Heppner herald. (Heppner, Or.) 1914-1924, February 22, 1918, Image 2

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    D V.
S. A. PATTISON. raBl.lSHi u.
An Independent, L
(; r.
Entered at the ,'.',
Post Officii tin wetlid ehir
or ),;
s nmllt'i: i
Terms of Snln.fi it
One Year - ' -Six
Mini tits
Three Months
Friends of the Herald will con
fer a favor on the p;it;cr iwA the
publisher, and do their town and
community a ood turn iiMlii-oct-
ly, if they will take i he t om'.iI--to
tell us the news. If you lav
a visitor from abroad, if yon are
about to take a trip or ba e jo: L
returned from one, if vou u.io-'t
of a social function,
i portan I
lodge doings, if you sell a i'u'-t.i
or buy a house or kno v of any
thing that is legitimate nous ami
will harm no one, drop into the
office or use the phone or stop lite
editor on the street and tab him
about it. die won't bit", jui.i
although he may be a hard look..,1
his heart is in the rigtit !,n-eai.ii
he 18 ar appreciative esi.v; ai.nie
news tips. Editors ai e u.iiity
smart people, of course, but ine) !, without publicity, giving them
are not generally mind reader.-., the lienelit of advice, encourage
and if you have a bit ol new s, merit, sympathy and fellowship
locked up in the rcees.-.ts of your a.-i well as the financial aid suited
mind and fail or tornl or in.;.;--1 to their needs.?
lect to open up and tell u.ii.boui Could the government spend
it the chances are two to one that dmif a million dollars building
we will not liud it out in any oth-; canteens at the railroad junctions
er way and Ihppnerand ;.luiio,v .. 0VLr France, where French
county will thereby be robbed ol ,s,, Kliers coming back from the
that amount of publicity. trendie on furloughs might have
The legitimate province of a ; lodging, food, baths and a rest
newspaper is to give publicity to i place, all but free, and thus re
the "news" of the loniniunity, '. turn home clean and rested and
and if it fails in that it does not happy and ready to go back, in
deserve to succeed In this lae -.-ieail of returning home wet and
newspaper business inilVrs irc.in ! hungry, and lousy, and sullen
most other lines of cud -.uui. cauid loo American government
While its chief bu.uneas is. or ' do that?'
should be, to give the news, its , Could the American govern
Bupport must come hem othci lm-nt get from the commander
sources - advertising, sub-crip-! ,,, ch'u f of the French army the
tions, etc. Theie i. no mi U ' mK,s of all the French soldiers
money in news u ii:e iie.-)a-
per man, rather an expenditure
of money; but the so c ni, J news
paper that I ri " i to "g' i b"w .,h
8ever.il full pages i an.-; ..i.d a
handful or lvo of n.u.-, u.n,,
KtUck (low II in one coi iiei' ill ,nl
Bucceed long in tins aj: i ; neiihei
should it. Scree in it ; pa.a n-u-lar
field ana line i.. i .; i , i, -inaodctl
1 roiii a i ouii i . y i i , a
pcr, the it i lie as immo a ...u.;, ,.,
a store or a w a; el. on a ,,, d t,,, ;
Service w id be won,,, , i i,
IlK'llUil ai d 11, V .,'. , ; , i i i ry
mail, Auiiiiin iiii.i t li. i.i . i o i v
this will make a new ivM-i.isir.
to lell or w i ue or j . ti.
If you don't k .it 1 1 t i.to:
look for a iiitiier oi diaai y i m
dull, Willi Ued to h. . , i, ,i ., ,;,
wears a 7 I-.' gray 1 ,.; i .,' !.i-r tin
worse for wear, ,') u . i 1 1 i i hi,
shoes, weight 1 .. 1 , w
legs like l.un-el.i ., i , ,u !a..-.-from
his body to ti.e e e a; .;. h
you can't locate l,,m tu ein;,.
description ue the p. o,, ... Jah
number is Mam 1'.
