HEPPNER HERALD S. A. PATTISON, PliriUSHFF A II hldi jii iiitt iit , jural i ics- CECIL 1TPMS Mrs. J. II. uivl Miss Bernifif Franklin went to Pendleton Sun- day. C. Iv Franklin left for Port OuJ lacS.) ,.L.tj 'J'he lied .,:rw-,s iaoies in cliarirc Notice for Publication l.lntITnwt ! ri'p.i.u: land pai.k. i )f till1 'lllToic I'l'ani-f" niiilitiec Il'-l'linn-ient of the lob-rior. I'. S. Lam! OH'; at j l-e-t Saturday de-ire to t-xun-sf. --" ( J l --otice m hereby dri ven t hae a.5 directed bv th", , their thanks to (.VcrVnll.! who 'mmifiwM.rvf the Cjl Lai.d . iiot!.Ts land Sunday, where lie intend, ..,,, Hbut.ei! to the success of the T . R.-. wn t the ,.. ; unoerjeo an operation under I)r iuT.ur. and especially to Mr '.-i .w nn.;. v.;u ...r-r at (,! t ! fo'ffci,,; Kisl3 . . t hl-ks, who turned overall th, .1X0 j Pont Office as scniiitl.-cltixa vtaHcr ; J(;''0'-' O Conner leit lor tne proceeds o ihe rtj;itime to the i-'!w. --. at. this om, the tMmin imet i 1' . " '. 1 UiiK;r ranch Sunday. ! lied Cross. The dT.iir nef.ed th' SK'-SW' Sec- IS' 'lp- j Tnrm: of Snlir.t r'i titi-v. Cecil Ahalt was visitinjf with "'"Ht hUI" "f W-:'- th mie wm not be kept open, but win be de- ,, . ' m,.. it t. i t , m l ; i it , ciared closed when those present at the hour nam- Owe W - - ;Mr.v Loyd Lo'ran Sunday. I Mrs. Ilernn, chairman of the ,. hav! craa!d bidllinl!. The , nmki, the .S'x Month.; Three Month EW avf ., W- C. Palmateer and Uov Stesi- i -uraiest) supplies coiinnitle, re. nis'h"s w'u rqiri u imnwUaurty t- u . . ' - .i ... . 'be Rwt'ivfr the amount thereof. I"" ' "i I in; u5 uiia ill tl IdllJfU Any pent FRIDA Y, M A11C1I , r' i dcr were visitors at the Melton - ; home Monday. Albert Wilbur returned from laimiriK adversely the above-ile- llir t'ail(hlirS for U hi:h a llUriV : n'"" la"d ai-lvised to lile their claims, or ub ,1 " , , . jeetioii:-;. on or before the time designated tor sale. cu;i v. as nuiiJe about a month ago, : t. s. wiKNi ,. NOLAN SKIFF, Reeeiver. r r e e Providence, Ji. I., to spend the ' b" 'ipt"'l I'Vbruary VJ). was; surniiier with VV. A Thomas, of!'11 reil,v "n ll,at except th.. Cecil. 'iipe iHsicners, it nein iniiof.si ; I I'le to secure material or that: Notice for Publication Jw.iiit.'d Tract A. llenriksen was- a Hummer I ". .m.u no in, public land sale T li.S is.SJlC of Hie I Il'i'ald COm- r. . , I III) rpuse 011 t he Coast. As SOOll ' fnHnmlnf the Interior, U. 8. Land onto- ,,lic. n,,. c,... i r 1 1,.. jjn-u Li I ill,"; i., .i 'ill ill ill1, j m- jj per's life under the present, ii.an- UKernerit. it has he; n a vvar- I i the tiipe can be secui'ed the al La (Iraiide, Oregon, J::n. ill. lIS, A. St.reeter, of Eugene, is stay- torn year, a time of chaos in ini-i-ness affaiis, a time of unc rUiin ty and unrest. In :.piie of the.