ate tor Gcvemur f$Iriys&fe&..,.,i DR. J. E. ANDL t i a 0 N Dr. J. E. Aiuleixim, ..!' Tl Dalles, announces Ai a.; candidate tor the noiii'maitou (' Governor of Oregon on !'i'. U publican ticket at tlie..n:;:.g ps maries. ur- Anaerson is nei u, fame as "the Fiither oi I' tion," as he introduced state legislature the p;o! law of 1915 as well as tit- '. H Ur I'l'iiiiii- ill the dbitioi ' dry" law of 1017. Ti ; tin1 1 tor is proud of his 'Mry" ivov-il is evidenced by the l'a.-t ti,,., i; has chosen for his s!o- pan "Bone Dry; . Wi.i the' VV:r ; j Develop Oregon." . As !.;:ior of j The Dalles when the juuhihiikui law went into eh'ect in J :;!;, 'i in Dalles Bartender;,' lmou p:-.- J sontod him with !..:. i.i-. i;vo 1 ..m -i ner and disbanded i'.uvw : In, addition to support!-!! ir temper-1 ance measures Dr. Amlenson was! a strong supporter of the Win k-' men's Compensation, Mothers' , Pension, Rural Credits w;,l othvr reform measures, and made a strong fight again.'! ibe anti-', picketing measure. He is aid to be strong with labor. Hibernian Entertainment It was aii excellent urogram v as given Saturday evening :n i he l.igli si-houl auditorium uu i. r the auspices of lleppner feiuicil AnMeiit Order of Hiber nians, tli oecaiuu being the an iiual of St. Patrick's 1'ay. The program, which was baiViciii exctpt, tor the patriotic . adoress by '. A. McMeuamiu, was ;iveu by lloppuer's very ; Oust t.tlctil and was highly eo j iyvd by those present. . Ileppnor ladies taking part .'10 Me.-dumos 11. J. Vauglian, O, 1; Siv.u'k and LAV. Sims, and 'Mims tm;v O'Uourke. all of i . -. juh.iiii. aie l.ivoiites with all ; Hi ijiut.-r audiences. .Miss Vitalia J IVMMnier, ti charming and tal ' t n.tnl viniiig vocalist uf Tuconia, . . liw 1 here visiting her sister, i j As ... I-'. A. McNienauiin, made, a; ..i.eilid Lit, w'nli a vocal solo i - t v. in. li , a I. once artistic uud j , 'ilm:. ; r . .i. no: .,n naiiiiii gave a spien m ! Nik tin J i (.land and the Irish, iu ; kiy note of which buing the li;;.a:t y aiiii devotion of tht Irish ra e so tlit-ir ideals and particu larly al tiiis crisis iu the world's ..Hairs, ot tlioir loyally to the .a-.. i,f win li democracy. The audience was not so large as it' should have been, owing to many , uel' all Would Succeed Himself 4 f At r I V a lex ithur alt factions in Hepp- suiTuuuding town. This week's new means the lh' tins vi'i'i oner I lei" Parent-Teachers' Meeting, A iiiei ting of the parents aud ie..t:hTs of lleppner has been ar rahg'd to .be' held at the high ! 'ofauditoriuui tomorrow (Sat anlay) iiflernoon at 1:30 o'clock. An interesting program has been i r ranged and a pleasant and pro ii; able meeting is expected. All p eisons interested in the public ( liool w ock are expected to be present. The affair, it is under s,o d, will le curried on somn ill dug :i fii shioUi.d tlNlC fashion of an old- iers" insiitu'e. People' s ,caSI1 Market A. IlENliV C;;VARZ, 1'iop. AH Kinds ol IVeIi arJ bait Meats Poultry and Lard Phone Main 73 Governor James Withyeombc makes the delinite announcement of his candidacy to succeed him self as governor of Oregon and will be an aspirant for the Re publican nomination at the May primaries. In his formal announcement Governor Withycombe points out j ; that he has, as Governor, done all in his power to promote the development of the state, to urge the construction of good roads, the 1 importance of education and to ! maintain at a white heat the de j votion of the people to the great cause for which this country is I fighting, and he promises to con I tinue his efforts along the same i lines if re-elected, as well as to