' J ifpifiriffi THE BRUNSWICK The Brunswick Does Net Limit Your Choice of Records I.uy any other fine phonopraph and you are con fined to the one lino of records produced by the man ufacturer. By The Brunswick you are not held down nor limited in your selection of records. The Brun swick plays all records. "I'lays them better," Brun Bwick owners say. Owners of one-reco-d phonographs have always felt the handicap of a limited selection. They wanted to hear other artists than those recorded on the one lino of records, but this was impossible. They could only hear them by going to some neighbor who had a-iother make of machine, or by going to some pho nograph shop. In their own home they had to forego many choice records. Now with The Brunswick you may buy any record you choose. You may hear any artist, any band, any orchestra; in fact, all music is at your command. Incomparable Tone Anotheroutstanding advantage of The Brunswick is its remarkable tone. This is gained by an all-wood sound-chamber built like a violin. No metal is used, bo the Brunswick tone is full and round, with no for eign noises. Hear The Brunswick and comparers tone with any other. It does not take a trained musical ear to recognize The Brunswick's superiority. You will ap preciate it instantly. We will be glad to play any of your favorite rec ords, whatever make, on The Brunswick. Also to point out its many features And we will show you what you save on each model as compared with oth ers. Come in now. A demonssration does not place vou under the slightest obligation. We are always Klad to demonstrate this remarkable phonograph. Prices $32.50 to $180 WAKEFIELD MUSIC CO. 427 Washington Sr. PORTLAND, OREGON Red Cress Nstss Unlil further lintiee llie Imli. s v ill nol ilii'el li work hi . i,d. quarters on Tnesd v A young tuna mi d Stout. who works nl I In It.i rut much, underwent mm penuum Thurs d y for the removal ..f his t . .11 Is. John Itrosniin. cattleman of 1 1 11 1 1 r creek, whs in town dur. lug 1 lit week looking after bis entile licing ft d near Heppner. Ir McMurdo reports the ltd '"ht of 11 tine daughter at the ' "f M r. nnd M rs. Francis A. M M.niiinm last Tuesday, The Imli h,iy weighed 7 1-2 pounds mid is thriving. On the Firing Line The First National Hank is on the firing line in all movements that serve to uplift the com munity. Our large resources are utilized (or promoting the raising of sheep, cattle and hog, and the cropping ,.f the tillable land in thin territory. Alwas keeping our operations within the limits of nafe and sound banking principles. LET US SERVE YOU HIE FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF HEPFNER Capit.il An J Suiplim, $ 1 50. 000.00. LOCAL AND PERSONAL A. HenriKsen. of Cecil, was t Heppner visitor the first of tht Mrs. V. Gentry is rapidly re covering from an operation per- formed at the Heppner hospital Monday by Dr. McMurdo. Sh was able to be taken to her home on Hinton creek yesterday. " Mrs. C. H. McDaniel, of neai Hardman, died last night at tht Heppner hospital afetr a majoi operation preformed last Friday Funeral arrangements have not yet been made. WANTED Good woman foi general housework on a ranch. Two in family. Steady job as long as suited. $1.00 a day. Ad dress. A. J. Knoblock. HeDDner. Ore., or phone 22FH. . 