HEPPNER HERALD S. A. PATTISON. Publisher. An Independent, Local Newspaper. Entered at the lieppner, Ormjon, Post Office as second-class matter. Terms of Subscription. One Year - - $1.50 Six Months - - 75 Three Months - - 50 FRIDAY. APRIL 6. 1918. THE THIRD LIBERTY LOAN The campaign for placing the , third Liberty Loan of 3,000, 000,000 will start tomorrow and Morrow county is called upon to subscribe for $142, 000 of that amount. Morrow county has done her part in previous patri otic drives and she will not be found wanting in this one. A thorough organization for this campaign has been worked out for the entire country and the more or less haphazard work of the first and second bond cam paigns will be avoided. Through the efforts of the MorrowiCounty Council of Defense a complete card index system, covering every resident of the county, has been compiled and will be placed in the hands of the bond solicitors so that the financial ability of every citizen to get behind the government in financing its part in the world conflict, as well as the amounts every individual has invested in former bond issues or contributed to the lied Cross and other war funds, will be known to the workers. Such a complete organization will greatly simplify the work of the committees dur ing the drive as well as prove of inestimable value in equalizing the financial burden the war has placed upon the country. Some people have already given and invested beyond their means, others have done nothing, l'.y consulting the cards placed in his hands the solicitor may save time by passing up the first class men tioned and centering his etl'orts on those of the second class. This system was not devised for the purpose of coercing peo ple who are willing to do their share, but rather to provide- the strongest argument possible for the solicitors to use on those who have not, so far. risen to the oc casion to the extent of a full real ization of their duty as citizens and patriots. Cards of three colors will be furnished the workers A blue card for those who do their full part in subscribing for bonds, a red card for those who do some thing, and a yellow card tor those who are financially able to invest but wlio absolutely refuse to do Hnything It is the belirf of the CECIL ITEMS Arthur Streeter left on the local for lieppner Monday. W. A. Thomas, who is on the sick list, left for Hertnistoo Tues day, where he intends to rest up for a few days. Mrs. Rossier and children, of FJiekleton, Wash., who have ben spending a few day9 with Mrs. Bennett at The Lust Camp, left Wednesday for Arlington. Uncle Joe Osborn visited Arl ington Wednesday to see the in come tax man. Paul Charles of lone returned home Wednesday. Mrs. Jack Davis arrived in Cecil Wednesday on her way to join her husband at Leon Logan's for the summer. C. A. Minor, wife and daugh ter, spent Wednesday in Cecil, leaving for lieppner on Thursday. Mrs. Ilardesty and Miss Wilk ins, of Morgan, were business callers in Cecil Thursday. Miss Hazel Winters was a Cecil visitor Friday. Charley Hynd and Bert Mo POLITICAL ANHOUHCEMEHTS!; ; Professional tolumn i For Sheriff j a I :-::: ;:::::-:u:::K'::teK::s::t:K:fm 1 hereby announce mysHi as a ; . Candidate for Sheriff of Morrow j county on the Republican ticket J at the coming primary election. Adv. WlLLARD H. Hekren. For County Commissioner I will be a candidate f o r County Commissioner at the coming election on the Ueuubli can ticket. Respectfully, G. A. Bleak man, Adv. Hardman, Oregon 1II. K. J. VAUGHAN DENTIST Permanently located in Oddfellow's QG3C 0 Building HEri'NER, OREGON S. E. NOTSON ATTORNEY.AT-LAW OFFICE IN ROBERTS BUILDING For County Clerk Notice is hereby given that I will be a candidate for the Re publican nomination for County Clerk of Morrow county, Oregon, at the primaries to be held May 17. 