Heppner herald. (Heppner, Or.) 1914-1924, March 08, 1918, Image 2

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S. A. PATTISON. Publisher.
An Independent, Local News
paper. Entered at the Heppner, Oregon,
Post Office as second-class matter.
Terms of Subscription.
One Year - - $1.50
Six Months - - 75
Three Months - - 50
FRIDAY. MARCH 8, 1918.
The third drive for the sale of
Liberty Bonds will start in Mor
row county April Oth, and it is
expected the county will be called
upon to subscribe for an amount
closely approximating a quarter
of a million dollars
Morrow county has not failed
in her duty in any particular
Bince America entered the war
either in the matter of furnishing
the "sinews of war," which
means money to back up the
government of the United States,
the men to man the ships of the
navy or to get behind the guns in
the trenches, or in producing the
wheat and beef and pork to feed
oar armies and those of our allies
in their fight for Democracy.
Morrow has gone over the top
every time the occasion has aris
en and she will do it again. As
a people we have but one real
job cut out for ourselves, and
that is to win this war. When
that is accomplished we can be
gin to consider our personal af
fairs as of first importance, but
until then we are bound by every
claim of good citizenship to place
the rights of humanity first.
Not every man or woman can
buy a Liberty Bond but everyone
can do his or her bit in other
ways and thereby help to advance
the common cause of democracy
vs. autocracy.
That man Honey, who is some
what known to fame in the north
west as the prosecutor of many
land fraud cases in Oregon sev
eral years ago, and who is now
stirring up a fuss with the Chi
cago beef packers, must be get
ting under the hide of the beef
barons to some extent if we are
to judge of their state of mind
by the largo sheaves of "free
copy" they are sending out to
the country newspapers contain-
ini Htniit del' en til' I lionisu.lveu
anil condemnation of llenoy and
his wo;k. If all lliey say, and
ask free publicity lor, is true,
the Swifts and Armours and
C'udalieys must he
angels and ll. nev must be u on tiio l.iittorby r lata ranch,
crook, or worse. The Herald Misses Inez Easton and Geor
would lie Klad to publish this Kit Summers were callers at the
Chicago copy at the rate of 10
cents per line, but not otherwise
until Messrs. Swift, Armour, et.
al.. adopt the policy of favoring
the Herulil with an occasional
free shipment of ham, bacon and
lard w ith mi occasional slab of
porterhouse steak ami a hunk of
lamb roast throw n in for variety
It pains us to utter this ultima -
turn to ourdown trodden Chicago
friends, but business is business
We learned our political economy
from James Ci. lUaine and have
an atiding faith in the merits of
"reciprocity" brought down to
Buys Pure-Bred Cattle
Casper Kohlcr. Pioneer cuttle,
limn of the John P.iy country in
Craut conn1 y, tins pun-liue-l it
herd of pure. tired Aberdeen
Angu cuttle. coiiMsting tf L'
bull and t' heifers, which will
kotui be receivetl from Porto A
Sutton, of l-i v rence, Ivmsits
Mr. Koiiler. who h.is tieen en
giiged in the cattle tuisiuess in
Oregon for 1'2 years, insists that
the Aberdeen. Aiigus is the best
breed for eastern Oregon The!
herd purchased is said to lie the
best fclopiliftit nf ih.lt -I i.ii.i ). I '
Geo. and Ed Melton returned
home Sunday after spending a
few days in Pendleton on business.
J. H. Franklin left Sunday to
join his family who are living in
Pendleton at present.
Wid Palmateer, wife and daugh
ter; J. M. Melton, H. Everett,
wife and son spent Sunday with
Mr. and ' Mrs- W. Crawford e:
The Misses Irene Douglass and
Grace Hubert, accompanied by
Karl Troedson and Roy Stender,
were Cecil callers on Sunday
Gus Hale, from Ritter Springs,
came down Monday to help thru
with the lambing on the Minor
ranch at Cecil.
Mr. Wylie, of the Pendleton
marble works, did some business
in Cecil Monday, returning home
with Alf. Troedson, who also was
in Cecil on business.