Farm Loan Funis r:;v
C. I, Sre. k of li...
h is been cho-.! ii .is . ,
llurdman Farm l.r
turn, informs ih,- H,
nioney be lone i -,: to 1 n
meiit lami I.o m I'oi
available for loan , a .
desiring mii h !. , .
tlieir wants U j ... 1.1. 'i t.i
ci.ition it ho at o ,
ii!tcrited ar, it e i ;.
fer With Mr Sw e !,
givi' theui t .it. -
lion reg-irdm : th
i'Ved Anb.iu,'i', . !
i pr sub'iit oi i l. i . .
y It i
WVIVil l a V i M
Ot the II, Ma: !
i y Dcssr.'t the Governmsnt Do I!?
Fi-nm the N Y. Kveninir Pent,
Ovt-r find over again the Red
Cross solicitor in a drive for Red
(Voks funds meets this question:
"Why doesn't the government do
it'.'" or "Why are we asked to
; pay for something the govern
. rn-1 1 itself should pay for?"
' "1 . 7 . .1 .l . I
i oiiMuei ing lieu vross worK in
j terms of socks and sweaters and
1 chloroform and sweet-faced nur-
!ses bending over wounded young
; men, or. surgical bandages, the
i question -ia pertinent, but the
' medical aid or the surgical dress
! iiigs or the hospital work, or the
i sweaters, socks and wristlets of
the lied Cross form altogether
i but a .small, part of its activities.
! And, of course, the govern
mont could do that part of the
11 -d Cross work easily enough,
merely by adding another expen
sive bureau to the national ad
ministration, and paying men
'"i '"omen by the thousands for
the work that they are now do
ii'g for nothing. Naturally, it
wouid increase the taxes greatly;
and it would put into politics
: (iiiH.atiitnv that is now kept1 high
mid beautiful in life almost in
the field of religion; but the gov
ernment doubtless could do it.
Hut could the government look
al ter the families of soldiers who
need help; look after them quiet-
A j,,
amiiies are in want, sutT-
'.'i ing this winter from cold and
n uiger and disease, and look each
i umiy op all over France and see
tu.it tne family is suijilicd with
na l and loud ami shelter in plen
i. so tiiiil the .soldier lighting in
i no trenches will feel that his
.nan., is cared for and w ill stick
.-".ifh .a id; to the end. full of
' a ., ;e and ginger - could the
Aon rn an government do that
io. it which the American lied
' 1 - a is doing, and spending
A. a iie.a, money by the millions
m aoin-,'.' VII, lunlly.
l'.t fore that w o r k was six
. ilt-nel soon' pio-lierinan pa
, t a- .ad haw an injunction
i.i tke I'eUi'i al court to stop it,
i or, i ar it is uiu'onstitutional
e. i wii.i Mime iio .v of righteous
a, - i in bis content ion.
I.i i tii. in a week after the It
i .p. or . a k -i io, vn the American
I: d I'm,.-; was in Kaly with long
- s.i ii.-iglu cars loaded with
ni ie.,1 s ippiics, fool and cloth-
!"f cii,iates, and distributing
!a t a,d to the la., pitalsand to thf
!i.oi.ni,';s of thoitsatnls of refu
.:. t i 0, woiii-'ii ami children,
i in.! i : t!ie (e-rman invad-
. a I in i .i ,g Am i iffi felt for
!' 'H i i h-od in i. ni them Italy as
i o , ' r untry ' er was able to
.. i i', ! it it in tin- world he
. ibi th- government
1 '-on,- that w ith paid work-
. a d i ii t 'd pobtu ianri for the
W .:! h t.-n ,a after the tier-
v 1 1' on Italian noil, three
i ; a .1 wo' it. r ; i.f t h American
' 1 ' 's v ero goingTrbrouuh
i - v i 'i t!ion-:io.!s nf dollaiH 111
i - i'i cln ck but cih on
Utsttihuting Ciller-
I to : ' o st rickeii popula-
of o n.a. Milan. iMtlogtm,
, ;,. i a oe.-.-ii smaller It
r.:v t '-.vrs. - "..
Herald's Roll of Honor
The following new subscribei s
and renewals Lave been received
at the Herald office recently:
Geo W. Milholland, O. J. Cox.
