NER, HERALD . A. PATTISON. Publisher. An Independent, Local Newspaper. Entered at the Heppner, (h-etjav, Past Ollice as second-class waiter. Terms of Subscription. One Year - - $1.00 Six Months - - 75 Three Months - - r FRIDAY. MARCH 15. WIS. THE FLOUR SITUATION Patriotic citizens in Ox-roii, as elsewhere, will not complain of the inconvenience caused by the further restrict ions placed upon the purchase of flour and the re quirement that with every pound of flour an equal amount of some substitute must be purchased. There is a shortage of wheat in the world and Europe is on the verge of starvation- We also have an army of American l.oys in France who must be fed and it is necessary that Americans at home should deny themselves many comforts in order that the widespread suffering among the stricken people across the seas may be somewhat mitigated. However, many thousands of truly patriotic people are com plaining and will continue to com plain and to seriously object to. the conditions now prevailing re garding the price of flour substi tutes. The same day the an nouncement of a i)()-50 basis for flour was made publfe came the announcement of a sharp advance in barley flour and till oat pro ducts, which does not look good. to consumers w ho are patriot ical-1 ly trying to do their bit by con serving wheat Hour as their best available method of helping to win the war and to make the world safe for democracy. With a price fixed on wheat and flour, that is no doubt reas onable under war conditions, the people are denied the right to purchase that commodity except under restrictions, and are re quired to buy substitutes upon which no juice has b.en fixed and which seems to be governed only by .the cupidity of the men who control these products and who are in a position to fix the prices at whatever the tralic will bear. There is already a rather insis tent demand that the food ad ministrator should fix a reason able price on flour substitutes and that demand will probably grew still more insistent as the use of flour is still more curtailed and the prices of substitutes continue to advance. it is one thing to talk ami write about proiiti'ciing and anoth er thing intake the food protiucr by the scrulf of the luck and force him to erase his unholy practices anil become, at least ft r tlu' duration ol' the war, a decent and, ut leant to ipi'caranccn, a tnotic citien. CECIL ITEMS Wm- O'Sullivan and wife, who have been visiting with Mr. and Mrs. II. S. Ewing for the past few days left for the W. B. Ew ing place at Oakland, Douglas county, Monday. Messrs- Ken Morgan & Wagner of Morgan, did some horse buy ing in Cecil Monday. (ieorge D. Anderson returned from Sand Hollow, having deliv ered a fine bunch of colts there for Hynd Bros. W. A. Thomas, of Cecil, was in lone Tuesday closing a sale of his wheat ranch to Mr. Crabtree of lone. Mr. Thomas intends leaving for Hitter Springs for the benefit of his health at an early date, where our good wishes go with him. Messrs. Amy & Lister from The Dalles were in Cecil Wed nesday overlooking the caterpiller engines sold in the district. Wm. Perry came down from Heppner to work for Jack Hynd on the Butterby Flats. Miss Hazel Winters was a Ce cil visitor Thursday. Miss Matilda Bjork has return ed to the Henriksen home for the summer from Yoncalla. Mrs. Carrie Ewing left during the week for Albany, where she will visit among friends. Wid Palmateer too his wife and daughter to Arlington to catch the midnight train Friday for Jasper, where they will visit among friends for a few weeks. Jack Hynd left in his auto for Heppner, returning on Saturday with his son Herb. Mrs. Lena Snell Shurte, of