LOCAL AND PERSONAL Glenn Wells left for Salem this mornjog on a business trip. Jiaimy Sheridan and Eddie Mulligan left for Portlafid this ! C? fl 1? iP ! i I Q fi T V 0 I pit : v 1 1 : if 101 "LhlFkh dRhL a OF- J f f rs THC BRUNSWICK The Brans yick :n He I Limit Your Buy any other fine !;: fined to the oir- li.ic ol i-i " ufacturer. !iy 'i Hi'iei . nor limited in your s-l :! i awick plays all n coi " Bwiek owners .say. Owners of Che- riri . ; felt the handicap ol' a I to hear other ai'Ul. ; ti-ri . line of records, hut, I hi.; only hear them i.v e;niin;' i another make of lutuluM nograph shop. In their own hem, :,. records. Now with T!i" I'.ni , you choose. Yo.i nry I ; orchestra; in fan, tiiii ; I::m.i i . Anotheroiitstai ; is its remai'kalile (one. . Round-chamher built hke :! So the Brunswick tone is I eign noises. Hear The Kni'e'.vt ;ek : any other. It does eoi t;,; recognize The l!niu',viek'; preciate it instant ly. We will he elad ! ,. ords, whatever in, die, point out its many I. .n ,n . what you save on i ;a h m. era. ('oine in no .v. A .: Von under the sli;;hl st oi glad to deinoiisti ate ti,i i r ;;"'ih and yon are con ''! ' !e- Ineed by the man e v . in! are not held down i . n U. The Brun i .'! .;. 4 Lijem li-tter," Brun- i..-..-.ir,-ii?ni have always : : ih. They wanted - e recorded on the one ; i !,).. ii!, They could ; iieie neighbor who had , or by j,oinn' to some pho- I ' (o forego many choice U on may buy any record any artist, any hand, any is ai your command. 'le Tone a!ii.i"e of The Brunswick i-; is rained hy an all-wood lolm. No metal is used i!l and round, with no for- ' 1 eompareUits tone with e a (tained musical ear to . . p i ioi ity. You will ap- of your favorite rec iirunswick. Also to ml we will show you .s compared with oth vniiott does not place am We are always k.i! !e phonograph. 1' ICl'S ') lo $180 WAKE! IV. i MUSIC CO. ;to:i i',t. PORTLAND, . OK KG ON Notice lot Tu . Department ot Hir Iht- i h i ftt (.ft (irnii.i.-, lli.v , . , Notlr Is hervhy u w n tl1tt lUpprrrt ll , mii An, i tuxt Kntry. No. i.i i; N. Hftv.tt, T.IWH.4--M uU, .U .v. Meridian, h htWtl nt.tm- i final Ihw yir I'nti.i m , land atmvr ilHit-i itx-il. 9. ComniUMiitiicr, iu H i t".- dar of A .ril. (' lai man I iiaiiH' it W. Wn'kt n! i- Urtn, atut A. , I i t . I -'iiuil Settlement k.m'ii OiHt Ihf untlfnignrd haa i.t.i - t utru of th ratatrof " (i, .ii t . liHitl. ami th County ft.' Orison lor Morruw County 1. 1 l o id, n.th day of March. i i-i Vim-k in (h forenoon of m rt. ,ii. it the County Court mum at K. ( i'n r. O (- n aa the il 't. iik miJ ftnal arcourl. a iiiMti H.'iitunt sIkiuUI ue tiled S i: S1MI SON, Kecutnt. "Sos la Newspaper-; t of "Our Be. . Wt' ui-h :.i ; friend-, (;' ti, in prepared :. which I he tea the tin, c I: , . I! rancc" the linings t' i ' ie!ativc! and '.'at Ihn Bank ! any fund.- 1 i i e I 'OS s on r i'- THE Filial ;'!M ..hL A pcrcrnt I; morning for a few day's visit. John Kilkenny and Sam E.Van Vactor made a business trip to Elermiston Friday, returning Sat urday. W. C. (Billy) Corson, manager of the Burgoyne store at Lex ington, was a Heppner visitor Sunday evening. Prof, and Mrs. Fertigand Mrs. W. F. Warner, of Lexington, at tended the banquet given by the Eioyal Arch Masons at their tern pie Saturday evening. Carl Ny9, of Grass Valley, a nephew of Jos Nys of this ci';y, and a member of the Engineer's Corps, is a survivor of the Tus cania, according to the published list of survivors. P. H. Stephenson, well known wheat grower of Condon, was here a day or two during the week attending lo business mat ters and taking in the Elks' meet ing Wednesday evening. WANTED Good woman for generul housework on a ranch. two in family. Steady job as long: as suited. $1.00 a day. Ad dress A J.Knoblock, Heppner, Ore., or phone 22F11. 