H. Schwartz. E. K. Huston, J. (J.
McEntire, P. A. Anderson, A. D.
Saunter, W. O. Hayless, Ji.e M
Huye9, Heppner; Herman Neil
sun, C. H. McDauiel, Hard roan;
R. A. Farrens, Gooseberry; F A
Young, lone; Amos Missildme,
Newport, Ore.; Mrs. G.M. Aliyn.
Lexington; E. O. Miell, Echo;
Mrs. Mary Nelson, Pendleton;
Emil Dams, Monument,
Card of Thanks
We wish to thank all those kind'
friends who assisted us d uring
the illness and burial of our wife
and mother, Elizabeth Barnes
Melton, and also for the iloral
J. M. Melton and Sons.
Andrew Patterson, who spent
a couple of weeks at Seokane re
cently attending the Holt Trac
tor school is home again, well
pleased with his trip and i he in
struction he received, Tjactor
driving is one of the coming big
lines of work in this count ry.
$ Professional Column
Permanently located in Oddfellow's
s Building
DR. A. D. McMURDO . . .
Telephone 122
Office Patterson Drug Store
Licensed Graduate
Phone 722 (Day or Night
Wleh papar lor dale
Eye Specialist
Raulai monthly vi.iti lo HF.l'PNKR and IONK
Jffiee in Palace Hotel. Heppner, Ore
Omt pltoit
Mam Mi
Main Mi)
RoUtti BuilJini,
lUpprKI. Otrjoll
f i r I' i 4 i . ....... . . -. . .
IH..-IU ro i . i I'. - l.N.L KAM I.
llnn"'. Ort'tfoi.
For Sheriff
I horvhy announco my!elf as n
rainliiiato for Srn'rilT of Morrow
minty on the R.'putilican tick I
at thoromitTjr primary ltction.
Adv. Wu.i.Aiui II. Hkrki:n.
For County Commiioncr
I will U a rainiidatf for
County Commisu-.i!-, r at t h
coimiiir flection on th Ronuhti
can ticket
Respect fully,
0 A. Pi K VKMAN',
Adv. HarJiv.an, OreKon
Notice for Publication
I l:it..!Trr ,-t
reman L.tND SAI J.
Oepnrlrn.- ,l .if ih.- inl, r;,n . IJ. S. l.a-..l Oilic: nt
La UranJ Oi.-eiMi. J!i. 21-!.. I -11-.
Notice in hereby l it.-1 Ui:il, a flireU-d liy 'the
Cummi-i,, Lei-of On; O.T., -i.-.l Li.ihI ,.i:-,c ", iimi..-r
pmvisi,.ns of S'.;. if ". i,t.ii-:.ur.-,t 1a O,.- an
pliration of U,i,. W. Sr.e, ry, ,.f !i (.,,;,-t . Os .-si r..
Serial No. 0i7?-''i. vr; will oll'er Fit ,ulilic suit- I,,
the hi;rli-:-t l,i,l,ier. l,ul at not ii s tli.in t.Hi i,er
acre, at III o'clock n. m.. on the- i'.'Mh fliiy of M.-in h.
1JIS. next, at .thin i.Hiw. !!, io'l,.v.-ii,K tiacl
of iand: SE'i. SW'l Sic. IS. 'i n. I S.. 1!. 2s K..
W. M.
'1'he sale will not Ik; U..j,' oi.'-n. I,ut will ho d, -flared
closed when those prent nl the hour nam
ed have eeimeii l,iil,lin. '1 lie .i i on riiikiiiu llie
hiKhetit bid will be re,uire l to i;nr.,etlin,.eiy pay to
the Receiver Die amount Ihero,.!'.
Any persons rtahnlnir silver-eiy the above-described
iand are advised to tile Ucir ctiiima. or oi,
jections. on or before I he tim-' ,1.. nri.atf.i for s.iie.
U. S. td.Sa-J. llepi t-r.
40d !5 r.-o!,AN ijKll'F, licceivi r.
Notice for Publication
I'olnled 'frilct
riaiLic. LANosAia;
Department of the inleiior. 0. S. Land OiTice
at La Grande, Orel'ou, J.oi. ltii-'.