Heppner, spent Friday with Mrs. B,;nnett of The Last Camp, tak ing in the school entertainment in the evening and leaving for Arlington Saturday. Mrs. Hannah Ahalt left Wed nesday for Sherwood, where she intends to spend a few weeks. J.T. Falconer and wife left for Portland Wednesday, w here they will stay for an indefinite period. Karl Troedson and J II Miller autoed over to Arlington Friday night. C A. Minor left the Last Camp for Portland Saturday. Miss Irene Douglas spent Sat urday with Mr. and Mrs. E. Lo gan at the Willows. Miss Lucille Huff from Uhea Siding was a week end guest of Mr. and Mrs. A. Henriksen at Willow Creek ranch. Miss Crabtree of the Bill Thom-a-i ranch was a Cecil visitor Sat unlay. Mi.-s Edith Nash, of Heppner, visited with Crandma Nash Sat urday, returning home Sunday. U.z French sold out his band of ewes to C- A. Minor last Sat urday. Win O'Kourke of Heppner c uue down to assist in the lamb ing on the Minor ranch Sunday. W Beamer w as u business call er in Cecil Sunday Professional Column p DR. R. J. VAUGHAN DENTIST Permanently located in Oddfellow's Building HEPPNER, OREGON S. E. NOTSON ATTORNEY-AT-LAW OFFICE IN ROBERTS BUILDING HEPPNER, OREGON DR. N. E. WINNARD PHYSICIAN & SURGEON HEPPNER, OREGON Notice for Publication IsolaL-d Tract PUBLIC LAND SALE. Department of the Interior, U. Li. Land Oltlee at La Oraii-. Or.-K"n. Jan. 21t. UflS. Notice in heivliv yh.-n ttiat, ii directed liv the , C.jtritni' "ioner of the .jem-ial Land nllice. under; provisions uf See. :M,V. U.S.. pulnuant to the Hp- plication of fleo. W. perry, of Heppner. Oregon, Serial No. Pl.-'i, we will otter at ,iililii- sale lo j the highest ladder, but at not les than .t-.'! per acre, at in o'clock a. m., on (health day of Mai . h, mix, next, at this olhce. the following tract of land: SH!., KW'j Sec. IS, Tp. I K., K. at W. M. '1 he Hale will not Vie kept open, hut w ill he de clared cloned when those present at the hoiirnanl ed have ceased hiddiinr. 'J tie person makintr the highest hid will he re.piii'ed to immediately pay te the Ri icer the amount thereof. Any persons, claiming adversely the alove-de-lihed land are advised to lile their claims, or oh- jectiona, on or hefore the tirn" di sic naled for sale. C. S. DI'NN. Itekiater. Will 5 NOLAN Skll-'K. Receiver. Pes P 1 y DR. A. D. McMURDO . . . PHYSICIAN & SURGEON Telephone 122 Office Patterson Drug Store HEPPNER, OREGON DR. GUNSTER VETERINARIAN Licensed Graduate HEPPNER : : OREGON Phone 722 (Day or Night How About That War Garden You are Going to Plant? Watch paper (or dates DR. J. G. TURNER Eye Specialist PORTLAND OREGON Regular monthly vUiU lo HEPPNER and 10NE Notice for Publication Isolated Tract PUBLIC LAND SALIC Department of the Interior. U. S. Land Ollice at La Grande, ()reKon, Jan. 'il, WIS. Notice is herehy t-iv.-n that, as directed hy the Commissioner of the General Land ollice, under provisions of See. iM.Vi, U. S., puisuant to the ap plication of Charles McDevift, of Gurdane. Ore gon, Serial No. Iill'.8 id, we will oil er at puhlic sale, to the hitthest hidder, hut at not less than ' per acre, ut lu o'clock A. M., on the 2nth day of March. 191K. next, at this ollice. the following tract of hind; SW1 i.NWii Sec. 8, Tp. 1 S.. K. 30 I'),, W. M. The sale will not he kept open, hut will be de clared closed when those present nt the hour named have ceased hiddinff. The person making the highest hid will be required to immediately pay to the Receiver the amount thereof. Any persons claimincr adversely the above-des cribed land are advised to liie their claims, or ob jections, on or hefore the time designated for sale. C. S. DUNN, lteirister. 