Marshall Phelps Now Birdman Marshall Phelps, well-known Heppner boy w ho enlisted iti the Marine corps a few months ngo after speedily qualifying as ao expert machine gunner, is now at Miami, Florida, Warning to fly. He writes very interesting letters to his parents, from one of which the following excerpt is made: "We spend several Injurs each day out in the tield waiting for our turn logo up in the air. Fly ing is a great sensation, believe me, but it is lots of fun. Was afraid it might make me sick but it never bothered me at all. Haven't been up over 3000 feet so far. but everything looks pret ty small at that distance. Houses look like little spots and large orchards resemble small garden patches, l :i tell you when a person feels kind of funny, and that is when the pilot shuts off the engine, points the machine almost straight down and coasts. Believe me, you travel. We dropped almost 1500 feet that way the other day. For thefirst instant your heart is up in your throat, but you soon lose your fear and begin to enjoy it. You are relieved when he rights the machine and starts the motor again, however. They have sev eral Hoot Lieutenants that are learning to fly and they have ac cideuts every so often, but so far nothing serious except to the machine. They are so frail that they are easily broken if they land upside down. fcJeveral men are reported killed at the naval tield on the other side of town. "Was talking to a lad from Philadelphia this morning. 1 told him I was from Oregon and he didn't know where it was. Said he never heard of any state by that name. That's tne truth, no fooling." Wood and Coal I handle Rock Springs Coal, Cord Wood and Slab Wood. Leave , orders at Humphreys' Drug store or phone 392. 3!Hf Ed Bkesun. BAKED POTATO BIG, white, mealy with butter melting on it. Um-m-ml And you like it because it is baked. Same with Lucky Strike Cigarette IT'S TOASTED Cooking makes things deli cious toasting the tobacco has made the Lucky Strike Cigarette famous. If your dealer doei sol carry them, sand $1.20 for a. carton of 1 2 pack agaa to Th American Tobacco Co. N. Y . City I4af 07 Ounranteed by ni $142,000 Morrow County is asked t raise One Hundred nnd Forty-Two Thousand Pollars us her share of the Third Lib erty Lnn. Many of Morrow County's young men nre risking their lives on the tiring line in the (J real Rattle now in pro gress in Franco. They are calling upon you to stand ly them and sup port our government in tins crisis. This bank is offering ull its facilities to the ioverntnent for use in the drive commencing Apnl tith. I,et us all pull together to raise the Morrow County quota. IHE FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF HEPPNER LOCAL AND PERSONAL Mesdames L. G. Herren and A. G. Devore have bought the Variety store from Mr. and Mrs Raglan and will restock and im prove it. They took possession this week. Clarence Scrivner has install ed a new acetylene welding plant in his blacksmith shop, the first plant of its kind in the county. A more detailed description of the machine and what it will do will be printed nexf week. Roy Whiteis reports the sale of 480 acres of wheat land in Juni per canyon belonging to James barton, or Everett, Wash., to tsrown Bros., whose ranch the property adjoins. The price was around $9,000. A party of teachers spent last Sunday enjoying an Easter pic nic in the mountains near iSlo cum's mill and report having had a splendid day. Those in the party were: Mrs. Blanch Wath ins, Misses Norris, Cox, Harper lessrs. Oscar Utto and Dale Watkins. Sam Van Vactor says that his wife, iu her enthusiasm over th conservation or wheat, is now making bread from straight Oct meal, and that he served notice that if he is to be fed on oats he demands an accompanying ration of good timothy hay, which makes an ideal balanced ration for horse. This Home Guard drill will put a lot of us in the race horse class in point weight and speed before the sum uaer is over. r LEXINGTON ITEMS Geo. PecK is now in the Hepp ner sanitarium, having been op erated on for appendicitis by Drs. Chick and McMurdo. W hear he is slowly recovering, Miss Katie Eskelson is work ing in the sheriff's otlicein Hepp ner. Ed Cummiugs is going around on crutches because of a dislo cated ankle. At the ball game last Saturday afternoon between the Lexingto and lone boys we wish to say Lexington won. We are sorry for lone but proud of our boys Mrs. Dorothy West went to Heppner Wednesday eveuing to work there. What's the matter with Lex i.igton that she doesn't have clean up day and clean all alleys and streets? Mrs. lone Gilbreath. of Day. ton, Wash., is here, called by the illness of her father, J. M.White. Mrs. Grace Kluin, who has been visiting friends here, re turned to her home at Lebanon Tuesday morning. About was made at the the school entertainment lat Friday evening. The program was greatly enjoyed by all those present. Mrs, J. W. Craig was called to Drain, Ore., by the serious ill ness of her father. She went Tuursduy morning last. Mrs. Seumer and Mrs. E. J Evans both have an attack of the grippe. Also Grandma Mullov. DC IOC 301 3C All the World of Womankind Now Studies the Styles of Spring In the selection of the New Spring Dress of MARDMAN HAPPENINGS Mrs. J. II. Wyland has been visiting the past week with rela tives in Heppner. Mrs. Hessie Cowdry and chil dren visited her parents. Mr- and Mrs. J. C. Owens,' in Heppner last w eek. Mr and Mrs. J F. Harlow took I their son Guy, who is quite sieK, to Heppner Tuesday to consult a I physician. Miss IaU Harlow, j who has been visiting her sifter Flossie, returned home with them. i v nas luiiiis house, w ith a, i its contents, turned down on tin of March. He left home at Sam and returned ut 12 o'clock to find his home in a.