Heppner herald. (Heppner, Or.) 1914-1924, March 22, 1918, Image 4

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    Seaplanes Loading Fuel for U-Boat Hunt
r" , t
.... . "
"Erothar Bill" Coming
"Brother Bill," the Red Cross
sheep recently made famous at
Worthy Matron Here
Mrs. Lena C. Mendenhal!, of
Portland, Worthy Grand Matron
i. , , , . .. , ,,. iiuiuiy urunu mairor
S?:liy..n :of theO. E.S., attended a spec
auction until $5000 was realized
for the Bend Red Cross Chapter,
is coming to Heppner to be sold
for the benefit of the Morrow
county Chapter. The exact date
has not yet been announted, but
will later be Riven due publicity
After leaving Bend Bill's itiner
ary is Redmond, Madras, The
Dalles. Hood River, Jleppner,
Pendleton, Baker, Portland and
south as far as Med ford.
May Keep Pigs in City
Heppner'B city dads have de
creed that, to encourage food
production, residents of (lie citv
may keep pigs within the city
limits if proper sanitary condi
tions are observed. This meas
ure will help feed the hungry and
win the war.
ial meeting of Rutb Chapter. No.
32, held last Saturday evening.
A large number of members and
and visitors were present. After
the business meeting a banquet
was spread in the dining" hall.
Mrs. Mendenhall attended a
similar meeting in lone Monday
evening. Two candidates were
initiated and dainty refreshments
served. Those attending the
meeting from Heppnerwere Mr.
and Mrs. Taylor, Mr and Mrs. J.
A. Waters and Mrs. Binns.
Jeff Jone returned from Port
land Wednesday, where he ship
ped a car of fine beef steers Sun
day. Hi3 cattle brought ll'cents
a pound on Monday's market,
which was the top figure for that
day. Top hogs were selling at
from 17 to 20 cents a pound dur
ing the week.
Prof. Albert Powers, of the
State University, will deliver an
illustrated lecture in the Feder
ated church next Sunday even
ing on the Red Cross. Tub lec
tare Is ald to be fabzhlv t
ire and entertaining and it is ex
pected tbat a large audience will
tarn out to hear this distinguish
ea speaker.
George W. Dyjkstra, well
known pioneer of the county.who
has been in Heppner for a couple
of weeks under the care of Dr.
Winnard, is improving to such
an extent that he is again able to
"josh", his friends and crack
j kes the same as a well man
Mr. Dykstra is an inveterate
enemy of loom.
Consult Dr. Turner
of Portland, Ore.
At Palace Hotel, Heppner
Tuesday, April 2d 1918
In lone
Wednesday, April 3d, 1918
At Minor's
Whether wanted for dress occasions or
for every day wear you will always find
here just what you want. We sell
Sincerity and Ed. V. Price Suits
Black Bear, Can't Bust'Em and Boss of the Road
Overalls and Work Pants
Ide and Triangle Brand of Collars
Gordon Hats and Ideal Shirts
Florsheim and Fithian-Barker Shoes
JUST RECEIVED-An Express Shipment of
; the new things in Men's
Neckwear, including wide-end Scarfs in Emerald Green.
Come In and Let Us Fit You Out!
II It ni .
n. i i . . .. ' " iv. riower huh
i iic nun- ricvaiur is oeinii 1)111 l n
i... .u.. li . . Monument,
ujr me rraiin i. Durreu uo in
stead of the Burrell Construction
Co., as stated in a recent issue of
the Herald.
Here's Your Bargain
Fivo-iooni house with but h. pantry
(Insets, cellar. Five, and one-hulf
acres, all in cultivation. (Jood gar.
den under ditch water. Marn for
four horses, chicken house and
nil(. Wee trie lijrhu in house mid
h.iin ( 'lose in In Inisiiiess seel ion
of lli'iipnei; line view, away from
t lie il us) .
This desirable home at a t,ig ,nr.
gain if sold mi once For price,
terms, etc,, iniiiiri at the
Heppner, Oregon
"Bulk Grain"
The Heppner Fanners Klevator Com
puny have erected an up-to-date mod
crn elevator for the handling of Hulk
Fvirv grain grower should take Silvan
tane of this labor sa ing method.
The First National Hank will Ik- vlad to
insist the grain grow er to ecpiip himself
for the hai'tlur-K 'f his grain in bulk.
Capital, and Surplus $ 1 50. 000.00.
l'liud l.ibcity l'.ond dine commenced
April f.th. ID1S.
Minify, of
artived in llepiiner
a few days ago and are looking
for a house to live in. Mr Flow
er seeking a location in a good
stock country and expects to
take a trip to Montana soon to
look over that country. Mean
while his family will remain in
Heppner until he decides on a
permanent location.
