Heppner herald. (Heppner, Or.) 1914-1924, March 22, 1918, Image 2

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Alt lldpr(J, , I.ljr.'t.l X i''-"-
po i r.
EnU'irdal thr i irfijuitr, Oi'inn,
I'OXI (JfJlCC OH XHWill-rUfM. IllOltrl'.
Turin:; i A
()ni Ynir
Six Month
Three Mont lis
n .si';
few individuals here und there
may speak ditl'i-n-ntly: but they
represent no coiisidera'fiii.' body of
opinion any, here in th.; world.
A govornmf lit or an oliii-iul tl.al
li.-.scnts from the inain point doe.,
not M'pn.';-;erit tin; people, i
; "'liiere must. L; a preliminary
I confe rence sometime U;letc!i u
i plan. Siieh a co!ifei-nce iioa
; could arree upon an outline; and
i ati outline, of however general a
', nature, agreed to by a represen
tative inVrnatioiial conference,
i would be a capital stroke lor
speedy and acceptable peace. Its
influence, within Germany and
without, would be important.
"Unrepresentative government
pushed the world into this w ar.
Unrepresentative government is
not unknown at times even!
among democracies. Mere gov-1
ernmental indifference ' has do-j
icaieu many tx nuuu ijnijijt-i. in
governments will tie busy enough
directly after the war. The 1'av- i
orable juncture for launching an ;
international organization may !
slip by which would be a be
trayal of the people of the whole '
"A start a definite beginning
-is necessary. Public opinion
should demand it."
The Herald man is enough of a
sport that he will try almost any
thing once and, under certain
circumstances, he might be per
suaded to try a second nip at a
doubtful proposition, but when it
comes to eating whale meat he
wants to go squarely on record as
not being ready for the "second
helpin' " Whale meat, no doubt,
has its uses on the general theo
ry that nothing was made in
vain, but it is most certainly not
a fit food product for patriotic,
self-respecting, 1 a w - a biding
Ami'iicmi I'iti'en-: uto tire noil:-
ing many sacrifices these days in POLITICAL ANNOUNCEMENTS
order to conserve wheat am) beef j
and pork to feed our soldier hoys or Sneritf
arid their allies and thereby help1 I hereby announce nijsclf as a
to win this war. Candidate for She-riff of Morrow
New Idea in Airplane
I X. D us bar. p.' who was hen
recently from Carnegie, Perm- i
-y 1 vntiiu visiting his co u si n.J udgi
C. 0. Patterson, is interested ii, '
n Pittsburg company which is
ouildit.g a new model airpUini
which promises to work still
1' i filter wonders in the uir thai
has thus far been accomplished.
The new machine is provided
with four lifting propellers which
will d rive the plane straight up
j i'lnm the ground without the
slanting start now necessary. It
cmi be driven vertically to anj
desired he ght a n d dropped
down to a landing in the same
manner. A driving and a reverse
propeller will drive the machine
in any desired direction when in
the air, the same as any ordinary
air craft. The crowning point of
efficiency claimed for the new
plane, however, is it may be
.-.topped and held absolutely sta
tiuiiary in the air at the will of
the operator. This, it is claimed,
wilt make the new machine in
valuable for dropping bombs on
enemy positions, munition plants,
submarines, etc. It can al.-o
make lligbts from or alight upon
the decks of vessels at sea with
out trouble.
(luvernment officials have ex
amined and approved the ma
chine and have already made the
company a proposition, Mr. Du-
stiane says, to manufacture the
planes on a loyally basis, but the
Registration of Land Title
In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for
the CuunU of Morrow.
A pplit'ttt ion No. 2.
In the matter of 1 lie application of Kdna Woolery
Johnson. Amirey Woolery Dye ami Valmaleta
Vv oolery to renter title to the NW'i of sec
tion ly in township 2 south, ralitse 21 east ol
W . M., applicants.
