Heppner herald. (Heppner, Or.) 1914-1924, March 15, 1918, Image 4

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    Here's Your Bargain
Five-room house with bath, )antry
closets, cellar. Fivi' and one-half
acres, it 1 1 in cultivation. Good gar
lon under ditch wider. Ham for
four horses, chicken house and
park. Kli'dric lights in house and
burn. Close in to business section
of Ileppner; line view, away from
I lie dust.
This desirable home at a hie bar
gain if sold at once. For price,
terms, etc., inquire at the
Heppner, Oregon
"Erin Go Rragh"
Cecil Hall
Saturday, March 16, 1918
Music by Parson's Renowned Orchestra
of Portland
The Proceeds, over and above expenses,
to Be Handed Over to the
Supper Will Be Supplied by Mrs. T. H.
Lowe, as Usual
Church Notices
Catholic Church Services.
Sunday. Much in.
First Mass, 8:00 a. in.
Second Mass, lO:",!! a. in.
Chns'iiin IWrino II ;!ii;i m.
Evening Devotion, ;.'M p. in.
Kev IV .1. O'lCoiii ,e
The Fed era led t'him h
llV School ',1, :t in
Mornimr mi i, c i i iv.
Christian F.iidcuvnr t :! p m
Topic, vi.ivr Wnh otheis "
Leader, Miss t'ov.
Iveh'ultr evenuiir service 7..'!'1.
II. A. N .yes. it,.r
Cleve Adkins and family have
removed to Butte, Montana, where
Mr. Adkin9 ha3 employment at
one of the mines at outside work
at $8 per day.
A big mask ball will be given
at Lexington for the benefit of
the Red Cross next Monday
evening. Lexingtonians are live
ones and treat their guests royally.
Mr. and Mrs. Sam E. Van Vac-
tor and Mr. and Mrs. S.W. Spen
cer drove to Pendleton Sunday,
returning Monday evening. The
roads are getting in fair condition
they report.
LOST Between Palace Hotel
and Federated Church, a cameo
Broach. Finder will receive
suitable reward. Apply to Her-
aid office.
Iooe Elks are preparing for
the biegest time ever this even
ing when the Red Cross benefit
ball will be given at lone under
their auspices. A special train
will be run from Heppner.
Nabb and Miss Lottie Irene
Benedict, of near lone, were uni
ted in marriage Tuesday at the
Federated parsonage, Rev. H. A.
Noyes performing the ceremony
They will reside on the Benedict
rancn near lone.
The ladies of the Federated
church will hold an Easter Apron
and White Sale on Thursday,
March 28, In the basement of the
Federated church. Sale will
start at 2:30. Light luncheon
will be served during sale. 45d4(3
In Justice Court
1 n .1 sti( Cornell'! court yes.
t'idiiy a retrial of the case of
(ieorue 1 l.iiniltnii, charged with
boot lejiginir, resulted in a verdict
of nc( mi lal. A former jury had
failed in imrec
The case of State VH. lioyer,
which w us tried Wednesday, and
in w hu h evidence wan adduced
heii,g Hint the defendant had
lim n awav two or three drinks
.f li inr in hisewn home, result
I in a verdict ( I guilty and de.
feinl.iiii was fund f.'iiH) and rests.
The ii. icnse iii this case offered
II i i v i.li iice and made Co argu
meiii iii the jury. The case wi 1
hiip.a!ed loth ci rcili t COU 1 1.
Dairy Cattle
"Ihirii ir ti.e pi.viv-s (.f the World
War it is the ,lui of all nticti to
lend tl,. ir full s uu'eil toewry worthy
Heine It .1 "
Such an i i . 1 a t f is the Morrow Coun
ty Creamery
I he I' it -i N.iti. a! '..it.H is w iUiv-a to
ai-t t!.- p.itr.e.s of th. Cr. aim ry to
improved a.,, m.T a-e their Hairy
Hi id. I.i t Us m I vc Vo l.
Cipil.il. rtiul Smpli $l.n. 000.00.
Virgil Cowdry moved his fam
ily from his 'homestead in the
mountains Saturday into the J.
C. Owens house in town, where
they will live while Mr. Cowdry
is away shearing.
Mrs.' Maude Robinson and her
daughter Debbie visited relatives
in town Saturday. Mrs. Robin
son returned home Sunday, but
Debbie remained in town fof a
few days.
Mrs. J. F. Ward visited in
Lleppner Thursday of last week.
Mr. and Mrs. 0. C. Stephens
visited at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. E. J. Merrill Sunday.
A birthday party was fiven
Friday night at the hall to Mrs
Leua Hadley and Archie Saling.
