1 BARGAJNSl $6 Men's Fifteen-inch Lace Boots, Brown Calf Men's Five-inch Work A A . Shoe, Light or Heavy $32 n Sole, Tan or Black V D T Get Yours While We Have Your Sizes at These Prices E. N. Gonty Shoe Store HEPPNER BAKERY Where Purity and Quality count Fresh Bread, Pies, Cookies, Doughnuts, etc., baked every day Special Attention given Orders for Parties, etc. W. C. BOWLING, Prop. HEPPNER, OREGON HARDMAN GARAGE BLEAKMAN ft RAU, Props. Courteous and Efficient Service by Courteous and Competent Workmen Accessories, Supplies, Expert Vulcanizers Guaranteed Tire Service HARDMAN, OREGON LUCKY STIiiKE CIGARETTE YOU'LL enjoy this real Burley cigarette. It's full of flavor just as good as a pipe. IT'S TOASTED The Burley tobacco is toasted; makes the taste delicious. You know how toasting improves the flavor of bread. And it's the same with tobacco exactly. Guiyanreed by r Auto Turns Turtle; Leg Broken From Arlington Independent we learn that Hun. C. C. Clark, of that city, met with a serious accident on Wednesday of last week while on a trip to Rhea Siding, where he expected to meet the Canadian officers and take them lo Arliugtou, where they were scheduled to address a mid-day meetiug. Owing to the fact that the snow had made traveling difficult the officers thought it better to con tinue their trip by rail, which they did. After the train had pulled out Mr. Biggs, who had driven his auto over to assist in bringing the men, started on the return journey leaving Mr. Clark to fol low him. When some distance away Mr. Biggs begau to get un easy at the non appearance of Mr. Clark aud turned back to Hnd that while crossing the Rhea bridge Mr. Olark's auto had upset, pinning him beneath the machine but fortunately ouly catching his leg, which was brok en at the ankle. Mr. Biggs placed him in his auto and brought him to Arlington, where he was placed on train No. 17 and taken to the hospital at The Dalles. Hoff Seeks Treasurer's Office CECIL ITEMS C. A. Minor arrived Monday at "The Last Camp" from Fort land, leaving Tuesday for Hepp ner, where he will spend a few days. J. W. jOsboru, Mrs. Combest and Mrs. T. II. Lowe dined with Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Franklin Monday. Louis Montague was a Cecil visitor from Arlington Monday. Jack IInd, W. G Hynd, Alf Shaw, T. 11. Lowe and Miss Louise Shaw look in the lecture given by the Canadian officers at Ueppuer last week. A. C. Niinor, J. 1J. Franklin and wife, Mrs. Bennett aud the Misses Easton, Hynd and Frauk- Liu left od the local for Ueppuer Tuesday. Miss Carrie Nash was a Cecil Ciller Tuesday. A. Ileuriksen returned home Wednesday after a brief visit in the Redmond district. Grandma Nash, who has been visiting with Leou Logan for the past few days, returned home Wednesday. Mesdames I'. Nash and A. E. N.ish visited with Mrs. l'oyd Ixj gin Friday. J, J. Mclntire lelurneJ fiom lleppner Saturday. J. II. Miller, loy Slender, Jus. J. Allyu and U. C. Winters were all in Cecil SalurdHy, the ricent snow btorm havinu MispenUed work on the ranches and farm. A surprise puny was sprung on Warren Slender on the Mucin- ion of his 'Jlst bi i t Inlay by i. bo ul i't of his f i iend h. All rtiioit Having had a youd lime. E II Kellogg, of llippner.who is doing home huj hauling on the llenrikeu place, iihoIh a trip In Cecil Saturday to have his gaso line tank replenished. Mr. Ik'HSt, jf WhSC", Spent the week in Citil lixing up hmUvei Und cur. Jack II) ml left on the loi ul for lleppner on a tiusiut'SK trip. Sox Morgan, Cecil Alult and Mr. II. Ahull pe ii i Suiily with Mr. I!oyd I.ognii at Ctnl. Koy Stendfi ii mJ ' .1 Thorn. .. . l ii . ii i ' I I AO UoUUliS Hll'l II l.-l IlilefS llll'l parly, were (Veil viitor Sun. day. II"nry Kirr-lr, who hi ln-t-i I,. I' . j fclT irffiilllillff InllHliilllilllllllllllWMIMIIIilllMWI j High-Class Stallions I and Mares We are prepared to furnish to the stock men of Morrow county the very highest class of Regis tered animals in Fercherons, Belgians, Euglish Shires, Hackneys and Coaches. j Registered Kentucky Jacks a Specialty We can sell this stock to responsible parties, when desired, on easy payments with uo cash down aud at eight, per cent interest. O. P. HOFF 0. P. Hoff, for 15 years Labor Commissioner of Oregon, is a candidate for the nomination for S'ate Treasurer on the Republi can ticket. Mr. Koff announces that he will make the race on his record as Labor Commissioner, his wide acquaintance with