TV. Lexington, Ore. Monday, March 18th R BENEFIT ED CROSS Buy a ;Ticket and Help the Great Cause Tickets $1.50 People's Cash Market HENRY SCHWARZ, Prop. All Kinds ot Fresh and bait Meats Poultry and Lard Phone Main 73 Registration of Land Title REPORT OF THE CONDITION of the LEXINGTON STATE BANK No. 228 at Lexington in the State of Oregon, at the cloie of butineu March 4, 1918. RESOURCES Loans and discounts . ..$82, 677.54 Overdrafts, secured and unsecured IX1 Bonds and Warrants . .. 2,220.00 Treasury Certificates .. 7,000 00 Furniture and Fixtures 1,500.00 Other real estate owned 1,000.00 Due from Banks reserve banks) 2,000 00 Due from approved re serve banks 29,783.80 Checks and other cash items 43.00 Pl, VanA 7 41S.01 I will bnlrod acconlln to th. iiiaycruf the Vaail H . h. fov barrel fn.m dl. In the Circuit Court of the Slate of Orenon f..r the "County of Morrow. Application No. 28, I n the matter of the application of Kdna Wooler Johnson. Auihvy Woolery Dye and Valmuletn Woulery to rouiiter title to the NW'i of sec tion IB In township 2 aoulh, raime i!4 cast ol W. M.. applicant!. I va. Ida M. Fletcher, Susan A. Huvhei. John E. Brock Ruby Dixon and John Frarer, Franca PrazM and Bruce Frawr. minora, K. F. Frarer and Helen V. K naupenberv. also all oartirs or per aona. known or unknown, claiming any right title, lien or interest in or to the real eslatt alwve-described, and to all whom it may con cern, defendants. To the above named defendants: Take hotu e That on the Mth day of Harrh. 1HIM an appluatioi was llli-d by said Kdna Woolery Johnson, Audn-s Woolery Dye and Velmaleta Woolery in the fir cuit Court of the Blate of OreKon for Morroa County for initial registration of Hie title of tin land above described. Now, unless you appear in said court on or be fore the 15th day of April. A. I). 1KI". and sliu cause why such application shall not be granted the same will be taken as confessed. and .a drcre Morrow County School Notes District No. k2 gave a hox social which cleared ;i." (in. They in tend to buy a 50 Liberty liond for the district, soup for hoi lunches anil various articles for their new school house. A. lied Cross basket sold for !?7."y, the proceeds of which are. to go. to the Lena Rod Cross branch of the Morrow couuty chapter. The pupils in District No. 31 surprised their teacher one day last week with a dinner served at the school house. A few pa trons were present. District No. 42 cleared $77 40 from a basket social given at the home of A. Dykstra. Only 20 baskets were sold. Games were played and a regular hard tin e party added to the amusement for the evening. The money was turned over to the pupils and teacher. They organized a Junior Lied Cross and paid for their member&hip out of this fund. They also had their certilicate of membership framed. A mum ber of changes in the school will soon lane piace which win show how the money was used. One of the pupils from district No. 54 who finished his eighth grade in that school and who en listed in the Marines a short iime afterward, is now at Guam. The teacher and pupils will dis play a service flag in his honor sixteen schools in the county ave organized Junior Red Cross auxiliaries. Material came so late that other schools have not had time to report. The Morrow County Thrift Report Books have been sent to every pupil iu the schools. iSee if we cannot put Morrow county in tne lead uud over tin; top in this matter. Elvin Morgan, in District No 3, Morgan, Ore., is the tiist pupil in the county to sell ?."i0 worth of war stamps. This ent tics him to membership in the Junior Rainbow Club. Fourtetn pupils in this same school signed pledges iu December, promising to tiring to their teacher 2."i cents for a Thrift Card with a LTj-in nt Thrift Stamp ulhxed thereto, and to start then to save and continue lo save their pennies, niekles, dimes ind quarters to buy War Saving Certificates. Thev hope in this way to help their Government to win the war. Licna Snki.i. Shi kit.. County School Supt. A Midwinter Proposal By F. A. MITCHEL 1 Other resources 27 80' 133, 704. 