W aler m- . any to the grante-e. Taken and lev ml uton m t!t property of the aid defendants or so much ih.Tv. f Ur.tining with the im!!tl diiUma an i.my W nmiear) tosat'sfy the d Judgment tn i is r t t a 1 1 isml.lt s d against .d defendant -f!hvr trnhtll c1S and JutunwrnmU that i e art rul r may accrue. i.yO M'-Ol'l I KK. 4., I j Hhefff of More' Cunty Ote fS30C Th lys U The United States Food Administration Says SAVE FATS We must save fats to feed our fighters. We must save fats to help our fighters fight. Every hog is as necessary to winning the war as a shell. Every pound of fat is as sure of service as a bullet Use fowl, tish, Vegetables, Vegetable Oils, Cheese Purely Vegetable Cotosuiet, Crisco. Olive Oil, Wesson Oil, Mazolo (made from Indian corn,) gSAM. HUGHES COMPANY y 3 C 3 CZZ Notice ior Publication Department of the Interior. U. S. Land Office, at The Dalles, Oregon, April 6th, 1918. Notice is hereby given that William Shipley, of Lexington. Oregon, who. on November lio, made homestead entry No. MUlVi. for lots 3 snd 4. SSwli, SWNKt. NWSK1-. NESWW, Section f. Lot 1. Sec. 6. ITuwnship 8. South tUnge 2.r-Kail. Willamette Meridian, has tiled no tice of intention to make final three-year I' roof, to ewUtblmh claim to the land alMve decrded, be fore C. C. Patterson. U. H. I'ommiRsioner, at Heppner, Oregon, on the 4th day of June Claimant names as witnee: William H. r'ad herg of Lexington, Oregon; Clifford N. K rid ley. of Lexington. On-gon. Kulph U Itenge, of Hn-ni-r, Oregon, lieorye W. VanW inkle, of Ileppner. Oregon. VM1 II. FRANK WOODCOCK. Rgiter. Pain Here is a message UUI.-UNH women to .1 IIM'.Y SKUVICK. Cult R it ncy fir i ml tram trip ot ! y otliiT 'rvict'. ily it night l tv .h. tie Mum l'J. Miri.t pl.otn- mi :". I.im' l'htitrli. 44' WANT HP Joti to plow num nrr ( liln by llivniTi. Will fur- iti t'inti nud lirni'. lijt win1 w.tor i i r ln'itciu I'luw u j. ii I AJ J H. Uovr. Iltmilt. r,. h i'k''ti 47 4.' i llorild U:Uu for JuO Priutu-g Registration of Land Title In ih Circuit Court uf th Suu of Orrtun fur lh County of Morrow. Application No. SM. In the- mmttr of thrpihrBtion of Kiln Wuolry Johnaon. Auiirvy Woolr-ry Dvo anj Vlmalta Wwkry Ui rrgi.trr till lo tho NWl of .nc lion tv tn townthip 2 i.iuth. rmn 24 nit uf W. M . applit'tnu. v.. UU M. Klrtrhor. Suun A. Ilughn. John F. Brock. Koby Ittkon nnd Jhn r'rmtvr. r roncvo Kroior liiiii Itruc r rar. mtnon, K. V. Knur ond llrlrn V, KnupivnlwrB. kbo ll porti-oorpvr. -n. known or unknown, eiairmntf any right. titlo. Urn or intrrost In or to tho rool tt , ol- jwriM. and to oil whom tt may cun. rrn. dofmdonto. ! To tho oliovo nomod drftndonu: Toko notico. j Th4t on tho Mth day of Marvh. IwLM. an application wan rtlrd hy oatd Kdna Wwlory Johnoon. Audrvy j Vtoolery Io and Voimairta Wuuiory In tho Ctr -uit Court of tho tttato of Otvtfun fr M'rruw County forimtial roglatratlun of tho titlo of tho i laml al'Vo dwriW. Nw unlvoa ou appoar In aa d court on or b ; t-rr tho l .th day of AlTll. A. II. 11. and .how 1 cwooo hy auih apt'licaiton .hall n't ho granted th- urn, will ho takon a oonfoaMd, and a dorr ) II I ontor. according lo tho rravor of tho KP- phrolion and you wU Iw forovor tarrod fnjm dig putir g tho oamo. f All 1. A W ATtKS Clork. M, t.ay M Andorwtn. Ituty. . i. Nra. Atlornoy for At'pllcantg. A l.lra H-pl-nor trgon. 4."U frrm Mrs. Kathryn Li.wnrds. oIK.F. U.4.Wns!iiiiGion Court Hous, Oliio. "I am clad to tell, and have told ninny women, what I suflcred before 1 knew ot Cardui and the Treat benelit to be derived from Ihis remedy. A few yearn ato I became prac tically helpless . . ,,f TAKE i ariH The Woman's Tcnfc "I was very weak." Mrs. Ldwards pocs on to say, "and could net ttoop without tiiilcrini Rreat pain . . . Noiliini jeemed tn help me untd I heard otC.irJui and be Kan the tiie of it . . . K'adually rnined my urcnjih ... am now sine lo do all my work " It you need I tonic take Cardui. It it fur women. It acts pentlyand reli.ibly nd will probably help youasithripdihis lady. All Dnijfuti e a i Notice for Publication I .t- l. (ifwtxun. Mr. h HK 1911. N-t. M Krtr tht hvrthtk B rltnn. M haw f.inl -f tMft li fbh ' n J, r:U Sf. f C C. tBttfi. H'r I .-mrt .it- ft mi t' rm Ht t"1'. i . ..a I ka I '. I.. .. kf.. 1 i ---i trwr j x m - M in For price, terms, i tc , House and Lot f:r Sale (iixxl lot. close in on May utrcct. ' opiK9!t? First National Hank. i'mt4 1 with jroot!, nu)!em T-rootn hoio for fiale at a n .ior.ali!t fciri' if I i L. V l i Ho H tyvlf a. -I L' a t'w C. ll NX ttMtor. Hot b-50