HEPPNER HERALD S. A. PATTISON. Puolioher. I An Independent, Local News paper. Entered at the Heppner, Oregon, Post Office os second-class matter. Terms of Subscription. One Year - - $1.50 Six Months - - 75 Three Months - - 50 FRIDA Y. FEB. 15. 1918. "What's the Matter With Oregon." By F. C. Hurl.;y, Mayor of AHtoria. The next great political battle will be fought in Oregon- It will be a battle of deepest concern to every man, woman and child in the state. It will be a battle that will effect the development of our resources and industries; it will he a determinimr battle and the result will decide whether the State of Oregon shall take that proper position in the great family of states to which its tre mendous physical and natural re sources, as well as latent initia tive, and capacity entitle it. or whether it shall continue to be outdistanced in the procession of progress that is constantly grow ing on the Pacific Coast Vital issues wil be involved, and if the future welfare of our state is to be assured it will he necessary for us to take a deeper and more active interest, not only in the issues that are to be placed be fore us, but in the men whom wt are to elect to solve them, and it is therefore imperative that we consider the election of our state senators and representatives with more than the passive indiffer ence that has characterized our elections in the past. Oregon, through its misrepresentation, has established for itself a repu tation as an experimental station for all sorts of freak legislation from coast to coast. Laws es sential to our economic expan sion have been carefully and ad roitly avoided, while so many needless, useless and throttling laws have been enacted that on- ly a miracle could save our state from utlcr stagnation i! tin were all enforced. Insufficiency, timidity and undesirable influ ences have strangled the 1W r of the pr gres.Mve vW in. i.t . our Legislature and have retard ed our growth and hampered our progress. Our Legislative hall; hive been tilled with .oung law yers concerned more with their personal ambitions a. nl tin estab lishmeiit of n piiiatuins, than with the welfare and icipuie ttients of the state. Men incapa ble of managing an entcrpiisi requiring even mediocre execu ecutive ability have been dele gated by our voters to tnanag the affairs of the state, and the; have 1mii moulding our dMn.j, not with a due regard for oui commercial and industrial expan sion, but in that narrow, limited manner that alwajs aci oinpanie personal and sellii.li motives. Ot course, here and there we have elected a few lmkhI hiisines men and broad visimntl representa tives, men like VV P. I,anVrt, Olli" Fuller. U. W. Kstner. L'.m Hodgen tuul a few others whe have done exceptional work n the way of initiating good eon Htnictive hvi-lation but tlieii efforts have been null, tied hv tin tide of "inoliaekiMii" that ,;i kept the State of Oregon behi .m her sister Mates in tin- p.ist. ane it i. time cm net iv.' ni.':iMin Were adopted. 1 suggest, then-im,', at pub lie hpirited cit i ns of -v -r coun ty in Oregon, ai d ex, r cummer rial club and i i ic ore.uu.iliui interest themselves m the i'a it ten Ms that a e t ow ino'e thai ever confront mg us, an. I mc M we cannot by ,ii i,-i -trrttrr.it i' g r! fmt elect ri pr, s. r.t.d iv . s wh Will tot lii'Mtate to Ipi'i-ltte, ml u,in immaterial problems, but tl.Nin questions ett.o'iti g el.