77 LIABILITIES Capital stock paid in .. 15,000.00 Surplus fund 1.500.00 Undivided profits, less expenses and taxes paid G72 Individual deposits puting the same. SbALI J, A WATt.ltS. CUrk Joa. J. Nys. Attorney for Applicants. Address Hetniner. Oregon. iH'J THE RED CROSS NURSES OF EUROPl ARE GIVING TOASTED CIGARETTES TO THE BOYS To anyone who dorsn't know nf the wonderful advancei that have born m.n! o,,t,; tr, rhort 10(V43S.45' In the preparation of amnkiritf tobacco J ' i In th l.-isf few veara it m.iv aound atranuc to apeak of toasted cigarettes. Demand certificates of deposit ' Cashier checks out standing Time and Savings de posits Other liabilities 133.27 (Copyright, m17, Western Newspaper Union.) It is wihl Hint hiilmy breezes, soft kies, mellow sunshine, or the liylit of the moon, ('(institute n fitting back ground for love milking. I was not snared niniil imy such surroundings. Helen captured me in midwinter, Helen nnil I were skating. A broud stretch of ice, smooth as glass lny he fore us. The morning was bright ; the mi glistened on the frosty scene; the air was full of ozone. Occasionally we would skate over a place where the ice was thin and we would hear that crackling beneath us that I have al ways loved. This sound and th ozone of a frosty morning are far more de licious to tne than the song of the birds and the fragrance of roses in .Tune. Helen's eyes were ns bright as the sunlight on Hie ice; and her cheeks had been painted Vermillion by Jack l-'rost. We were skating along with something of a roll, Helen's hands In her fur lnulT, and the long hairs of her tippit caressing her cheeks. How I envied her that tippit. She began to talk about the various marriage cus toms of different countries. When n girl discusses love and marriage the fellow she is with had better be on his guard. It indicates what she Is think ing uliout, "They have some funny customs In liussia concerning betrothals," she said. "One Is (hat if a girl loves a mail she goes to bis bouse and re mains there till be tisks Iter to marry him. If lie declines to do so tier re lations consider themselves insulted, and punish him accordingly." "That's very (pieer, isn't it?" In another part of Itussia where there are several unmarried and un provided for girls, they make a sort of ruffle and dispose of them by lot." "That's better." "In Lapland" Helen continued, "they have a dinVrcnt way still. When a man wants a girl, without speaking to j her he goes to her parents and asks for her. If they consent they Inform ber that she has had an offer, l'os- High-Class Stallions and Mares We are prepared to furnish to the stockmen of Morrow county the very highest class of Regis tered animals in I'ereherons, Belgians, English Shires, Hackneys and Coaches. Registered Kentucky Jacks a Specialty We can sell this stock to responsible parties, when desired, on easy payments with uo cash down and at eight per cent interest. A. C. RUBY CO. Carl Smith, General Agent for Eastern Oregon Headquarters at Palace Motel Stock -quartered at Stewart's Livery Harn HEPPNER, OREGON Strictly apeakinif, we ihould tf tig.v 1 1 a mAmt1 (n.lsfeH trih:u-rn! t he amok. 48.18 er. of thi country will recounie it more readily by In trade name, "LUCKY 9 C17 03 51 KIKE" the toaated cigarette. 