40il 15 NOLANU SK1K1'', Receiver. WOODSON & SWEEK ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW Office in Palace Hotel. Heppner, Ore. SAM L VAN V ACTOR VTTORNEY.AT-LAW HEPPNER, OREGON LOUIS PEARSON TAILOR HEPPNER, OREGON Office phone Main 643 Residence phone Main 665 FRANCIS A McMENAMIN LAWYER Rotwrti Building, Heppner, Oregon Early yet to plant but just the time to secure the seed. We handle four of the best. D. M. FERRY & "CO., Michigan NORTHROP & KING, Minnesota C. G. MORSE & CO., California CHAS. H. LILLY, Oregon As some varieties are very scarce this year we advise early buying. ROY V. WHITEIS lip: A L ESTATE-1 XSU R A NCE LOANS Heppner, Oivgon Registration of Land Title In the Circuit Court of the Stale of Oregon for the County of Morrow: Application No. 2'). In the matter of the application of Filna Wook-ry j Johnson, Ai.ilri.-y Woolery Dyy. ami Veimcleta Wootery, to retfisU'r title to the cast half of the east half of Suction four, in townnhip thrue. south mne 21 cast of Willamette Me ridian, Applicants, vs. Sylvanus Wiisht, Andrew J. WritrlU, Grover La ietette Wrinht, Gtortru LaU'M-Ue WriVht. Benjamin V, Wamack, U, W amuck, and all the heirs known or unknown of t hi above, named defendants, and all the heirs known or un known of Aelialh Wrirht. deceased; Helen V. Knappenbeur. also all parties or persona known or unknown elaimuitf any rinht. title, lien or interest in or to the real estate above dem-rihed, and to all whom it muycoiu-iin Defendants. To the above named rit-feiuhin ts: 'l ake notice That on the ltith day of February. A. U. UHn an application was tiltd by said K.lna Woolery John sun. Audrey Woolery Ie and V elmulela Woolery in the Circuit Court of the Statu of Oregon for Morrow County, for initial registration of the title of the hind above described, Now, unleHH you appear in said Court on or he fore the aith day of March, A. I . UU. and show cause why such application shail not he granted, tlu sume will be Ink.'n as con teed, m.d a decree will be entered accordiov; to the praver of the ap plication, and you w.!l he foii'er 1 arud iroiii diHputlntf the same. ISKALI J . A. W.Vil.KS. Clerk. Ily Cay M. Anderson, Deputy. Jm. J. N'vs. attorney for applicants. Address, Heppner, Urenon. 4 'id ili Phelps Grocery Co. Heppner, Oregon 0 POLITICAL ANNOUNCEMENTS For Sheriff I hereby announce mjsolf as a Candidate for Sheriff of Morrow county on the Republican ticket at the coming primary election. Adv. WlLLAKD II. HkRKKN. For County Commissioner I will be a candidate for County Commissioner at the cominir election on the Republi can ticket. Respectfully, G. A. Ltl.KAKM AN, Adv Ilardman, Oregon For County Clerk Notice is hereby f'wvn that 1 will be a candidate for the Re- Registration of Land Title ix Tin-: ciuci'iT ci ri:T cf tiik STATU Hi-' (i;i:cii)N I-"' .'It M'lKIIUW I'i U NTY, Api licittliin No. 'J?. In Oif mutter of tin ui'plifnlion of K'ina Wuolrry Johnson, Ainlriy o..!n lo iumI Wlmi U-ta Wouli'ry. to tVKint.T title to lots (.-. two, thrtt' mill four: tlio SI-,', of tht NVV'i. ni.,1 ihr & The United States Food Administration Says SAVE FATS r$ VVe must save fats to feed our fighters. We must save 4 fats to" help our fighters fight. Every hog is as necessary to winning the war as a i shell. Every pound of fat is as sure of service as a bullet M Use fowl. fish. Vecetables. Vegetable Oils. Cheese Purely Vegetable Cotosuiet, Crisco. Olive Oil.Wesson Oil, Mazolo (made from Indian corn,) 9 SAM. HUGHES COMPANY Registration of Land Title SW'.uf th.-NK'1of,,Min twotn tow,-!,,,, , ,, Ull. circuit O.urt of the State of Oregon for onetMnith raiiKf twenty-lour iM-t ol S iliain- Flour, Substitutes Now SC-jO The following telegram, re reived Munda) t S. K Nut A very pleasant entertainment organized by Miss Inez Kaston i publican nomination for County Clerk of Morrow county. Oregon, at the primaries to be held May 17. 