-.ulv tJ the welfare and development of the State and its resources. ' Let us select men not afraid to come out in favor of definite, constructive policies and let us compel them to commit them selves in advance. Let us, this year, concern ourselves with is sues rather than personalities and see if we cannot by concerted and forceful action free Oregon from the rut she has been rele gated to by political legislation that has been heaped upon her in the past. Never has there been a grander opportunity for State betterment and never has there been a more propitious season for beneficient changes If we all put our shoulders to the wheel the next primaries should pro duce candidates that will make the next session of our State Leg islature the turning point in our history, and it is our plain duty to do so. For if we fail this year to elect men whose backbones are strong enough to support their consciences we can not hope to secure that recognition from without that should long since have been ours. The issue is squarely up to the individual. May his efforts be dauntless.- Physical Exams Less Rigid The new regulations governing physical examinations for mili tary service, which have recent ly been sent out to local exemp tion hoards, are less rigid than formerly and it is understood that many men who had been placed jo class live will bechatiged to class one. Minor physical de fects will no longer bar a man from being accepted for immedi ate service, but those who are physically disqualified for active service in the field will be ac cepted and designated for serv ice at clerical or other classes of less strenuous service for which they may be tilted. This plan.it is expected, will have the effect of releasing a large number of men now employed in various lines of government work who are phj sically qualified to enter active military service. As the war continues it be comes more evident that, before it is over, every American will be called upon to do his bit for his country in whatever line of service tic is hest tilted to per. form bis part. Telephone Rate Hearing City liocnnl.-r J V Williams has received an (iflie'ul notice from the I'ublie Service Commission of Oregon to the effect that a hearing will he held in iho Mult noiiuth county court Iiousb at I'orlland. Fein nary L'O, JH, at 10 h in., in tliu matter of the lutes, charges and regulations of the I'acitie Telephone A Tele graph Co. The investigation is being held on tlm commission's own in . t i. mi . All interested parties aro re quested to hi- present at this hearing, when it bearing will he given mi all phases of the matter in hand. 1 1 AH DM AN HAPPENINGS Mis. liny Ashhangh is visiting at J he home of Walter Rood in Clark's Canvon. Frrtl Ashhangh and wife an J Mrs. Kettie Knighton went to Monument Monday to be Ht the bedside of Mrs. (luldic Leathers, who is quite ill at that place She is a daughter of Mr. and Mr Ashhangh O C Kteph'ti and wifrt re. turned Sunday from M.uiuiii. nt, where they w.Mit the latter part f the week for it visit with Mr S ephens' p-uuiit. Mr. and Mrs. I.'H Uu. Mrs W W. Itrameii went to lb' puer t lit last of th week to eoiisiilt specialist ill regard te Iter eyes Miss Yi!. Wa'ker went t. 