support the President of the Uni ted States and to assist in mak ing his work effective in w inning the great world conflict. The governor will continue to stand for rigid law enforcement and is firmly committed to the princi ples of prohibition and equal suf frage. The governor declares for de velopment of state resources, for the increase of desirable popula tion, for more manufacturing en terprises, for the enlargment and improvement of our tlocks and herds, and lor the eradication of fruit pests, and if re-elected will continue, to give the best that is in him to the public service. Spencer Crawford, linotype operator iutliuG.-T office, who recently submitted to a rather seiiuus operation for the removal of a growth on his foot in a I'ort land hospital, is again on the job although traveling on three legs, two of t hem wooden. iSz Company i?dblicity At a :cc:r.t hi in.; of the Federal Trade Commission thero was iiUioduj .-l icu jjndcnce taken from the private files of Swift ?: Co:..;::. v;, . hich sho wed that the Company had been con sidering for : U..- t.n educational advertising campaign. The n.J f.; publicity has been apparent to us for sev eral veurs. Ti;.; ic-s misrepresentation to which we have - .... l:.J hai convinced us that we should no longer ere the public the basic facts of our business, .1 iij.Jnj .i cf the American people. . net the American packer is based largely on and well-being of the producer and c.-Jy i-fitckd by the packers' operations, . .: Idvgc profits. inyc net profit is reasonable, and represents an insi-ni:".s :.i i '. vr in the cost of living. For Ui . i. . v . 1 , i V) 17 the total sales and net profit of Swift & Co::v!.:.y .ti h. $87)ICvj J,C v. ; .,r. Pi outs recently tviii : u. , delay in pjUif 'j rtlyir.j ui t'.. . . i: Th2 f. - the belief lh-, u. consumer rre ; resulting in u ... SwiTt C: C : HE $34,650,1 G3. fit 465. profit cn a buincr,s of $87,500. CECIL ITEMS Mr. and Mrs. Everett Logan, from The Willows, were visittnt friends in and around Cecil Mot) day. John Kelly moved his sheep from Cecil, having feed all the hay out he hud bought there down on the Deos place neai Heppner Junction, Tuesday Kev. Dr. Van Waters gave hi usual monthly address in Cecil I hall Wednesday evening. Aftei the service Mrs. Shurte, county school supt ; Mr. Brown, counti agricultural agent of Heppner, accompanied by Mr. OTide f.iom the U. AC, each gave a very interesting lecture; which was highly appreciated by ah those present. A very distressing accident happened Wednesday when.Clyde bVauklyti was on his way to Ce cil accompanied by his wife and Mrs E'eter Nash. Iu crossing the irrigating ditch his car struck the box suddenly, throwing Mrs Nash violently against the top oi the tar, striking her forehead on one of the frauies and causing a deep llesh wound above her nost and left. eye. Mr. Lowe, theCe cil telephone operator, called Dr. Chick, who was in Arlington at the time, who was soon on the scene of the accident and found it uecessary to take eight stitches in the wound. We are nleased to say that the unfortunate lady is making satisfactory progress toward recovery. Mrs. Oney is here to assist Mrs. Jefferson on the lower Min or ranch. Mr. and Mrs. T. M. May, from Wasco, arrived in Cecil Tuurs Jay. Mr. May brought a car load if cattle, horses, farming imple meats, etc., and is going right into ranching on the oid Pearoe place, wnieu ne some time ago. Mr. and Mrs. Flowers and fain ily, accompanied by Mrs. J. J Adyn. visited friends in Cecil Thursday. Mrs. llanuah Ahull returned from Sherwood Thursday, where she lias been visiting wilb her