Notico l.s hereby Kiven Ih if. a:4 dirertod by llie
Commissioner oi' the Gen, -nil Land i tlice, m.der
provisions of See. iiir,",, U.S., piirnant to ilv: ap
plication of (Jharies MeDevitt, of Gurdane, tre
Kon, Serial No. lil.s.:..i. we w ill oiler at publie sale,
to the hiirhe:'t hidiler. hut at not less than i''.'.Gu
per acre, at It! o'clock A. M., on the ybi.ii day of
March, l'.HS, next, at tiiis oirK-e. the followiiiu
tract of land: SW1 i.N W1 1 ii-x. S, Tp. 4 S.. K. lit,
15,, W. M.
The sale will not be kept open, but will he t!e
clated closed when thoi.e present at the hour
named have ceased bidding. Tiie person making
the highest hid will he jeyuired lo immediately
pay to the Receiver the amount thereof.
Any persons claiming a.r.'ersely the above-described
land are advised to lilo their claims, or ob
jections, on or before the lime designated for sale.
C. S. DI'NN, fteiirister.
"A46 NOLAM) SKIFF, Uei-civer. '
Notice for Publication
Department of the Interior. U. S. Land OlDce at
The Dalies, Oickoii, .lanuiu-y 21. mis.
.. Notice in hereby uivtn Ui.-it John J, Kelly, of
fleppner, Orejon, who, op June ilid, i'.il4, made
liomestead Entry, No. b!"!i!:',, for lll.N'... and .SVi'
U, Sec. 14, township 2 north, ranire -:ti east, Will
amette Meredian. has iiieil notice of intention to
make Final three year l'roof, to establish claim
tu the land above described, before C.C. lJ,llter
son, U. S. Commissioner, at ileppner, Oregon, on
the 6th day of March, ISI18.
Claimant named aa witnesses: Carl E. Matt
son of Fieho, OreKon: Michael .S;.. paiitk of Kcho,
Oreiton; Arthur A. l-u-ley i.f I.esii.Kioii, Oitaton;
William li. Finley of Lexinrtoti. Oieyon.
SW" lieeiater.
Notice lo Cieditors
Notice is hereby (.-iveii lh.it the undcr-.iirocl-has
been Bpiaiinted by the County Court of ihe State
ofOreuon for Morrow Can.ty. administrator of
the estate of Set h A. Hams, ih ceai, d. All per
aons hnvinx i iaiins nuainl sa'd e.tate must p re
sent them to me, piopei ly vei i'ieil. at U.e othce of
Wooden & Sweek. in 11,-i i a r. ttieu-en, wiliiin
six months from the date of tirst publication
Dated nnd Hint published tiiis u'.'.ih day of ,Ianu
" O. II. VvAliM U.
Regislralion of Laud l ille
In lite Circuit ('uni t of th.. .'.taie of Oleron for
the County of Mm row:
Application No. Jt.
Ill the matter of lb,, application of I' Ilia Woolery
Joh.lsell, Al.drey V. o,.. , y I lye. , Vehllclcta
Woob-ty. to rivi.p r niie to t!.e ,:t ,l half of
the east half of .S.- tion f,,, , ., mi hip
Ihiw. u.h rrnur 2: t-i.it of V.i!i.im.-,u M
ridian. Aim licants,
SyivanuH Wiitiil, A,., Iron- J. Vri;-it. 1 1 rover l.n
fetiite Wr.i It, (i.i,v l.aie-.c.ie '.Viii-l.t.