40-H Born At Condon, Tuesday, February 5, 1918. to Mrs. John Kilkenny, of Heppner, a tine daughter. Mother and child are reported as getting along nicely and John is feeling prouder than ever before. School District No. 42 is plan ing a Hard Times Basket Social at the home of Arthur Dykstra February 23. Everyone wel come, but bring untriramed bas kets and come in the raggedest clothes you can find. Mrs. G. W. Swaggart has re turned from Portland, where she spent several weeks visiting her daughter and other friends and getting ready to discover just how much she could enjoy get ting back to the sunshine and gentle breezes of Morrow county Amos Missildine, a former well known resident of this city, has purchased home property at Newport, Ore., and orders his copy of the Herald sent to that i .1 t .i.i anaress in oraer mat ne mnv keep posted on aff.iirs in the old town. Mr. and Mrs. S. J. Nelson, who are engaged in the cattle busi ness in the Nye district in l'inu tilla county, though now residing in Pendleton, were here for sev eral days this week visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Mrosuan. They returned to IVn dleton Thursday. Mrs. Jos. Burgoyne, jr., of Lexington, has been visitins; her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Dan liice for a couple of weeks while car penters are remodeling their home at Lexington. Mr. Bur goyne drove up Sunday and took his wife down to inpeet the work so far completed, bringing her back Sunday evening. Milton A. Miller, Collector of Internal Revenue for the state of Oregon, las been notified by the Treasury Department at Washington, D. C, that the time for tiling the 1917 income t ix re- turns, including individual and Royal W orcester, Bon Ton and Adjusto Corsets Regardless of recent advances we have placed on our Bargain Counter over five dozen Corsets at prices that will insure their speedy removal. There are only a few sizes in each style and we have enumerated these sizes. Here is your op portunity to exercise thrift and effect a consider able saving. : : : : : : : 429 -Full Figure, Low Bust 509 Averajri Figure, Low Bust Sizes 25, 27, 28, 29 Sizes 25, 27. 29 502 Full Ficrure, Low Bust Sizes 25, 26, 28 425 Average Figure, Very Low Bust Sizes 25, 26 426 -Average Figure, Low Bust Sizes 25, 27, 28 548 -Full Fi Loire, Medium Bust ..Sizes 25, 27, 28, 29 521-Average Figure, Very Low Bust Sizes 25, 26 400 Average Figure, Medium Bust Sizes 18, 24, 25, 27, 28 566 -Full Figure, Medium Bust Sizes 25, 28, 29, 33, 35,36 632 Average Figure, Very Low Bust Sizes 25, 27 762 Average Figure, Front Lace Sizes 26, 27 812 -Bon Ton Sizes 18, 20, 22. 24, 25, 26 All $1.25, $1.50 and $1.75 Corsets, sale price 98c All $2.00, $2.25 and $2.50 Corsets, sale price $1.50 All $3.00, $3.50 and $4.25, Corsets, sale price $2.00 INOR & CO. Heppner, Oregon 3C der the care of Dr Ceierniann for several weeks. He also en joyed the hig football game at Pasadena New Year'.-; day be tween the Marines and the Camp Lewis team, and says the game was well worth going to see. ,t hi Flood Relic Found in Colorado A Koynl Arch Musonic emblem that belonged to ilu lute .John L, Ayers, of this city, who K life in the HiMipuer tlood received by S. W. Sn ::i h r, see rotary of the Ilepjiuer I'hnpler, , from the Masonic ledge at Me-ia, Colorado, the necdiiipiuiyina Id ler still ini' Unit t he charm j had been piclud up in ilie. woods in the wi'uU of I he I'ului a- i do mountain Tli em 'deiii ;i worn by Mr Aver-, a a fob and i was on him when lie niei hi i dealh. It was prnhatdv V clii il drew Reany family. M i s, Eva Lane is visiting this week in I'ortland. A big Red Cross supper