1 12 l "l"' American Tobacco Company are '. T I producing mdiiotia of thr toasted cia f 133,704,77 i f't and the-MS are being bought in ' enormoua q'intitie through the anou-. Itobaico fundt conducted by the news paper, of the country arid forwarded STATE OF ORECOX, County of Morrow I, W. O. 1U11. Cai-hitT of t!. above ,hfUKh tb Ked Ctoaa Society to the boyt named bntik. do aoiemnly ear mm ; W rraiKC A Splendid Entertainment The entel tainine;.!, given by the O h, 7th and th irades of the llcppuer school in the i-h school auditorium I a -1 l'nila i nening was it must sm-cessf ul ! ilT.iir. The e.ercie were dis-! tinctly pal riotic. in tin ir chiu.ic 1 ter, consisting of d rills, mhius. ' . ..... . . I Hapten selecl lino. clc. lAciy pupil, and there M i tni'il tu In scores and scorex of IIh-iii.m i-iim-iI to tit into tin-gi'tp i ai ;,i i am.'"' illi'lit like the ions ifawle-il. 4tld if there was u bobble of any kind in tin; whole nlUi r it not such as could be mitici il. The ller.iid i fully convinced t i,i t tin- entertainment w use vet ,v thing thil tbi- ii-lvan ed ad -i. tiling matter ( !uim d fur it and t ie llfbtir w US olio lb it lilbcli'd credit Hot m,ly tihiti lie- pupil-. A h-ae-Xi'i -Ul'-'l It but aU'i on l In I cache r W lo did tl,e d i lb lug and training If m ho., I hm'.iihi no !i ki! (iidinuty tnnit,U, met lb I I r ! 1 it i 1 1 Imi guild i"ii-"ii to jclo-vi- t bat t hey ,ii , tji't t ln-y are ul , ,i s o i !' 1 1 r hlei I hi ( 'JkI" SUi ( e .1 jS i ,.e the ubove atatemer.t if- true to ine beat of my knowledge and Ulicf. V. O. HILL C'aliier Siibocrilx-d and v.-nrn to before me lki 12th day A March. 191. C. E. Woodson. Notary I'ulilic My commission eipiret Oil. I, I9!0. COKKECT Atti-st: W. G. Ceo. L MiMillan. C R. Points. Uc-ra'.d only II lr Thii new procewi of treating t'bacco not only improve the llavirr of the tobai ro but it teal In this flavor and make the cigarette keep better. The Fed CroM nurae l alwav slid to bve cia-arette f it the wounded idi-r at, in moat IntUucca, that it ti.e Ltsl thing aaked l.t. linrtis-y Urd f go.ti'ti'1 it t b I'dlaca iiturdy. li. N. Ilyim-u tirid W. II (;.! rich. ;U kfion tcul-r,ta of th. Ioub in jbtry, ei r ,'. r-J i tLt I'aUce Ut hjturJjy. It' ;l Mte Ul I 'A ll'-ll .( - i" i ir II lull I -i'i kti'i.v that :im- i to do your J! I'niitin,''.' M rn A I,, , it. mil I'ot lldhd I u - li; fur i f-,'. d I'a- f IImITh an, ii. if I'm ib p l,i-r -( I i.. I'm ti ,i d i. n a I.I.UI t h t I I I I I V. I t I.I l III Mr- I : . k i , i . i ".. . i. i,, i,. ,r i f. , .it i ' i i 1 1 1 ' i , . i It I i! en r, In H t A II.U1IC IU li.'J 11 I pi. i I h I litis ti i' l ! U. v . i.' t-. - il,.- t I .;. I:. .... i.. t sibly she nniy not know her suitor, nmy never have seen him. Tliere Is n fenst lit the end of which n nice takes place between the suitor mid tile irlrl be wants. If she nccepts 111 i ti slit per mits herself to be rtiunht ; if not, she won't let 1 1 i i it ciitch her." "That lients nil the oilier plans, doesn't it?" I suw uotliiiiK out before me over the slrcleh of Ice on which there was not the slightest Haw: "It's nih'.lil.Y cold In Liipliinil; iliin'l they do il on sknlesV" "I sujiiose so." I east n uliinee nsble at Helen. She said not ii word further but 1 snw ehnlleiige In her eye. We skilled on in silence. Presently we passed over thill lee; the crnekliUK stiiiiuhitcil me; iniiile me reckless; I have nhvuys prided myself on hoIiik into inntters lili C(iolness nnil deliberation ; n wi n has the faculty of tnklnc tlnil out of n mini If she I'liooses. Helen. Mil- frosty scene, the ozone In the ti Ir, I lie criii kliiiu Ice stole uwiiy my bliiilis. "In you see that point up there nnil tlie little liiiidiui: for tionis exteiiiliia; into the ieeV" I asked. "es," replied Helen In h low voice. .' lie klll'W Willi! WHS cotllillt! tS lis j v.ell us the spider knows Vthllt will I lci..i-ii wlii'ii he sees the lly put his j tool on the tteb. j "I think I run Live you foi ly j strokes me I bent yon to Mini In i ;. j "I don't lliluk you run," snld Helen I lili'li-r llel bl'i'lltll, I 1 "Suppnsr vr Iry. Yon skiite on nil ! j til yini luive (liken forty strokes, then ! 