1 'A . V. ' ' S. A. PATTISON. Publishfr. An Independent, Local paper. Xcu:. Entered at the Ileppim; (jrcjon, Post Office as seamd-claxs matter. Terms of Stdiscrtptiov. One Year - - $1.50 Six Months - - 75 Three Months - - CO FRIDAY. MARCH i't), 1918. THE GERMAN OFFENSIVE The long heralded and much discussed spring drive of the Germans against the allies on the western front is on and most military authorities are of the o.jinion that the crucial period pi the world war lias arrived. The ollapse of Russia as a present factor in the lighting forces of the entente powers has given the Germans an opportunity ol rmhilizing their eastern armies' oi the western front, thus s rengUiening their forces to a pint where they were willing to m ike the supreme ell'ortto break through the allied lines and sweep on to I'aris. As this is written t le result seems to he rather in d uht, altho latest reports indi cate that the l'.ritish line is hold ing in the second line of defenses to which they retired in good or der after having met the massed attack of Germans with a resist a nee which inflicted terrible slaughter on the enemy, llaig's plan of defense seems to have included this retirement into the second line of trenches, his ob ject being to allow ihe -Huns to wear themselves out on continu ous attacks in the open while the British remain, to a great extent, within the protection of their trenches. No matter what the result of the present situation there can lie but one final outcome of the gi gantic struggle. Right will ulti mately triumph; autocracy will he overthrown, and the t i:d i , t of a just ami righteous democ cy will be unfurled among all the peoples of the earth. American soldiers in France are doiie; their pai t in a way thai will make the In art of every true Aiporican ot every champion ol true democracy swell withpridi and the American people at hoim a o rapidly awakening to the nt -c ssity of evt ry man and woman doing tin ir bit in helping alone t le cause of world democracy. War in il :elf is a horror, an un holy thn-g, but tin re are oihei things in (bis malei ial w o. Id 1 1 at a e worse, and it is an aion among right thinking nn n am: women that ol two evils we aie III ways to choose the leaM. A mer ica, in entering the war, inane that choice ilelil.eraielv and tiea: 1..', and iht re w ill be no i urnii g backward until the object h, ,s been aehic i d tun il the milium spirit of autocracy throiignei.t the world has been completed weeded out and t he prircipli s ot justice and ric.hli ousne-s hat been tirniry estahh.-l.t d among all the nations of the . ai ih. Ii. A. ST.WI II !.!, MtH'A'. MAX Uiuler the cap! it" , 'Tat riot or l'lot'ileer," tin lal.M iiiunlu-r of the Oregon Voter print s ihe fol lowing: "Is Rol i t N. Si : tun 1.1 a rich prohUt-r trn.g pi fuy I :s a into the I'l lit ti Stall's St ! .I'e'.' This t ic-liot, i-: raj,-.! d i". tl. tni itls of many - . p f ;n a it Mia of tne pi iaii t .t cu'at ;o'i of a t pew fit t . II In t t liKli.iv.g the lla as.-eriiti i ;l. i', he i- a pi oii te 'f. I he I'.f ! i b. ing ci fii'.i tc I rem t'y b MNai Mippoit cr in lolati't'i oi the i.tn upt Itrai'litv ac', wi th. Senator Mc Nary, w I. en on ihe tht tun mi promo bench, hi bed ;o uphold I'lithiubtod!) Son. .lor McNary i iKiioru' I of tl.i.i un.U rhan.lotl.la a . breiikii g nn th 1 1 of poi-oinu y the publit' in.ii I ,H ..llit Ins op Hinciit Ni'vcrthe'u'.