-e injf with his brothers, Henry and' (ieore, lor a few days, Mrs. Annie Carter and son Melviu visited w i t h her old Notice M hereby iiven that, fis direded bv the ."'Ol'k Will l)! Completed Itlld ship- Cnmniin-ioneruf tl, tJ.n..-rnl Land olliee. under ped. In addition to this bt ord 2x1., to the a- ' . - 'a nneatu n ol t'hnrkf Mcllevi U. of Cu ni.me. Ore- i'l till' Colli lllitl CI:' also COlnpietld i-o- Serial No. 01i;,.;o, ve will oiler at Dliblic sale. and shipped a t..,x of gauz.) com-i lht ''''i'1;' "t 1 ' 1 ner acre, at 111 o eioek A. M., on the 20th day of pl'i'St'S. i.Viar.h, 1!IR next, at tins olliee. the lollowinir untoward con, hi loi.s, ,. ever, ",M'n v'"l:"'" w ; 1,-,. ,lr,lfl:lM.,iaS.,K.B the Herald is e;lad 10 !.e able to iVJ$ around arottnU Cecil be-, Glenn Y. Weils returned from , i, 'Ji m noti kt bt wm be d. i-Ptw.fl i.rein-i ivi.il.. nr.. u-itl. iu, c l"'1' deijai tui'e lor Echo ji business trio at Portland and ! "I"!,'d ,:k'"''1 wk lhos,J i"'-"- t ihu hour the publisher has not li, en exatt- Wednesday. . Salem Sa1 urday eveninir. He rt $lVa!iieor$l 10 m p. ana d have eeas..-d bi.M tiur. T he person mahiiuf bit'heil bid v- lli be reouire.l lo i.i.me.i no ,1 v cHo.Lan tioyai uaj cci.ce, reg. $1.10 .35 $1.45 lu ;i .miiI i.e..,. i..; .,, i,, I ,.!,... ,.,. : .Archie PI li.s is visilinr imnnir DOrlS eVeri.thine' verv irond in W t the Ke.niv.T tl wn-nint tin nor has Ins job been altogether a menus in ivinton tins v.eeK ue-, me meiroiioir-., uu io snip yard ; eribed land are advised to Hie their claims, or ob sinecure drawing down fabu lore the busy season commences md other building activities. ; jtk.fc on w Mm u.e timedwiicnaw rruo. ..... . . . ,. I i C. S. IjUNN, KeKister. Ions profits while recluune; on a, wan the sneep- I " ' 1 ' ; i'iir, noland skiff, iie.-eiver. 1'J of roses and sipping nectar: 1' lis Minor of thu Shutt place, j :: ':':t::a:.(. 1 : ..:.-":mr.T: from a Rolden bowl it has been ' also Mr- and Mrs. Geo. Miller,!: Pvf)f,..sinrTl 1.?, 1 .Notice for Publication a good year in more ways than ; were (jecil callers Wednesdav. U' " '? Department of the iuierior. u. s. Land omceat 1 This Weekaii for $1.10 one'. ... I Me.sdames P. and A. Iv Nash ' "'' tiise,ooiiio live in neppuer, were vioito's at tile MelUm homo to net, to know lloppiKT p, ('ile Wednesdav. as neighbors and comrades and iriend.s. it is e.ood to h the Oalles, Oivl-oii, .January 2:1, h18. Dli. II. J. VAUGHAN DE.N i'iiST Mr. and Mrs. Ihodv. of Mor-1., ..III viv li'ol ....I 1. I .... I ....I. 1 I I ; irpoun.l bi.nei.n, ,. i,., i i ri ?."' v ' m,a--ja 1,-11U! I'umms ' VV i d I lesi i:i v ! 1 1. ., i i. i . iv ... . ...... .. j mat nuiiesL enoi t 10 rennet Mel v In, ilKi'l'XLR, . I'.Mili,... is hereby hen lmt John . I. Kelly, pf liei-eiier toe'en. who, on June Ira, hill, made: Homestead Kmry, No. eieul:!, lor S1 vN lui.l SW ; 1 I, See. bl, tovnshi. 