Heppner herald. (Heppner, Or.) 1914-1924, April 05, 1918, Image 3

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Contestants For Liberty Loan
Prize Widely Scattered.
-Florence B. Hoyt, Portland.
, This Is Oregon's official slogan TU Freedom's Call; Lend Your All
Ito keepu? by-your lZorTZZXlTuT " d th6 Mst
! To Protect Your Country
j To Perpetuate American Freedom
r To Keep the Demon Hun From Your Door.
W 11 you Jeopardize your liberty by falling to do your duty? He who
Take your place as a real American.
That's What We're Up to In
the Third Loan.
It's up to this fight, buy or show
Every American who can afford to
buy a Liberty Bond will be expected
to buy.
If he refuses, the searchlights of
public opinion will be so turned upon
him that he may be put Into the posi
tion of having to explain why he de
nies the government the use of his
surplus money, If the plans of the
National Liberty Loan headquarters
at Washington are carried out.
Information retarding the standing
of every Individual, his worth, bis In
come, his Red Cross activities,
amounts which he has subscribed to
the First and Second Liberty Loans,
war work which he bus done, bis
patriotic attitude, and other details
will all be carefully listed on a ques
tionnaire which will be kept on file
by the government.
Questionnaires, prepared In Spo
kane for use in Kastvrn Washington,
contain 34 questions. One has to be
filled out for every man, woman and
child above 15 years of age. Among
the Inquiries were, nationality, pres
ent occupation, name of employer,
other trades or occupations qualified
In, Liberty Loan subscriptions, earn
ings, Ued Cross war funds, Red Cross
members In family, miscellaneous war
donations, war activities engaged In.
patriotic attitude, general reputation,
opposition to war work, If any.
Considering the fact that Oregon's
percentage appears to be rather low
In comparison with other federal dls
trlcts, the local Liberty Loan Commit
te feela that it may be necessary to
adopt sunn- such means here of re
minding the people that thy must do
something to save the reputation of
themselves and their state. Cards are
Bow being prepared. The Information
for these cards will be gained by the
captains of the different city pre
cincts, after the cards have been as
signed to their proper districts by
postal employes. In the rural dls
trlcts over the state, the work of In
dexing the Inhabitants has been going
on for some time.
Authorliatlon for obtaining the In
formation comes from Washington.
When the svttm Is finally complete,
and when Vnrle 8aro niakxa the ac
quaintance of all his nutans and
knows their means and their otllga
Huns, then John Jones must be in
duced to make him a loan or be able
to five an eieWUnt reason why.
11 y'
The prize winning phrase was won
by Florence B. Hoyt of Portland. It
Is used In all advertising of the Third
Liberty Loan In Oregon. Many of the
other slogans from all over the state
are used In connection with the car
toons being run by the Oregon press.
Oregon writers and Illustrators have
all donated their best services iu aid
of the Third Liberty Loan.
The Spirit of the First Line Trenches
Needed In Loan Drive.
"A little more Iron In our souls."
was the appeal made by Lafe Young
In ties Moines recently, "a little more
of the spirit of our soldiers, a stimulus
that will give us a relentless and un
dying determination to wipe the r
henzollern monster from the face of
the earth."
American people are noted for their
complacency, their seeming willing
nes to enjoy the frulla of their pros
perlty, leaving to others the task f
flulitlng their wnr for them. They do
not stop to realize the enormity of
Germany's crime and the Intense (eri
ousness of the present world sr of
self preservation, the supreme teat of
our maohooii and our civilization.
Our soldiers are doing their part,
but. says Mr. Young, "bow pitiful sr
', Ited Cross contributions. Liberty
; Bonds and Y. M. C, A. gifts compared
with the sacrifices and sufrrlti.; of
i our seldiers. We ha comfort, bap
' plness, the ties and arte turns of hom
Hut they, like immortal Alan 8eegr,
have their 'rendezvous lih death'"
j "W are proud." he rontinues. - that
Amerlra has met her duty, true to her
I best traditions And may tiod grant
! that those of us at home fall not in
one single obligation to o.ir so, l,;s.
to our Allies, to our couiitrj!"
thUlg by lnVe8tins ln Bt"le
hesitates is most assuredly lost
In the Twilight Zone of War
(By John W. Kelly)
Upon a time, there wan a furnier
whose sheep were threatened by coy j
oteB, so he decided to protect them
at night with a high, tight fence. All
day he labored and when evening ap j
proached It was almost, but not quite,
completed. '
The farmer whh fagged, twilight
was approaching anil IiihI' h.I of nail
Ing tip the remaining hoards he drove
1n the sheep and decided to take a
chance. In the morning he discovered
the ravages caused In the flock by the
enemy marauders; the fence he hitd
built for protection rs no protection,
because when Ulllghl came he tailed !
to finish It.