1018. Respectfully. Adv. J. A W rt us. For Sheriff I hereby announce myself ns n candidate for Shentf of Morrow Visitors From ttlB EaSt ' County, on the Rei-ul hean tieket. Mr. una Mrs. I. N. Dunhane. "bject to the will of tin- oter idv rttn ie. l i.truedinllei.t. llt thi' I'nmanes to be and her pupils was niven in the Cecil t.all Friday evening. The program consisted of stMins.drills, etc., tiiii.-liini: ut with a dance I ne music hy "The Lust Camp t li eheli a" w as highly appreci- ut.'.l lie :tll iit-.i,iit unit ifittninir 8n, chainnan ol iho ..Ion. w .w l.(;i,Umt(.l! UI,tl H . m. County food Coumi aiion t'oin-j lililtee. Ironi . I. Aer, Malt Food Adniiniti atoK, is sell-iv pl.tnatory: "5. 1'. oliiii I letiliner. Ore. "Ortim: to the evening; In Vimt for phiy 1. l'.'IS. uii.. .... i tl,ia ...inhli'v fmiiicti iiilnl. 1 1 1 1 I r i i mm im J ml i'i. A I V. pii; in.. .hi. .iiit.i i.iitii... - - i. w whont fr f-hii'inriit to our army Mr. l i 1 utumon. Mr. atiroa-i ami t tho vo U of1 1jI.ih h nvn'iTRful con truer. Fraiuv, I have rca is o I intuitive ! tor in il.e I'utktturK ni.ui uJ iimtnu'tums tl;it no .-ult'.H of flour ' tiiUiuc a tii UuouKb Ht vt rati lu tna-U' vMth.utt an wiih tho uU a vl timlui iotiiUoii quantity of HuliHtitulo, ami I am ( noro re iUr imriuiutie uiny luttuir lh oitirr into I'iVri't t- o fuuii fr ,s duldriMi. Mr day. Thw will uiuloul'UHily in- J and Nl Duoluuitf Iiavo u fauiily convi-nii'tui' many of our pivple ol U ct.itJnMt. four i f thitou ol but they tmMt thoroughly umh-r-l wnom are of ilnfl two oo atand that it in an absolute no- U'io in tlu aorvic Th pa. Ci'saity and the time ban arrived rent Hili cut Xhvir witeru trip when we are called upon to come taUht horl in ord?r to rch etle Meri'liun. Anpiu'ituU, vs. I Louise liiwe. ('aniline :u k. M;ir r'ry . Cnther- j me i'ettj ft. I re-li rii k J tin (ii intfer. Gt-orne tlKiiiuer. J tuieH 1'. ih H. 11. U-n V. K nnpieiilf'tt( nio hII (.n-tuf or I'ihihh known or unknown tlhjun. uny nuiit. titU-. lien or interest m or lo O.e rerii,'tt. hIhiv" ilet-ril v . iiii.l to itll wh. :il it rnii eitu' rn, (l f o.lant". To the al'e i.tutiinl .i.-frt ,l.,n t . T.ike notice .ii the l th il. of 1 ti r.,ut. A. l. !..-. hi. ttPI'licut iin wiif '.''I h "iiol h.!i it i rv i4 tti. Au.ire V o.,:.-r I i :nii.,. ( a W i in the I irruit ( '.mrl ot llie I'-it'e of titik'"i f.-i M'Tiow eooiil , lot tint ..; n ,f -.ii u;i..n ol t t,v t-l. ..f tli- Uml ale .t i t t .-(. ,Ntt . u'ilf"i 'Hi nii-ar in -i ,( r.-uM or U-iort? I he th Any nl M,t;h A IV . i, i hnW fiiu wti ',i'-h ai , L, ut .mi -t t.i nut h tflMUtttl, the H.tno' W li ! tun- fi : i.'Hir-n! I.' .! N (evlf W i O Ih- e'tlt lot 'i r i ' h to t l.e l -. c! ol Ihe MU ! -il f:- :tr ! . w n he i. r t ..!!.,. (..nt .i.-i i.I ' k the ... ,- ,r Al.l 'A 1 1 I . ; ii i. M A.I.-r-1'. , . Jo. J N Alt, :- i- r . t lO ' , A ! . 'It i i'ii. r, n , i- Nursery Stock? See Hjrry Morrow County. Application No. 24. In the matter of the application of Edna Wuotery John nn. Auilrey Woolery D and Velmalta Woot. ry. toreiiiter title to th Wit of th SW'i of eetiun twenty-einht, in townihip one north runtre twenty iix eaut of W. M., Applicant!!. VI. I'harU1 Kyte. Helen V. Knappenberff- alo all partun or pt mun known or unknown claim inn an rKht. title, I. en or interest in or to the real eftiiile nhove oVambeti, aiiU to all whom It nm I'oni'erii. liefentlanta, lo the ilrffinlanti Uve named: Take notice, I '...t ..n the It th day of Kehruarv. A. D. 1918. an n i I ':4;ion wan