1918. Respectfully, Adv. J. A. Waters. HEPPNER, OREGON DR. N. E. WINNARD PHYSICIAN & SURGEON HEPPNER, OREGON For Sheriff I hereby announce myself as a candidate for Sheriff of Morrow DR. A. D. McMURDO . . . PHYSICIAN & SURGEON Telephone 122 Office Patterson Drug Store HEPPNER, OREGON at the primaries to be held on May 17, 1918. Adv. E. M. Shuut. r, win f TTUiah hn w. County, on the Republican ticket. v .,' : nin,K kw.q subject to the will of the voters for a day or so, left Friday with a bunjh of cattle for Ukiah. Mrs. Mack Smith and son Aus tin came down from HeDoner for the week end and took in the For Assessor dance Saturday evening. To the Democratic Voters: Charlfiv McDee and his son. L. 1 reby announce that I will Li. Mcliee, spent the week end be candidate for the office of visiunir Hiuunir their old friends County Assessor, subject to the ;., .i ,rwi rv,i m t t? decision of the Democratic 1'ri- Mcliee was on his way home ma to be held in May, 1918 a 1 T T 1 1 - from L'endleton. ft? ltdtirl r.ruri an1 Vi i 1 ran , Pt . , - r . ror County lreasurer left Saturday evening for Port- J T 1 1. . If.... . land to ioin Mr. Lotran. who has A nereoy announce niysen as a oeen spending the winter in Cal- candidate for the Republican nom ifuniia for the benefit of his inat'on fr County Treasurer for h(1.,i,v. Morrow county, Oregon, at the n p....i..j f n primaries to be held May 17, 1918, . . r. ;1 c ..i . j if Adv. T. J. Humphreys idaii tu utitu oatuiuaj aim icii DR. GUNSTER VETERINARIAN Licensed Graduate HEPPNER : : OREGON Phone 722 (Day or Night Watch paper for dates DR. J. G. TURNER Eye Specialist PORTLAND OREGON Regular monthly visits fo HEPPNER and IONE WOODSON & SWEEK ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW jflice in Palace Hotel. Heppner, Ore How About That War Garden You are Going to Plant? Early yet to plant but just the time to secure the seed. We handle four of the best. D. M. FERRY. & CO., Michigan NORTHRUP & KING, Minnesota C. G. MORSE & CO., California CHAS. H. LILLY, Oregon As some varieties are very scarce this year we advise early buying. SAM !. VAN VACTOR ITTORNEY-AT-LAW IIi:PrER, OREGON Sunday morning with four cars of cattle for E'ortland stockyards belonging to C. A. Minor. Mr. and Mrs. Jefferson visited with Mrs. Pettyjohn Sunday. For County Judge To the Republican Voters: I hereby announce that I will be a candidate for the otl'ce of LOUIS PEARSON TAILOR HEPPNER, OREGON ' Mlice phone Main 643 Residence phone Main 665 Phelps Grocery Co. Heppner, Oregon 0 30C 30C li 0 DC 3C ays U FRANCIS A' McMENAMIN LAWYER uteris Building, Heppner, Oregon Mr. Medlock and family, of uaty Juage 01 morrow voiin " I a . . r . i . i i i i I. Ilommer. camo down to take aucjeci to me decision 01 me chariie of the old Sullivan nlace of the Republican lVimary hlec for Mllis Minor way l, m. l nave lvsiuen r i aii., .,:oi in the county 32 years. My h.nu i" i n. a. u . iu v u t inn nun i , , , . Mil? I,. g- . . o J ECO VJCL LlClt UIIU I W J rs. VV eitha Combust Sunday. . ..... service us cuuiuy iuimiiimihh.'