HEPPNER HERALD know whether or not the split -- . rr r;'K l''a teen tried out in S. A. PATTISON. Publish FR. An Independent, Local News- paper. Entered at the Iieppner, Oregon, Post Office us second-class matter. Terms of Subscription. One Year - - $1.50 Six Months - - 75 Three Months - - 50 FRIDAY. FEB. 8, 1918. FARMERS UNION PROGRESStVE BODY The resolutions adopted at the recent annual meeting of the Morrow County Farmer's Union relative to better roads and cheap er iight and power shows that or ganization to be made up of a progressive and well balanced body of men. Time was when the farmer was looked upon by the professional and business world as little more than a sot t of beast of burden whose onl province it was to stick to the farm, put in 14 or 16 hours a day producing the wherewithal to feed and clothe the world, keep out of politics and allow the busi ness and professional classes to fix the prices on what he had to Bell as well as on what he had to buy and to direct and govern all matters of public concern with out so much as a "by your leave" to the men who are the very foundation not only of society itself but of all the good things that come to society at large in the way of food, raiment and other things which have become bo vitally necessary to the happi ness and comfort of all civilized peoples. Stop lor a month the production of food, wool, cotton, leather, dairy and poultry pro ducts and the world would be lac ing famine, anarchy and death. The world lias been changing along these lines of late years, however, and today the farmer is coming to represent not only the brawn of the community but a good part of the brains as well. That this statement is true is at tested by the action of the Farm ers' Union the other day when they declared themselves on two questions of vital interest to all of the people of Morrow counlj -good roads and cheap pow er. Iteing true conservationists and lully awake to the fact that theUnib'd States, Oivgo,,, Morrow county is t ngagul in the most sli.it neons war the utilil has tvu- known which is taxing ad ol our phM cal and linaiicial si ivngl h to i',in to a successful issu', they did not urg.' ih. ini'ii - ii.it - on ..mic tion of u paved hichway to each of ther individual l';inin.liit they went back pretty close to l'ut principles in loud making and j placed themselves on record as j u ical em i gy. favoring "the extended use of j hats otf to the Moi tow County thi split log drug after each rain Fanners' Union; they show ear when necessary, and that each marks of a iiigrcoof piogress piece of road from live to eight! thai luis long Uen needed in nidi's long should have a man to! good old Moriow county. drag it." The writer of tliU article is no expert on roml building, neither is he an authority on keeping 1 rsittlil rl' r.t'i.lu ii. .i,.,i.. I..,t I. . i I I'll. 1.1 HI I, .,, , lit I 1 does know that in many of the eastern and middle stabs, for many jears the fiequmt u.