The evening wan spent in play
ing games; sandwiches and cake
being served for lunch.
Mrs. Cora Walker visited dur
ing the latter part of last week
in Heppner with her sister, Mrs.
Ben Buschke, returning Monday
accompanied by Mrs. Buschke,
who will visit for a few days w ith
relatives and friends in town
Mr. J. A. Adams came up
from Corvallis the first of the
week and will spend the spring
and summer months on the f irm
with her husband.
Mr' and Mrs. Roy Ashbaugh
are visiting at Lone lio?K with
Mrs. Ashbaugh's parents. Mr
and Mrs Henry Neel.
tiuy Hadley. wife and children
wre gut-kts Saturday and Sun
by at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Lou Knighten.
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Furlong
were guckts at the J.W. Stevens
homo Sunday.
Perianal Ripmbil't
Thrr U turb lliliif i-r...nnl ra
HMillplllr tili b raiui.( I il.Mt l:iit.sl
t noilii-r. In ttt mi), f,.r rium..
dm'k stall, and lh d Mutf efflivr
t held riial!jf mtmualt'l .
bunliij m,s-r In Hip mi; ,r .r.
aonalljr rraninalM f.-r ry .Mmnt
mad ni4 only tijr Ihrtnwlira. l it 17
thrlr Maul Tbrjr t-uii.l !,,
rp.'nllilllly . (lit. .a; ilrrk. rtrii
fur h tty n.h y 0. l i l um in
ludulrlal Maiauii4.
At Minor's
Whether wanted for dress occasions or
for every day wear you will always find
here just what you want. We sell
Sincerity and Ed. V. Price Suits
Black Bear, Can't Bust'Em and Boss of the Road
Overalls and Work Pants
Ide and Triangle Brand of Coliars
Gordon Hats and Ideal Shirts
Florsheim and Fithian-Barker Shoes
JUST RECEIVED--" ExPrfus? ShiPmel ?f
- the new things m Men s
Neckwear, including wide-end Scarfs in Emerald Green.
Come In and Let Us Fit You Out!
Heppner, Oregon
Having rented the dressmaking
rooms at Mrs Henvn's millinery
store, I will conduct a general
dressmaking business.
I solicit your orders for plain
and fancy sewing. All work
;58tf Mrs. A C. Pi-voue
FOR UK N'T - One furnished
room wilh hath I ui uiri- at this!
oftice. i::.!lt
For United Stales Senator
t " k , -
r 1
I Have Now a New
Line of Furniture
On hand. Will take in old on new furniture.
I also handle sV
. And good Second-Hand Machines in good order.
I also buy old iron, rags and Junk. Old iron f 10
p r ton. Call and see what I have.
G. W. VERDOT, Second-Hand Store
Putting t on. i.trnv.t I. ..inin.
Ilrora neioh Vf an rft.wt itmi Kit
itl.e"t lo agrr lih ih,. , u , ,.iry)
bt Hid
i "Ku.l )o" uia n ,m ,(,, ,, fll1
i pull In d nddah atun. an' ,l. n ., j,
is a'ra'ral rtnmuUi.ni Y, I.. ,ie
tvr Im.)H Lrti
"Thi rtalru fa I a fil rlr(
"I dii" rrpllist l'rinrf l',wt.t.w
"I'm ttia kind ft a f.Hl rt:r ii .i
I ral Hi .tuff ntrad o U'aln j aUul
lf."-Watilii(tio Star
K. N fcUi.t.WJ
Farmrr, Stockraiirr and Businrumaa
A man who dm s thirt
Who 1 1 : j ai'cosiip'i.-l , ,j snic-'
Who knort s l.ow t work and
get rrsulls
Who k now (: i i-oti's i t te
(piirettiei.ts and n -oi.t ei s
Who I as the i j . r'.r- ce.kro a !
i Jgt ai'd liit.r i ' .' rtat g.
W ho. as a flato ! g;-Iat.T f..r
mx ji ars. I a ji'.n a-:y ,'.-i ni .i. h
for On w-i tt.
W I e K' .' is
ijuctn't id iit 'I '. i' a! tv 1 a
hem proi ii. 1 1'.!. ! a : . i
WITH a Checking Account at the
Farmers & Stockrowers National
i'ank all you have to do is to write a
check when payinir a bill or drawing
cash. This eliminates the necessity of
carrying or keeping money where it will
U' subject to loss by fire, theft and for
set fulness. At the same time it will be
more convenient and a whole lot more
We appreciate accounts of all
izes from patrons of all clauses.
4 per cent interest on Savings Accounts.
Safety Deposit Boxes for Rent