Art Minor and wife, of Port
land, arrived in Cecil Monday,
staying at the Last Camp over
night and proceeding to Heppner
Archie Ellis returned to the
Last Camp from Milton, where
he had been having a short holi
Geo. A. Miller and wife went
to Arlington Monday.
Miss Louise Shaw, of Butterby
Flats, left on the local for Rose
Lawn, Sand Hollow.
C E Franklin returned Tues
day from Portland, having been
under the care of Dr. F. B. Kist
ner for the past week.
John Nash and family, who had
their home destroyed by fire
Monday, spent Wednesday with
Grandma Nash in Cecil.
Jack Hynd and A. Henriksen
have been doing business
Heppner during the week.
Roy Duncan and J- J Mcln
tire spent several days during
the past week taking up sub
scriptions in aid of John Nash
and have done well in raising
nice sum toward a new home.
Mrs- Geo. Miller was the guest
of Mrs. Jack Hynd Thursday
2-10 Daniels gave a fine show
in Wicii nan Wednesday and
Thursday nights which was well
attended, everyone enjoying the
Ed Bristow and family.Ed Mil
ler and Mr. Johnson of lone were
Cecil visitors Friday.
Mr, and Mrs. JefTerson came
down from Heppner to take
charge of the Franklin place.
Eil Melton returned from lone
i Saturday alter spendinK .a few
days there
I Air. Finley, of lone, the Tuma
'. luin carpenter, is a busy man
' ill'Sl' aya nuiuiini; a sheep shed
1 1'ettyjohn ranch Sunday
Parents and Teachers to Meet
The llor.ihl luis been ashed to
J iiiiiiouiicd Unit a incelitiK' of the
' parent und leathern of lleiipner
j is hein arranou for to be helil
j in tne iivur future at whicti an
I interest nig program will bo pro
! nentcd and a plenum afternoon's
entertainment will bo atTorded
The exact time and placo for this
meeting will tin announced lator.
lleppnor. Ore., Feb. 'J7, 19H.
iMiitor lleraitl:
Tlic State Council of lefene
tor Morrow county desires to
ilntnk the pttriotie men who vol.
uuteered for the I'uhlie Service
1 ... ; . 1
whi as Hie enrolling agents
throughout the couuty. and
p. daily iscr.ditdue Ni r. N. H.
Cit.w. who nave his luneand ex.
eepimiiai ali lny to this wrlhy :
iv.use, making a personal tan.
vitas, mid who tiy his individual
t iToi ts enrolled 37 of the -I iiieiu.
t. r from Morrow county.
Mute t'ouncil of lVfctise for
Mor row I ounty
l!y M 1 Ci.AUK. See.
lMou know that weare ready
Professional Column 1
located in Oddfellow'
VV. M.
DR. A. D. McMURDO . . .
Telephone 122
Office Patterson Drug Store
Licensed Graduate
Phone 722 (Day or Night
Watch paper for datei
Eye Specialist
Regular monthly visits la HEPPNER and 10NE
Office in Palace Hotel. Heppner, Ore
Office pHone
Main 643
Residence phone
Main 003
Roberts Building, Heppner, Oregon
fleppnor, Oregon
For Sheriff
I hereby announce myself as a
Candidate for Sheriff of Morrow
county on the Republican ticket
at the coming primary election.
For County Commissioner
I will be a candidate for
County Commissioner at the
coming election on the Republi
can ticket.
llardman, Orejron-
For County Clerk
Notice is hereby given that 1
w ill be a candidate for the Re
publican nomination for County
i Clerk of Morrow county, Oregon,
' at tno primaries to be held May
17. 1918.
J. A Watt us.
For St frill
I hereby announce myself as aj
candidate for Sheriff of Morrow
County, on the Republican ticket.
j subject to the w ill of the voters
at the primaries to be held on
May 17, l'.HS.
1:. m. sm vt.
Jll,r,l fr.lv H r. I ill ll
jitney f..r speci.il trmn tr.ps 01
,,y ol'ier ervie ilny nr iii;ht
' 1 4' l,,",-n' M"' l"-.". '"wM ft.oi..
""" lAV v.i..ien. pro
Percy Cci at Washington, 0. C.