will be held Friday n'Rht in the old restaurant building. Another eeining event is the social piven l y the C. E. Society on Wash ington's birthday. Refreshments will be served. Everybody Invited. up Hint relaoe il as a yuvoiii of the Hood, later carried t Cel T'do Hlltl h.t 111 re 'l i i; t it fcliould be found inl re'urind i its rightful owner after' Mich lapse of timeatid d. stai.ee is little shot t i f the marve'eiis. Monument Man Close Ranch Cea We understand that Raymond White is another of our brave sivoung men who recently WPntto was I'oitiund to enlist with Uncle Sam. Mrs. Harry Durall was taken very ill last week with an attack of the heart. At present she is some better. Miss Edith Reaney was taken suddenly ill with an attack of acute appendicitis and was re. moved to the Heppner Banitari urn Sunday nijiht. ('larenea Carmichael is on the sick list. David Hynd of Sand Hollow stopped in Lexington for a few minutes Monday on his way Inline. Congratulations are in order this week for (Seorge Clark and los wife, wno was formerly Merle Way. The young couple were charlvaried Thursday night. Church Notices Catholic Church Services. First Mass, 8:00 a. m. Second Mass, 10:30 a, m. Christian Doctrine 11:80. Evening Devotion, 7:30 p. m. Rev. Father Printen. Father and Son Rally Union service at Federated church Sunday evening. Presiding-Garnet Barratt, Vaw ter Crawford jr, Norton Winnard. Prelude by Orchestra. Battle Hymn of Republic, Scripture Reading. Prayer. Hymn: "The Son of God Goes Forth to War." Three Minute Talks. "The Y. M. C. A. Triangle and Citizenship;" Leo Nicholson. "The Ideal Father," Garnet Bar ratt. "The Ideal Son;" by a Father. Orchestra Stereopticon Views of Life of Washington. Hymn; "Faith of Our Fathers." Benediction. Emil )ai!is ii. id Arthur II irlow , came in from the John ittv yes ! corporations, has been extended ! ,erdi' tfter havinir closed a de ,l; to April 1. 191S, thus giving an wl'pr, l,y Hrlow t.ec. ni. s owner additional month to that tn I. i ot r"'1'" ded by the War Tax Act of Qc tuber 3. 1917. As oon it,.. blank, .received each corporJi-jVV Mdi f'r ?. ation will bo notirted. C,.i..tior ! ;, y. ars bnt last f.,'! I ,.-,-.. Miller would appreciate the early siia k ranch a u'li of ;.e. , of the Dims' ranch and t i near Monument. The ranch I prises 1 In acre i f ti i,. rr oin . ni; l an v. r :hi a lent. tiling or returns, sottiat the work this office may not be unduly compiled. k Kev. Father O'Kourke has re turned from a sojourn in houth ern California, where he went several weeks nto o" acre mt of hie health, and comes link U ne fitted. N hile in the south Fath D'Kourk? visited Santa .V. rioa. l'usadera and other points ..f in- eiest, spending much of his mie. selling It the liet iiav a,ft r !ai ing posscssiiiii. Mr. Diiusaid his lrol her (' it I D.rn s. w h i as ! here from I'ortland. left tins' n erim g for (.'end. ii to visit ibeir pin ti'i 1 in LF.XINGTON IIT.MS Karl Deaeh and wfe are 1'ortldlnl takint; II the s'k'hts Mrs. M l e Uayitoii d is nii ii'tr tier tiiot I er. ,t r A t n ri i f uml sister. Airs, i..r n !;., h. u ti Au.irv HiM.e'i.ii i f I',. i' howwrr, at Altadena, a .burb ' Und is vmitn-K f nen.u M e is of l'a-sadcna, here ho wa, un- at present the fcuistif the An- Patriotic Suggestions 1. Prepare to subscribe for the Third Liberty Loan. 2. In the meantime keep on buyii.g Thrift and War Savings Stamps- 3 Fractice practical Thrift in use of household, personal and business funds. 4. Plan to increase your production of foodstuffs both livestock and grains- The Farmers & Stockgrowers Na tional Bank stands ready to help you along one or all of these lines THE FARMERS AND STOCKGROWERS NATIONAL BANK a ta MtrrMK. OR ICON 4l