Ida M. Fletcher. Suan A. IIuKhes. .John K.P.rocU.
liuljy Dixon ami John 1 razor, Frances Frazer
anil llrtltti Frazer. minors. K. F. l'razer anil
Helen V. K naopeiibelK. also all parties or per
sons, known or unknown ; claiming any riuht.
title, lien or interest in or to the real estate
above described, and to all whom it may con
cern, defendants.
To the above named defendants: Take notice.
That on the Mh day of March. l'JIX, an application
was tiled by said Kdna Woolery Johnson. Audrej
Woolery Dye und Velmaleta Woolery in the Cir
cuit Court of the State ofOroe;on for Morrow
County for initial registration of the title of the
land above deiicriTjed.
Now, unless you appear in said court on or be
fore the 15th day of April, A. D. litis, anil show
j why such application shall not be granted.
the same will be taken as confessed, and a decree
will be entered according to the prayer of the ap
plication, and you will be forever barred from dis
puting the same.
By (jay M. Anderson. Deputy.
Jos. J. Nys, Attorney for Applicants. Address.
Heppner, Oretron. 4oU I'j
Whale meat has been retailing j county on the Republican ticket j proposition has not been accept
in 1 he mi i rtii-t t ml fwh tntirkel tit at trie COmintr miniMI'V I I'dlllll !'
For County Commissioner
t h e
Portland lor 10 cents tier pound
bus when a lleppner meat, deal-:
or falls for the game and orders
a trial chunk lor his trade the.j
fish ti ust in Portland slicks him
up for 17 cents a pound, with an
extra chaige for boxing, etc.:
A fter paying express and other
charges, the lleppner dealer is
obliged to sell at 2f cents a pound
to come out w hole.
This fish trust h (he same!
combination that fixes an exorbi- ; For County Clerk
taut wholesale price which forces j N()ti(.(, js ,1(,1V,)V yivr1
the country dealer to sell the win h(, a ,au(.lU, ,.
same smelt tit three pounds lf pul)lican nomination for Count v
25 wnl lhaL ille 1,(,ln'sol,1,0H'lerkof Morrow countv, Oregon,
consumers nyme i oriiam. mu- u 1M.im:ll.it,s to h(,
tucipai iisn .narKetaiN)cenisior!l7 1JK Respectfully,
a r, K,u,ul 1h,x' , . ! Adv. J. A Watkks,
Ueverting to the subject of
whale meat the Herald would:
favor the immediate passage of a
law under the provisions of which
all food profiteers should be in
terned in some abandoned fish
cannery building with a full-
grown ottor ami there leti on a ;ll ,H, primaries to
straight diet of whale meat for av ; pjis.
the duration id the war.
I will be a candidate
County Commissioner at
coming election on the Ue
can ticket.
Respect fully,
Adv. llardmaii, Oregon
that I
ic Re-
When Mr. Dushane left Pitts
burg a few weeks ago the engines
were being installed and he is
I expecting a telegram almost any
day announcing the result of the
trial Might.
Mrs A. L. Avers returned
from Portland Friday after h
pleasant visit in the Rose City.
.....T......t...t. .r,.,i.,,.'.i,
i Professional Column
! IVrnianently lnmtcd in Odtlfellow'r
For S' eriff
I heri'by announce myself as a
candidate for SherilV of Morrow
County, on the Republican ticket.
subject to the will id' the voters j DR. N. K. WINNAKI)
Held on
K. M. SlUTT.
'1'he-lol owiin: ". ale and sane"
utieiance emu i in. ng t :ie neces
sity of lii ginning now to get
tea ly for world eacc lor the'
tuture is I ;oin lb i dilorial de
p.ircn 'id o! tie' Satui'tlay F.ven
l ig Pod:
"A 1 1 M'lid io , ml i oihnv.i in t he
Semite U-d Amj.t-'i t' Mr. tiii
ibreets the Pi , nieid to iu Ue all
Ady ami in tit i ' . t i nath'ii to M ini
d. I. it i I . a e ii, : el vi. re for t he
purpoNC id hi cu iiii; a I. h ot
mi; ions to m.u i t .n ;i pi ac .