Percy C. tx, wli. known
Heppner boy, who tuts tuen '
American Ijike f,r s.vt.r!
months, writes tie H.-ra'd from
Washington. I) C.. tint I e I, i
recently beeu transferred te
itiat city and xieci,d to ieaf
Notice for Publication
Isolated Tract
Department of the Interior. U. S. Land Office at
Grande. Oregon, Jan. 21st, lylfc.
Notice is hereby ifiven that, as directed by the
Commissioner of the General Land office, under
provisions of Sec. 2155. K.S., pursuant to the ap
plication of Geo.W. Sperry, of Heppner, Oregon.
Serial No. 01 7S6. we will offer at public sale to
the highest bidder, but at not lens than ?2.nt per
Litre, at 10 o'clock a. m.. on the 2i)th day of March.
lyiK, next, at this otlice. the following tract
if land: SK'i.SW'i Sec. IS, 'J p. 4 S., R. 28 Is.,
The sale will not be kept open, but will be de
clared closed when thoHe present at the hour nam
ed have ceased bidding. '1 he person making the
highest bid will be require! to immediately pay to
the Receiver the amount thereof.
Any persons (liainiinn adversely the above-de
scribed land are advised to lile their claims, or ob
jections, on or before the time designated for sale.
C. S. DUNN, Register.
40d5 NOLAN SKIFF, Receiver.
Notice for Publication
isolated Tract
Department of tlie Interior, U. S. Land Ollice
at La Grande. Oretron, Jim. 21. 1018.
Notice ik hereby Riven thnt, sis directed by the
Commissioner of the General Land oflire, und.-r
provisions of Sec. 2L")5, R. S., pursuant to the np
plication of Charles McDevitt, i Gunliuie, Ore
on, Serial No. 01 tiS:J0, we will oIIYt at public salf
to the hi(hent bidder, but at not iena than S2.5
per acre, at 10 o'clock A. M., on the 20th day of
March, 19 lo, next, at this olh:H, the loliowinfr
tract of land: KW'j.NW' Sec. 8, Tp. 4 S., R. 3d
E W. M.
Uhe sale will not be kept open, but will be de
clared closed when t hu.se present at the hour
named have ceased bidding. The person making
the highest bid will be required to immediately
pay to the Receiver the amount thereof.
Any persons cluiminn adversely the above-described
laud are advised to file their claims, or ob
jections, on or before the time designated for sale,
C. S. DUNN. Register.
10d-15 NOLAN D SKIrT. Receiver.
Registration of Land Title
In the Circuit Court of the Suite of Oregon fur
the County of Morrow:
Application No, Zi,
In the matter of the application of Edna Woolory
Johrmon, Audrey Woolrry Dye, and Velmeieta
Woolery, to register title to the east half of
the east half of Section four, in township
three.suuth rang! 24 taut of Willamette Me
ridian, Applicants,
Sylvanus Wright, Andrew J. Wricht, drover La
fetette Wrijrht, George Lafeyette Wright.
Itenjamin K. Wamack, II. Y amuck, and all the
heirs known or unknown of the above named
defendants, and all the heirs known or un
known of Assenath Wright, deceased; Helen
V. Knappenhenr, also all parties or persons
known or unknown claiming any ritrht, title,
lien or interest in or to the real estate above
described, and to all whom it may concern
To the above named defendants: Take notice
That on the ltlth day of February. A. D. lillS, an
application was tiled by said Edna Woolery John- I
son, Audrey Woolery Dye and Velmalela Woolery
in the Circuit Ceurt of the State of Oretron for
Morrow County, for initial registration of the title
of the land above described.
Now, unless you appear in said Court on or be-
fore the 2tit.li day of March. A. D. UIS, and show '
cause why such application shall not be k muted, j
the same will be taken as confessed, and a decree
will be entered according to the prayer of the ap
plication, and yuu will be forever barred from
disputing the same.
My Cay M. Anderson, Deputy.
Job. J. Nys. attorney fur applicants. Addrem.