40-lt. L. W. Briggs, who has been confined to his home for several weeks suffering from an attack of nervous prostration, is able to be on the streets again, although not yet fully recovered. Hehopee soon to be himself again, how ever. About four inches of snow fell here in an early hour Sunday evening again, bringing out the fact that in no way is Heppner a slow town. Even when Old Man Boreas comes to visit us he has to get a hustle on to keep up with the procession,. Dr. D. R. Haylor, optometrist of Pendleton, Ore., will arrive in Heppner Sunday, Feb. 24, re maining until Sunday, March 3 Anyone with defective vision will find him at Haylor's. Come early in the week if possible. J. Ft. Olden, well-known stock, man of the Rhea creek district, was a caller yesterday long enough to have bis subscription credit marked up a year iu ad vance. Mr. Olden says the win ter has been an ideal ope for stock to his district. :( R. J. Carsner. owntr of the "Three Bar", ranch near. Spray, returned from Portland Wednes day, where he had shipped a car of his fine beef steers trom the Butter creek feed yards; He found a satisfactory market but says that as his cattle are taking on flesh rapidly and thelatespring market promises to be good he will not make another shipment for a month or so. -H..r 1 Ul LjifiLa 90C 30 LEXINGTON ITEMS A daughter, was born to Mr. aud Mrs. Frank . Moore early Sunday morning. This is the first child born to these worthy young people nnd the little lady will be named Myrtle Marie Congratulations, Frank. Karl Ward was rushed to the Heppner sanitarium Monday aft ernoon and operated on for ap pendicitis. E. H. Sae wife, and baby are visiting Mr. baxe's parents. Frank Burgoyne. our genial storekeeper is spendiug the week in the Kobe City, About $80 was realized from the lied Cross nipper given last b riday night. All who attended reported a good time. Don't forget the C. K. Enter tainment Friday night. Feb. 22. A patriotic program will t,e iziv. pu and admission will be charged. everybody come. We understand Mrs. Slocum and family will move back to Heppner. as they have nulla 1 place and can raise s lot of gar. don stuff, and there is a lot of brry bushes, loo. Agent Klo. cum will batch here in the depot. Mrs. Jos. Burgoyne is enter. Uinlog a Isdy friend from uear lortUnd this week. Thos. Heymer has s no Sat. on car sod will proceed to help to mska roads for the Ford to go over, Tilliusn Kirk dropped off In Lexington snd is vintir.g uj frivnds. About 30 tickets were sold for ths special that went down to Hi K?d Cross dance at Cecil on Saturday night. Pretty good for Leiiogtoo. 1 J iU OF- Royal Worcester, Bon Ton and Adjusto Corsets Regardless of recent advances we have placed on our Bargain Counter over five dozen Corsets at prices that will insure their speedy removal .There are only a few sizes in each style and we have enumerated these sizes. Here is your op- -7 portunity to exercise thrift and effect a consider able saving. : : : : : : 429 -Full Figure, Low Bust Sizes 25, 27, 28, 29 509 AveraR j Figure, Low Bust Sizes 25, 27. 29 502 Full Figure, Low Bust Sizes 25, 26. 28 425 Average Figure, Very Low Bust Sizes 25, 26 ' 426 Average Figure, Low Bust Sizes 25, 27, 28 ; 548 Full Fitrure, Medium Bust ; Sizes 25, 27, 28, 29 521 -Average Figure, Very Low Bust.: .....Sizes 25, 26 400 Average Figure. Medium Bust Sizes 18, 24, 25, 27, 28 566-Full Figure, Medium Bust :. Sizes 25, 28, 29, 33, 35,36 632 Average Figure, Very Low Bust Sizes 25, 27 762 Average Figure, Front Lace Sizes 26, 27 812-Bon Ton sizes 18, 20, 22. 24, 25, 26 All $1.25, $1.50 and $1.75 Corsets, sale price 98c All $2.00, $2.25 and $2.50 Corsets, sale price $1.50 All $3.00, $3.50 and $4.25, Corsets, sale price $2.00 3 ESS5ww222ii MINOR & CO. Heppner, Oregon J Church Notices Catholic Church Survices. First Mass, 8:00 a. m. Second Mass at Juniper 11a. m. Christian Doctrine 11:30. Evening Devotion, 7:30 p. m. Rev. Father Printen. Nursery Stock? See Harry Cummings I am re stocking our Nurseries with the very bust varieties of all the 'lilTerent trees and plants desirable for cultivation. I am better equipped to supply your needs in any thing you may want than any time before. In hddition to our own. I have the btocx of three thousand ncres of the finest nursery oids grown anywhere, all healthy, vigorous, true to name and all grown in Oregon. You can get the Milton Stock from me more advantageously than elsewhere 1 am the only fellow tluit has genuine nursery roun Cork Kim. Cummings Nurserie, lleppn. er, Oregon. -Jl'if Wood and Coal I handle Rock Springs Coal, Cord Wood and Slab Wood. Leave orders ,at Humphreys Drug store. 