" I bei e w a-i : o edl'h ".id in i'ct
tinv' I'l prtt idaliVt'x'i tii I'luted
Slates and All; ration to a mu
fereiu'i' at Pari lor th 1 urpoe
of tli-i'usMi g w ar nifa-ui i -. A
coufeivi ce to t i i-u-s interna
tioiuil oi aniat m i pi t sent s hard -I)
greater d ilu'in! h- .
"Oi gam.'ii.v a it fiine of udt-r-liatnmal
la a aid m der is a big
iiinl ibilifult ti lt pii'b,i!''. the
Inchest lask t" v i a h tail mikiii
hhip has et r ati.iri m d it -elf.
M.m pit k'i a1 t th l. it nui-d be
considered. Mary di'!i iv'ft s of
iipinioii w ili tit .t''. i n h i ail
the more rea-nn lot inakii g a be
ginning. It in t tl tii-d i a. t hi par
lit e ol ii. t i g or atNi tit'U from
II, r pi iimy d iom ft tlie w ar.
"tin I he in. tin pt'l'd iin o
'wl.rlmirg tr,.i;"idy ot the peopie
ol i' i i t out t r of Pi. rope and
Auii'l ira iit' i i't the mot t li.it
the wot Id mu -t to itdi'itu:, (:;;
s.iirnu.udt 'I, b m 1 1 1 1 -x-trin of
internal mini! org ano a'. i"!i.ag.iiiitt
a li pi'tdmo id t'o i .n.i'hit . A
Fi r Asfrs.sor
To the pemocratic Voters: .
1 hereby nunoui.iv that I w ill
be a caiitliihlte for the ell'.ce of
I't'Uiily Asrs-or, Mib;n-t to thr
. vision of the I temorrat ic Pri
m ii y to be h- 1. 1 in Mas . I'.'K
Adv. .1. .1. Wi li s.
I or County I reasuicr
I ht"'rby MiniMinc.' inyelf as a
candidate foi t he Urplibileall lit m-
in..tit'ii lor ' oi i.ty 'I r ;.t ui vr for
Mtr-rt' ti un' v , t'r run, at I be
pi iiiiarie-i to I t beitl Ma 17 P'lS.
dv. I'. ,1. II MI'MKIS
l. A. 1). McMl RDO ...
Toli'plimie l'"J
Ollli'f rutti-rson 1 )ru jf Slure
ii'.i'i'NKU, ii;i:gon
dr. (;uNsn;it
Licensed (Iraduate
I IKl'PNKR : : OKI'.'iON
Phone 7L"J (Day or N:. i t
Uh ppr tut dnlrt
DR. J. G. Tl'RNF.R
i '"HI! N! MCO
!mtiUf Mi.mthly to III ITM K .. IOM
Registration of Land Title
In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for
the County of Morrow:
Application No. 23.
In the mutter of the application of Edna Woolery
Johnson, Audrey Woolery Dye, und Velmeleta
Woolery. to register title to the east half of
the eaat half of Section four, in townahip
three.south ranne 21 east of Willamette Me
ridian, Applicants,
Sylvanus Wright, Andrew J. Wright, Grover La
fetette Wright, Ceorne Lafeyette Wright,
llenjamin F. Wamaek, Ii. Wamock, lind all the
huirs known or unknown of the above named
defendants, and all the heirs known or un
known of Assenath Wriyrht, deceased; Helen
V. Knappeiibenr, also all parties or persons
known or unknown claiming any ritfht, title,
lien or interest in or to the real estate above
described, and to all whom it may concern
'lo the above named defendants: Take notice
That on the Kith day uf February, A. I), litis, an
.tpplication was liled by said Kdna Woolery John-
ion, Audrey WYolery Dye and Velmalela Woolery
;n the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for
Mnrrow County, for initial registration of the title
f the land ahuve described.