-s, the ipus- HEPPNER HERALD lion raised is one that should be answered." Continuing, the article, which is too lengthy for our space, points out some of the things Mr. Stan- tield has done for the sheep and wool industry of Oregon, which are of interest to every stockman in the state. Mr- Stanfield's father was en gaged in the cattle business in Umatilla county and failed in that business because of adverse mar ket conditions. At his death young Robert, who was but a boy, was compelled to leave school to become the bread-winner for the family. He held on to the few cattle remaining from his father's herd and also engag ed in the sheep business in a small way, and at a time when the sheep and wool business had reached their lowest ebb- He soon realized that the only chance for success in the stock business in Oregon rested on improved marketing conditions At that ume no Oregon mutton sheep were marketed in the Mississippi valley and Oregon wool was sold at no primary market. Even at that tender age "Rob" Stanfield possessed business ability away above the average and he at once began to apply that ability to seeking a solution for the stock man's problem. Once having- grasped the problem Mr. Stan lield soon conceived the remedy ami he lost no time in applying it He went to Chicago and studied the marketing of lamb and mutton and soon decided that Oregon lamb on that market would be a winner. He was the first man to ship a train load of Oregon lambs to the Chicago market as he was also the pio neer in improved breeding which resulted in the present strain of Oregon sheep which combine to such a marked degree the quali ties of both wool and mutton. Because of his activities along these lines practically all Oregon mutton is now marketed as lamb resulting in reduced cost of pro duction and practically ' doubling returns in money value to the grower- In building up better market - ma methods for the wool crop he lias also been an active leader ail h the result that Oregon grow - rs are no longer buffeted from pidar to post, by.a combination of Olivers who lixed prices to suit ih. -nisei ves and bluffed and bull. - growers into accepting tlll'lll. Mr. Stanliehl has tis.i oeeu a it-aticr ill oslaltli.-ihiiig woolgrow .'i's' warehouses and in urging tlit' establishment of wool scour oig and wirolt ii nianufactui ing plants in Oregon. Eastern Oregon voters will not I)' intlueuci'd by such attacks from the supporter.-', of an oppon ent as that tpiotetl above for they know "Koh" Slanlit .... it intimately a itl they know that he possesses Uli soi l ol ability Oregon i netls l I the I S. .Senate V The products of the stockmen .ire recognized as (if first import-ii-ce in fettling our armies in itopo who are lighting the bat tle for world democracy and it is n it richt that this important in tl istry sl.oulti bo the only one Without compt tent representa tion cither in congross or in any .ii the gove. i.meiit depart r.u nts at Va-hi,,glon Hie industry a tils Mu i'i p i'i si ntatiou and .Mr. Staiilieltl lias long Miice tpial i!i tl a., an cspert stoeKinan His iH'Uht'oi?. and as,ii'itc boar a it lit - s to that a- well as to the .aot that Ins buiint ihaiiiies aavo ft t n en the level anil his ..i t id ; to Ii.- i ouimui.ily and ale Lav c I-, on marked bv abiiit v t'.d t lii. ;i ih v. M. C. SitAeley !o.i3.d Mai tin l! I'.l.iU U y returt'ed tin . .r-i!.iV Item I'i I,. I, win re he ill i" tit .1 1 he t 'i nt i ;ii OrcgiihW ool IroAi i 's A-..-oi iti.i!i eel vei.tio!). dr. r.i.tkiieV Wits cliitid pM so- it ul of the it gai.l.atioii at this ime. and 1 1 1 ot It a tine conv en ion ai tl a rot al cooi time at tl f ii-l.il g t itv on the IK H'hutoS t'oiidon linns. POLITICAL For Sheriff I hereby announce myself as b Candidate for Sheriff of Morrow county on the Republican ticket at the coming primary election. Adv. Willard H. Herren. For County Commissioner I will be a candidate for County Commissioner at the corning election on the Reoubli can ticket Respectfully, G- A. Bleakman, Adv- Hardman, Oregon For County Clerk Notice is hereby given that I will be a candidate for the Re publican nomination for County Clerk of Morrow county, Oregon, at the primaries to be held May 17. 