3'Jif Ed Breslin. Lexington Red Cross Items. Friday evening a benefit chick en dinner was served from 5;IM until 12. A dance was also given in Lnch Hall for the benetn of 'he lied Crocs. The total pro. cepds amounted to fitf !M. clear Summons i thk nnrriT court op the STATK OK OIIKC.OV KOR MOI5UOW COUNTY. W'nltlier-Wllllams Hard-) ware Co., a Corporation,) Plaintiff,) vs. ) SUMMONS John V. Johnson, ) Defendant.) To John W. Johnson, the above named defendant: IN TIIK NAME OP THE STATE OK OKKOON: You are hereby re quired to appear and answer the com plaint filed against you In the above entitled action, on or before six weeks frgm the 22nd day of February, 1918, i to-wtt: On or before the 6th day of April, 1918, and if you fall to so sp : pear or anxwer. for want thereof, the i plaintiff w ill take Judgment against , you for the sura of $637.76, with In I tcrctft thereon at the rate of six per rent per annum from the 6th day of I August, 1917; for the further sum of 199.75. with interest thereon at the rate of six per rent per annum from the 6th day of August, 1117, for the further sum of $26.00, with i IntiTe-t thereon at the rate of six per I 'riit per annum from the 16th day of lOrtiiber. 1917, and for plaintiff's costs and (llstnirscnienti of said action, also I Consult Dr. Turner EYE SPECIALIST of Portland, Ore. Ai IVtice Hotel. Heppner Tuesday, Msrcb 5th 191S In loot Monday, Mirct.4, 191$ f! Thrift and Bank Account YOU have probably decided to fall In line and prac tice practical thrift in business, household and personal financial affairs. But have yon realized that with a Bank Account at the Farmer and Stock-growers National Bank your income will be lystematized and your outgo regulated? Let ui show you. Income Tax Statements must be filed on or before April 1st If we can help you with information, auit Ke.stions or advice, call upon or write to us. ' THE FARMERS AND ST0CKGR0WERS NATIONAL BANK for an order to sell the following de scribed real and personal property, attached by the plaintiff in said ac tion, to-wit: One two-ton Overland Auto Truck, with dump body; One Wonder Concrete Mixer, with gaso line engine attached; One rock crush er, complete; One 10 Horse Power Fairbanks Morse Distllate Engine; One Transit, with tripod. Commencing at a point on the sec tion line between Sections 26 snd 2T, In Township 2, South of Range 28, E. W. M. Morrow County, Oregon, said point also being on the Norta line of Water Street in the City of Heppner of said County and State, thence East 110-snd 90-100 feet, along the north line of Water Street, thence North 20 degrees and 33 min utes West 100 ft., more or less, to the center of Willow creek, thencs Nor thwesterly 82 feet down the center of Willow Creek to said section tins, thence South 124 feet mors or less to the place of beginning; for the purpose of satisfying such Judgment as may be recovered by the plaintiff , herein. ' ' 1 This Summons is served on you by publication thereof, ones a. week for six weeks. In the Heppner Herald, a weekly newspaper of general cir culation in Morrow County, Oregon, published at Heppner, by virtu of an order made and entered herein on th 20th day of February, 1918, by the Honoroble C. C. Patterson, County Judge of Morrow County, Oregon, and the date of the first publication of this Summons is February 12 1918, and the date of the last publi cation will be April 6, 1918. ' SAM E. VAN VACTOR, ' Attorney for Plaintiff. Post Office Address, Heppner, Ore. hi rrNta. oatcoN fLoa V -