N-w. unless you appear in said Court on or be
1'oit; the 2f.th day of March, A. I). l!'IS. anil .show
iiiuse why such application shad not be granted,
the same will be taken as confesst-d, and a decree
will be entered uccoiding to the prayer of the ap
plication, and you will be forever barred from
disputing the same.
iSKAI.I J. A. WATKKS, Clerk,
ily (lay M. Anderson, Deputy.
Jos. J. Nvs, attorney for applicants. Address,
Heppoer, Oregon. i2d H)
Registration of Land Title
IX Till-: (MUCTIT COt'UT of tiik
Ct'L'NT Y,
Application No. 'J7,
In the matter of the application of Kdna Woolery
Johnson, And ivy Wi'!ery Dye and Velmaleta
Woolory, to ttia-der title to lots one, two. three
und four: the SK'i oi the NW'i, and iho
SW ( of the NK1 1 of section two in township
one south ranwe t wenty-foiir east uf S illain
etle Meivdian. Applicants,'
Louise Rose. Ciirobm Sparks, Mary Fry, Cather
ine lVttys, I'rctlerit-k tleingor. John tiemger.
(loortre (Jeingi-r. Janu s P. Hhea, Helen V.
knuppenherg idso all pu'tit-s or person
known or unknown claiming any riht. title.
lien or interest in or to the real property
above de.Hciib.il. and to all whom it may
concern, defendant.
To the atoe named defendants. Take notice,
l'hat on the lM Ii day uf r bnmry . A . D. KM hii
appbeat ion w aw tiled hv said Kdna W ihoi y Juhn
iton. Audrey WiHilcry Dye and t lmu!et Woolery
in the Cin iut Court of the State of Ort oii for
Mirrww county, for initial ley int rat ion of thv t;tle
of the land above deu t ibol.
Now.unlfH 4 Mi appour in aui court on
or ti'fnre the J th d.t ol Urch. A. D. !.-. and
4iw chu-o v,(iy niii h appbcution (thai not In'
inntetl. the name will be taken a. conlcspod and i
ilccrw will bo entt-nil accordinh lo the pra: ct 1
if the application, nnd pm w ill be frt-vrr bar mi (
from diKpiilmU the altie. !
SKAI.l J. A. W AlKltS, Cletk.
Il M. Andei.-ion. I'. put v .
J... J. N), Ai'i'tic) ri- AppbcantH. A l.li. ;
lleppner. Or Km. 1J.J
You are Go:'
Early yet to plan
to secure the s
four of the best.
i n
ust the time
We handle
P P Mf!?r 9, OP. n-t;fr"'3
As some varieties rrc very scarce
this year we advise erjfiy
iys II
Miration Say
7 A r 1o
The United States Too
We must save fats to h
fats to help
Every hog is as necessary lo
shell. Every pound of (at i.; ..s .
Use fowl, tish, Vegetables, t
Purely Vegetable Cotosuiot, ('riscu. Olive Oil, Wesson
Oil, Mazolo (iiisui..' fu. i. l.i''ti in enrii.)
JU Oil I'
v e must save
the war as a
i-i set vice asaouuet
,4:;j1)'j Oils, Cheese
. '.uiy.i;
Mursery Stcck? See Harry CuTjngs
I ii in i f iiM'litiu our N ti i m' i it i
.mi h I In- Vi'i y it .-.I v,u u tii i f nil
ln ! .iTci i'iit 1 1 n' iitnl i ;i ui
,ii i r.ibli' (or v i : 1 1 vaiiiui I it i o
V"tl l
in o
I or Ciuinty Jutlc '
l'ii tlu' Urj'ii'.t'iU'an 'ti;f:'' :
1 lifii l'V iti iii'iUH'.' li a' 1 w ii!
in- a faiitlttl.tt'' In.' liif t l.-t ol' ,
I '.;. 1 1 .1 ,itlut' I'!' .Mi'l'l " A l 'rlill i
, sul jtfl to ll'.o in r; -.on ot' tin '
.'I tin' Kt i'ttl'lit' in Pnin ii y . c-
1 1. HI, M:l 17. P.MS 1 li.U t I't'-ltii ti ;
tti ll'.f fount) t ar-. My Km v' 1
MM ifllf.' hl'l'f il'-i 1 A l I'. I' !' :
ni hv i I'oiiniv t o:i !ii',--tt'! t r !
i: oi' i lia! If. I in.' tt I't tti'iif !a- ;
,irouMs- VLI.AH
Ilil't' 111 I'ai
vM :;. VAN V.M TOU
I 1oum:y.ai i
i::r; vru.
n iliar n i! i
..I 1 slia!