! Mr. and Mrs Herb Lverett . . . . . . visited at thfi Loon I.m'an runch ... ... .. , , , miliar witn tne needs ot tne 1 pnnntu T f nnminftt.'il ntiil t'liu-t- Mr. and Mrs. Hroady of Mor- ed i sHan pursue a proirressive Kim visited at the Duncan home policy, but shall carefully iiuar. Miiuiuy. airainst unnecessary exinndi- Mns Kaston. Hccompanied by Uurc8 in county atlairs miss iieorgui !-uiiiniers spent m T. (.'AMl'l'Kl.I Sundny with Mrs. Jack Hynd I'liu l.i.i! iinviliurv U'iuh I n ' 1 UiirAAVu ClnnL Cm tinvru Pnmm!nAi Hiank Mrs. Hroady of Morgan ""'IJ OlUbftf ocs nan) bUi.umij for her litiiiiition of f3 toward the I am re stockinu nur NuiM'i i Ki i t'ross with the very h.sl vai h t ie of ;i ROY V. WHITEIS liKAL ESTATE INSURANCE LOANS Heppner, Oregon ! There, will be a nicotine of the the tilTerent trees mid iuii inliers of (.Veil Auxiliary, lied desirable for cultivation committee, nowevei, mat not a r Hl Nlrs ,we- on Sttl0. better Miuii iiedt sinnle yellow card will be needed , ,IV tti,,.rM,on Ml ..'dock. Ad in Morrow county, whose people uilllll)..rs lir,. r, .uehU.,j ll(itei.d i' li.. i i 1 1 are, pram.-any io a man, o! uie , Ual(,r ,, , ltiJ d , type w no iiouir s.pia.e uu.ur at .,..,, ,, rort. Kne l0 fllfu, fvery matK in mo toad, now can p ain -1 am any American do otherwise with 100,000 or more American boys facine death in nniia l forms on the war-torn fields of France? quipped to supply needs til il 1 1 V" I tune want t ban any 1 1 in e l t In addition to our o n. I the StoCK of I hive t ho is i:, of the tinest iiui-i rv erown anywhere, a I, I,. vieorous. true to t ..nn Ki .wn in (ire'oii l o in i 1. lo I ll . Red Cross Report for March llalance March 1 Mlf.SfiT lit i l i r i s Iii-xinelon.mdsf ? jn.'.iii Hardman, suppt r I Basket ball name 1 .'. 7T Membership, j Xmas drive 1 12..0.IHI Basket Kocial, Lena . 7 "" Annuals (7) ti.00 A O II donation ".'.'.OO donation . .. .'.'ti l;;t'.71 TAIH t'l T Kxpenses.vouch- er . Mdne.for new inn room .V.ti.s7- t'JI.ol IIAl.AN' K Al'ltll. 1 General fund i:i'.'.l. J: Relief fund . ; I:n; !',S Mmc :V.V.i -Iv.tii.y7 Tlli week's lo'W this .ei Uii'iiu the Heppner llii.iul udan(aeoiislv tlim I am the only fellow Heppner School 100 Per Cent Rep'i-t of the Heppner school the Milton Mo. k fi of war activities, April 1, 1918. Number of Liberty Bonds owned by pupils 61 Value of Liberty Bonds owned by pupils . $;1750.00 Number of War Savings Certificates owned by t'"i'"-' Value of War Savings ( ertiticates owned by pupils 1592 9 Number of pupils owning Thrift Stamps.. w j .1S5 Value of Thrift Stamps ow ned by pupils . $254.25 Number of pupils who Ml t I: nurseiy n 1 1 u ii v have given an average of thrv hours per w eek to some homo industry in food production or preparation . . 171 The school is 100 jut cent Jun ior Red Cross and has made near ly OtHH) articles for the soldier. 11. 11 Hoffman, Superintendent. genuine Elm. C a mini tigs Nurei I or, Oregon. Interesting Reiics K 11 Cnivhiil. of 1 town Naturd.iy. Luihl- u,' number of im r ' i which were fiiruo t v t . i ly of his ton. the ! iL' .1 I mil. I' S N . wl ... i, -t . some three year uv.i u :, cr aoci'lent m ar Nui l i i J . V. ( r ivhul t. in t ; for severnl yeir and u ( l).mry in the ' i' I e ! V lv.S Luter he w ,s ,' the Mir( I' iml i t y y , an expert no e1, c r tt'. article li.nv ii , " ry Ins f ither is i u br c.tnnot, :i m,:. '; i , lil'lll, prejec'Ule. etc I- I II Notice of Sheriff's Sale ity virtue nf an execution and order of lale duly osued liy the Clerk of the Circuit Court ot the Siute of Oregon for the County of Morrow, dated Murch IM, ly IS. in a certain auit In the aaid Circuit Court for Haiti County of Morrow and State of On-iron, wherein francea F. Keailer. plaintiff. re .