Heppner herald. (Heppner, Or.) 1914-1924, March 08, 1918, Image 4

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, , ,,. wo, jiflinu nuBiai, 1 1 ar.'' va ,
f 1 I
The Brunswick Does Net Limit Your
Choice of Records
Buy any other fine phononraph and you are con
fined to the one line of record:-! produced by the man- .
ufactiirer. Hy The Brunswick you are not held down
nor limited in your selection of records. The Brun
swick plays all r cords. "L'lays them better," Brun
swick owners say.
Owners of one-roco"d phonographs have always
felt the handicap of a limited selection. They wanted
to hear other artists than those recorded on the one
line of records, but this was impossible. They could
only hear them by going to some neighbor who had
another make of machine, or by going to some pho
nograph shop.
In their own homo they had to forego many choice
Now with The Brunswick you may buy any record
you choose. You may hear any artist, any band, any
orchestra; in fact, all music is at your command.
Incomparable Tone
Another outstanding advantage of The Brunswick
is its remarkable tone. This is gained by an all-wood
sound-chamlx r built like a violin. No metal is used.
So the Brunswick tone is full and round, with no for
eign noises.
Hear The Brunswick and compare"its tone with
any other. It dues not take a traimd musical ear to
recognize The Brunswick's superiority. You will ap
preciate it instantly.
We will be glad to play any of your favorite rec
ords, whatever make, on The Brunswick. Also to
point out its many features And we will show you
what you save on each model as compared with oth
ers, t'ome in now. A demonssration does not place
yon under the slightest obligation. We are always
glad to demonstrate this remarkable phonograph.
Prices $32.50 to $180
427 Washington St.
W- E. Moore, assistant cashier
of the First National Bank, re
turned Wednesday from a few
days visit at Portland.
Mesdames Pete Farley and
Frank Monohan spent the weel-
end as guests at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. Pat Farley at Heppner
A fine daughter, weighing 12
pounds. was born to Mr. and Mrs
Chas. Vaughn Tuesday evening
Mother and child are reported as
getting along nicely.
FOR RENT--Two front bed
rooms, with bath; 50c per day,
2 per week, $8 per month. Mrs.
Geo. Swaggart, Heppner. 44tf
R. T. Brown, who recently
sold his irterest in tht Cum
mings & Brown ranch, is living
in town at present while looking
for another ranch to buy.
LOST Between Palace Hotel
and Federated Church, a cameo
Broach. Finder will receive
suitable reward. Apply to Her
aid office.
Mrs. Hill efficient trimmer in
Mrs. L. G. Herren's millinery
purlers, who spent the winter in
Portland, returned to Heppner
8 eSEEKEESa O ffiS3
i.l vi li a' a H LA B
Royal Worcester, Bon Ton and Adjusto Corsets
Regardless of recent advances we have placed
on our Bargain Counter over five dozen Corsets
at prices that will insure their speedy removal.
There are only a few sizes in each style and we
have enumerated these sizes. Here is your op
portunity to exercise thrift and effect a consider
able saving.
Church Notices
Catholic Chinch Sci vii eN.
Sunday. Match 1 .
First Mass, S;00 a. in.
Second Mass 10;:'.O a. in.
i 'In is' inn inf i mi. 1 1 1 i in .
Kvcning iVvotinn, "::! p. m.
K.'V I' .1 OKniltke
Tin' Federated Church
Suml iv Sclionl ).4o a. m.
Murine M'rini'n: Fifth in se
i ii". Tin- l-Mi-if a Prayer.
( 'li risi i.i it Kiuleiiviir p. in.
1'i.pie. Si lf-l!t tierinent Leader
Kutlirj n I'ltiKon.
.Iiini. t I'.inli itvnr I'uder. Her
tiii-.- Y. e l-i'ti.
Mvi mi u .Si'i iniin "Coin nnr
rl.ll il AiiMiM'inenl:-.."
II A. Neves, Pastor.
Oaii v: tii the severe drouth in
California the siippK of beef cat
tie tor t tie i ;i' iv i-na-.! market w ill
he h n ; ' i . I and i'id;cateH a strong
'rite First Natio! al Hank i- pre
i . to a-i-t the sloe' (,'r.itti-r
in t'u In- I! at ,'e .-tuck for
the eai ', mat k-t.
Piv;t'v for
Camp. Hk."i.
A" il
I. In rty Loan
! the date.
Clint. d. Si
iti i iif. ...
tIl .III-1 l lllllV l.ll'll I lolil
t S. CkH'.vni.
ist Friday evening and has re
sumed her old position.
The announcement of E. M.
Shutt as a candidate for the re
publican nomination forSheulT
appears in our political announce
ment column this week. Mr.
Shutt has held that office in the
past.leaving it with a good record
as an officer.
