Heppner herald. (Heppner, Or.) 1914-1924, March 29, 1918, Image 5

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    Here's Your Bargain
Five. room house with bath, pantry
clospis, cellar. Five and one-half
lots all in cultivation, Good gar
den under ditch water. Barn for
four tiorses, chicken house and
park. Electric lights in house and
barn. Close in to business section
of Heppner; tine view, away from
the dust.
This desirable home at a big bar
gain if sold at once. For price,
terms, etc., inquire at the
Heppner, Oregon
People's Cash Market
All Kinds ot Fresh and bait Meats
Poultry and Lard Phone Main 73
To The
erican People
There is no foundation for the alleged
violations of law attributed to our Com
pany by agents of the Federal Trade
Commission and I want to say emphatic
ally that Swift & Company is not a party to
any conspiracy to defraud the Govern
ment. Nor has Swift & Company been
guilty of improperly storing foods or of
making false entries or reports.
Conferences of packers, where prices
have been discussed, have been held at
the urgent request and in the presence
of representatives of either the Food
Administration or the Council of National
Defense. And yet the packers have been
accused of committing a felony by acting
in collusion on Government bids I
We have done our best, with other
packers, large and small, to comply with
the directions of the United States Food
Administration in all particulars, including
the furnishing of food supplies for the U. S.
Army and Navy and the Allies, now be
ing handled through the Food Adminis
tration. We will continue to do our utmoit, un
der Government direction, to increase our
production and assist the Food Adminis
tration. We consider that the opportunity
to co-operate whole-heartedly and to our
fullest powers with this branch of the
Government is our plain.and most press
ing duty.
The Trade Commission Attorney has,
by false inference and misplaced empha
sis, given to disconnected portions of the
correspondence taken from our private
files and read into the Record, a false and
sinister meaning with the plain purpose
of creating antagonistic public opinion.
The services of the packers of the
United States are most urgently needed,
and I regret exceedingly that we should at
this time have to spend our efforts in
defending ourselves against unfounded,
unproved, and unfair assertions such as
are being daily made public.
dl.T ofui'fir. President
Swift & Company, U.S. A.
W. G, Palmateer was an lone
visitor Saturday.
Roy Whitis arid party were Ce
cil visitors Thursday.
W. A- Thomas was in lone
Thursday on business.
A- E. Nash and wife spent Sun
day with Herb Everett and wife.
John Nash and wife were busi
ness caliers in Arlington Satur
day. Mr. and Mrs. Henriksen were
in Heppner and Morgan on Friday-Mr.
and Mrs. Pettyjohn visited
with Mr. and Mrs. Jefferson Sun
Ed Melton, who is working in
lone, spent Sunday with friends
in Cecil.
Herb Hynd left on the local for
Heppner after spending the week
end at home-
Mr. Alf Troedson was a busi
ness caller in Cecil on Wednesday.
Mrs. Oney was a passenger on
the local for Heppner Thursday
R. D. Watkins left The Last
Camp Friday for a few days in
Paul Charles of lone is making
short work of the squirrels around
Cecil this week.
Mr. Hardesty and Earl Cronk
of lone were in Cecil Sunday do
ing a little business.
Frank Howell was called to
Hardman Thursday, his sister,
Mrs. Smith, being very sick.
Jim Whitney and Jim O'Con-
ner returned to Cecil Monday
after a brief stay in Heppner.
A- C Minor left in his auto
Friday for Heppner after attend
ing to the loading of his sheep.
A Henriksen and wife spent
Sunday evening with Mr. and
Mrs. Jack Hynd on the Butterby
Willie O'Rouke made a hurried
departure from Cecil Wednesday.
He had not time to light his cigarette.
F. R. Brown, the county agri
cultural agent of Heppner, was
visiting in and around Cecil last
Mr. Forbes, who is doing disc
ing for Messrs Baker and Norris,
was in Cecil Thursday last on
A. C. Minn- has shipped to liis
ranch above Heppner six carloads
of ewes and lambs from his Ce
cil ranch. They were all in fine
Marion Vanschioek ami
on, who have been spending the
last few days with Mrs. Bennett
at The Last Camp returned to
Arlington Tuesday.
Cecil auxiliary. K- ('iws.h.ld
a meeting at Mrs Ln.ve's Satur
day afternoon, when there was a
iriod turnout of the member- aiid
a good afternoons work was
d me.
J. II. franklin left for Yn.llc.
ton Sunday after sin ndii,;' the
pa-t week on the Pntterbv Flat
Red Cross Lecture Interesting
Prof. Albert Powers,, of ihe
University of Oregon, gave an in
teresting and instructive lecture
on the lied Cross in the Federa
ted church lust Sunday evening
to a large and appreciative audi
auce. The lectur? was illustra
ted with about 75 stereopticon
slides, many of which were re
productions of actual photographs
"f battle sceues aud Red Cross
relief work in France and Bel
gium. The speaker took up briefly
the history of war relief from
tiu; tiaie of Florence Nightingale,
who organized a hospital service
for the English army iD the Cri
mean war and by her work of
mercy reduced the - mortality
among the wounded from 70 per
cent to only 6 or 7 per cent with
in a comparatively short time
Pictures and a brief sketch of
Clara Barton, who organized and
was the first president of the
American Red Cross, were also
Perhaps the most touching
pictures shown were those of the
little Belgian children who were
made orphans and rendered
homeless by the ruthlessness of
the Huns when they invaded
and destroyed that garden spot
of Europe. More than 25,000 of
these little victims of hate and
In-rror are now being cared for
by the American Red Cross.