the industrial and business needs of the state and his close relations with both employers and ' em ployes on questions concerning labor problems. His brief de claration of principles is: "My oath of office is my platform, my record is your guarantee, and my experience is your protection." Income Tax Inspector Busy Man Wm. Kennedy, represeuting the U. S. Treasury Department in the capacity of income tax in. spector, is about the busiest man in lleppner this week, and if he belonged to a labor union would probably be in trouble with his union for working over time. Eighteen hours a day is ibout Mr. Kennedy's gait and the corridors in the court house are crowded with citizens, early and lale, seeking Mr. Kennedy's assistance in determining how much money they made last year. I he time for reporting Income taxes expires February lOlh. Last Day for Government Insurance Men in service must take out government insurance before February 12. One million re main unprotected yet. It is up lo the newspapers of the state to make Oregon's soldiers and sail ors who enlisted before October 15 realise that this is their last chance. Fut it up to them that unless they get in before Feb. 12 their families will be among those that are going to be left desti tute, LOCAL AND PERSONAL II. S. Kwing wus in from Cecil Sunday and Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Scriv hit went to fori land Monday for i few day visit. Fred Crump, of the prosper ous Sund Hollow district, wus i Sunday visitor in lleppner. A. Ileuriksen. extensive farm er unl stockman from Cecil, was i business visitor in lleppner the lirst of the week. I'. A. loung, of lone, was a lleppner visitor Tuesday and while in town called on the Her ild and plunked down three! fur two yearn subscription. - Mrs. Ii C. IhvelbUs and little son, Robert, jr., of Richmond, ''ill., ia the guest of her pirt-nU, Mr. and Mra. C. V. Shurle. They expect to remain for sev i l week. WAN TED - Good woman for UMieritl housework on a ranch. in family. Sii-mly job as lotitf as suited. lK)ad.iy. Ad dies A J. Knobfock, lleppner. re . or photw SL'Fll. 40. U J h Wilkint has had the en A. C. RUBY CO. Carl Smith, General Agent for Eastern Oregon Headquarters at Palace Hotel Stock quartered at Stewart's Livery Barn HEPPNER, : : OREGON Home Products for Home People We Mauufacture WHITE STAR FLOUR-GRAHAM-WHOLE WHEAT CREAM MIDDLINGS ROLLED BARLEY AND MILL FEED General Storage and Forwarding Heppner Farmers Elevator Co. THE BRICK McATEE & AIKEN, Props. ICE CREAM and CARD PARLORS. Gilliam & Bisbee A RE prepared to furnish the Farmers and Slock Growers with all kinds of Machinery and Ex tras for their 11)18 requirements. Extras are going to be hard to get and we would advise the going over of nil machinery NOW and ordering the Extras, and have all ma chinery adjusted and ready for use when the time comes to use it. Take our word for it, if you wait until the Extras arc needed you may not bo able to get them and there will be no time to waste in I'JIS. Gilliam & Bisbee "Wc Have it, Will Get il or it i Not M.ule" ftj Mm People's Cash Market HENRY SCIIWARZ, Prop. All Kinds ot rrefcli and bait Meats Poultry and Lard Phone Main 73 ll Notice From and f t r thin d.iN tin-1 1'ifiy HERALD FOR FINE JOB PRINTING on the sick list (or ih.? pi-t few day, ncc'ii.pit.yd l.y Mr St n-eter nd futility. j i nt Sun day with I'm-tv Jim olirn. Ilev. Ir. Van Wt-r will i-ivo prov iu-r,t in the pp-rncfl of hi uul iiK i.thly nd In-!. in ( tli room in very fcn-nt and will ' r-ll 1111 r II. II ilirn fci-cond mid third ti n I'bIhcq hotel re pupxrt-d ml ii hut! the wimxJ work re Uttmxl ni vitrniohed Hie im- For Sale (Ti'i) hind 1'inmI work Tw.niy.livM ('jr.) hi-al 1 lirir-fi .f ult i. If. fl. If IrflnliM f.f frfitfi fnnli ii ot u i,, it- I i ... i .... i : II I 17 11 I If IV H IU' lili J Will HIT it" IIIM-, IIIK lli', II J I ' 11 ll'-l mi douhl In highly ppri. iitt d .. ; i.y um irvt'iiii( una rvKiut-ir. m (ot ( h. Insti'itd of LTi i-i-iiln, iny ilmk in ll-n 1 1 r il will pny the furiiii-r priro IhK ii'lniire ni in i n t Id'1-" iiniimiU IH Hld 111'fi'i.onry hy lh i V l!'VrM. vmii'i'd w liuli.nli prn . In uh i luf lli ppner. Ore llrl'I'NMl Lli.M I A I'nttrK I'll ! Wel'rid.jrel'rintn.if that I'l- a,. ,r"" ' 'u, " ''!''" l,,,'r ktlhe llerttli hhou l.ou.u. ppner, Ore , l -h , I.'M lierwld ouly t Lo per )fr. I'ii I'mi'V will known hhecp 11,411. n h ll.'pi mr visitor froiii Willow Suul iy U