Heppner herald. (Heppner, Or.) 1914-1924, February 08, 1918, Image 4

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Loans to Farmers
Co operating closely with the local farm
ers, this institution extends financial ac
commodations under conditions which
prove especially attractive.
Farmers are invited to consider Farmers
and Stockgrowers National Bank at
their service and to call upon us for
such financial accommodation as is con
sistent with the sound, responsible bank
ing policy here maintained.
Unnecessary formality is dispensed with
and promptness is a feature of ourservice.
50 Head Good Work Mules
25 Head Fine, Big Mares
Mr. and Mrs. Taylor and Miss',
Irene Taylor, parents and sister j
of the Taylor brothers, came to:
Lexington from Sequim, Wafh , i
.-juncmy mgnr. i ney are mov
ing into the Fenland house.
Miss Myra Mack and Miss
Pauline Pierce are visiting at the
home of Mrs. Eph Eskelson,
There will be a celebrated tem
perance speaker at the Congre
gational church next Sunday aft
ernoon at 2 o'clock. The lecture
by Mr. Morrow is free and all
are welcome.
Miss Owens, of Baker, Oregon,
U a guest this week b Bur
g yne's store.
There was a couple of young
Indies in town Wednesday solicit
ing for papers, as they were try
ing to secure a scholarship, If
they are as successful in other
places as they were in Lexington
there is no doubt but what they
will win the scholarships.
James Carty was in from the
Sands Tuesday on a business
trip to Heppner.
The McCarty brothers, dealers
in scrap iron, are back from Pen
dleton and will be in Lexington
a week. So bring in your old
scrap iron and used tires.
1 " II
I 11
Church Notices
Catholic Church Services.
First Mass, 8:00 a. m.
Second Mass, 10::10 a. ni.
Evening Devotion, 7:110 p. m.
Rev. Father Printer).
The Federated Church
Sund iv Nchiml 1) )") t n
Morning service 1 1 on.
Sermon Theme " I hy King
dom Come."
The C. 10, ill ben u'h. ii met t.
lug h Id in the Christ i in elm 1 1 Ii
at 0:30 p. in. The evening ser
vice will also tie ii union el 1 1
Federated and I'lirisietn emigre
Rations at I lie C'l'i i"1 i "i elm i cli
to ciinsnle'' iiiitinniil preln on n n.
Hull, tiem I r i SV if Ml. In.
giltl M ill lie t lie i. :i l e i-.
II A N..ves. IVisti.r
Licensed (liailuate
I,hnne?2'J (Day nr Night
Chunty Agricultural Notes
II. A. Vielters, assistant to the
Director of Extension of the O.
A (!.. was here during the week
ennfering with County Agricul
In ml Agent. Bruwn in regard to
plans for handling hulk grain
the cniniiig season. Mr. Brown
will tender every assistance pos
ii i' i f.ir i eis in securing
elev H I i i s and ol tier proper equip,
iiieni lo nut ihe f irineis in handl.
i i'ir their guiin in ibis inunner.
The price of giaiii bugs is likely
lo be pi'.ielii iillv preliiliilive nel
lixrvesi and cVhi y cITorl slioulil
be in.ide to handle the big crop
now promised in bulk.
F Iv Brown. Agricultural
Ageei fur this emmly. lias ittctil.
led ii en r ln:id "I En rly Burt ubeui
iiv Hiliible f r I Hi in eil i ile piirclnise.
Tin se ilesi 1 1 ng to keen re seed f Mi
spring seeilieg slimilil emu 111 lltii
e.iie wi Ii-Ihui I'V phmie or in per
Si. II II- Slinll S .,.-s,e.
Truth Ever
T rev ail !
Up to date business
men thoroughly under
stand modern advertising
as a business proposition.
They fully realize that
they buy advertising serv
ice as a wholesale selling
agent, just as they em
ploy salesmen.
They keep their names
and goods before the pub
lic to make sales or cre
ate a demand. They do
this honestly or else they
ultimately fail.
Our local merchants
are doing this truthfully
and in a businesslike
manner. Consider their
ads. carefully and take
advantage of inducements
they oflcr you.
Nutritious Corn Bread
A daughter wns hum to Mr
an ' Mis Pat lle.tlv. at the llepp.
tier liospil il last Sal ii ril. ty, Feh.
riiiiry '2. mid Mr llealy reports
that Hint In j- and child are get
ting along niei Iv
It is not sullii ient that we prac
tice thrift one day.
Practice it !!li." d;i s.
Make it a habit.