I't'lli'V. I
I i.l in
A iv.
If i,
!;., I
t,':'H 1 l
'.ii.'v a!
oi' tlit
I. l t a ft-
i't -sn
l i;'..ti'.'
i .f,.;i
iv t
.it. .1
a I
a i !
. t' VVI'I'.I I I .
i.oi is ri:.i:soN
ii li'M It.
bit ' ar i qui j ill 1" "''I,V
lit s in mi v 1 1 ins; von
vant 1 1 :t o imy ti i f lit ftiri'
In adiliin li lii our i a n. I lav.
I In" stoi'i uf I hivr t!i i is i:,i at '!''
of tt liin'si it m scry iruoils
ifonvn itnyw Ih'O'. all Iti. thy.
vinrtius, 1 1 tic lo lane mi tl ; t .
k.'i iwn in Ihif ii Yi'U ran i;ci
lla Mlllilll Mot U flttlll .lit" tll.it
lil HllMi;i'"slv llidi else , here j
I ton tin' CU V fi ilovv tl n( 1 as
L'ciiuiln. liitlseiy 1 1 ' n
1" It "t tlllllk'S N ll'sft ,1 , 1, I l i
it, Oi. i; n i '' I
Registration of Land Tiil"
In thf I'irftiil Ct itrt tif thf St.tt.. ,,f Hi, ,
M. rrnw I'ttiittty.
At',liftintt Nti. 'Jl.
in II, , ntattt-r f tin1 tit.ili, iiti,,n i.f I initW.
J,ilt,i,n. An.lri.y V,.',t ty ILi- I '. . ,
V,..U-r . tt, rt t'lttti r tttlf t, ilu- ; . ,.
SW'l tlf ffftll'tl ttW-lltt. -flfl.! hi t.w
our north riimt- tttti.tt-Mx , u t ,,l
l'l:trlf Kt Mi lt'll V. Kt.tlpin :,! . I it. j.)
I'tirti.Mt or (.rrnoiin knuvt it or ut.rviiotvn
ti. K tttiy ntiht. titl. I. fit or i-it-rt-iil
,'t.tntf itU.,' ribf.l ttt
ntit t'otirtTn, I tfit'inl.tiitn.
lo tin- il,..tulHt,t. KtH.ic rntntl I
I I ;tt on tlir l'lth ,l:tv of Irl-riftr'. A.
.u i 1,-iti .on wit. lilt. I lv .it.il r. It... V.
.it. Au.lt- ,.l.-t Httiil V.-in ..I.
lit llf ( m'tlll I , Hit of t'l.' !Rlf .1
M .irxw l oitrtty. f, r tti.t.nl r-'t:
l.ti. irt tl..- M .1 :.l-,t,. ,1. .I.I
S..s. nt.i,... ton in i . ..I in :i -. ' t
t th.- Jt.ih ,U ot Mart A. I'. ....
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.1 .It..
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tl. A ti,. ri. ti
St.. Att. ti .
J A. v. I :
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Notice (or I'uMic.ttion
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I'.r, '. 'Jaii'oniijle, III.:
' I -A"r; s.'in ri.ig ttrriLle
r ',i:,s ."', 1 iuiiis each
i :.i i. I hr.J usL'd . . .
I -t u ti:ju t five my
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i . t' ? s ' "ic a:-, before
. .! .,..! i ,:,!;( Orilui.
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v . 'i : '' t. Many
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Notice of I inut 5etl!tir.i i . t
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