-e of the uplit log drag on the count r roads have largely solved the road problem and .hangi d thou Hands of miles of tiuagnme. ut- tcrly impassable for months cadi winter and spring, ii to I n U.i. that very satisfactorily till the if- q iiremeiitsol ttanspo, t.,ti,,n (iir- ing those month-i and make the Conditions of com, try hie quite tolerable. The split log Irag will not make paw d hichway with Uotnan bridge and Visu tl.u- tcaus, but it will m.unt.,111 a ro.nl that fanner and others can tr.iv el with a reasonable dgi( ot safety and cointoit. and th..t is what the incnibci of thc.Mono.v County Fanner' Union Mein to hve in miml. l lic wntt r din s 1 morrow county, hut if it has these farmers muse know some- j i i i . t )mne ouc 11 Irom experience nere. ii u nas not it is on v tair to assume that some of them have knowledge of the drag either from experience elsewhere or from studying road methods as practiced in other states. The Herald would, therefore, beg to suggest that the split log drag should be given careful consider ation by those in authority in our road affairs. On the question of cheap elec trical energy, the position of the farmers does not seem to leave mu'-h of a toe-hold for adverse argument. When they affirm their belief that the John Day and Columbia rivers could be made to generate enough elec tricity to light and heat, and suf ficient energy to supply power for the county and state much cheaper than it is supplied at present, they are simply stating a fact that is patent to every ob server and one that has been suc cessfully demonstrated in count less sections of the west. Note that these farmers use y the word heat in their resolution. 1'hey seem to be aware of the fact, if the business and profes sional world and the politicians are not, that the day is rapidly approaching when people will quit buying high priced wood and coal in sections remote from mine or forest and will heat and light their homes and cook their food with electricity generated from the almost unlimited water pow er now going to waste at their doors. Note also that those farm ers did not stop there but added another paragraph in which they collectively urge the Hon. Fred erick 11. Newell, commissioner of water power, to use all honorable means in his power to install the generators necessary to develop the electricity needed and to con struct lines to transmit it all over our county. Now, that is getting down to brass tacks. When a lot of men become alive to the fact that they want a certain thing, that they need it and that there is a course to pursue by which they may be able to accomplish that thing and then without further talk or par icy go out after it along the course that seems to promise the tu st results, they are in a fair way to get somewhere. Morrow county has had many business organizations, commercial clubs, Dulls, banquets and beer parlies at which public needs have been discu.-..A'd but it seems to have u iii.iiiu d lor Hie Fanners' Union ui be Hie tni to Ukc up the qiicslloli ot tlie development of the unused water power near us with a view to bringing to their o.mi uoors liiat Hung which has in come of recent jears an abso lute necessity for their comfort, convenience and prosperity elec- Lahcr Will Be Imported 'I lie li'l ill III. t in of Labor 1m iin .iiiinu to tiling into iliu I'm ti. llt'.t'im ubiiiera for iolnul unit f u in worn from I'ol In U.l'u ,1. li llir llg'll 111 .uuK. a cot u iti ir 10 l-'io F. I'osi. .isMii(i,i . t i. uiy of the I)cMil- u'. nt ol Uhor M r, . ,.,.,,-, , , , , nee. mtv foi hi p.. nil. common liir imm M, x.eu or Chum mio i;,,. , ,, ,,K,H uiiuraltcr. , y I .u i.lt it il.nny of j,,,,,,,,,,,, , ,i,., ,y y n,,,,. huti. A . ouM.t.