Heppner herald. (Heppner, Or.) 1914-1924, March 01, 1918, Image 3

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    " frr p.
Until ih:3 new "smoke",
v.'a;5 undo you could never
havv? a El Buriey tobacco
claret, a It's the best yet
1 pi
The tear;'! tip; brings
out the
or of that fine
Kentucky Burlev. Yon
yUHnjr SO
agreer.ble think what
roasting cio.j for peanuts.
10 v ",ov
K.:. ',
i ;m . p O H A T t O , -
His Fool Wife
? Ou .u..'
pi n
Courteoi.3 a:
i'A'J, Fiopa
;l;ck'iil Service by
r:;pcieut Workmen
, vit Yulcanizers
1 ire Service
Su n n ) i
ix Tin-: tin 1 1 r
, HT.VI'K Oi ol:
MOlipl.U ( ' '
Wllltller-WIHhilu-i I l.i :
ware Co., a ( ri
1-1 ill Ir.
John W. Jul. ii
1 1. i.-v i i
To John W. .i
IIUIIII'll d"li llll.i'l
in tiik n a V) i : i
OF OltP.liOX: i . i ;
lUllfl to .."!.r ;.!, ; .
plaint niul 4 ' i -. t '
entitled Uftii.ii. . i, i (
from the J-iel ,i i i
to-wlt: I hi i.i ! .
April, nils, i ml ii .
jiriir or uiit-w i . t- i .
plaintiff ill t
you fur tln '"iiin 1
tPrt ht tin I oil .1! i
(''tit pIT Hlllllili. t
AimiM. 1 : i . . i .
Of .?.", I I " IM
the rat- of i . ;
from tiio r.th c. '
for thi fnriii. r , ...
Int' rpot tl. r' tu i , ,
O'tll fuT Htil: lih: :
(Irtoli.T, I '.' 1 T. aii.i i ' i
niul ill-lmr
for mi or.!' r
HITlllI'll r ill i"! '
Btt.o lii'il li v t :. I , .
lion, tow ii : ii,. '
Auto Tno K. v :
Wointt r i mi t
IllH' I'tli'ilH' .11 l.i '
tr, i' iih;.!' t . '
laird, i'ii, - p :
tit," 'I ! l 'i 1!. . I
f I- !l.' . i. ' ..
Hon lit... t..
In Ti.wi. .mi ',
K. W v. h r-
fahl poll -t ;. ' '
Imi' of V. . r -lti'iun
r t ..
thiiH-.- Ml. i t 11
nloiiit t 1
III. , ..;
lit.-. s. '
rnt.T t 'A
th' t'1!. ; '
S!. if
t i h ? ; i i -
t 1 t.. ...V - . i !
'l (I'M I
n Lint t" I .
I cr. In
I I ' ; "
I . ;;
I r mi k . '., f ..
v p. 'i it of (.'Liicral c tr
i . -row Couiity, (Iri'uoii,
Ii' . i"iH i l y irtui! of an
' i .ioi iiii'i't'il hi ri'in on the
'i r I'l'iiiiiv. Ulx, by th
' i'. i . l'iilt.T;oii, Connty
i M 'li'iu Cniinly, Ori'non,
'I Hi" (u t iiutiHi'utioii
"ii:.. i, , 1. I'Vlu uiiry 22
1 ' ll.lt" Ol' III.' hint pulill-
;i i' .'.piii :.. huh.
i: VA V.M'TDlt,
' - ' n. y l"r Maiiitirt .
".'I'! i :. Ili'ppnor, OrP.
;;.:!'? cj8 Hurry Cummings
'''' - iiiir our Nurst't iiis
! , v.iriftie! nf all
; i i t ! i-i-M ntiii jilauts
' i' i" i' Itllill. I u III
., .i. I . .1 !.i Mijijily your
..i . tl.io;.' )im may
i - i i 1 1 .ii o b"for h.
i t ir 1 1 a it. I have
, ' I Hi I "l t li'iiLs it, J Ulirt's
. ;i -t iiiitsi-ry t'uiiils
. vv li.T", nil hi'iiittiy,
, 1 1 ' ' in i, a iii it niul all
ii. 1 !ii j.'"ii You cull i'l
I ,4 flntu . Uinri-
i .... y t h in !. wlitTt
s. v f' ii'i.v 1 1, iit hiii
i i - i . 1 1 v, it I'm ii
. il -l il Ill J I Ml .