-overed judmnent aifainit Mary E. Hawley and R, W. llitwley, defendiinta, for the turn of Ave hun ln-l ti fly and no one-hundredtha dullara. with ln t. rest there.ni at the rate of 8 per cent per annum oavulile ftcmi-anmmlly. from the 24th day of Sep. k.'Milier, lull, and the further turn of forty-five (I iilurn Attorney's fee, and for coat and difburae- m taxed at eighteen and SD-UNl dollara. Nut it-eiH hereby Kiven that Iwill onSaturday. the Mh .Im of April. H'IK. at 2 o'clock in the after o. -n of mud day. at the front door of the Court ll.iuHe in Heppner. Morrow County. Oreiron. aellat .Hiolie aurtmn to the hiaheat bidder for caiih In lui'iit. the following d.ncnbed rtal property, to rt 't: lUvuiniiia: at the northeast corner of the ti. rthwent ituarter of the nurthweat quarter of won twetit -tie, townahip live nurth of range ihiii'I hi it i-Hal of the W illlamelte Meretlian. im h ot a eenieut ntouutnent aix tnrhee in dianie . e ..liteeM mt'hea tn anmnil. marked on top with s per nail, riin.iir.it thrtiee aouth no degree ai M) lliree tninutea eatit i hundred atxty and i. u- lint feet thenee aouth eighty-nine degree ..to three nnnutetiit. three hunilretlthirty feet , ire ri'.ith no degtwa twenty. three minute Li.t. i htiti.lrl sixty and iiv-tenth fmt. thenre ,..i'ti eirhtv-nine eVgreee forty-three minute k t, ll.tee hundred thirty fe't to the point of be. i i.'.i ii. Keer irg theref rem tine-half of a road lt (i t in a ..It h along the north and eat idee h. n on tie map of the Oregon Land and Wa il t . m.'mh a lot one. hloi'k twenty weet. aitua- i.l ,i M...row i-otmty. tn the htate of Oregon, and ..rtiti'io a lite a.-rea. more or leaa. AIM all of t, e.iiuitwnl nineteen, twenty, thirteen, four ,.n IM'.-tt ixte-n. eenteen and eighteen, tn .. if nu.ntit.l thirl, ime In trrgon. Mormw . ,-! Oregon. e.etirdmg to the yeeenled f lat r . i,-"f. All of the atH'Ve deeerill property he. ta .ul j.vt to the term ami condition of the or , ,1 .l.U h tlie tlregtgt Land and Water Com to the grantee. Taken and levied upon a i (.toi-erlv of the a-. defendanta or ao much :ti.ri.t ihrg nn ng with the emalieet dtvtton) aa .e ne.eary tt,atify Ih aatd Judtmenl tn I ,.r of n I p.a.nt rt and aga nl aid defendant i, Y,'ii.rulit.l etwta and diPuremeeu thai ii. .. at t ited or aiar av-crue. oKi wan n r.. I - hhenrt of al.rfntw Ceunly. Or The Unijed States Food Administration Say SAVE FATS We must save fats to feed our fighters. We must save fats to help our fighters fight. Every hog is as necessary to winning the war as a shell. Every pound of fat is as sure of service as a bullet Use fowl, tish, Vegetables, Vegetable Oils, Cheese Purely Vegetable Cotosuiet, Crisco. Olive Oil.Wesson Oil, Mazolo (made from Indian corn,) SAM. HUGHES COMPANYJ Notice for Publication Department of The Interior, U. S. Land Office at La Grande. Oregon. February 2d. 1918. Notice ia hereby given that Chaa. B. Eeiint, of lieppner Ore.. who, on Aug. 7th. 1914. made Homav tead Entry. No. 1)140:14. for NEH. and EH N WH Sec.23. Town.4-Scuth. Range 27-Eaat. Willamette Meridian, haa fliled notice of intention to make anal three year Proof, to eatabliih claim to the land above deacribed. before C. C. Patterson. U. 4. Cummisaioner. at Heppner, Oregon, on the 8th day of Aunl. 1U18. Claimant name aa witneaaea: Rubg Vala. Ralph W, Week and George Oixter. all of Heppner. Oregun, and W. W, Ewing. of Cecil. Oregun. C. a. Ul