-i tttil (u. ot w.m kei exiMi. on lli .,i,.l it tIlll furnm:: lui.iKM i .i,,.i,.r . una tn. Virgin NUml , ,, , m pi.ui.i un.e A I I IHLI'll.l III Hi lit 111 in ml,' In lilllii! nli r ,'ii.lHtl mi ll un Hill l loll !),' I iH Hli llilc. I. Ii Mm 'li) hikI b'.i. Harni, I int. ii. ii'io-it'inl ut Uio I'ul. cc Suml Professional Column I ft fa a::t::riX3:t.:a::tr:sc!sa:;e:iii3:" DK. R. J. VAUGHAN DENTIST Permanently located in Oddfellow's Building HEPPNER, OREGON S. E. NOTSON ATTORNEY.AT-LAW OFFICE IN ROBERTS BUILDING HEPPNER, OREGON DR. N. E. WINNARD PHYSICIAN & SURGEON HEPPNER, OREGON DR. A. D. McMURDO . . . PHYSICIAN & SURGEON Telephone 122 Office Patterson Drug Store HEPPNER, OREGON Watch paper for date DR. J. G. TURNER Eye Specialist PORTLAND OREGON Regular monthly visits lo HEPPNER and IONE WOODSON & SWEEK ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW Office in Palace Hotel. Heppner, Ore SAM J !. VAN VACTOR VTTORNEY.AT-LAW HEPFM2R, OREGON LOUIS PEARSON TAILOR HEPPNER, OREGON Office phone Main 643 Residence phone Main 665 FRANCIS A' McMENAMIN LAWYER Roberts Building, Heppner, Oregon ROY V. WH1TEIS REAL ESTATE INSURANCE LOANS Eleppner, Oregon Notice for Publication ' IiolatKl Tract PUHLIC LAND SALE Department of the interior. U. 8. Land Oliice t La Grande. Orviron, Dec. 13. 1917. Notice is hereby (riven that, aa directed by the Conimiuionerof the General Land office, under provision! of Sec. 24M, R. S.. pursuant to the ap plication of Abraham 1. Chapman, of Nye, Ure (on, Serial No. 01H1KW, we will offer at public sale, to the highest bidder, but at not less than $..pi0 per acra. at 10 o'clock A. M., on the 13th day of February. 1918. next, at this office, the following tract of land: BKU SEW, Sec. 36, Tp. 2 S.. R. 2!" K W. M. The sale will not be kept open, but will be de clared closed when those present at the hour named have ceased bidding. The person making the highest bid will be required to immediately pay tu the Receiver the amount thereef. Any persons rlalmlnf adversely the aliove-dra-cribed land are advised to file their claims, or ob jections, on or befure the time designated for sale. C. 8. DUNN, lt.gister. 3.MI0 NOLAN!) SKIFF. Receiver. Notice for Publication Isolated Tract runi.ic LAND SALK. Deiianment of the Interior, II. 8. Land OnW at La Grande, tlrrgon. Dec. 13lh. 1917. Notica is hereby given that, aa directed by the Commissioner of the General Land oliice, under pntvislonsof Sec. 24.SA. R.8.. pursuant to the ap plication of Mary Hrosiian. of Heppner, Or.gon, Si rial No. 0lu:s. we will otter at public sale to the highest bidder, but at mil bits than K ill per acre, at luo'cluck a. m.. on the llth day ol Febru ary. 11M, nest, at this oltlce, the following tract of land: 8W NK1.. NWS SF:i.. See. 4, Tp. I H., R. F... W. M. This tract is ordered into the market on a show ing that the greater portiun thereof is mountain ous or too rough for cultivation, 1 he sale will not be kept open, hut will t-e de clared cloeeri when those preeeiit at the hour nam ed hava ceased bidding. The fierson making the highest bid will be retluired to immediately ay Ir the Receiver the smoont thereof. Any persons claiming a.lverely the ale-de-scrilted land are advised to file their claims, or on ieeliiMia. an or before the time designated fir sale '. 8. Ill N N. KMIater. W NOLAN SKIFF. Itcener. POLITICAL ANNOUNCEMENTS For Sheriff I htM't'by announce myself a a Camliiiate for SheriiT of Morrow county on the UeimMican ticket at the comintr primary election. Adv. Wll.LAKI. II. Hk.RKKS. For County Commi.iioner 1 will le a cantli.late for County Commissioner at the com in election en the Ueuubli can ticket Kespect fully, C A. Llkakmax. Alv llardman, Oregon Wood and Coal 1 inJln Kin k Sirin; Coal, Curd VVimkI anJ Mab WmkI 3'.'i( Ku Uia.si iN. Notice for Publication j U.lnt.it Trai-t I ITKMC LA,L) SALK 1 Departmsiit uf the Interior, U. S. Lund Oifice j at La Grand", Orctrun, !