II.-njMiiin F, M:: k. i, S ,n, i. ,. t, . :,.! all the
heirs liiu.wnor urstiowti of ihe a!n te iii.inc.l
tlel.i-dant..,. : t.i' all the ,, ,i k i ,.r un
known ol A-.ic..lih S ir ht. dece:: .e.i; Helen
V. Knappoiit., ru. l.i'oail paii.,. per , a
known or llikrttn ciaiuiliy any I .uht . t i I le.
hen or interest ,., to ir ,,,.. , siin,, aJ te
rl iL. .. am lo aiivti,,,,! n s .,.,.,,
Tin, t on ll.e l.,h,!i, oi l,.m , ,t. p , . ; ,
ape neat ion tt ,.v 0 sa: i J-.l. t . -,i. ,li i
on. Ali.lrej V.. :.-; I'M-.- i , , ,,, 'a W(...e,y
j in Ihe t in nil 1 . .li i .,1 ll S... . f ,i, :,,, ,
; M.,nvw 1 1 1 ..... . . a ., .: , a. :, , ,, ti .i, it-
loelai.d ;. I.
j Now, ui.l.i ii a . i ji p 6i i t. tut en ,,r I..-.
1 for lie- 'J, -.h ..i , i M e, ,, A. li. I . -. K i., ,,.,.
CUM' tt lty NO, I, !,. , I,.', . , . ;,, .
I tllO Wtllltf IH ,i I I ;,. el ,,s .- , . ., J, ,,; I .,
lb I I .1 . ; ,
I '" an BI..I ) i I c : i, . i I.,, i . j .,. ,,
do pUt-I K lI'V .iiou .
Iff-ALI .1 . V ,.. I. I.;. ( ;.ik.
II. C.y M. A--.:. r ., . ... ... -
Ji'. J. Nt at.,,! ,t . i- I, , . I ' . i
"1 . '-I. I' .. I . ' ...,,
Ki pstintioii i f l.ii u! i itit
in Tin: ci;!.-i ir ch ui- m.- -i;n-
i M .lTi: t.. Pi;, i ;,..,;;,,v
I O'I'.VlV.
I An o So ...
j In the n ait-i ,. i t p , -,t . i .
John ...o. A., t. . it s. , , i ,. , , V. i .,. a
j Wool. It . to l., 11 r tie te I..',, .,, Hi,,.
'I '" M e. ' N It ., ,., .1.,
I MVt ' , ,.l ,1... ,l ,.i . , i, ., , , .,
j oi.. w.i,ili h,,..i,i,iii.:.. , ...... i tt . ,..,1.,.
rtu- .VI. i. ...oi V , . .....
I u ' !'(', 4i,i'
ti, r tV.t r' i
1 .VH'f t.t .
K I A I I1 ' It
It xlK II U 1 I
llfll I I li (I'll
I'H .1, . ..
4if.' (1. t). I
A y r n t 1 1 '
i Tt t. i i. . f
i ! i . - r- I r , . .
u WlM U . . . .
i 4 rr i " n : t.,t ,
'i it r . i i. -
N. u-
Mf f I J . i li ,
m i. ' - ' M
Ml L .. .. 4
. ! -5 . '
I . A 1. 1
. V ,. t t .
' J - J ... .
',,lt Vli i n I i ,v ili. ii , it
iiiv .tu tt.c li. i f.:.i-r lit i J
I Fre'e Of fer 1 1
If : I
I.. . ......
1 Value for $1 i
31b Can Royal Club Coffee, reg. $1.10
2 oz. Royal Club Extract, reg. .35 fi
1 This Week
y The United States Food
We must save fats to feed
Phelps ! Grocery Co.
1 1 tats to help our fighters fight.
Every hog is as necessary to winning the war as a
, 1 shell. Every pound of fat is as sure of service as a bullet
1 Use fowl, fish, Vegetables, Vegetable Oils, Cheese
Purely Vegetable Cotosuiet, Crisco. Olive Oil.Wesson
i j Oil, Mazolo (made from Indian corn,)
Registration of Land Title
In th. Cin uit Court of tho St to of Oreiron for
( Alurruw I'iiunty,
Application No. 24.
1 i ihf rni.tUT of th ipl:rauun of Edna Woolery
i .K t i.jiti, Audtty Woilry Dye And Valmaleta
i W.Hth ry. to r'icmter tide lo the WW of the
SSVof niitn-n twenty.eiRht.in township
tme north mnk'e tAvit--ix cut of W. M-,
j Vi.
t n..tlin Kvtt. Mfk-n V. Knappenbertt, alao all
l.u li? or t rwina known or unknown ctaim-
I H.ua:i) iinht, title, lien r inuireet in orlothc
: r al t-Mtatv aUivc decrilU, and to all whom It
' mat etirrrii. Ieff(,datiu.