2 norlh. raniie 2; east, Will- ' amelte Meredian. has liii'd notice of iiiteiilion in! ill OUJfelWr , VUn' ihnx " I'''""', to eslabii.h claim I jto ihe no, d above dij.o-.il,e,l. b.-lere C.l'. Caller.' ' U. S. Conmib.sionir. ,.t Heiuiner. UrL.c..u. on : 11 ice to the best of one's atiilitv is Jack Hyud id' Putterby Plats was lea' . . ' . !.. I I..,,. I W.,,1 niisundersl.aiidinKscaii be adjust- " ,u,niklJ' ittoreciafed. that mi, takes or ua"U!K a l'ai vvitu day 1 or -. Iti. iUl,OM A TT ) U N 10 V-A T-LA W OFFICE IN KOBCRfS BUILDING ed anil corrected without rtincor '' IbAliiler and Walter Popt or bitterness, in short, that there returned -from Kitflit AJile Tluirs-: iikj-I'NKS, OREGON is more of e.dod than of bad in lla-v- every individual or conimiimiy or Miss A. C Hyud was visiting DR. N. E. WINNAIJI) coniuiion 01 jile II we only look with Aliss (.eoiyie Summers '- 'C Thursday and Friday at the Last As an independent, local news- t amp, Cecil. paper the Herald has, dunn;. the ,j ,. Mcbitiro spent Thiusdav past year, hnieilly endeavored in Heppner. ivturmii- Fridav. t ) render ser ice t i its cu. 11. mini- M ,,. , , .,,1,1 , i , i 'all. I.uickmiiii, o! trunnion ly. it has trad lobe cuiistiuci- i , ,, , .... , r , al"' ":iv 1:' "i the Pislow lve in lis p.Jicy, aidm.; o the e.N- ,',,,,,..,,, ... r, : 1 "llstiiit.lmK Co., were Cecil visi- tettt ol its aoihl in overs prio ri , i , ' , tm ;-. r nun , lllttl lias nr Its otip'ct the Ii.'i ier- " ntent of Heppue'r. and al , hj 'pv K.I Melto,, h it on I)',. CUNSIKR tin- i .i-i know that "' ay l" a fl,tt r',,,MWxr , ,m t u..s,u I flitileloil. V Vj 1 iMV!itiA;.N Mr Wilder, of Pn, tl.tiiil, had to ,ay over a lew oats in ( e ! OlltOGGN j "dl' day "f March. 1DIH, Claimant names as witnesses: Carl F. Matt j '" of V.rtw, tlreuon; Michael Sei.anek of Fcho. Oregon; Arihur A. I' inley of U-xinmon. Onwn; v el'.', in II. Fiuliy of Lexine Ion, Oieton. H. i' li.t.Ni; iVOulieoCK is'IIJ C..ri.,!er. 1 ra Notice to Ci editors 4S W.uiMta I'll VSK'IAN & SLIitaOON "loi'i'OsioR, oiuot;0; P!i. A. 1). Mt-MPREO ... I'll vsit iax ,t riiri'cioo.w Ti Ifchuiit! IJ2 j Ollk c l'littorsun l)i uj; Kture lUd'I'MOR, OIUOciON ' Notice is hereby Kiven that Ihe mW.,l has 23 O CZX .. ,, ,,, lih v.i.Li.i.y . .'ill I ol llie Male ol iiri'inin for Moriow Ciuinly, aduiinistraior r ' 1 i .lie eiliilef Seth A. liarmi. deceased. All per- !.., n i .ue. c. .111.1 ar a.nsl said . ...ale nu. -l nl "' t I'rnperly verilie.l. at ihe oil.ee ' vVo,Kl,on & Sv.eek. ft. 1 1, oon, r. I ir, , ,, ;.i j on liH.ntli.j from the ila.o of lust siblk'nta r. , The United States FcoJ AJ.T.I.ibtralion Says SAVE j.1 Il k a " I'1'''''-'!.''