N.N. Kegnter. Registration of Land Title In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for the County of Morrow. Application No. 28, la the matter of the application of Edna Woolery Johneon. Audrey Woolery Dye and Valmaleta Wotilery to reg later title to the NWH of acc turn U In township I ataith. range 24 eaat of W. M., applicanta. ea. ' Ida M. Fletcher. Suaan A. Hughea, John E Brock. Kuby Dixon and John Fnuer, Franeea Frmaer and tlruce Fnuer, mltora, R. F. Fnuer and Helen V. Knaopenberg. alao all partlea or per. aon. known or unknown, claiming any right. title, lien or interact in or to the real ettate ; aUve described, and to all whom it may eon. 1 cern. defendanta. ! To the above named defendant: Tak notice, j That on the "ih day of March, lit, an application i aa filed by Mid Edna Woolery Johnaon. Audrey ' W.. krnr Dye and Velmaleta Woolery In the Cir cuit Court of the 8 lale of Oregon for Morrow . County for Initial registration of the till of the' land above deacribed. Now. unlee you appear in aaid court en or be- fore the 1Mb. day of Apnl. A. D. Ill I. and anew I rauee why u. h application ahall not bo granted, j the uim will be taken aa eonfeaaed. tad a decree ! w II he entered according to the prayer of the a- l.l ratiu.n. and you will be forever barred from de puting the aame. SiALI J. A. W ATERS. Clerk. t Oar M Anderson. Deputy. J.. J. St Attorney for Applicanta. Aidroat. Henrer Oregon. 4idl tt. .1ITNKY f-KUVIfl. t'ttll a j'tt'.ey fur m ct 1 train trip or mv ntlier nervier1, tiny or niuht I) tv I . a r M nn "'2. Night hoin M i n $"' I.et I'antwtdl. U WAN ll.U - Job to plow utn. ti.iT fil'n'W by thi'tu-rc. Will fur. ;ii tf itii ti d hftrin'sia. ha; witni .V i nr tl.rt'i' t't'."ltl I'li'W up , i, .t Ad J 11 Notice for Publication Department el tne Interior. U t. Land oAco at ta t.rande. Orssron. Mank Itk. I'll. VHi.-e 1 hereby g en that hertha B. H in tea forewrly Bertha H alter of Lena. OraM who. ue. Sue. It, 1(11 nta.le keeMetead entry Ne. OlttlS. !. .. . aec it, tp. I a. r. t. W. M.. tote I 2 I n.i "i neV eeW a eec . l la. r. W M . haa ft4 ftel.re of irteetlea U Bake ree-year Frwf to retabl sk ca.nl te the lard .e.e deecrttied. before C C. Fatteraoa. VniU4 a-atee t tenmte.eiee at k erDeo. at Heppner 1 tower, llttfinii. n. - " ut4M of May int. , t w ' n 4'.' IUtaUI I'lV.ce for Job I'nutuij; t ffHant naenea aa wttreeaea Jaeaea T. afar. gar Wate L inreeit, Artkur P. Hughea and ttri heaR 11 a. I ef Lea Ofsenev C. t- LLNN Keaj alar. Keep Clean Keep clean inside, as well as outside. Do not 8 allow food poisons to ac cumulate in your bowels. Headache, a sign ot self- potsoning, will point to numerous other troubles which are sure to follow. Keep yoursell well, as thousands of others do, by taking, when needed, a dose or two of the old, reliable, vegetable, fami ly liver medicine, ThedfonTs Black-Draught Mrs. Maggie Bledsoe, Osawatomie, Kan., says: "Black Draught cured me of constipation ot 15 years standing, which nothing had been able to help. I was also a slave to stomach trouble . . . Everything I ate would sour on my stomach. I used two packages ot black-Draught, and Otit, the blessed relief it has given me." Black Draught should be on your shelf. Get pack age today, price 25c. une i at. ZK ne cent a dose. AS DnggisU e B ii Fret Garden Seed Call at the Herald r ff.ee and secure a tupply of gtrden and flower seeds free. These seeds sre sent out by the Department of Agriculture for fre iMstribu tiou and tu.y be bad for lie ask irg at this t Sice.