...rJ irA Coal
IL'opjrlghl, 1917, Western Newnpaper Union")
"Mr. Wlnli'i's." sniil tho socivtiiry, "
wish ymi to go to I.omlon wilh nn Im
portant iU.sinio.-h. Y,u, ,,.e mvare thai
-e ii"e sutTuimili'il hy s.ys in tlie eiu
Ay of the CVntnil i'owi'i-s. I do jiot
'loulit ihat we lmve thom right Ihti
I'lntiloy.-d in this departmoiit. Wf
can't u. the enlile, oven with the host.
A plan. Indeed, what I wish to con-,
municate to our allies alu-oad must bt
carried hy some person we can trust."
The secretary handed Mr. Winters p
dozen pages of imiuuscripi eonlaiuinr
information as to how many troops th,
Uniled .Stales could send to France by
a given date and manv oilier mutters
f equal importance. It was writ ten
in the secretary's own handhe woul'J
trust no one and placed in I!icil
vnxeiope ol tlie state department, but
"I recommend you," conlinued the
secretary, "to refrain from using the
ollicial envelope till yon reach your
destination. As to how you will earrv
the dispalch, tjfit I leave to you."
John Winters went home aul after
telling his wife of the important trust
that had been committed to him and
what a successful transmission wouli!
bring him uul her. directed to pack
a suit case, the only baggage he in
tended to take with him. The dis
patch he gave her to plat-o in tho.sijit
case. When lie was ready to depart
he examined the case.
"Why, my dear," he exclaimed test
ily, "You have placed it in the ollicial
envelope." He took it up to remov
it and found that she had sealed the
envelope. He was about to tear it
open when she stopped him.
"I am sorry, dear, but what is done
is done. There Isn't time now, hut
wheh ymi get aboard the ship, steam
the envelope and open il without d,.y
tro.ving it. Then you can use it us ie
structed." "If there is any man In the world,"
said Winters wilh niui-h Irrilalion "ay
stupid as a woman I'd lil.e to meet
him. But I can't slop to do u,e
That night he hoarded (he ship nl.
n late hour, went to his slater
locked himself n and turned lulo his
berth first taking a look at the pa li
ngo and when the ship saib., ln,.
night, he was fast asleep.
(" "waki g in the morning his
tlrst thought was of the dispatch. It
got out of bed dreading ,.S some one
had entered his stale rnnni n t, ,.(
1 carried it ,,T. Leaving ,s l,e'rh
he opened the suit case In assure him
self that the dispatch was slid Miere.
It was where il had been placed ml
'Iressed. ami hearing on Hi,. 1 . . f t mnd
corner the Imprint ,,r n. K,.,,,. i,.pai.
incut of the I'liited Slates. He got
hack Into his berth and ringing lor Ibe
room steumd called lor hot ,
The steward, who spoke v. il h a foreig.
accent, brought ,e water, catching n
glimpse, as h" haiidcd it iM, ,,f the
package In the ,, M ,..1S(. Ns
soon u he hail gone Winter., aron' ami
held the package over the hot water.
"I believe the ell sell thing Is glued,"
lie growled, lifter vteaniln'i the pud;,
age till tlie water grew e,i,. "Wil,
I'll dress li, I go t,, ,r. nl.f.i-t and afier
breakfast I'll m it again."
Winters nfter Inning ,r, ss, i ami
break rusted. tl,p.., . h-ad waiter to
fiiridsh him with an a!c,,in lamp by
whlrh he c,'ii!d he'd w t, i- in ,s ,,,',,
Ilctiirnlng wilh this be placed ,,,,
table, ami op. n I,., suit
Ills I,, an j, i, ,,.,! ,,,, ,,i,, lU u,,,,,,).
Tin- I'lll-kiige v. j L.
lie v.ii-led ,, a,.,ital.