Don't permit your patriotism to sue
cumb to the twilight zone!
In the twilight there is a slacking :
of Industry, a tendency to take things ;
.Indifferently to loaf. ,
Having performed a good day's
work, twilight finds a man tir-d of
the heat and the burdens, ready to
Test and congratulate himself ,H
.aceomplHitncnls. i
, The Third Liberty Loan Is In th"
twilight zone of war flnaniinu
Twice have the people ot Oregon
labored Indefatiwably ami accomplish
ed a great work In u . r miMcrilung
the state's allotment
Now comes the r-ul t 1 -now r. to
disclose whether they ihil ha.e tl,,
vigor and patriotic simi.tli hereto
fore displayed.
It remains to be s- cti whether Hi-
will consider their duty .. rlormed
and are content to sU, k-ii. t,. i.,kc
things Indifferent, ,Mf ,,,, t,
of patriotism.
After a day In the fuld It r- u -1 1 r
spunk ami plot k to tkic ;, i iin-.i ,
ork In the t ihht 'I In ,.,
determines to prc Hie I;,l.,,r M little
further to make real fini.li t,i to
day's stunt. Is doing i-mi,, Uncir f..r
himself And so Is It ii tho.e h
have h'lped in th preiou , ,i, I fio
Utlons 1hre Is a I. t more t,, ,p, ...
fore turning In. a littl- ti.oie . r i ,.,n
and pstleme sn-l dram on ti,e re
Hut If pstriotim l tct lu;l1 tt.ti
lndlff"rei' tf l,e tll .1.1. the f. I.i c
of protection ill l. n j-l- I
Take no t hanci a i:e r) l.-.ti I
a board In the feme t,, .., o it th
II in rr ycls
(- port, but don t t-i t
II dp in j fios.i) Ui ri.t
Slogans from over the entire state
were submitted for use in the Third
Liberty Loan campaign, in the recent
slogan contest, for the best of which
a $r.O Liberty Bond is to be awarded
opening day, April 6.
Among the slogans which were con
sidered by the committee as possess
ing high merit and worthy of especial
mention, are the following which are
representative of the entire state:
Open your purse help kill the
curse. Miss Hazel McCoy, Dufur; buy
a bond that binds Democracy, W. -P.
McMasters, Mills City; the Kaiser
groans at Liberty Loans, Nettie Pago
Scofield, Newberg; Liberty Loans are
Liberty's stepping stones, Mrs. J. D.
Slater, La Grande; bury the Kaiser
with Liberty Bonds, Geo. A. Barden,
Grants Pass; Uphold the colors with
liberty dollars, Mrs. Edward Hill,
Marshfiold; Over there our boys are
watching, H. K. Donnelly, Salem;
Break Liberty's chains invest your
pains, Buena Fisher, Dallas; Sow
bonds reap victory, Miss Elva S.
Hall, Vanora; Build freedom's foun
dation with Liberty Bonds, C. E. Logs
den, Junction City; Our country's ar
morLiberty Bonds, C. W. Collier,
Milwaukie; The Liberty Bond is vic
tory's wand, H. E. Allen, Hillsboro;
Gold were dross with freedom's loss,
Count that day lost, whose low de
scending sun, sees nothing done to
beat the Hun, both by T. P. McAn
drews, Baker; Your little mite may
win the fight, Mollie E. Striaght, Ore
gon City; Protect your homes with
Liberty Loans, Lonna Powell, Baker;
Buy a bond bridge the pond, Mrs. H.
M. McKenna, Astoria; We'll bridge
the pond with Liberty Bonds, M. Eva
Duel, Eugene; Join the band at Lib
erty's stand, Mrs. L. It. Whitney, Van
couver, Wash.; Another Liberty Loan
insures Entente succesB, Wllna Deblll,
Amity; Provide Pershing power to
punish Prussianism.