-. i ith, 1'JlT. J Notice is htn-by civt-n that, ass dirtrtcil by the j Commisiiioritfr uf the General Land Oliice, under j provisions of ijee. 2io7)r K. S., pursuant to the ap- j plication of Abraham I'. Chapman, of Nye, Ore-j Eon, Serial No. 0161107. we will ciiTer at public sale, j to the highest bidder, but at not less than ?'J.5:j per acre, at li o'clock A. M., on the llith day of February, next, at this office, the fodowinft tract of land: NK' i SW'i, Sec. 3o. 'J p. 2 S., K. 2'J E.. W. M. The sale will not be kept open, but will be de clare! closed when those present at the hour named have ceased bidding. The person making the highest bid will be required to immediately pay to the Receiver the amount thereof. Any persons claiming adversely the above des cribed land are advised to lile their claims, or ob jections, on or before the time designated for sale. C. S. DUNN, Register. 3Gd40 NOLAN D SKIFF, Receiver. Notice for Publication InulutL'd Tract PUiiLIC LAND SALE Department of the Interior, U. S. Land Oifice at LaGrande, Oregon, Dee. i:J,th, 1117. Notice is hereby liiv.-n thnt. as directed by the Commissioner of the General Land olliee. under provisions of See. tVA, U.S. pursuant to the appli cation of Abraham 11. Chanman, of Nye. Oregon. Serial No. OHM, we will oll'or at public sale, to the hiithesl bidder, but at not iess than S2.f,li per acre, at 10 o'clock A. M on the l'Hh day of Feb ruary. 1918. next, at this oliice, the followine tract of land: SW' i SW'.i, Sec. 35, Tp. 2 S., I. -a E.. W. M. The sale will not be kept open, but will be de clared cloHed when those present at the hour named have ceased biddinir. The person making the hiithest bid will be required to immediately pay to the Receiver the amount thereof. Any persons claiming adversely the above des cribed land are advised to file their claims, or ob jections, on or befure the time desisrnated for sale. C. S. DUNN, liesister. NOLAND SKIFF, Receiver. Notice for Publication Department of The Interior, U. S. Land Oliice at The Dalles, Oreiron, January 5th. 1913. Notice is hereby given that William F. Gortrer. of lone. Oreiron, who, on Oct. 7th, 1914, made Homestead Entry, No. 013922. for NKU, Section V; Township 2-Nc rth. Range 25-East, Willamette Meridian, has liiled notice of intention to make final three year Proof, to establish claim to the land above described, before 0. C. Patterson. U. S. Commissioner, at Iieppner. Oregon, on tile llth day of F'ebrunry, 10 IS. Claimant names as witnesses: Dennis Kieman and Dan C. Doherty of Lexington, Oregon. Ber nard McDevitt and Philip Doherty of lone. Ore. M-U 11. FRANK WOODCOCK. Register. Notice for Publication Department of the Interior, 11. S. Land Oliice at The Dalles, Oregon, January 2:1, 191H. Notice is hereby given that John J, Kelly, of Heppner, Oregon, who. on June 3rd, 1:111, made Homestead Entry, No. IHUl!:!, for S'-.N'; and SW U, Sec. 14, township 2 north, range 26 east. Will amette Meredian. has filed notice of intention to make Final three year Proof, to establish claim to the land above described, before C.C. Patter son. U. S. Commissioner, at Heppner, Oregon, on the Oth day of March. 