Heppner, Oregon. 41M Hi
Registration of Land Title
Application No. 27. '
In the matter of the application of Ivlua Wuolery
Johnson, Audrey Woolery Dye and Veimaletu
Wuolery, to nvister title to lots one. two, three
and four: the SK'i of the NW't, and the
SW'i of the NK'i of section two in township
onestoutl. ratiKt' tWfttty-four east of Willam
ette Meridian, App'uchnU,
Luui.t. Km Caroline Spitrk. M:.ry Fry. CuthiT- '
in. IVtu n. l-'ml.Ttfk (I.-uik.t. Jt.(m (ii-itm.r. :
(;.rKi' l.eunriT. Jiun.-H P. Klu-a. Hfl.-n V.
knui'lHMiU-rn nUtt till .:trt.rn or . rt.iis !
known or unknown I'lmmii a mi) riwlit. title. '
Hell or interent in or to the real iro.erty
aiKne iliKi-rilml. Hiu! lo ml whom II nm
concern. tlocntl:tnts. j
To the iil'o e niiiuni ill 1'eiHliiiitii. l ake notice. I
That on the li.lli ilay of retmiiiiy. A. i. I'.H. an '
application win. liM l mini Ktina Vt.iolory John,
son. Audrey Woolciy liycuml Veiini4ic:a .iit !
in the Circuit Court of the State of liuvon fw
Morrow county, lor initial rtvmtriit on of the title
of the lam! aU. e itc..i nl-t.
Now. unlei. you appear in MHiil court on
or lielore the "th il:iy of Man h. A. i. ami
.how cau.e why Kind iippiu -it on nh ,11 n,t Pe
riiantl, the iiinc w 11 In tiiki-n ha i'int.i....l a-
a (lis Vf lil Pe .-ot. u.l hi i ol.t.i.h to t!.c pii.Mt
of the aoplic itioii. ai.. ou w ii U lon'. r k.,iu,l
fnntl ilrputmi the runic
ISKAI.I J. A. V. Al I KS t :. rk.
lt tiay M. Anleron. iepui.
Joe. J. Nit. Attorney for Apt 1 -at t.. A. I !r,-...
Heppner. PlKim. ijii .1.
Nursery Stock? See Harry Cummir.gs
1 inn re !oekitiir o ir Nuis"i it 1
with the very Ix.-t v i r U ties of all
the "lilTerelit tree und p',int
desirable for cuilivatmn 1 mn
bi'Hiir "iiij ped lo st.pplv your I
neel in uny iliiir; o,i u.,iv
want than any loin' b, lorn.
Ill liddlln II lo our oAll. I h ive
the htoCit f 1 1 1 ree I h iu ,t.i ne re
if the 1 i 1 1 -1 nuisery g i.U
IflovMi anywhere. ail hi t,! Iv.
vigorous, true to lame ai i hi.
griAli in Oivgen ou i an yet
the Milton Mm k from mi. nioit
id Hlit;tk"eou V 1 1, in i ie .i lo t e
1 it 111 the el! y f i'.iiw ,.,t I,,,.
getiUiiie iiursiry iiwn l. i
t-:i m .
Cim mn ,; N iirei , II. j-p-t.
er. Oug ii I:' r
I t't .NU W I it I ite n i :..
Ii st I n t i t ti id '
I'dlt i Ii. t.lLMAN.
How About That
War Garden
You are Going to Plant?
Early yet to plant but just the time
to secure the seed. We handle
four of the best.
D. M. FERRY & CO., Michigan
NORTHRUP & KING, Minnesota
C. C. MORSE & CO., California
CHAS. H. LILLY, Oregon
As some varieties are very scarce
this year we advise early buying.
Phelps Grocery Co.
Heppner, Oregon
The United States Food
We must save fats to feed our fighters. We must save
fats to help our fighters fight.
Every hog is as necessary to winning the war as a
shell. Every pound of fat is as sure of service as a bullet
Use fowl, tish, Vegetables, Vegetable Oils, Cheese
Purely Vegetable Cotosuiet, Crisco. Olive Oil, Wesson
Oil, Mazolo (made from Indian corn,)
Registration of Land Title
In the Cirruit Court of the Slate of Ore iron for
Morrow County.
Application No. 24.
In the matter of the application of Edna Woolery
Johnson, Audrey Woolery Dye and Velmaleta
Woolery. Ui register title to the WW of the
SW'i of section twenty-eiuht. in township
one north range twenty-six east of W. M..