! lies '-'-.lb. lay f Jam,. ' H We IllUt S,T'f f.S fn f;-f,l ,MS- f o ii vu.e,: , M , V : . ' "c '"tut save n v, I Adiiiii.istra Registration of Land Title has done s hat it could ',M- pr,i ' SS. 1 1 1 1 i n-f I i a beiti r lie', i th m if ua-i a ear ami. h i... Ill I IV VC I li.lliiillls's. leer,. ,, I a'vmim : I'tpaii'S lur hi Sldew alks, In.ii e a. I r.n , i . e !s,,i liess houses I iian e er betoi c.aiid I Ihe Circuit C. ur! of the Stale ihe Conor, oi M.,rr..w: tAri.!i,mi..n No. S-. i ! .lb. ne.ilerol ibeaiudicalioii of Fdua Wool, ri 1 l.'reli.-t i Gi adiLile IIFPPNPK Aa,iv W,..lei. Il,,, aid e:,.,.;.n, i oolei . I.. i.V. lert.lielo lie ,,, ,, .,' ' ' 1 the e.'. i lii.lt' of Seen. Il four. Hi I.,t. h,V 'J f t i I 1 iais 10 neip cur i,'y:-o :.. ht. Every hog is as necessary lo v. ;:i r.:- ihe war as a ef r, l'vice as a bullet j Use fowl, iisli, Ve-et.,!)!-, ;:, t :b;o Oils, Cheese 1 l'uielv Vt'KCt.ililo CctO! u.ci, i.c... ( ', e Oil. Wesson i.i'i i "i a. ) H shell. Everv r.nnn.l nf fat t ; One, ,n for l, ' ' Oil, M;!7 car. OilrlCOX Ibie, .soolh r.u.an, ... 'ii in i ,,e now ii near here l" 't M.r.oi:, mt si lent. none ",'2J ( I at or Muht '.iuIi .i)er l..r J.l.s Ihe ctllliiinaliiiii of ihe , ar's and Mi-. p.. Aic...iiiee. st creiar.V D!v. J. ti. "1 U!Nl. work t-oiiies in il.e.ini.iit.i.f, in. nt lb" i.eie ped Ci.i-..-i Inamii, at- ' .tMa!Ut this week I hat ll.e eliV-'K .iff In Ii l.d d 1 il.' tils! lneein;e; ,, the l.HIIM nFii.ON to he impiov e, ao.i ii at in- .I.i ' 'i "tl A,, v.iiai h. ',. I ;.t .Ntr.-.i . ;. ... ,,,.i, ,.,., i in i rsi :i .i !()N. A 'Te period is s ,vi 1 1 !;, pi.dii!!. P'.ve's, w n eii w,. alle'id.'u The ller.d I is by t ,,..m hi!:, Ha- ii.end.ets who ;p.-i,i u,e WOODSON & SV.hKU responslbl M for lin-.-e nnine,.. all. i i.eua mai.ii'n banda.tis. A i I i(N A S-A FLAW meiii,. nut, it n,,s lisp- ,., (,e;l in, r, pi , a nie.l S.tur- ' l'.d..t f I !,., 1 Sllttlil th free to I i ,ie: t j,,- a ; II Is i' lao. C 0 SAM. HUG! IF II i"cr, Ore. Cr. Cu;! Ai;.v;s Ii fiarco I he l,., o i, . ter ha- In en I., n . ; ti. ti Gaunt. .0 I',,: . . latesl lieu s. I . .. ii i,i r l.letlti lia' t t i. t ,. I , i , nith tie I S. . r. and Mi . i ;,; i i ... I'esidt 1,1 . o, I ';, ;m ..i' " il, io ,, . ;r our I i t : . .t O.O 1 ;,ht at the .,edvet .-o.'i.-.j a" ' ." "M a l ti.,' I. isd d .M '!. AN VACTolt i ici!i:y.t l.wv ' v' l. I'UKt.ON III 10' nv r d i u iii' nam i nine ,,i w .is l a; . d ill to I nf t!ie Al. I. pie te, a . lie:, . Sai.u. Wnehl. A 1. '. He w i he lb, ,ee Lau .- iie , I el jane.. F. W nioack, I'.. lun,,,-!,, and all the li. o , k, ...v. i, or unko.-w n ol the al.,.,e i.i.nied deli i, ... oils, and nil the lieos k,,.wn or no. 1 """I Ase-eiib V rl, t, ,l,.eii,d. Il,;, . Im,,.,. e,(l., -re. ,.n all ,, , l,i. -ow, or tii.kn.ovii , -Ian, a...' no-, r '.o, in. I., n oi int. lei , ,,r to the , i.,. . .1. ... r.l . ,1 Hod i., ,,;iil(.m ,t ,n:n , llei.n.la.iis. In the al. nai . .1.1. I .b.tes, 1,1.. i 0 .ton II. I' -'Ii do. of 1 1 to I...: . , A. I' It..-, hi, il Mi.n i . Iil.d b ;il I :.!. W.. ierv ,l,,h,,. .. Ai.dr. , l, ,i 0,,. ,,,l , ,;,. , ),.,, .. 