Mrs. W.T. Crow left Saturday
for Cremona, Alberta, where she
goes to join her husband who;
weut there last year to put in a !
crop on their wheat land and to!
prepare a home there. Mrs !
Crow was accompanied as far us
Walla Walla by her parents, Mr.
and Mrs. W. T. Carnnhell ii n 1 1
illl theiii visit ed frieliils in ,al
city for a day or two Mr. ui.il
Mrs Campbell returned from
Walla Walla Tuesday overling.
Miss Marie Maker is enter tain,
injr her iuotlnr.fr Caldwell..
Mri. Merlie Heymer is enjoy.
ii'K a visit from her mot her. Mrs.
McCortuick, of Portland.
Jim Pointer is here from ku.
Rene. Ore . visiting the Pointer
brothers and looking after his
ranch interests.
A 7 pound daughter was born
y LM (...l.il - - 1 ....
vu r.u nun-nun ami win rriilav
night. The little tody will !,.
called Dorii Klizabeth.
Mrs. Nllie Hill, wife of our
bank cashier, went to Porilai d
Monday eTPning by auto as f .r
a Arlington. Mrs. 1M1 is not m
ery good. health and it is hop. ,1
the trip, will bo both beiuti, .,!
and enjoyable. . .
Dr Cbiok called .nm some , f
hi patieou here . Wcdne-.il ., ,
W ar glad to My tmi. ,,, ... u
rl health of oir ivoplo is t t
t present.
Mrh White, who lias h. , ,
con lined to his home for , t ,
week on account of rier. ,
brelJowB. ifcl y nn)r,v :
Mrs M Mulloy h.i g,.
couple of mile atmve .p,,
She eiHct to bw gone f, ri.
lo eek.
Heppner, Oregon
. Church Notices
Catholic Church Services.
Sunday. Mai eh i.
First Mass, 8:00 a. m.
Second Mass, 10;:SO a. m.
("hristiau l)ocriii(! ll:i!iia in.
livening Devotion, 7:.'!0 p. m.
K"V l' .1.1 I'KoNilie
The I eiieialeil ( in,ul,
Sunday School t . -I T a. in.
Mominj; servici- ll;ii(i. Topic,
, The Place of Doubt in Religion.''
Christian lvuleavor (VIM p. m.
I't pic, "Uemeilies for I n I em per.
anc.e." feuder, Leo Nicholson
Junior leader. lJachel Noyes.
iwigular evening service 7:''iY
At I ho evening service Prof. Al
hert Powers of the Stale I'ni
versiiy wilt give a sieicopiicon I
I lecture on tne oi k of tlie lied j
Cioss. A conlial In vita) ion i
extended to all to hear this lee i
H A. Noyes, Pastor.
Christian Science. 1
Christian Science mrvias will'
be held in the Methodist church'
South, Sunday at 11 a tn. All
interested are invited Subject
for next Sunday. "Matter."
I Have Now a New
Line of Furniture
Ou lmd. Will take in old on new furniture.
I also handle
And good Second-Hand Machines in good order.
I also buy old iron, rags and junk. Old iron tlO
Ir ton. Call and see what I have.
G. W. VERDOT, Second-Hand Store
J M. Hrshers. ho I .( ! , ,
iitiug Ins uncle C II . r, iM ,
o his home in the Fa-i , ., , ,
- -Wa.fcuu. AriuJJ.pip, r
town lgi ftT in recent
tout tuck by an BDim.il nt I
Wood and Coal
I bundle Hock Spi mi;s Coal,
Cord Wood and M.iti Wo.mI
I.enve order at I' in plin y '
Mrug tr or phone '.'..
eiMf j lb. I s
Colf.m 1 S! il IM.i.on m n I. Co,
f.ix. Wasli.ngtoii Foity 1 , t i f
('I) di s.l e. Shire. I'eri l.eion
and Heltim i,t!ii'i f.-r ',
I'nces tint di'f.v c'iiip.tt,,
I., lie r tl te r II Alillos C'fiX
Kluc Hihholi Mu, I, t,,f., W.. ;
ii i;on 41 UT ,
for Sale
Thri e.f.MirMi cr (.le I'. rrl rf, n
tiililon. cor d irk l 'i i ,! . ,c 'y
. bl.ick W I'ik'lil ul 17 'iii.U
Iliipnre i'f And l e A I; I. I. p
Future Farmers
and Stockraisers
Tlo.e boys and girls nf yourt sre the ones who
ll 'carry on the tight after you are out. Are yon
giving them the preparation for battle which yoa oft
en wished ynu hsd had? Let them acquire the ac
piNin-anceship of simple banking and business rules"
by .H.i.u,g a Savings Account here at the Farmers
" -''Tl-growerB National Hsnk. We"ll be vlad to
forve b their bankers loo.
The Hank for Everybody.
F.very Department of Banking.
J W. Ileymer . . . Preftideot
s W Si.emer . . . Cashier