' Vi.
t Cliurl.i Kyte. Helen V. K nappenbenr, lw ll
I parties or persons known or unknown clmim-
inn any riKht. title, lien or interest in or to the
rial otate abuve desrrilitl. and to all whom it
may concern. Defendants.
To the defendants above named: Take notice.
I hat on the Pith day of February, A. D. Mil an
iipphcation was nled by said Edna Woolery John
on. Audrey Woolery Dye and Velmalet Woolery
"i the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for
M. rn.w County, fur Initial registration of the
t tie of the land aUive described.
Now. tnil.- you appear in said Court on or be-
' 'h day of March. A. ). WIS. and show
""-- liy nch application shall not be granted,
.lie iw will be taken as confessed and a decree
w ,1 1. entered acc.r ling to the prayer of the ap.
I'l . ation. and you will be forever barred from dis
puting the same.
r A' l J. A. WATERS. Clerk.
! ny M. Anderson. Deputy.
Jo.. J. Si.. Attorney fr Applicants. Addreea
ili I'i'i.cr. UiiTiim, 4'idi
Notice for Publication
tVpartmrnt of The Interior. V. S. Land Office
I a llrande Oregon, t ebruarr ii. IIIL
Notice is herePy Jm that Chss .B. Cwln. of
II. . i i er Ore. w ho. on Aug. tth. im.meds lloovs.
'e l Kntry. N.i. m u.fnr NE1.. and EW. NW'Si
'' Town S.uth. flange . East. WlllaaaM,.
! v
I an. has filial notice of intention to make
thrw ,e fna,f, to eetahli.ti claim Is the
.!.., darrird. Ifre C. C. 1'atter.m. f.
mm ...... rr at heppner, Oregon, on the IUi
f At.nl,
ant names as witn.s Rube Vale. Ralph
I ".""ee Outer all of Hepener.
d M . W . r
01 i een. llregon.
Dl NX. Readier.
Notice of Final Settltment
v r.-e . h.r.1., gi,,n thai the unden gned has
' ' -'-" as eteeutria at the estate
' " 1 "-". .Imwl. an4 the Cevnte
... .,, ,r, f Oregon fo, M ,reo. fnt!
' si l- ! .lait IKe letn da of March.
si the a ..f I. , k. s ln the forenoue. of
o .1 .)t a. the t'tT.a ar tha i'H.k
th. i. mm ii...., Hepone, or o. lkJ
..f hrs.'
g a.l tt,,ng ,J n srruol
al a. eownt shevkl be KmA
Administration Says U
Indiana Lady Describe! Condition,
Which She Sayi Wat Due To
Constipation and Tells of
Relief Obtained From
Black-Dranjht m
Scottsburg, Ind. Mrs. Annie Johnson,
of this place, writes: "I well remember
I suffered for a long time with constipa
tion, which would get me down. I took
doctors' medicines and any number of
purgatives. They would leave me in a
worse condition than I was before taking,
and my stomach so upset... I know
once I suffered . . . from constipation, I
was so ill we had to have the doctor, Just
so nervous and feverish. The doctor
said I would have to quit medicines, my
stomach was so bad . . .
My husband was reading and found
something about Thedford's Black
Draught and brought me a package to
try. 1 used II regularly at first until! be.
gan to feel better, then I uted lust a dose
occasionally. I was cured of this con- M
st'anon and am sure the Black-Uaughl J
II your stomach Is out of order, you
will suiter from such disagreeable symp
toms as headache, biliousness, IndiKes
tion, etc., and unless something is done,
serious trouble may result.
Thedtord s Black-Draught has been
found a valuable remedy tot these
troubles. It la purely vegetable, and
acts in a prompt and natural way. help
ing to regulate the liver and to cleanse
the bowels of Imrniriue.
Try Black-Draught. EB-15
frea Garden Seed
Call at the Herald office and
secure a supply cf garden and
flower seeds free. These seeds
tF Out by the Del'irtment
of Agriculture for fre I'istribu.
kiDt out of the mutd.e west
to do your Job l'miting"
fur Frauctf at an eariy d4te
l- ( r a I erne
l ,v. t. sitll'SoN. Kset-ittris.
tioo and m.y be bad for tbe ask
log at this i. ff.ee.