The best aid to the thrift habit is
a S.i mgs Account in the
A per cent Interest paij on Saving Deposits
Oni New Verk Imti'l linn nmiiiifpil
n tliurniiiililj' pnirliMlo corn In-wl
ri'i'l'i'. 1 I'eliihllli'M mi'lllm-lll Willi
rye Hour, linili of wlilcli nii wws run
miiiH'il III Kri'iiler iiiiiiillilin iIiIh y,.ir
In onler In ri'lonm- whciii Hour fur the
nllleil nil Hoik. TIiI rerlpo fill n
liii'ire pun- lit by 1"J ln.ii o n . I roll
iiilna Hie fellow lni Inirreilliiin : one
iunrt milk, four omn . Iniiter nl M
line, ten imiiii'ih Htrlit ru or Ii. my.
iliree eirtm. pi mil mill, two t'iinls
iiiniiiHMil, one m.iiiii rje Hour ntit iwn
imli.va linking mwiler.
Tlie huiler unit uNrnp nre tlior .iifli
ly iiiImsI. Tlii'M nidi Hie i k.i urn IiihI
I, pour In tlie milk. Ilien ml. I ili( rye
Hour inlxeil with i In. mmim-nl mul
t-nklnj powder. l!nke In n lint men.
j Notice for Publication
I U'Utnl Tnt
I'l III U" I.ANH KM f.
I IVimrtmvnt t lh. Intt .. f. ,.
. at I liitto.l. Orvtfon. Jn. .'1 14:.
Nwltr la hrvl'T fli.ril Ihmt im .l.rwil I
1 .4nmMM4rr of th i;rral I a)H tfi, r
.ta4t u( IW 4,.V H K.. -ur.u..l
V ltn ttf Charts M.IV.ol. ,.f Ii.,
- eal N.i. iiimai a ai a i
I.. th lea-hMl b .Mtr but at n.l U.. e.,
' et m-rw al llo-Wa A M , tt
i M.rvli Hia. iv.. i at th t,.. ih f
Iwl M (ami Ktt N Vt . S t, .
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rlawl rkiant vtiMI tK. fvri,t at e.
j namml aat frnt b, I'" th.--.i .
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Ihm tm lwl. th t- .IM B. u I
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c?rgg?Taot -ot m 0CD
Ladies' Silk Sweaters
Ladies' Silk and Flannelette Kimonos
A small supply of woolen yarn in Grey and
Khaki colors
Ladies high top Shoes, low Military heels in
Black, Nubuck, Brown, Grey and
Tan Colors
Butterick Patterns for January
Heppner, Oregon
I afr"
COME in and lot us demonstrate this marvelous
instrument to you. Let us play your favor
ite selections in order that you can compare
The Brunswick with all other phonographs.
All Phonographs in One. Playi All Records
The any record Brunswick opens a broader field
of music - all limitations are removed.
Buy any record you wish - w hat-ever make
whatever artist. Play it on The Brunswick to gain
a new appreciation of tonal values.
For The Brunsw ick is equipped with two sound
lioxes. Use any needle you like jewel point,
steel, sapphire hall. etc".
. A sound box is provided for the world-famous
Pathe records -hitherto barred from many Amer
ican homes. All without extra cost.
$30to$175.-f:asy Terms
427 Washington St. Portland, Ore.
lr. McMurdo ii ports the ml
k'ent of a line S 1-2 (vund son at ,
'he lieme of Mr. n ml Mrs Paul i
.Vihb iA M'i d iy. .Votlier and
h.i'.il are di inu w ell ard it is ex-
ueetcd the unit tcr will he
iiunvn as Paul, jr
Notice for Publication i !
Belgium Under
f lti4-rn of ,4.,s Hi
1 ( -r t
rim i i ami .- Ai y
IritttrrMt of t(. 1tl.f -..f. I" S
Sotitr ii i t'. th! it r. . 'n t Ihr
he h l-',.t. tat ! 4 I. f
u rv at t. , 1 -rh . m .i 'K. b U VI h
mi r u (.
4 kn ) . .! , r-v , 1 .. H . H . r! ,
h .. M f-M k- t i . I it !
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U-t UJ mrr .l a.f t . ( - ' , r , .... . ,4
t-t . ..(. n tt ( rv i h t ,f . t- ) m ..
German Heel
United States Minister to Belgium
An Absorbing Story Masterfully Written.
Contains the Official Record of
Belgiums Tragic Fate.
Betrins Serially February 17th in the
Oregon Sunday Journal
.Vi.A. Pl.ll I K.,r.