'I.'ppi.er .sunliy mih ti A ltiekiiisit t.i have her gtasse tmi g. d. Shu returned M,.,U ill t lit st ign II I' !!e IS in HI h b.etght Hit lli'es X' ' ers pi ic.. uli.ive town Ve l.ave dot e,ri,e,l the pile pau I, Professional Column I :: i&miiM&arattmasira&s;' UK. K. J. VAUGHAN DENTIST Permanently located in Oddfellow's Building HEPPNER, OREGON S. E. NOTSON ATTORNEY-AT-LAW OFFICE IN ROBERTS BUILDING HEPPNER, OREGON DR. N. E. WINNARD PHYSICIAN & SURGEON HEPPNER, OREGON DR. A. D. McMURDO . . . PHYSICIAN & SURGEON Telephone 122 Office Patterson Drug Store HEPPNER, OREGON DR. GUNSTER VETERINARIAN Licensed Graduate HEPPNER : : OREGON Phone 722 (Day or Night Watch paper for dates DR. J. G. TURNER Eye Specialist PORTLAND ..... OREGON Regular monthly visits lo HEPPNER and 10NE WOODSON & SWEEK ATTORN EYS-AT-LAW Mice in Palace Hotel. Heppner, Ore. SAM J !. VAN VACTOR VTTORNEY.AT-LAW HEPrifER, OREGON LOUIS PEARSON TAILOR HEPPNER, OREGON Office phone Main 643 Residence phone Main bbi FRANCIS A' McMENAMIN LAWYER Robert. Building, Heppner, Oregon i, ROY V. WHITEIS URAL ESTATE INSURANCE LOANS Heppner, Oregon POLITICAL ANNOUNCEMENTS For Sheriff I hereby announce myself as a Candidate for Sheriff of Morrow county on the Republican ticket it the coming primary election. Adv. WlLLARD II. IlERREN. For County Commissioner I will be a candidate for County Commissioner at the coming election on the Ueuubli can ticket Respectfully, G A. I'LEAKMAM, Adv Hardman, Oregon CECIL ITEMS Jack Hynd, after spending a few days in Heppner, returned to Cecil Monday. T. II. Lowe and John K lly left on the local for Heppner Monday. Mr. Lowe returned Wednesday. Mrs. H. J. Streeter and Mrs Boyd Ixnran spent Mondav with Mrs. Melton, who is still very sick. Cecil was honored with the vis it of Jerome (V conn or and Mack Smith from the Hager Ranch 'luring the past week. The were doing some repair work or the Last Camp. Keith Miller, from the Coltim Ha River Basin Woo! Warehouse, was in Cecil for a few das,lcav. ing for H. ppner Wednesday. Mrs IVter Nash spent the past week at the Franklin home. K'lm Minor was a Cecil caller Monday. Ed Meho-i returned home tn m lone Wednesday. Charlie Eing ha btvi hunt :ng horses during the i ltst week tor I UU Montague of l p.-nish. Wilfred Cecil is now f.-dirg attic at Cecil for John K- lly. Peter Bauertttiend left fit Heppner Thursday on bigness, Notice for Publication imitated Trai t PUBLIC LAN IJ SALE. Department of the Intnrir. U. S. Land OiTice at La Grande. Or.-xon, .tun. 2Ht. i'.U. Notice is hereby (riven that, a directed by the Commissioner of the General Land otlice, under provisions of Sec. 2455, R.S., pursuant to the ap plication of Geo.W. Sperry. of Heppner, Oregon, Serial No. 017886, we will olfer at public sale to the highest bidder, but at not less than $2.1.0 per acre, at 1U o'clock a. m., on the 2'Jtfi day of March. next, at thU oiiice, the following tract of land: SEW. SWU Sec. IS. Tp. 4 S.. R. 28 E.. W. M. The sale will not be kept open, but will be de clared closed when those present at the hour nam ed have ceased bidding. The person making; the highest bid will be required to immediately pay to the Receiver the amount thereof. Any persons claiming adversely the above-de scribed land are advised to file their claims, or ob jections, on or before the time designated for sale. C. S. DUNN. Register. 4M45 NOLAN SKIFF. Receiver. Notice for Publication Isolated Tract FU1SL1C LANDSALK Department of the Interior, U, S. Land Office at La Grande. Oregon, Jan. 21. lyia. Notice is hereby given that, us directed by the Commissioner of the General Lund oiiice. under provisions of Sec. 2155, R. S., pursuant to the up. plication of Charles McDevilt, of Gurdane, Ore gon, Serial No. 0168:10. we will offer at public sale, to the highest bidder, but at not less than $2,511 per acre, at 10 o'clock A. M., on the 20th day of March, 1918. next, at this oiiice, the following tract of land: SWU.NWVi Sec. 8, Tp.4 S.. It. 31) E W. M. The sale will not be kept open, but will be de clared closed when those present at the hour named have ceased bidding. The person making the highest bid will be required to immediately pay to the Receiver the amount thereof. Any persona claiming adversely the above-described land are advised to tile their claims, or ob jections, on or before the time designated for sale. C. S. DUNN, Register. 