19iK. Claimant names us witnesses: Carl K. Mall son of Echo. Oregon: Michael !ize.ai;ek of Kchu. Oregon; Arthur A. Finley f Lcxingloii, Oregon; William II. F inley of Lexington, Oiegcm. Ii. FRANK WOODCOCK. 3Ma Register. Sum mons IX TIIK CIIICI'IT CnritT OF" TIIH STATU Oh' HKKcuiN Full .MultJtOW (or.VI'Y, i'Uissiiliulli Smith, I'lainliff, vs. Anna Del. Ion, 1 vfoiulaiit. si miuxN run ii ni.ii'A'iiov - KOHIlt I.OM Hi: Oh' TA To Anna Ui-Llmi, the nbuvo naimol do fondiiiit " In the Nniue. of Ihe Male of Oregon i You lire lioiel.y m.lilli-,1 n,at K,-,.. In-Ill Sniilli, iilainliir hImivc liiuiiod, thu lliililor of fVrtlll, alo of lolimjiu'li.-y nuinlu-ifil ('.111 Issued on tin. 1 ; t i day of May, UIKi, l,y Hi,. Tax I'.illei tor uf the I'lUlllty uf Moi'imi, State uf Uiogon, f.n the amount uf F inn toon linllara, the Hiiine Ik'Ihk tin1 aniiiiint then due and l-liiiiu fill f..r taxes fur t lie year 1912 togoilier wltli iienaliy, hitiMcst ami cohIh tlu i..ni iiimiii tin. i-oni p, ,.,,. , t assessed to you, of v Ii I. - li ini me the owner aa appear of n. oni, aimateil In said County and Stale, ami pai II. ulai ly bmiihliMl ami ile-. i il.t.,l an follows, to ll. .The N.hiIi half i.f the N.nth half of Section IIikIiI (S) in Townsliii Six Oil South of llange Tn enl v -seven (271, K.ial of the V il la mel to Meniliall In Moriow Ci'iinlv, lit iiiii. You ale fiiillier n. .iille, u,at sail I'laintirf has paid taxes on raid .reni Isea for pi lor or sulo.. tu.-nt e.u, with the rule of mtei, t mi sai.l aiuoinita as follow a: V... T.. H..r r.iJ l-'R-"l" R .'f rtl !r I. i in wpiii 3. i'ii: :r.o f r. i l'.MI April a. i:ii; i: ill t:in IHIS ' A 1: Il 3. I 'M , 1 7 I -. 4 l:ii; .April .1. : i ? it:i 1 1 .1 :i r, , ceul I.', per lent !' per coll' 1 ". per lenl Sal. I Anna Held nnttied, aa the ou t lefeli.l.int above f III!' legal title of the no ove .!.--.. iil-el mi...mI in the aanie npiiaia i.f n- .o,. h ,i,.1,t (tr. Iher llotllleil lli .t and I.ih I.iT II ,ip. ply lo the I'm, nl c.n.n ,.f ll.e Cunn in.. I Stale ii f- ii. I f r n ile f.iie- . I'.rlng the lieu n g I . alnive den. i ibe 1, ami i eei tin, ale And .01 'lione.l In n I'lu a I' tt 1 1 Ii ler the hi el ..iMi, u, Ihe pl...eti I.O'l.'d 111 H.'ll.t hei . I'l an in . ' I it I V li uf I.f Ih.M llltll- llinha, rfci Iti-ile . f Ihe of s.i. l m nl Jiul.lt. , ill. .11, u III il. l.ii.l li, ,m ,1.1,, , ... (.11 t lie ii ii'.ni i.t it ,i. u n 1. e p !i,.i n t lelher With t.x., i.ttl ii..rtie. Ir.i-.rM. anil 111 ine ."f i. .in f ,il.,... to ,J,i p, rt li'.lee will l e i. " :. ., r ...l... I.eil i.f m;i :.l t nr. n i ,( , ... t H K , Unit an. I f'te-ii ii!..,e I in e I This sii'Moi. ,n i ui .1 ii', 1. 1 , i.f the II i I' r.it.- i tt ii,.. .t Ihe Ju.la i.f the t'.'.uull '...li t t f the ., ! ; lilefc.lll f.-r fie I' Uft. i f l..i..,Wr ;i.. J. "ill.l i.i.Ut v.. i. i.'e i t-. . t .t ... t'.!. 3,1 .1,1. of J ii, n il i . I . I . , , f Ihe ft at t-illli. tin. i i-f i:i ..iuii,,n t i Ihe lib il ii i.f .1 ii, n. i . l ee.tinaT li.ii le ml. I n l ii ' ..f . sit lie-l re , .1 , i I. Willi., in. hi , i, aim at ll.e ,i 1 I i I . e f 1 1 i ii . . m i: uv in r, M.., i . , I , I,, Al-lirv lli)-lni, M : i.,s i.',. 