tiled by aaid t-iina Wuolery John . mi. An.lrey WivUry Iye and Vvlmaleta Woolery if. tin- I'ireuit Cvurt of the State of Oregon for I. now County, for initial mfiitration of thai the land alwvr denenlted. j .Now , unle"n ou appear in aaid Court on or be-j i ,. the :- th .hi of Man-h, A. I. HUH. and how ! . . .. e w ii u.'h application ihall not be tranted. j ii - .mi ix- taken a run I ntHrd and a deer we t .i . ei t, r,, iwn.r.littrf in the praerof the ap a'i..f. ni ,f (.w 1. forever barred f rum dii j M l J- A. WATKIW. Clerk, j . . ... M A'hr-.r. !eputy. . J N . A ttt ri.ey f-r Applicant. Addreaa h-'..l in r. m. siu t'T. For Acor To the IVmocrati.1 Votrr: 1 hfn-by 8 n noil! co that I ill U a canditlaU' for t he o!!'o of fount y Ai!.'!!or, Huhjeet to the .l.vistion of the iVmoeratio l'ri mary to be held in May. If IS. Adv. J. .!. Wn t .. through uml do our full I'leane Kive full iiwUu'ity." fart t tie cttit n .iu bt'lore then two I noldier un leiivv fur Fruc. JITNKY SKUVICC i'.!! n Jituey (or eetnl tr n tr y or n other iervie.. iUy or n uht Pay J'hoiie NUin l'.'; null j-i.ope Main 5T5. l-e V.ut '.'. jro pnvtor. 1 mil re .:'. ' ti l' i r N . i s--t i. A !!li lit'' Vfl y ! -I V it ii t "f .t'l t III' llll. f' III 1 I . III! 1 p :tt:l I leirttie fr c iitiv.i'ioti 1 hiii : b.-t'.ir t 'piij l I" "''I'p'y " o n r ! rfre.i in nn v ' I -i"i.' " ' i'1 ' .vmit ll.;.n uny li ! I'- f.-i" In iid.ii!.' n !' 'ir " A n. 1 I. . . (hi. !t"C' .III. r.'' ! ir.d !..'l '' ,.f il e tin. ! ii n'-ry tU Ktovtn anywhere, ml I t i li y. v t;. roU . ti;!'- U' i'.i;!' sii'd nil crn in in-ir n V. n . ,.n y.-i I he Mi,f"n St. fr.nn me n.nre .i.hamak'f'Hv li. m ;(. u 1 hiii Ihe n y 1' that I ireiiuino nur-ety ri"n t'.-ik I'.lm, ttiutiii.iiL, N.h' t - , 1 ! p i er. Or. t: n l-'lf Notice for Publication I'. . ttm. ,t ..( 1 ht hitru.r, I'. 8. Uin4 0c ' -' .'r.-tfuti, tlrunf ;.l. S ;, . . h.-r..l. Bivt-n thl Km.H. I'.wtnc. of Mi ... . in.. l. ..n Au. Tth. Wl. m.t, Hkm ...II .... N.i ..-.I. f,.r Mi ,. il K v NW' .. ,i 1 .... S. nth !(.- :l Ijui, illmtt '.. ,ii I '- U n.,t,, of irlnitmii ... mk . -1 ... ..r rr-.-I t.. r.tAi.i..h ciim W lh . .! . l.. r t! Uf jri i'. V. rBMrrm. I'. i . ... r . H, ... v.rvtfun. on th tth ... r A, il ;:'. . . I f..... . tt.r.. Rvjl VI. Kt.h w... .. a.i. .... -r I'n'.r ,l ..f M.i.n.r . - J.l.,l!! I't.'wii ..rrrfv.. . M nn. Ii...i.r. rui'sp - a 1 1 on ntfe. t i f l' ! t h.v.- V. 1. 11. MAN. Notice of Final Settlement h.f.l i ,.n IK. th ut l.rv gnd tiH - . ' h t of th w' of " '"I ' -l..l ftr. th .".nnt (' .... ,f I ir, f .r M..m ruhty .... tt. I'.h .U. vt 1 r h it t i ' . - k in . f-,rfi.4t uf . i- . t n th..ntv i.rt r I M St llr. nr .rtfvl W th ' . -t I ft-ial a. o.ur . ... . i h . h.uU Xm f mi (. .A I - " 9 f lAN t. ;Mli'N ItmaU t "Cured!" Mrs. Ous Griffith, of Everton, Mo., writes: "I suffered for three years with various female troubles. My life was a misery. 1 was not able to do anything . . . tear ing down pains In my back and limbs, and head ache . . . weak and nerv ous. Dr. recom mended Cardui to me." TAKE TT.8 Woman's Tonic "When I was cn the sixth bottle", she contin ues, "I began feeling like a new woman . . . 1 am now a well woman . . . I know my cure is per manent for it has been three years nince I took Cardui." Thousands of women, now strong and healthy, who once suf fered from women's ail ments, give Caid-u-i the credit lor Iheir good health. Try It, for your troubles. All Druggists W4 ebii iiiii wm mm Free Garden Seed Cult at the Herald t.mce and ecure a supply oirarden and rtoAer free. These sei-ds re sent out by the Department uf Agriculture for frcr i'itribu ticn atid may be had for tie ask ing at this otV.ce.