10d45 NOLAND SKII- F, Receiver. Notice for Publication Department of the Interior, U. S. Land Office at The Dalles, Oregon, January 2;.i, 1018. Notice is hereby given that John J. Kelly, of Heppner, Oregon, who, on June 3rd, 1014. made Homestead Entry. No. 010013, for SfeNlj and SW Sec. II, township 2 north, range 20 east. Will amette Mcredian. has filed notice of intention to make Final three year Proor. to establish claim to the land above described, before C.C. Patter son, U. S. Commissioner, at Heppner. Oregon, on the 6th duy of March, 1018. Claimant names as witnesses: Carl K. Matt son of Echo, Oregon: Michael Szepanck of Echo. Oregon: Arthur A. Kinley of Lexington, Oregon: William Ii. l' inley of Lexington, Oregon. II. FRANK WOODCOCK, M Register. Notice to Creditors Notice is hereby given that the undersigned has been appointed by the County Court of the State of Oregon for Morrow Cuunty, administrator of the estate of Seth A. Barns, deceased. All per sons having claims against aid .state must pre sent them to me. properly verified, nt the oll'u-e of Woodson & Sweek. in Heppner, Oregon, within six months from the date of lirst publication hereof. Dated and first published this 2"lh day of Janu-"rV'lWS- O. H. WARN Eli. Administrator. returning Saturday. Uzz French was in Cecil doinp: some trading Thursday. Mrs. Jack Hynd left for The Dalles Friday to spend a few days with some friends in that town. Mrs. J. J. Allyn visited with Mrs. lioyd Logan and Mrs J. M Melton on Friday Herb Everett left for Fondle t.n Friday'in his auto. Martin Ilaiiernfiend, of lone, was in Arlington, calling on bis way home at Cecil. J H. Miller, accompanied by Miss Hazel inters, took in the masqtie-ade ball in lone Friday night Mr. and Mrs. Willis were Cecil callers Friday doing some shop ping. Alf Sha.v I, as ben busy un loading a car of lumber t. ring the week for Huturby Fla's. Henry Mender and C.crgr Miller have been hanlit g home some fine vou. fumi Cecil the past few ili'ys. Frank Decs and his s.mi Jess of lhe Willows, were (Vtil Cillers Saturday. Walter Tope, nccompat.icd l Mrs. IVnneit, Mi F.aston and Jim Whitney, iiiJimO'Conu r, (ok in the party nt the ,lt,hr N'ah place Saturday. All n ..i t ita ing a good time. Bob Mot.tae;';e, of Tej.penish, vas in Cet lorses ;riu t.- it g tobi.v Mr. and Mt. (VI Yount n't. 1 1 'amily. of b i -, Htt. d ;!, M,,, 'lent . ;t at The Last Ci.'r.p St.n lay. Mr. ..rd Mr . P: i (..w ;ird Mrs "lick Tot pin b;d a tttp d. t, t(. ' il S in. lav. V. 1 .-d tl,:,t t(., o;els o r tl." b;!l i:is ft Dr. Chirk, of I te, v. :t e;iil. d o (V t :l S-i't-'-.v vt nii'g nt . nd to y.r.K J!, ','-r, ., jsljii eri u Jv Hcpi tur ILra'.l f L.Vi a t ;ir Free $ 15 value for $1 31b Can Royal Club Coffee, reg. $1.10 2 oz. Royal Club Extract, reg. .35 $U5 This Week all for $1. id Phelps Grocery Co. Heppner, Oregon The United States Food o A t TT.y 1 1 We must save fats to feed 1 tats to help our Every hog is as necessary 1 shell. Every pound of fat is Use fowl, fish. Vegetables, Vegetable Oils, Cheese Purely Vegetable Cotosuiet, Crisco. Olive Oil.Wesson Oil, Marolo (made from Indian corn,) f