11 Itcll- 'II. PC SPECIAL Free $1 Value for$l 31b Can Royal Club Coffee, reg. $1.10 fi 2 oz. Royal Club Extract, reg. .35 M This Week Phelps Grocery Co. Heppner, Oregon JUST RECEIVED NEW LINE OP WINTER GOODS UNDERWEAR SHIRTS MACKINAWS HOSIERY, ETC. Cull and make you selections early. SAM. HUGHES COMPANY n Notice to Creditors Not ire l hereby iriven that the underlined haa Seen amioinlod: by the County Court of the State ..f Orexon for Morrow County, administrator of the estate of Selh A. Rams, deceased. All per nio, havinit claims asalnst said estate must pre o nt them to me, properly verlfled, at th. offlr. of i1on A Sweek. In Heppner, Oregon, within iix months from the data of first publication hereof. Inneil and fitst published this 2.1th day of Janu "! O.H.WARNER. i(' - Administrator, Notice for Publication Isolated Tract rrm.ic LAND SALE Iiepartment of th. Interior. U. S. Land Ofllca at l-a llrande. Ore., Dec. IHth. 117. N .tlie is hereby (iven that, aa directed by the t'omnnsi..ner of the General Land OmVa. under ..roi ,1.1m of Sec. K. 8.. pursuant to th. ap plication uf Matilda K. I'earaonof Lena. Orevon, er. al No. HIT'.!, w. will offer at public sale, to the l.'uh.-.i bidder, but al not leas than 12.00 per acre, al In o'clock a. m . on th. 13th day of Febru in. WIS. nm. at Ihis olnce. th. fullowln tract I land: NW't NK'i. See. 31. Tp. I 8., R. tt C .S . M. 1 h ale arill not be kept open, but will b de 'r.1 rloenl when thnee present at the hour i have ceaeed bi.l.lins. Th. person makini .lieh.nhmt bid will he required to ImsMdiataly , av to Ihe K.vriver the amount thereof. A.ir iii.i rla.minc adversely the abov-d -r laml are adtiMa! to file their claims, or 4 teetioos. on or before th. time deaivnated for al.-, C. Dt'NN. Reai.ter. l9 NtU.ANDSKllK. lunlm. Notice (or Publication (elated Tract siitick or rriiLH'ATioN ll.rlmeM uf the Interior. U. S. Land Oltlc. at j t.ande. tlran. Iec. Illh. 117. S n.e is heretif ..en that, ns directed by the r -i i..,mer uf tlie (ieeeral Im4 Ofllea. un. ler i mo of ec. IfJ,. R. pursuant la the h i. : si . ..f Nrise I. f.n, of Ecli, Omron. -. . s.. n-.; win cifer al pabiie sale. .. r , i.ei ht i ler but at not lex than ft in pm .. . i ii o , Wk a. m. en the 1Mb day af Fehru. 'i i "I "el. st th.s ist.ee. the feJkiwins) tract i u..i i. i i. mh, n, m:i,, I. i . ii. i r. . w. m. i',. ..i, 11 n..l I. k.t eren. tat ,U ha 4. , .; .cl sihen th.e present at Ike hour .... i t..,.w. I. .td on Tne perm Miist i, 4hi h t .11 w nsuired la laasMdiately lo ihe Keei.er Ihe mmint thersnf. , -j lr,. iltm'i aderaeiy th. ard. il land are slia b a t)i,r s lalaae. ml ab. .t .sWf.c the time 4w,a'r.aled fur sal. ' Dl NN Ristec. ' Nt'LAN rkiir IWei.ee. SO Offer! ESS $1.45 all for $1,10 1 Keep Clean Keep clean inside, as well as outside. Do not allow food poisons to ac cumulate in your bowels. Headache, a sign oi self poisoninR, will point to numerous other troubles which are sure to follow. Keep yourself well, as thousands of others do, by taking, w hen needed, a dose or two of the old, reliable, vegetable, fami ly liver medicine, Thedford's Black-Draught Mrs. Margie Bledsoe, Osawatomie, Kan., says: "Black-Draught cured me of constipation of 15 years standing, which nothing had been able to help. I was a'so a slave to stomach trouble . . . Lverythinn I ate would sour on my stomach. I used two packages of Ulack-UrauRht. and Oht, the blessed relief it has riven me." Black Dr.iu;!it should be on your shelf, (jet i park ace today, price Zx. One cent a dose. AH DrofguU EBll farm for Sail The Penland farm containing 15 H) acrrs Will 8t-il all or fart Part cash and ttrma to suit on balance. E. NORDYKE, 3')dl0 Lexington, Ore. n '- I E3 HtTpncr Herald J1.C0 a year