Mrs. Wick, of Lone Rock, is in
the Heppner hospital recovering
from an operation which was
performed Monday morning
Dr. Winnard, who has charge of
the case, reports her condition
as being satisfactory.
Leo Jin and Wond Wond, two
intelligent and progressive Chi
nese from t'ortlana, have pur
chased the O. K. restaurant from
Charlie Choots and will hereafter
conduct the place, will be open
for business Sunday, March 10,
Little Miss Dorothy Ilerren
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Will
aril Ilerren, celebrated her 7th
birthday last Sunday by enter
tiiining nine of her little friend
at an afternoon party. The lit
tie ladies present report having
had a most delightful time.
Mrs II. II. Cjuackenbush un
derwent a serious operation at
the Heppner hospital Tuesday
morning, the trouble, being np-
pendicitis and other eimmlica- Foil I IF. NT
lions. Dr. Winnard, who per-jrioni with ha
formed the operation, reports : office.
the patient as getting along well.
Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Freeman,
who arrived from Orecon City
Friday pvuning, hiive taken the
Avers house, corner May mid
Chase streets mid are getting!
settled therein. Mr. Freeman i
lias taken cbarire of the il ry i: od I
department in Minor A Co.'s big j
store. j
Mr. and Mrs. I. L. Wilkin rc- j
turned from Portland Woilnes
day where they spent a week vis-'
;iting with Mrs. Wilkins' brother. ;
: Creston Maddock. prior to his do-'
Iparturofor the front. Creston:
;e;.listed in the ordnance branch1
of the service some tune ago and
; will probably soon be on l is way
While breaking a colt at the
, Kilkenny ranch hist San.liv. I'ai
i Mollahit wit tbrown fiem the
n iilale hiiiI kicked on li e 1. c. sus
taining a bad fracture if that
member. lie .i toi .e.-'t in
Heppner and is iiihv in lie local
liospii il. w bere h N it i i ,ln
j rapidly under Dr Wun .ird s
c.i re
J. H. Cusoti I. a K..M (.., l',."i.
'.cr farm just at'ove t...u (o
Frnk Moin h in. l. t un b
ilie properly a. I; m : m a
spleiitlui little lice,i almut
J ' irre ef creek t . r t . s t s imier
l r l igul ut hihI n' in a . ul. .tate
of en ti alion Mr, ('.. in i
lis 'king for noi ber Im .r , ..i. s.mie.
wberelil Morrow county ulneti.
be !,. U plenty g I el.ieigb
423 -Full Figure, Low Bust Sizes 25, 27, 28, 29
WJ -Avi-ragi Figure, Low Bust Sizes 25, 27. 29
f,02 Full Figure, Low Bust Sizes 25, 26, 28
42.j - Average Figure, Very Low Bust Sizes 25, 26
42(3 Average Figure, Low Bust Sizes 25, 27, 28
Full Fiirure, Medium Bust Sizes 25, 27, 28, 29
Average Figure, Verv Low Bust Sizes 25, 26
Average Figure, Medium Bust Sizes 18, 24, 25, 27, 28
Full Figure, Medium Bust Sizes 25, 28, 29, 33, 35,36
Average Figure, Very Low Bust Sizes 25, 27
-Average Figure, Front Lace, Sizes 26, 27
Bon Ton Sizes 18, 20, 22. 24, 25, 26
All $1.25, $1.50 and $1.75 Corsets, sale price 98c
All $2.00, $2.25 and $2.50 Corsets, sale price $1.50
All $3.00, $3.50 and $4.25, Corsets, sale price $2.00
R & CO.
Heppner, Oregon
Having rented the dressmaking
rooms yl Mrs lierieii's mi.l'iiiery
store, 1 will conduct :i gem ral
dri'ssinaking bu-ines.-;.
1 solicit your orders for plain
ami fancy sewirg- All work
guaraiiU ed
:5Sif Mtts.A C. Pr.Youi:
Mil, YDU!
I llll'
f ii i iiUIk d
ii i e ;it i hi
For United States Senator
II: :
I Have Now a New
Line of Furniture
On hand. Will take in old or new furniture.
I also handle
And good Sccond-Hand Machines In good order.
1 also buy old iron, rags and junk. Old Iron f 10
r ton Call and see what I have.
G.W.VERDOT, Second-Hand Store
K. N. .u.... .a
Firmer, Sto krair r ar.J Cuine.nin
i.n k r
t r.
For Farmers
nuiri hi.-
1 .. I :
i-J.'a- d
ho. a
i -:ir
f.-r (i.fc.
si ,. .- i:
q li ti.;.( d I
Progressive Farmers are banking all funds
received, and makinu expenditures by check-
The excellent facilities of our Checking De
I'artment are placed directly at their disposal
that the highest efficiency in money transac
tions may be assured.
Wo invite consultation with reference to our
service to farmers.
iii rrsi a.
1 1
Lr buu.