1918. Respectfully, Adv. J. A- Waters. For Sheriff I hereby announce myself as a candidate for Sheriff of Morrow County, on the Republican ticket, subject to the will of the voters at the primaries to be held on May 17, 1918. Adv. E. M. Shuut. For Assessor To the Democratic Voters: I hereby announce that I will be a candidate for the office of County Assessor, subject to the decision of the Democratic Pri mary to be held in May, 1918. Adv. J. J. Wells. For County Treasurer 1 hereby announce myself as a ! candidate for the Republican nom ination for County Treasurer for Morrow county, Oregon, at the primaries to be held May 17, 1918. Adv. T. J. Humphreys For County Judge To the Republican Voters: I hereby announce tllSt I will he a candidate for the ofl'ce of 1 Coudty Judge of Morrow Coun ty, subject to the decision of the j ()f the Republican Primary Elec-1 , tt)U May 17, 1918. I have resided ! ! j the county o2 years. My long i , residence here and two years' j service as county commissioner : have enabled me to become fa- nijjar with the needs Of the county. It nominated and elect- t., 1 shall pursue a progressive lltlilV tulf tlmll n'l re fi 1 11 V irllMl'.l ,.v,,v,,, ...v....... v..,......, against, unnecessary expendi tures in county affairs. Adv. VYm T. Camimu-i.i.. Nursery Stock? See Harry Cummings I am re stocking our Ninserirs vt'ltli tli.t t'urn li.j.1 I'.i fi.it i.tu . .f II 1 : (, liiTerenl trees ami o'ants :.i..ir..i.i.. f..r ,.,.ni.-..i,,.n I .''.' . mil ttell.ir rouii.ped In Klipplv Vour neetls ill any thing you may want than any time before. In nihil! ion to our own. I have I lie stocK of I hreo ihous itul acres of tlo tinost nurse gootU grow n any vv here, all healthy, vigoiou-. true to naine inid nil gr twii in Oregon Yoti cull gel lln Milton Stork from tin- more ailiiii!igeoiily thin olM-ivliero I ,,m the yi'tiiuiu- only ft How ti nt l as nursery grown (rk i : i ti. I'liiiiinings Nurseric, lleppn. or. On e, .ii l"if lr. .1 W, Steveim , m i,.. liiriii-.l to her honie iif.ir ll.ir.l. ii.iiii afier p. inline h otn it.it. nig frii ti U in II. i city. .1 W Morrow, a f..ttiier olo known mi I populir n xiileiit of llepplter w.ii lu re a il iy i r U i .iutiiig lh weeii on liu-.ini". wl.ih' liictib iil.i',!)' eiij 'Viiis; ;i it W ill) l.l- le'il i ( old f I Ii'ti.U anil ujoei;ji n m tl,i .. miy Mr Morr. vv ih now c.iii.oi'ieil w uli tlio la ilep iri lionl if tl,,. W, U .v. N. I'n lb i n pio. n.ier of t ton 'ci ton, I . c uni v i iv n tu t u luiuied in tn tn r i f , '" fattier who : ii.o if it uathcMt bu.Uic ujcu jx::: 1 Professional Column I - fc. ..."-..''-..'l..'"..r..'t..'-.fc.r-..'-,ii...',.S DR. K. J. VAUGHAN DENTIST Permanently ilEPPNER, located in Oddfellow's Building OREGON E. NOTSON ATTORNEY-AT-L A W OFFICE IN ROBERTS BUILDING HEPPNER, OREGON DR. N. E. WINNARD PHYSICIAN & SURGEON HEPPNER, OREGON DR. A. D. McMURDO . . . PHYSICIAN & SURGEON Telephone 122 Office Patterson Drug Store HEPPNER, OREGON DR. GUNSTER VETERINARIAN Licensed Graduate HEPPNER : : OREGON Phone 722 (Day or Night Watch paper for dates DR. J. G. TURNER Eye Specialist PORTLAND ...... OREGON Regular monthly visits lo HEPPNER and I0NE WOODSON & SWEEK ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW Office in Palace Hotel. Heppner, Ore SAM i ',. VAN VACTOR VTTORNEY-AT-LAW OREGON LOUIS PEARSON " TAILOR HEPPNER, OREGON Office phone Main 643 Residence phone Main 663 FRANCIS AT McMENAMIN LAWYER Roberts Building. Kcppner. Oregon ROY V. WH1TEIS REAL ESTATE--INSURANCE LOANS lli'ppner. Oregon nonce oi .nneriii s oaie by ti,,.ci,-rkof n,.: cmU,t c,.,irt t the H"1''"'"' ,u"un" "-J Court for m..,! County of Morrow ur.l Suite of Ori-iron. wli.r.'in l-'riinreB l krtrtW-r. pli-ntitT. re ............I . l- ti .. i ii w. iinwi.y, .i.f.