sister. George Curran, of Heppner, iccompanied by Mr, Haldock, one of the stale highway engin eers, were in Cecil and dfd some business. Kd Iveitmaii and Miss Juanitu Crabtree took in the Klk's ball ul lone Friday. Fay Mettie, from I'kiah, came t) work for Jack Hyiid last Fi i d ty. Miss Iiuise Slniw, who, has b en spending the last two weeks al .Sumi Hollow, returned hmiii' Friday. MMsdaiiifs Hetmi'tt. A h it 1 1 , Fiikncr ami NhsIi visiu-d i rand ma Nash Friday. Mrs. Miuite. accompanied l.y Messrs. liiown und OTMey. sjM'iit a veiy plfiisiuit moi ning in tli ! Vnl school Thursday wiih lh" teacher Ulin pupils. I Arl Minor urrivfij a'. tl.! Lint (imp Suiuiiliiy from I'm ihind. ; ir.iet i'ding latt r iu the day to . i .... i ... .. . i ! Mr Fintey returned to lone aturdiiy iifler speiiJing two M-eks nil tin) ilulleihy Flats ' uddiiig sla-rp shed und other .'Hidings for J ick llynd. John FAing, cf Cortland. i thi' ; in si of J,i( k llynd for thi pres. 1 nl week. W. ti. llynd and F. Cmbi lt, Iiiiiii Kosi; l,a A ii. .Siiid HdIIoW, nloi il litt 'i cil Nil unity lu lukf i l III! (l.tllCI'. J II i lMhkliii. of IVhdli'toii. - guest of Mr od M 1 1 Jd k My ml. A llcliriksi'l) H0d Sn Cil(. .'id riluriod from ll'pjiiiir i ioUy, ueeoiiipiiiii'd by 1 1 r Ij-r t I v til. j High-Class Stallions j and Mares We are prepared to furnish to the stockmen of Morrow county thy very highest class of Regis tered animals iu Percherons, Belgians, English Shires. Hackneys and Coaches. Registered Kentucky Jacks a Specialty We can sell this stock to responsible parties, when desired, on easy payments with no cash down aud ut eight per cent iuterest. A. C. RUBY CO. Carl Smith, General Agent for Eastern .Oregon Headquarters at Palace Hotel Stock quartered at Stewart's Livery Ham HEPPNER, : : OREGON Home Products (or Home People We Manufacture WHITE STAR FLOUR-GRAHAM -WHOLE WHEAT CREAM MIDDLINGS ROLLED BARLEY AND MILL FEED General Storage and Forwarding Heppner Farmers Elevator Co. i? wilh i ! ! ..,., f 1. ;,J t n ii Coinrury h.J mJ no (ri.f.t i til, th cattle v-r i'K I inly ott Khth of a ioi ir ioril rnnre f-.r h u. . r. r Mould hv vro tm! biir-quHrli-r of irnt (if ..Jt..f. ovvift S: Company, U. S. A. THE BRICK McATEE & AIKEN, I'rops. ICE CREAM and CARD PARLORS. Gilliam & Bisbee A RI'I prepared to furnish the Farmers and Stock Growers with all kinds of Machinery and Kx trus lor their 11)18 requirements. Kxtras are going to lie hard to get und we would advise the going over of all machinery NOW and ordoring the Kxtras, and have all ma chinery adjusted and ready for use when the time comes to use it. Take our wiird for it, if you wait until the Mxtras are necdi'd you may not he able to get them and tln'ii- will be no tin$ to wast.,- in 11) IS. Gilliam & Bisbee "Wc I lav,- it, Will C t it or it in Not Mai:" HARDMAN GARAGE m.r.AKMAN u RAU, Prop. Courteous ami Kfficicnt Service ly Courteous ami Competent Woiknitii Accessories, .Supplies, Kxpert Vulc.miers (lurantecil 'I ire Service 1 1 A It DM AN, OKI.CON For Sale 'lh.. I,,.,..H of tl,.- l-.d-rlrd ''''y l"'"1 mi r eh will I,. ,1.1 nn Cmii r Apron T'iiiy.tiw :'r. :,. 1( .ml Whin- Sl i 'IhurHdny, Uit '" ,f "" t ir. i, in ii,.. i,s. ii..-.t i.r ti... M"y 't-' k ' " " hn it iii pi i'll4'i rliup'h S h I vk-ll ) "i'i to ir p t 1 1, iitoiiPiU .'trt Ml ' 1 lit lulu ifi it l,i liiwu ol b duni,j nulu Id IP, l"tf lh ppntr, I iu 1.1 d ,,,ly r, r Vi nr. Mr hi,. I Mi. .1 T, I," i,,i .i.ii. l I I f l,.'.l' I. I .Jl t.l-.l ft. Ill H ii x -I ltdl ll Ml I 'l.l lull I ,1 1 n I ( I'lii'lji ruiiii- nvi-r fiom I'i ii'lli li.ii u i . I i , I 1 1 1 ii f' A .! ,) iii f I 1 1 ' r on liusi