H" went to the captain. . Id ,s st, y
and ceiy man mi l.ar, i.-s ... .i-, iei
!' m il lis every ci t tiny ,,f n,,. ..(, , ( ,
The ml- ltig I ii. I.r in,, r.niiid I i
1 1 bcb-tlKill.- to He. steward win.
had l.,,l-hl tl. h"t wat, r to Winter'
sli t, r,,,, - I,,. p.,, n ,H.
h li's brig mid Uini.r j,,v,h i,,ilti
tin- (....keg,. t i,w r ;,, '));, ,
h lslily I,, re i,ff the , ln ,.,,p t,, as.,e
hill. -If thai the declimelit ,, ,,,
be. II lalll,cr."l H i' II,
Again lie was . ..! ,, lauTlliti"
dl-ii.M'i-v. 'Hi., cm,.!,,;,,. ,,.,al..
ll'llhillg 1 .11 l,l.:,t, paper ' he lef,
r rather spy , ,!i. f,.i.m , , ,p,j
fretii Wa-leiigleli utel ,ipp,, ,(s
-!.-.' ard " Iii'miI I will, ,, all, If
I," did led dj.. I,,... v, I, at I,.. 1 1 ... ,,,N
" I'h -i Ii II" . I'm- I,, 1,1,
I it, in. nl il, ,1 ,:,, i,t ,.p, , ti,,.
' in. ,..e (),,,( , a ci,. aii,e. p.
!.i.-r. ... , ntt,., i . I , :!f, , ,,j
1.1 !.. Ilia I hi. M,.,.... ,. ,lrf
aad ib. at y ,,l,e, ., t I., f,,M. ,, ( , j T .
I I III' I 'Hied hill,- If l.e etl,, , ,,.l
Creatures Are Regular Farmers and
Their Homes Are Marvels 'of
Skill and Strength.
- Texas has many varieties of the ant
family. (i lht, -ij.,,,,, i.;steado,"
or Slaked Plain., they are so numerous
Ihat their bills h,U lilvU llle ,jUtm!.
of a rolling sen.
One of tlH. ,st powerful and for
midable insects In the Southwest is the
agricultural ant of Texas, observes a
naturalist. These busv creat ores .u-e
regular fanners, ami t'vir hemes are
marvels of arcliiiecturai skill and
Think of a house from rj to la feet
high, built by a lit lie aid, and which
is so strong and. well suppnrted that
cattle and buffaloes can walk over it
and yet not crush in Ibis wonderful
dome. '
It is said that - If a horse, in pro
portion: to his size, could leap as far
as a Hen, that In one jump he would
go clear around liie world. Xov, II'
a man constructed a house according
to the same proportions of an ant's
domicile, it would be more than a mile
These agricultural aids, next to a
bee, are the most industrious crea
tures on earth. .They sow. roan and
garner just like farmers; and during
(he warm season lay by sullicieul slore
fur winter's use.
High-Class Stallions
and Mares
We are prepared to furnish to the stockmen of
Morrow county the very highest class of Regis
tered animals in Pereherons, Belgians, English
Shires, Hackneys and Coaches.
Registered Kentucky Jacks a Specialty
We can sell this stock to responsible parties, when
desired, on easy payments with no cash down and
at eight per cent interest.
Carl Smith, General Agent for Eastern Oregon
Headquarters at Palace Hotel
Formation of Cubes and Patterns, Per
fectly Symmetrical, Character
istic of Gem-Stones.
The original geomel rieian was Moth
er Nature, observe her work in the
making of crystals. i;a, h kind ,,r ,.,'.
stone crystallizes on, a .certain tail tern
of its own, perfectly symmetrical; il
Is the same way wilh mends when
they form cryslals, s;t,vs a writer.
If a cupful of salt and wider be al
lowed to evaporate slowly in a cool
place, the salt will take the form of
ever so many cubes, each laic of them
lierfecl. ' ,
One mineral in crystallizing will in
vnriably take the shape of an octa
hedron, nnot her of a i.h cahedi on.
Yet another will assume the 'form of
a multitude of cubes, pi i lmps Jiall' an
inch on tin edge, with a chip accurale
ly cut off of each corner. 11 scenis
like a joke.
"Ill and silver eryslalli,.e as cubes.
A crystal of iron sulphide resembles
In shape a wild rose. Wider has ils
own crystalline forms, like any Sillier
mineral. Ice, of course, is a kiiid of
rock as much a rock' as grnnilo - litil
Is remarkable for lis ,,w ' moiling
point. This is lucky for us, I auso
this rock, In a -moll, . ii condition, fur
nishes us wilh drink.