-n.i.nH. r..rtin-M,nt t i lniil- , t(.r,.s, ,h,.,., , ,hl. r,,, f ! HT vnt per 14'. nt. Ml h;i!i1. nt nii-ui!iiii;.lly. limn ih-' L'lth ilny uf . p t.'m.iT. I;! I. uii.l tin- turti.r nimnf f..ovti,. il.'lliim Htt..iM' ' I.-.-.I. i.ii.l l .r i-..st. nr.il .l.simrM' nii'til.i li.,l nt I' k'iit. t n in .1 '.ii-Ii. ( l,.r. Niitir..li.'H'l.v wivt'ii ttuit I ill ..nS.,1 hi lus .tlu' -."th iliin.t April. l!M. ut 2 i.'. Uh W in Hi., ufi. r. 11 t Hlicl !:.v. ut tin- I ri. ut ii.r i.I I in- t i.nrt .in, in II. .jm..r. Mnri'i.w t'.Hiniv tii. K'..n m llul liul'lic iiiii-t...n t.. til.' ti i h.l li. l.l.-i t.T .-ii-ii in hmi. t. tin-f..lli.w m .i. -. r.iM.I r. ill n.j.. t i. i... it: H.'itii.niiiir in tin- in. oh. ;nt r..rii.'i ..f tti.' n..rthwi-it niiiittfr t.f Iri- (...rthwit iiuiiii.t i.f ".ti..n t.ni t,v,. t,,.i, ,. iiwn,.iih ..t n.n..- '",-' "f ""' "'' " m. .,. , , , vi lii. h in a t'l-in M.t iiioiuiin. ''. " " 1 nun k, . !..), w alt r.' i."i ! h n.i tt.-u n i .-ppir imii. nn I w thn-f niHn i I, ' full -UtT-" tiiihi.to, . t t tl i-ii.i' tioiili nc ji't- I WfHT. ! llUI rt'fl !.: north v -tfhiv -n.r r it i-1 - .-t ii, m in, i I I., it,.- ...nt ( I- li.i.t.lhi: K r Os.t lp in I ll f -t 'M w : ) th t rf thf f Iipmd on i) rti.u mI l !. Ort . Irr rninpfi. m l I n ,v I l lt 1 1 (I in M . rr. tvind . m ih. f1h!'lU'kI H. f.- ItVll- i f )( rmtilt'ril it. i-tiHM i -) lit I llftt"! lHt.1'11 '.'I,U'-t MiihIh-icI lti,r "., n i-oii-.ty, Hn !.. et- "ii tn t th r-..f. Ail ( ;h- niivi' ..-, it d u(')t l to tlfr ti"t'i nt- 1 I ii" .I In I M -in i. I I ' ,t I r.. . -t, u ." i" O" "' '' t mi n a r in i, h .!,.r a. . in ,. will m li-lt-i..Uii ' .-"1. tl -,t it.- i'i lb. , ttu-rv I lUitt ih t ti ri' Iwln rmiil In M f.r -r :.itl i i 1 f! I. -, t i.r .ma ---i' tti,- t .-i -i ir ac f . I -i .i V 111 .- Vf Or. i-l i i , r 1 1 1 t . d i leu. r M ill ty (i.iti I i ki.ii II it r , win I. Ill l!.e I' N I IV V, MJ 1 g l.'.'lt I i' i H ire' lit.i; u - ! g !; I . 'i'l... ,-' r .! !:! II al l II it t y ! ( orf I h tl If r i . i i . t 'ie 1 1. t . ,! I ij'i-'e fi' i' tr y nn, I ri v t i O i..lt In W , i i M i' I., d I..-1 . ill I oi; sai.i: ;. i,i... r.i-t pr. , K.'k'' fer '! ' g I ( nr.. i ( Mi i; iv Am. i. . i:. 1 1.' ii. p. mr, Urikuii. ITail How About That War Garden You are Going to Plant? Early yet to plant but just the time to secure the seed. We handle four of the best. D. M. FERRY & CO., Michigan NORTHROP & KING, Minnesota G. C. MORSE & GO, California CHAS. H. LILLY, Oregon As some varieties are very scarce this year we advise early buying. Phelps Grocery Co. Heppner, Oregon ( E) fiK&gKfeBaaa The United States Food 4 I SAVE FATS M We must save fats to feed our fighters. We must save d fats to help our fighters fight. F.verv hncr is as nprpssnrv -j 0 J M shell. Everv Dound of fat is Use fowl, tish, Vegetables, J j$ Purely Vegetable Cotosuiet, f J Oil, Mdzolo (made SAM. HUGHES . COMPANY fj Notice for Publication Ii.'liartiniMit uf The lnti-rior. U. S. Land Office nt l.u l,rnn.lt. Ori-icon, Fi'lirunry 'M. lltlH. Nuti.-t-ii h.'ri't.y ifiv.