SAM. HUGHES COMPANY i Summons l.V THIC OlRCl'IT COURT OF THE STATU I F OKIHJON FOR MORROW fiiLxrv, Kiiialitlli Smith, riulntllT, vs. A "ii IL'l.ton, Irrntnnt. SI HIONS I'OH I'l III.ICATIOX IX KOIIKK I.OKI UK OK TAX LIKX, To Anna ltcl.ion, the above named de- f. M.lant In (hr mmr of the Wlatf of rr(uai You aro hereby not I tied that Kllia I'fth Snilth, iiluluilrT atiova named, the holder of fertlll.ate of Delinquency numbered I3 laaued on the 19th day of M:iy, l',.i:.. by the Ta Collector of the i',. iinty of Morrow, Slate of Oregon, for ibe mil. Mini of Fourteen Itollnra, the .e.ie Ihhii! the amoui.t then due and .!. : i i nt n.-ii t for tnitea for the year 1812 t.Ktber wtih penalty, Intereat and . t Ibeieon upon lhe real property .irr.l to you. of whirh you are the omier u iipiienra of record, alluated In .n I County and State, and particularly bounded and .!.. rll.e.l aa followa, to. wit The Norm half of the North half 'f Sc. ten r.luht H) m Town.hlp Mix i South ,.f tnnBe Twenty-.even 1271 i .-I or the Willamette Meridian hi foutily. t'teaon. "ii me further nolitted that laid I'l .iiitirT hn paid taiea on eatd prem- for prior or iilmeiiijil year, with Hie t..'e of lnuret on aald amounti aa (.dlo; "u April i. iit !i nt, it, it p Mn, Vpnl J. i:.i; i..Mli oo 11 per cam i'i' Aim ill. hi;, id; nt 4a ii v ceM, "H April i. hi;, k, niK ,t p,r c.n, .-.itt Anna Iteblon, defendant above i el. ii. the owner of lhe teial title I the ahoe cl.'. i il,,. property ae the . e appraa of re.ord. la hereby fur ' r I.. .lined thai .aid plaintiff will p. . to lbe -r..Ht Court of the County . I K'ji. afore. , fr . decree fore I "ia the den aaainal lhe property .'..xe dr.. nbed. and mentioned In eat. rtin.aie And ou are hereby eum ip i.e. I to appear wiihtn amy daya af c Hie m t publi.ation of thie eum " . l.i.ive of the day of aald Ural , ii .1. ation, ed defend thta action or .. i',e an.ouot due aa above ahoern. to. ,,h """"'a and arrrued Inter. .1, .i i m .. of ur failure lo do e... a -. i,e will be ten tered foreloaln( tb, . ., of ... ,, a,, ,.,,eie aaainet the i a-.. pre-ni.ea abote named Tbie a iiomon. la publiebed hy order f H e II.. n ..able C C I'attereon, Ju-Ue f the County Curt of the atale of """"" f"r the Cou,,tr ,.f MrfWi ,n4 1 ..r.i.r mate and dated thie II i. el Januar). Ill and the date of Offer! .10 C30 Administration Says 0 A ry a rrr 12 our fighters. We must save fighters hght. to winning the war as a ' as sure of service as a bullet Pain Here is g message to sulterinB women, irom Atrs. Kathryn Edwards, of K.F. D.4,Wa-,hingtoa Court House, Ohio. "1 am glad to tell, and hnve told many women, what I suffered before I knew of Cardul and the preat benefit lo be derived from this remedy. A few years sro I became prac tically helpless . . TAKE arihi-i The Woman's Tonic i "I was very weak." Mrs. tdward rocs on fosay, "and could not stoop without siiflcrinfj Rreat pain . . . Nothing seemed to help me until I beard of Cardul and be gan the use of It ... Kradually Pr,jried my lu,enPlh. ' "a now able to do all my work." If you need a tonic lake Cardul. It Is for women. sets penllysnd reliably nd will probably help you as It helped this lady. EBll the flrel puMiratlon of thla aummona la be 4th day of January, lU. All pror,., ,n,t pp,r, , , pro. ceiina- may be aerved upon the under eine. reatdina- lthln lhe Dtate of ,.. on at the a.l.lre.a herearer mentioned. AM B V AM VACT.-II. Attorney for I'lalnttff A I Ire.a Heppner, Morrow County. Ureton. Thi Wi-k's n ,lt work nieans tLo Heppner Ur.!J. 'iv