Stock quartered at Stewart's Livery Barn
Home Products for Home People
We Mauufacture
General Storage and Forwarding
Heppner Farmers Elevator Co.
I " k Stniiit', C'niil,
I. I :-!.il Wii a).
- iit Huii-i.r-)V
I'.;. I: I -I ix.
l.i: ; l. h
.'ii t M ii 1 1 is i.r
- ' ' ' " 'I iv nr in". lit
H 1 nii'lit i!,i,,i'
I. I'll,' -. . I. pin
'i.l.iii.' n ii tt.,11'1. -lan ,,! ,,,,
" "i". "I ill log ii. a l ag,.
'Ii'li In- .in ..! ...ni.ii,,, .) ,,,', ,
' I ' 'o 'I It i.i-l l. a. ,, ,,f , off, ,,M,
nl Hi.' d, -pal, ,
H,,,.,T. hh. ... m.r )..,... ,( .
' tx" vp " " "I'll.. I In ,
- ' ' ! '.-.. .Ililerooll, l
f f I"- b -I 1.1 e 'ie r..f ., , i.-t,.
be. V I,, ., ,,,, U II, , . ,,.,!,.,, , ,),,.,.
I'.n ... .1 , ,.,,;,v. ,.,,, ,,, ,i ,
d I-
,1 11,1
l 'le li',. !,.!
'., . ,. .r. .-..! I l .., ,., ,, lM
lie d- In -r. d Ii . .ii p., I. I,
Mr. Wltii. r. ,.r, (,, r loi.i ,,,, , r.
linn ...i,f. ... H,, .... ,, ,,,, ,
l,- tl.riu'i!.l n ciiT.. Illi.-.l the of.
f.t ilvi-i... win. I.b.i.k .-r. nr, 1
J l.lel II for ft ,.-. lal Wlnt
n rb ..n'l il,,,a .r o i f.,, , (,,
.' i I .... I,- ... ..... ,,,,.. , ,
Homage Paid Joan of Arc.
Old and lieu- were reunited when
Orleans and New Orleans na l in the
lil'leelith century li,., I ,e il!,. of Hie
city on the Loire at the bean of Prance
recently, says a Paris cot t ,. .pond, .Ifl
j The bicenteiiai y of the n-'W world cin
; was the occasion of the I'uili d Stale--
ilelegales' visit. II ; e was paid lo
.loan of Arc. the oh pi,,u of t he n,,.
I dieval slrtij.'gle for freed She was
I Hie siibjecl of I i . tieh and Anna loan
I ''pooches, and tlow ors and a bronze
luiliii leaf Were laid at the ,,,,t ,,1
her Maine. A pil-'riiuage, too. was
j mad" to the fort of Tour.-llcs. so fa
iii'ius In (he del, n .,- ,, the , ily by lint
maid. The events of tho-e lar g,,ne
i I'eiiiiirles served ii , a if i.ml lonian'ic
bio -I. ground to lh" n . ,. r.i -1 1 1 1 : t . , in
w bi' h the most i hi I, are , to a,.
. pi n I on a crow 'I' d io. ale l..-e
; of the I'lliteil Stale-. -1,'diol on III"
I Plunders friu, t. Sale bi ,.!,. v Mb the
: men I ion of nn dieal n; -ic - and ,-ieiii -!
w. 1 1 heard, in lb" old h.'i' I i u !..,.!
' tb. -" of Pi', -id. nl Vi i! .ii and tie
bailie of the Maine,
Ju'.i a . Ci- y.
Two onnimcri lid tiasii-i , wlole.m
a 1 1 . 1 1 ii on the I it i gi.i, I ;ie.i i a- railway,
got iulo nn aigeitieiit oit'i liie in in, ii
of I be ii 1 1 1 ! 1 1 : 1 1 ir In .i i -.
' P's the ll.lt ol lie. I' "... il. it
st, i - tlie tinin. ' d-' ! i I il . In i h ,,,
"I. r.
"Wimm, v. ion :" I. I 1 1 oi.d.
