Heppner herald. (Heppner, Or.) 1914-1924, March 29, 1918, Image 6

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IN a year it has become
famous; the man's cig
arette for the men who are
working over here, and
fighting over there.
The reason? Because
it's made of Burley pipe
tobacco and because
If your dealer doet not
carry thorn, send $1.20
for a carton of 1 2 pack
nuei to The American
Tobacco Co., N. Y.City
) Gunranteed by
Carl Smith and W. K. Corson
were in town from Lexington
Mr. and Mrs. Taylor and daugh
ter, Miss Jone, of Lexington.
were Heppner visitors Thurs-
G. W. Verdot is receiving o
stock of new furniture this week
which he says will be offered at
remarkably attractive prices.
Mr. and Mrs. M. D. Clark, who
spent last week in Portland on a
combined business and vacation
trip, returned Sunday evening.
Mrs Robert Matteson will give
a family dinner party tomorrow
in honor of her son Walter who
leaves Sunday for American
Lake training camp.
CLEAN UP. Now is the time
to clean up your rubbish. I will
haul it away for you when you
ire ready. See me or call Main
555. Lee Cantwell. 47tf
y .
Consult Dr. Turner
Alva Jones Writes From France
Franco, March !?, 11) IS.
Dear Folks:
Just Kt through shaving and
in a while. He is here at the
same place that I am, only in a
di Mere nt company. He seems to
lie netting along fine. There Is
of Portland, Ore.
At Palace Hotel, Heppner
Tuesday, April 2d 1918
In lone
Wednesday, April 3d, 1918
nave a little tune Deiore supper. ( another k'kI here from lone by
ho here goes. We are having a j tlH name of Maker; he went to
little winter weather nowadays; j cam,, iit.wi3 Ul0 same time I did
it snowed nearly all night l"t j And John Rourke, the first man
night hut the most of it has ni.'lt-1 th;il was ,j,.awn from Morrow
,,ir i, ..i.. n i,..u i if,, i ... . .
in tin Hi...... i i. .1.-. i 'it ii in j I'oMlllV it inni in Ihu UMm raim.
I pany with nu. 1 saw a fellow
I lie other dav that used to eo to
nice all day, lut 1 have heen
asleep mos of the dav; am work
ing at night for about a week,
then I change to the day time
There is nothing new here. I
guess you know how the war is
progressing; you likely get more
news than we do. I got a letter
from Henry Peterson the other
day. He is getting along tine
with the exception of a cold 1
have'nt even had a cold while
here; had a pretty had one w hen
1 first landed hut it w as soon gone
and have been feeling line since.
We have boots to wi ar w hen it is
wet, so there is no need of hav
ing wet feet.
1 see Frank Oohle everv once
school in Heppner. His name is
F.llis and his dad worked on the
Hamilton ranch for Art Minor.
Then there is a fellow in this
company that used to cook for
Nu k (iro.-hens back of the saloon
se eral years ago.
1 guess 1 had better quit and
go to supper. They feed over
HOD at our kitchen now, and if a
fellow don't get there pretty ear
ly he has to wait in line quite
aw hile.
So tell everyone hello for me
and that 1 am tine and dandy.
As ever, your son,
All the World of Womankind
Now Studies the Styles of Spring
In the selection of the New Spring Dress
First comes the choice, of course, of cor-
yf sets, for the corset is the very base and
V foundation of stvle in eowns. and FIRST
among corsets one naturall thinks of
Royal Worcester and Bon Ton
1,25, $1.50. $1.75, $2, $2.50, S3 to $7.
They have the quality inbuilt by years
t : ,j j.1 ii
ui tJApei ieiice anu uiey noutuiy excel! in
matters of support and flexibility feat
ures given unusual prominence this sea
son of 1918. Beneath the enhancement
of their graceful lines and rich fabrics
r i Yr 1 exis';s '-ne utmost efficiency.
UN lUN Starting rieht with this correctness in
f-'f&FRONT LACE c'setry, the success of your outer attire
is assured.
The Saetvtary of the Treasury
announces that the Third Liberty
Loan w ill be for
Ponds will bear four and one
quarter percent interest, and be
'., dne for subset iptions to
this t io ei nine! t Loan ill com
merce A pi ii tUh.
Ib lp Morrow i' ni'ity to I'll her
With our P.iyt oi the Firing Line
in 1'iai ee we cannot bo Slacker.
0. II. Hayes returned Tuesday
from an extended auto trip thro
the Umatilla and Palouse coun
tries. He reports the wheat look
ing tine in the sections visited.
A herd of about 800 cattle be
longing to Stanfleld Bros, went
thru town yesterday, being tak
en to the Stanfield ranch on Rhea
creek and to the mountain turn
mer range.