-hes ft u First comes the choice, of course, of cor sets, for the corset is the very base and foundation of style in gowns, and FIRST among corsets one naturall thinks of Royal Worcester and Bon Ton $1,25, $1.50, $1.75, $2, $2.50, S3 to $7. They have the' quality inbuilt by years of experience and they notably excell in matters of support and flexibility feat ures given unusual prominence this sea son of 1918. Beneath the entrancement of their graceful lines and rich fabrics r 1 Tan 1 ex'ss e utmost efficiency. VJIN lwlN Starting right with this correctness in FRONT LACE corsetry, the success of your outer attire is assured. n WirthmoreWaists XS WlUTHMOR j.witii. Welworth Blouse S2.00 Go where you will throughout the United States you will find thrifty women wearing these popular Waists. Not only are these waists popular locally, they're popular nationally be cause women recognize in them values that are greatly superior to others at the same price. See the new Wirthmore and Welworth Models on Sale now Minor & Company DC 3C J Church Notices Catholic Church Services. Sunday. March 10. First Mass, 8:00 a. m. Second Mass, 10:30 a. m. Christian Docrine 11:30 a. m. Evening Devotion, 7:30 p. m. Kev. P. J. O'Rourke The Federated Church Sunday School 9:45 a m. Regular morning service 11:00 The Raster music will be repeat ed Sunday morning. Christian Endeavor 6:30. Topic ' Bible Reading.'" Lead, er Lois Hall. Junior leader Charles Not son. Liberty Loan service 7:30 p.m. II. A. Noyes, Pastor. Christian Science. Christian Science services are held every Sunday at 11 a- m., Wednesday at 8:00 p. m , in the Methodist church South, on Chase street All interested are nvited to attend these services. Heppner to Have Home Guards At a well attended meeting in the council chamber Tuesday evening it was unanimously vo ted to orgonize a company of Homeguards in Heppner and every man present, to the num ber of about 50, signed a tenta tive muster roll. While it is not expected that much real war work will be found in this community for an armed force of home defenders, it was the concensus of opinion that the moral effect of a well drilled mil- tary organization will be worth much as a warning to trouble makers and other disloyal and evil disposed persons. The first drill was held in the Fair pavilion Wednesday evening with Tom Chidsey and M. L. Case. Spanish war veterans, and Loy Turner, who had military training at the O. A. C, as drill masters. It is understood that the state will lurnish proper arms and equipment as soon as the com pany is properly organized. The drill will be of great pbys ical benefit to all taking part and it is the wish of those in charge of the organization to have the boys of the community, who are too young to become active mem bers subject to military duty, to drill with the company whenever possible. Mrs. McMurdo tntertalns Ladies of the Episcopal Guild were entertained by Mrs. A. p. McMurdo at their regular social session yesterday afternoon at her home on Chase street. About forty ladies were present and a most enjoyable afternoon was spent. Bridge was the favorite diversion of the afternooo, fol lowing which dainty refresh, ments were served. John Kinsman, formerly in the butcher business in Heppner, who has been residing at Mc Minville for a couple of years, has returned and may again lo cate in this city. FOR SALE Cold. iiCntiprir Fk'K fer noting Ii..imr. ot Mrs. 0 C. Aiken. H.x 11:' 11, pp ner, Oregon, Clipped From the Condon Times John O'Rourke left for Hepp ner on Wednesday to assist In Uniting the Frank Monahan sheep. The American theater ha been purchased by J. B. Spsrks of ll-ppner, w ho is having it com petely teuiodlod and repaired Hi- is installing two new motion I' l l u re machines and a new slant ing Hour. F. W. Burns left for Morgsn mi Weduekday to bring to Con ion the raco horse. Rattle Patch, m.i put him in training on the rue track here lUu'v Patch is i on ef the famous Dsn Patch, i h fuit harnvKt horse the At. rid ever We Produce Printing that Pleases at the Herald Shop Tho "America First" Spirit Let your D0LLAP.S strike the stride our Heppner Boys are hitting in the ranks Don't wait to be so licited for your subscription to the Third Liberty Loan. The Farmers & Stockgrowers National Bank will be proud to serve as your Financial Recruiting Station. "Your Little Mite may win the Fight " THE FARMERS AND STOCKGROWERS NATIONAL BANK m rrMR. on icon