1 -ti.i ben you hour me sny "(jo" j j Hie rare IucIiih." "Veiy w.-ll." I She Skilled nil leisurely Willie I ' , inied Ibe forty strokes. When the ! ' n Hint T Will I Mill). lete. I lulled her to '; -top. Siie look tell lliori' slrokew, null 1 i . I If she bud II. berimse 11 uiiiiiini , hill I lake rvel ) 1 1 1 V 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 K ' of n lllllll l.e illll. I'elbnps lifter nil she III I. nded tu bent lue If she roiild. The : lnie nlisir wim Mini slie Mihled me T to ill. uk Mint s,i. ui,.. (,'tiiii to do le-r i -i Cut Hint s.ilulloii I did not tliln 1 "f II. ell. ! M. I.m.I,, I bm k nl me, Mien iili'-ud. i tl.i II Hulled II : I II i 'Its f 1 1 1 1 11, lie U Hie lliilll, I need lllo'-e tllllldil'llp." "X.ry well iiiiikn It a hundred j .l-,.k.-s." Mil- look Mie biitidnd strokes ml lie i I sn t liul she whs foliiK to Inke e . ii. iiiy inore ns s,,. liked I nn. the i..., . I. mid Mie no-,, whs on. II. u o did l.i r l.ei i. ii Hie Hurt. I In.' I nil I roiild do to luiike nny lessen i,i ' I Hie hiill'ln Hp for Hie lsl I. I i f ,l lulls'. The 'oid uuiitler WHS i,.. i it u. Ii l.elier for me. I he third ci-i it. r IP .-u li.-enn ii, hiK. Al He t i . 1 1 1 1 i 1 1 If of the fourtll she lliii. Ie Ii -piii' t'Ul I -lid Hie Ultlle II lei In th' i. .!.!.e of Hils iiinrl"r I whs n.i inore I ti ii lniielri'1 fe.t Inland le-r. V lie ' VI" tllll (if V fx'l l.f Ml- ,-. lo e, in, d lo l.e fivliiif out. i! , l.i forward. h- stuniered ami . , - i.loiil tu full uu iiiil;lit ,er il. t nrius. M,e II.) ipil.-l I ll-.l for tin- punt i. !.'i.m .y I),. Il.r. in., I I.Hik i I .ii kl mil well Hie rest nf it,. ,o.r) N slreply Ibe I , fOiiilii "f -! .. I i' i ii .loin. In rein Hu mi1"' t" a to pupa and lit" U out v.'h I, ii, i t Him usual rmm ii'lunil way. j l i Home Products (or Home People We Manufacture WHITE STAR FLOUR-GRAHAM -WHOLE WHEAT CREAM MIDDLINGS ROLLED BARLEY AND MILL FEED General Storage and Forwarding Heppner Farmers Elevator Co. THE BRICK McAT EE & AIKEN, Props. ICE CREAM and CARD PARLORS. Gilliam & Bisbee A RE prepared to furnish the Farmers and Stock Growers with all kinds of Machinery and Ex tras for their 1'J18 miuiremcnts. Extras are tfoinjr to he hard to and we would advise the Kumjr mer of all machinery NOW and oidciiii the Extras, and have all ma chinery adjusted ami ready for use when the time comes to ns" il. Take our word for it, if you wait until the Extras are neetled you may not he able to k'et them and there will he no time to waste in 1'JlS. Gilliam & Bisbee "We Have il, Will G -t it or it in Not Mat!.-" HARDMAN GARAGE BI.F.AKMAN st RAU, Prop. Courteous and I'fficifiit Service by Courteous ami Competent Workmen Accessories, Supplies, Lxpert Vulcani.ers (iuaranteed 'l ire Service 1 1 Alt D.MAN', OIUX.ON for S;;!3 i l-'.fty Ml Ull'. ' A ' III . '. Ii He, l.i;,' in 1 1 Hoy aim X iii t i ! J O'l to ill " I ' I ' I 1 .1 I I I M l Iii I' 1 1 All I , i t in,.,!, 1 1 i i .. ,1 i. ' I 1 It 1 1- pie I , I 'I i I.'.-, d. .1 1 .. r i i n i d ' Iri.oi ti,-' A I ' Kuli .1 I-Mlil . a... 'I I ; ,'.v i o,p i i I , f II,.' I,i- I i. ii mi IiiiIii, ,ii I in ... I til , i I ; I. . ,i . . j i- i s in I l' 1 1- 'II I t ie' i Hid Ii I , si Ii t III III .', , ,i:,i.i. Ui to .Mvlii, a county