( 'Jo the df fiidHiita aUive named: Take notice.
. I i.u oi. th lt;h dy of rehruary. A. 0. an
j, i.:.';ti. it n tM by Hi id tana Wuutery John-
. Audrvy W,l.-ry Njeand VeWnaWu Woulery
ia tt.- I ir.uii kur ut the State of Uretfon fur
- (u.w t4.unty. fur initial reaiatration of the
( it. ihe I .nid ainiw da.-nlird. i
N uhUhh uj Hpifar in aaid Court on or be
i ih ah day uf Man-h. A. U. WIS, and ahow
( t H..M- li nit h aiih-i,tiuit vhall not be tranteaL
ti- mil' will U- uken aa confeaaed and a decree
v. t le t'.tcnl a-rronlma to the prayer of the ap
i ... ntiott. ni.il nu will be forever bmrrvd from di-
l' J iftr lltf.
1 J. A. WATKK8. Clerk.
i M. Aiid'i-pri, trputy.
J-. J. N. Atnmy for AppHcanu. Addreaa
tin', n.r, Orruttu. 41444
Notice lor Publication
li ar.nwnt of Tha liitartur. V. S. tatrt4 OlIW
l.a i. r,(. llrrK'Kt. I rfcrtiart IA. lilt.
Ni. . li. t. l., a.t.n that I haa-'U twin, of
i, i.i-i,m dr.-. h.i .,n A ia", Tlh. lull nt.l. Huma
. .1 f-.niT S t ni 114 t. NVi. aM !. MWt
-r. :, li,.n s, uih. Uaimt f ll, Wlllamaii.
,i i ! an, I w p.ir.! tt.,t,r of Intanllaai o ntaaa
l il.ir.-ar I'rat.r. ut rala,lih rlaiaa la lha
. I .,.rr.M. W(. C. C. rltrl. U.
, i .i . , .r al llr,i,im. Or(nn. an tha Ilk
-I Anr 1. liii.
' m; 1 1 ...-. m m-,m: Rtih T aia. Ralph
'. .,k. . .1 i.n.rrf llmf all ft Uapitar.
wl VV . I. . I.wii at I. a. I ir.4i.
f . I'I SN hrciaiar.
Notice ol Final Settkment
I .rl., vt ihal lha umlan fnti Naa
a l a -nAtnl aa ..lnl rf lha aalalaoT
i i, t
I, ,-itmi. .larmanl. ai.4 lha loant
' t). ... i irr, f..f M Vn. r.ntr
i. i w. M ..' ih. Uth Oral Marrk
il.. h. .t( i, . . .ki, la On Imam .(
i . ih. t .,) ih. i,,, cm lUMft
mK H,i at H.fi-r Oroai aa t
"'"l a. .1 m in .., aa4 (IttaJ nwi
i. u. m.4 f...i a.n.um aml4 ba ftiad
l.f. .a. f,ri.
I AN K. KIMf!Mi!4. Caariitrtt.
$1,45 0
all for $1.10
Administration Says U
our fighters. We must save
A medicine which has
given satisfaction to Its
users for over 40 years,
as Cardui has, must be a
good medicine. II you
suffer from female
troubles, and need a reli
able, strengthening tonic,
of real medicinal value,
as proven by the expert
ence of thousands
women users,
Tlie Woman's Tonic
Mrs. C. S. Dudd, of
Covina, Calif., In writing
nt her experience with
Cardui, says: "I took a
bottle at 13 years old, and
il cured my headaches.
I have taken it since niar
rl.iKe, and received much
ticip Irom It. Cardui is
the best medicine I ever
took ... It ws the only
medicine . . . that helped
my back... "Trjr Cardial.
AH DrogtisU
Fret Garden Seed
Cll at the Herald office and
ecure a -aupply of garden and
floaer sped free. These nerds
re kpdi out by the Department
of Agriculture for fre iMitribu.
ion and tny be bad for the ailf
ing at this (.nice.
w ya '
ya iry it!
i rm