1 1,. I ii, nil ( ,,,,e ,,t . . so,,,. ,.f ( i,e,- ,,i (, '. ".. I m l. - I" I ll.iiv; lo ,-.inl,..,...f ,l o lb. , I, ..I ,, i,l,. .. ' "' M I or ii. 1 .'. ml on ,., 1 . 1 le the ,'i , ,!,.. of I, A. l, )s,,t . . v. in ii, 1, ,o jo . ue, ,1 -leu, .,( . ,i, i OMPANY Uegistration of Land Tit! In ihe Circuit C -t ,,f the ,''t.. of 1 1. Moir. .. I . . - A;.!.!:,..,.-..,, No. Jl, I.. ,1... II. alter ol the ,.!, 1 . ,,n , f .lob. -en. Ac In.. VS.. ,. :.. lee ,u ... . .-... I l. -osl-t to" to T.. W L s' el t ,' 10 1 -jiiM P AIMS it,, . a., i , V, ...1 I. ii Ut. ti. o t ,. i ! '.: I e, ,,. 11 ed a!-A i ; i i, , ,-. ; . . i ler v :e, v . .,, , ijs II. d be I,: ,1 i ' . . ... .' , Mtlt'i' lie 1,0 ,. I V, , . ,.'.,: I'd ; t n i ,, ; ; I i u v .. I i ... , peo;s. ;t. : ; , ,1, . , , . , Ihe : Si.,', i- I' . ' 1 lakfti it :"" i . .... , ti.oa I !-.- . . Il.'ee , 1 . .e ; ; 0 . t 1.. . ( s S ; ! "Iii- t .. !! me h i . .. as ,i -; a : ; t P , l!n !l, tt.en, , ,e 1 ., , .'.. U toe life s... i: i ! . , ,s i , , 1 he p i . ., , , ' i , , I, , lkl-. O '-I. , , , ' it'll,. , . ' stetie , tt i i . , r , , lliake M'tue ' e. j . j fold It., le ., ; -. I;....,, tlf Ml. 'A j , i, .,,;,, ' I.ii .! : I to i li ,. ( , ;. ... . I ..' e. .lei, i, X l-i '. 1 : k ' a ; t . t . . . ! ,;. i '. !uf Mei..i . 111''!: !' 1 . I 1 I t 1, i o ,e en I, a 'ii A.I In . ; a.i .. ; .. ;.:.,l (,t, . I .'.!.., J I. Kn... oi is I'Pap -on : I ! M U. IO I ., ... ....III. I .U.si one t,.;i Ii , ,i.,,-c no, : , Alod'c..,,,!.. . i. .' i, " K ' te. II. I. n . n' 1 lot ..r , i-i , I, .o n .- :.. . in l.i. i.e. . i . e .., leal ,-st ile a! ...e ,, . - I , II.,.. .'. l u 1'efi . ,,1. 0. 'l. e ,b . i .li.oo, at . ... , I .... il e c;h ,1,.:, ,,f I . f - i . e. tt J.aa iu-kred bach Faini 1 . ;.".J IlcaJ, Hut Sayi ' 1 SlopoJ These 1 I , : M.i . ... M. A J, 'A A . i i; I'i.ll.i'N Rcjsiitratioii of .ami In hwNt A .:A:;,v:i I '.; it s I ' ;: r . tt I . . . , Mr. I,. i-A '. Willi l.l.s i:-f li I 1 ' - f ' ' I .'" V"' ' r! ! "" TC nci: Ni'tii-e for PiiMiciii' :i !.. .SI.; ... I 1, - s. I ., . M o I i:. !-.". Chns. T. Pol. '. v io - : "In 1311 I ' ;1 I i ..iffffpj Rreat ii t',,',11 anil sharp ':' loii,t! and head, '"di'l only drag I 1 ..v I,,., ii in bed. t u'.. lo 1 ip. At 1 ' 1 " !! t 't.at would ti .j ti bid, and 'O'l':'. fuel jaw ' I t 1" . tlinn a I i 7 i.r S Imtttpn ... I -ret sn much r h r "innd and f r )-.. r.irdul did !, o .!!! mo up in I tm n't had onu 1 : ' I hnvpti't t i.'.- lli aiK ainr - i i i ! i' nnd hava i '; t irlit along ' . ! ft ';r w.-iturn t ' :' 'no I know ' t i . , . r irntn fi-nial ' i ?.! (viMf, t ( ho't'd Of ' ',. if u thirmieh - "i. It hut i r on-on In ij. At t.'.l drufc!.. ! t C".::.i Seed o t n i I i r , ,! , ;";,.p and f t iub'tt aii'l Tt i ... .) iU ' ' 1 titniffit '' i ! . . i'it riim. ' 1 ei f r t,. i . I 1 1 -, i . "t ' I I" k 1, I v 1 . Ibli iU Ii I s, , l!U.