Mrs. Robert Hart is in the
hospital this week where she un
wenta serious opeiation Monday
She is under Dr. McMurdo's
care and is reported to be recov
ering rapid ly.
Mrs. J. F. McMillan, of Lex
ington, was in Heppner Saturday
and while in town made the Her
ald office a pleasant call and had
her name added to the Lexington
list of subscribers.
The lad'es of St. Patrick's par
ish will hold a food sale at Hart's
confectionery tomorrow (Sat nr.
day). A large assortment of
choice food will be on sale. A
good place to buy your dinner.
WANTF.l) Job to plow sum
mer fallow by the acre. Will fur.
nish team and harness, hat wont
two or three bottom plow sup.
plied. Ad. J. II. Power, Hamilton.
Oregon. 17 4i
A social dance will be given at
the home of Harney Ward, nine
miles south of Heppner, Sat tuday
evening. April 0. Prof. Otto s or
chestrtt will furnisn the injsie
AH the ladies are requested to
bring basket for a busket sup
Mrs. Phill Colin and little
daughter F.linore, have returned
from San Francisco where they
spent a month visiting her son
son Harold who is In the navy.
He will leave, noun for Harvard to
complete hi trdning for the
Uadio service.
Dr. (!eo. H. Van Waters will
conduct Faster services in the
Fpiscopal church next Sunday
morning to which the public, and
especially all member .f u,,.
Fpiscopal church througl
Welwortti Blouse
Go where you will throughout the United States you will find thrifty women 'wearing these
popular Waists. Not only are these waists popular locally, they're popular nationally be
cause women recognize in them values that are greatly superior to others at the same price.
See the new Wirthmore and Welworth Models on Sale now
Minor & Company
Church Notices
Catholic Church Services.
Sunday. Man h 10.
First Mass, 8:00 a. m.
Second Mass, 10::0 a. m.
Christian Doeriue ILIlHa. in.
Evening Devotion, 7:1)0 p. m.
Kuv. P. J. O'Kourke
The Federated Church
Sunday School and Church will
combine for an Faster service
next Sunday morning at 1: 1 T n.
in. Please note t hat t his is one.
half hour later than the Sunday
School tisu ill v b 'L'ins.
Christian Fndoivor (V.'IO.
Topic 'The Forty Pavs after
Faster." L"iider, Charlotte Win-
Junior Fndcavor leader, Ch irles
Faster service 7;o'p in
11. A. Noyes, Pastor.
Christian Science.
Christian Science services are
held every Sunday at 11a m.,
Wednesday at :W p. m, in
the Methcdi.-t chunh South, on
Chase street. All interested are
invited to attend these services.
1 Have Now a New
Line of Furniture
On hand. Will take in old on new furniture.
I also handle
And good Second-Hand Machines in good order.
I also buy old iron, rags and junk. Old Iron f 10
'T ton. Call and see what I have,
G. W. VERDOT, Second-Hand Store
Much Clotting for Belgians
Morrow county was called upon
to supply one ton of clothing.
shoes, etc., for the Helgiar.s, and
true to her past record almost,
doubled that anion:. t Heppner j
and vicinity shipped out 'J"1D
tKitinds and lone si !.t more tha-i
ut the w-.ul - Ij t I ...i.
j - ,-ir niuiii id i"ii ii iri I'll -
, county are invited. The new ,.r .H,lt, rlVl. rot v ,,t u.,n,i
I'he supplies were a!! in p""l
I vestment have been received
I "d will be used on tin occ imoii.
.mil the tervice w ill be of par.
j tu ulic interest. Li the ( i impj:
special ciiiui reii nervu-.' will
be given by the children i f the
SiimUy cbiol. which promises
o te of hih order of merit.
I lie public i invited to tin se er.
i ice
condition and wiil vrive much
service to thoe wlm receive tin in
For S3!e
One l-.venr.' 1 1 I ikb kr:nl- D ir. ,
h im Pul!. C ,u I e i-n nt the
VtcUoberls" lulll ill II ppner
Will be s d at . I .ir. i n if lurii .
ion. D, .It i v ". j
Ilor!d Oftico for Jub l'nutiiij; 1 laf lb 1 1 n, r. i re. ;
Armies of Service
are fichtinu here at home. Join the
ranks of Keal Patriots! SAVE and
buy War Savings Stamps. LEND
to the Government. Your safe and
profitable investment will feed.clothe
and eipiip our KED YOUNG blood.
For a ration's honor and Universal
Freedom our heroes are pledging
their ALL Neccnity cries that YOU
pled ire YOL'IiS! Procure War Sav
inirs Stamps at this Institution.
mi rrsiH,