The following slogans are a few of
those submitted by residents of Port
land In the, contest:
Fight, buy, or show us why, Grace
N. Crow; Patriots all, subscribe to
the call, A. R. Vandervielen; Liberty
Loans protect what you own, W. W.
Lawton; Our bonds dictate our sol
diers' fate, Mrs. D. W. Jackson; Have
a heart, do your part, They also serve
who only lend, Jennie A. Marshall;
Yankee Doodle dollars do or die, Keep
the home funds fighting, W. S. Kirk
Patrick; 'Tls freedom's call lend your
all, Be no shirker, be a worker, Flor
ence B. Hoyt; Save America's fate
from German hate, J. N. Beeves; Tho
Liberty Loan safeguards the home,
J. II. Mason; For county and home
Liberty Loan, Geo. E. Hall; Be
backer, not a slacker, H. G. Furnish;
Subscribe to loan, protect your homo.
Miss Myrtle Bates; Can "you deny
while others die, Anna Lavllle Mc
pherson; Bonds are better than Prus
sian fetters, Ituth Helen Underbill.
Map System to Be Used During Third
Liberty Loan Drive.
Ileturns from the various counties
of the state will be Indicated at the
Oregon State Central Liberty Loan
headquarters, Portland, on a color
scheme map, as will every town and
district In which a quota has been
assigned, by a yellow thumb tack.
Tho counties will have a large headed
tack and the districts a small yellow
As soon ss one half of the assigned
quota has been reached In each town
or district a red thumb tack will re
place the yellow one on the map.
Similarly with the counties on the
state mai. Km h county headquarters
will have their own map with the
county divided Into convenient dis
tricts which are to be bulletined like
wise. When the full quota in each Iowa
and district Is attained It will be des
ignated by a blue thumb tack. I bis
system will afford an accurate check
Hint will Indicate those counties and
district of the state which are doing
'he most effective work In the Third
Liberty Loan Campaign.
In inch town and district a solic itor
will he sent out with the Government
household questionnaire upon which
It written pertinent facta concerning
Hie Individual ability to suhncrlho.
Should the person tin unable to sub
' ribe one half of the amount esti
mated that be Is able to. a yellow
'ard ill be ii, nt Into dlstrltt In ad
quarters When more thin one half
but less than the full alignment has
been reccucd a red card replaces the
cow. and a blue isrd la used when
'he fi o,oota of the Individual has
been subsirlbed This system glvwj
so accurate and detailed rhe k on
every pernon and the state and county
li'ad'iuarlers will know Madly what
ri b pted and what Is being
The master map St Washington. fX
c. will Indicate the advance In ea k
't and the entire country.
Ef)HTsr)-l Pltdgt, r
Amerlra (lull win this war!
Therefor. I will work. I will
I till rlfi. I will nd'ir I will
f i heerfully, and to my utmol
. If ti wlioln OMt'Oine pf ih SlTUf
,,ie dip-ndd upon me alone.
Wi'l Cost You Touch Less if Ordered Now
I have just, put in a big stock of new
bought at a bargain and which will bo
Kissed along to my customers at equally
attractive prices.
These gonde were carried over from last
season by the wholesalers and by buying
heavily I was able to secure tht runt last
season's prices. This means a big sav
ing over present prices of this season's
new goods, while the quality of last
year's goods is away above this year's
The benefit I receive from this proposi
tion is that I am able to continue in busi
ness under war conditions the direct
saving goes to my customers.
Come In, Gentlemen, My Stock and Prices Will Please You
Louis Pearson,
i Buy a Liberty Bond
, And Have by Having Your
: Shoes Repaired at
j Bowers' Shoe Hospital
J Modern Machinery Methods
Main Street
I Have
Ul OK,
Line of Furniture
On hand. Will take in old on new furniture.
I nUo handle
And good Sci-ond-lland Machines in good order.
I also buy old iron, rugs mid junk. Old iru $10
i -r ton. Cull and st-o what 1 have.
G. W. VERDOT, Second-Hand Store
British Field
. ,, a
I " ''
r- - - -t
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I'hotx 'hoA cn-.v ul I'.nti-li I'mM i-un v -l.Ikh; up their
work in ; i 'it i t w a f"-A and tnun-a-l, ;itil;ik.'-oiH
.oMtmti iliirifg Ihk drive.
Heppner, Ore.
Now a New
Guns in Advance
I ft J '
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