-n thul Chun. II. Ewintr. of II. I I n, r Ori... hn. tin Ainf. .'Ih. IU1 1, mn.lp Hnnir- .it.l K.itiy. N... nl ii.ll. (or NK'i, anil K'a. NW'i i 'J'. Ii.wn.l-S. uth. ItHtiiti! i;.Knt. VMIIatnrttv V.. ml. mi. Iiiu liiUI iiiitii-c i,f iiitfiition to muke i" ul tliiM' jt-nr I'li-.f. to fKtnl,linh i-liiim to thi li.:..l :iU.. it.-iHT,l..'il. Iwi'ori. C. C. I'atl rsoit, I'. S. t ',.niniisHi.,n, r. ul iti'Hiiii'r, (rv..n. on the Kth .1 i, of Ai.nl. I.li. l'i,i'in:uit natnit a witni'sm-a: Kulie Vale. Ralph V, . ik anil (.ii rf IhxtiT. all of lloppnt-r. oi.'k-oii. hi ni W . W . Kwitivr. of t ...-il, Uri-ifim. I. S. Ill NN. HVninwr. Registration of Land Title In ihi-Cirruit Court of the State of On-Kon for th.' County o( Mutri.w. At.piu'ation No, in tiie mntter of the appliration of F.lnaWnolery .l..hn.ii, Audrey Wnolt-rj' lye anil ValnmleU W...l.-ri lo rt-tf .ter tile to the NWlt of aee. t on I'.i in t.,i..h . 2 .nilh. rante ii east of V . M.. at pln i.nl.. i m. i-le.rio-r. ! TiiiLhe.. j -hn K..iir.K-k. Kwl' lMn Jin) John Fmrr. Krnurtni I rnter .i itiu.e i r.ier. mp.or.. k. '. i rxer ami Iipn-n V. Kniit.p,-til.rir. alMni t'nrti.Dort-er. :z .rrrrr: tzz z i,.,, .i.-.-,.l,i in,, , .a h..m it tn.v r..,,. .. .n. ,i..f. .i, t.. i . the ne tin,.i ,i. (en.i.nt.- Tk. m.tire. i' ,.t ..n in ih ,t .,r Mm.h. i'jik. n .i.pi-.t,n -M I. ul l ..i, I t ,i,a i:.-n ' Johnaon, Au lrey W . r li.e i I V.-iml.-i W...l,-r)f In thel'ir- . . t ( .t ,.f ti.e st.t. of or.-..,, f.., !.. i .-ii nt f. r I.,, t ! r..(,.trnon ..f th. tui, uf the '"' 1 ' -w' ' V, u.ile.. i.,ti mi i rr in .1 eourt on or lie. ... h .ii. h app. ioie , :Ii t-c ta. i' ..ti .Pali n..t l-e iltn-,t.i a. ci.ofeiJ. ,ii.t a deeree i- e-1,-re. a- fit-.-K to the rairr of the ap. .!-" .i.,l u . a 1 1.- .nn.e. i l Ml M - U -. J . A't-r. .1 l, a n t futrit-i .arrit fr.tn .ii.- J K W ATI Ii-. Cl.,a Kivi, 1,-r Ai i ... aula. A t trraa Notice for Publication r"wi... . -e. .r I S jn4iaTiM - !.- Of-v n M r- h In... e i. tier..-, -, t,riha H II n.l .. 'hall l .ii, , ( .a Pnliii Ko 1. i'l n.' h .t et.tr N- 'i.'.li- . . I,, , M I t. I. r .' t. Mt ' I M'-i i r.r I I I . I - I r I !-. f .. . .. , 1 1 l .it-. i -I V. J ... T I' II C. t lii.VVIU, .uu CTT?.1 Q i Administration Says tn wirminnr tKo war ac a 53 -" . . ........ w H 11 u? U as sure of sorvirp as a kiillf Vegetable Oils, Cheese Criseo. Olive Oil.Wesson from Indian corn,) IRRITABLE NERVOUS Wai Conillon of Indiana Lady Eefore Beginning to Take Card-u-i, the Womaa's Tonic. Kokomo, Ind.-Mrs. H. Hankemeier.V -of this town, says: "I look so well, and vJu am so well, that it docs not seem as if I ' ever needed Cardui. But I was not al- ! ways this way ... I think I have taken a I dozen botllCS I . before my little girl ' J was ,c,in dreadfully bad, had head- aclie, backache, sick at my stomach, no energy ... I was very Irritable, too, and nefVOUS. ba month, be,ore n,y aby came. As a result all those bad feelings left me, and I just fell Rrand, Ju l H if nothing at all was the nutter, and when the end came I was h.lrdl V SlCk 3t i r ....,'' Sl,"ce ",al 1 liave v" laken Cardui ata'.l ... It has done me Rood, and I i know it will help others, II they will only try It " Many women have wrliten erateful lei- T. Icrs like ttie above, telling of Ihe good that QMul has done them. Why should il not help you, loo? II you suller from anyol the ailments so common lo women, and feci Ihe need cf a safe, reliable, strengthening tonic we urpe you lo be gin today and give Cardui a lair trial. Your dealer sell CaJ-u-i. EB-10 Free Garden Seed CtM at l he Herald office and . '.r a tip.'y of Harden and !h v or nn d f rt-f These pdt r i tn out by i ho IVpHrtmpnt of Ajrriculiure for frpr iMntrihu. in ii ui tl in.y had for the tnk it.i; iv this i a,c. i SI I i