'lis the on) I nl "I If' I. n.ii "
So 1 In y w i eiti dlii ; n I, nr. 'I !., n
W Ie II till' trail! ..I I I , , .1 ; I 1 I,,- 'alloll
tie.', 'igi.-ed lo Mil. mil in. lo.it.r .,
-. 1 1 a uieiit lo Mi.- in, Lai,, a I i, il a n
M.-I-. .11. b-aiiing . -...- , ! !., I
II,.. door of In- i :, . I, -l. i,. ,1 v. nil ii,,
nli'i.llve frown Mo i i,,h,i,i
Int. un lit ol Me il' i, i . n.e ie I i. u e
MOli. 'I. si I. hi- Ie , 1 lel .el
"Vt ell, g, III-, le'ie ,. el, ',- ,.',,; nil, ait
the working of n,.. i .-..-.i-j,,, in :). ,. ,.,
li s lery sluij'l" and . , m, . ,
sl.o.'l. Win n we iii.i I,. . ., i n,.
Iriiln we Ju -I I ni ii II- it.- la,,, in, i
lln li e llll the .;pi i ' I .- u,,,,,
Colli Production m Pun e
II. "nl tig ..r . i .. i ,, ,, ;,,
I r .ie '. mi liebi ni "! v I, . , i !,,. ,!,.
.aitiii"lil of Mi" I on. , , it,,. : i
I ' o till. on-ui it ,1. ' i i , i , i, ,
..,riniil ,r,.dii. lag ., .1 i . in, ;n
toiil o niput of :'ni".Ki t,,,,,,
-b,.M iiii lii.-r a . ti..; i I ,'.,. n n lh
in "N . ml., r, I'tlH. i . :, ii i in
M.i i ' I,, It' 1 7, . - I Ie . i. i,. ,. .,, , (
e n Mild a .il nl In i . n, p. . ,j ,. i
utel itn.rtaii.,ii of 1 1 "in :t i'"..., i
In .Intimity, Pal 7. I i i...,,,,
lot,.. In Mjr. Tlll ,'VII I .;,-!, ...
sA I" P f H'tl'l I I.I- HI .' I i II" w o I.
. r me I n i h.-. i ,,t i ., , ,., , ,
Hon problems, 'I . . .... , ,, ,,, . t a, ,, t
I y in, ,!.. r b.iii, ., ,, , i ,.( i,,
. .,tl,tl'M'li(. ,y ,, n , 1 ,. p. ,,,,,,,
trni Wk I'iimI.,.. , i,i,i p. i i..j i., .,,.
City of M. I. Hot, tie. i - il t. . , . " , .
gum" ! .ni. . v. I. I, I. . a, . ,i,...
trlbiitloii uu4 t Ii. f ,l . oi ... en, uia-Utuily.
McA I KE & AIKEN, Props.
Gilliam & Bisbee
A UK 1 1 rt pa red to furnish the Fanners ami Slock
(M-owi'i'H wilh all kinds ol' Machinery ami Ex
tras for their 1018 requirements.
Ilxtras are KoiiiK d be. liard to iret and wo
would advise the Koinp, over of all machinery
NOW ami orileriiijr tin Extras, and have all ma
chinery adjusted and lead.v for tise when the time
, comes to use il. Take our word for it, if you
watt until (he Exl ras are nenletl you may not lie
able to Ki t them and then' will lie no time to
waste in I'.llH.
Gilliam & Bisbee
"We Ir.tve il, Will G' t il or it is Not Made"
People's Cash Market
All Kinds ot Fresh and bait Meats
j Poultry and Lard
Phone Main 73
n rj' rw
Notice for Sale
It Hill illl-l 11 III r t Li's ll.l'l. I lie j ,fy (:,( li(ti Uf W()fl
1 i'I"!- '."' i..i..p-"f ri-.n. '.nuu.s 't ..,iy.nv.i c::,)
I A in I ' .V i :ij, 1,-it y i; Jf Ui tll,H f )(U
.... I,, ins t.,, .1 , f ":, .' t'tv any slo.k o. tl,i, In,.. itw, ,ny
'' " '"H"' I"" " 11 '' '"I Mil,... x , ,.,., I),,,,,, M,UlU
' " "!" 1 ''V H- m.I. ,;, v !l(Wi
LI ' 'I V I.','. ., !. ,. ,. ,,
I I'!' I I. 1. 1. II I A l'o Ii I .,
I ' . l.i'l , I II , .1, -i 'l -
lh ppio r, Ore.
- I'o 'mi know ld;it weari' ready
!J. n l i.i, y I ;,'i ..t y i ,ii . ( lo do 3 our Job Printing ?