Following the lecture Prof.
Powers, who is now engaged in
field work for the northwest di
vision of the Red Cross, which
includes Oregon, Washington and
Idaho, met with the executive
committee of the Morrow County
Chapter when an informal dis
cussion of the work of this chap
ter was bad. Prof. Powers had
only words of praise for the
magnitude of the work already
accomplished by this chapter as
well as for the thoroughness
with which it had been carried
on. lie also made a number of
helpful suggestions about the
work and stated that a number
of changes in methods for carry
ing on the work are now being
worked out aud will be announ
ced soon. These new methods,
it is believed, will simplify and
systematize the organization,
(hereby adding to its efliciency
in accomplishing the great work
which still lies before it.
Parent-Teachers Meeting
Not many parents attended the
pit rtut teacher meeting at the
srlii.nl bouse last Saturday but
i ho session was an interesting
Hid. County Agent Brown and
Prof. O'Reilly, of the Oregon Ag
ncultur.il College, were the pnn
cp.il speakers hIoih the hue of
Mcbool clubs, conservation and
oilier mutters pertaining to the
condition brought about by the
Mir. Mrs Lena Knell Sliurte,
enmity m IiooI ciiperiuleiident,
wis also active in the work of the
imetiiig. Piof Huff in Mil. who h
hi Hit; progiani fur an address,
.a out of tow n, mid his lime
w.i tilled in by Mrs. Bums, who
lend an interesting iind instruct
1 High-Class Stallions
j and Mares
; We are prepared to furnish to the stockmen of
t Morrow county the very highest class of Regis-
J tered animals in Percherons, Belgians, English
2 Shires, Hackueys and Coaches.
: Registered Kentucky Jacks a Specialty
We can sell this stork to responsible-parties, when
desired, on easy payments with no cash down and
at eight per cent interest.
Carl Smith, General Agent for Eastern Oregon
Headquarters at Palace Hotel
J Stock quartered at Stewart's Livery Barn
ft. ai. .Morgan and Mm. Ilnn-iive paper on 'The Teaeher in
n ih Abalt and hhi vi-i'. d v jth i the L'oiiiiiiuiiiiv." Mr Khun..
Mrs. linyd Logan and Mrs .1. J.
Allyn Sunday..
The Cecil auxiliary of the lone
Red Cross wish to thank the fob
lowing for gifts of clothing to the
Helgtan refueee.-,; Mrs. peter
Nash, Mrs. P.ennett, Mis- E.n
ton, Mr. and Mm. A. C. ,Wh.
Alf Troedson, Pete Pan. ml'iend,
Mr. and Mrs. I. II. I.o.m-.
Register! Register!
Regist M' inn I ml, i wi l i Inn.
April 17 arid w:l le.t re. . n no
til afl-ir the prifi,m h .. P.-i s..n.
Wil l HIP lio l reyistef i I should
rfctneuibertlii.id.it" m,.i . t ,ir.
Uu gave a shun but interesting
Ullt Mini Mis Thielo opened mi
ititcrcNtinu discussion, on 'The
Report Curd." Several excellent
musical number were also giv
War Cook Books; Knitting Books
All persons interested in war
knitting or in new mid pulutiible
nr dishes are advised to nd.
die. t,) Port hind I li egniiiiin
lnf..riiialioii liiirettn, Frederick
I lliskin. director, Washington.
I' (. F.lictosf! it 11 rent stumo
. - .
j for either of the books or 0 cents
1 for both
for Sale
Three. f.n,,, ir.tdeV(i hcn.n
Ullion, 1 1. lor dirk hr.. w r. i. i ly
Mark Weifhi IT -i .....n..
Iti'l'iir' of Andrew R.,...l, l. j.
ul;Oie pif
For Sals
Oni. 1.yer.o highgriidn Jur.
lilt ll Bull, ("all b seen Hi the
MrRut,erts' tmii in Heppner.
Will be hold hi a hargnin if taken
ooii J), O Jit it n,
"tf Ik'j 'pntr, Ore.
Home Products for Home People
We Mauufacture
General Storage and Forwarding
Heppner Farmers Elevator Co.
McA'FEE & AIKEN, Props.
Gilliam & Bisbee
A RE prepared to furnish the Farmers and Stock
Growers with all kinds of Machinery and Ex
tras for their 11)18 requirements.
Extras tire troinjr to be hard to jret and we
would advise the Roin;r over of all machinery
NOW and ordering the Extras, and have all ma
chinery adjusted and ready for use when the time
comes to use it. Take our word for it, if you
wait until the Extras are no .'ed you may not be
able to jM them and there will be no time to
waste in 1'JlH.
Gilliam & Bisbee
"We I lave it, Will G I it or it h Not Ma le"
Courteous ami Kfficient Service by
Courteous and Competent Workmen
Accessories, Supplies, Kxpert Vulcaniers
Cuaranteed 'l ire Service
For Sal
Fifty () l.e.jl wrk
mules. Twenty. tiv C") bend
tine. tu limns, If you heed
Hiiy stock in this line it will pity
you di iliepee.1 II, es i iiliiimils
.i V I Jul 1.1,
I'tf lleppimr, Ore.
IblX lillie Ulbln.li Stud. l ol.
f.ix. Vnsh.iitti l olly bend of
''Ijd.-s bile. Shire. IVrcberon
tnd lielifNii sihIIu.iis fur hI
Pllees .t .-fy e.iiii petition.
I.diend t i ins Adlrc Colfax
inn.. IMihon Stud. t'.,!f.ix. Wash
ii.Ktoii 4 M 7