B B LAST YEAR AND THIS 1917 gave a marked demonstration of the patriotism of A-nerican farmers. 1918 opens with new and increased demands upon all of our citizen patriots. Farmer, merchant, manufacturer, business man, banker each must do "his "whole heartedly and unreservedly. Our officers are ready to co-operate with the farmers of this vicinity in their plans for increased production in 1918. THE FARMERS AND STOCKGROWERS NATIONAL BANK HEPPNER, ORKGON L, UPPER WILLOW CREEK Quietly and without ceremony Mrs. A. E. Binns, with the assist ance of Misses Baker and Lake nan and Ernest Hyne, of Hepp ner, organized a Red Cross aux iliary in the Willow Creek dis trict last Sunday afternoon. Aft er Mrs. Binns had told the story of the Red Cross and explained how its work was carried on, sev enteen persons joined and ex pressed their willingness to make personal sacrifice for the cause. Mrs. George Krebs was elected chairman and Mrs Ralph Thomp son secretary and treasurer, and plans were laid for carrying on the work. pa o ess.'i::y rrgnra o c oc c 0Cj Lost Mackinaw Coat between Heppner and Hager place on Willow creek Saturday last. Leave at this office. 38d39 JUST RECEIVED Ladies' Silk Sweaters Ladies' Silk and Flannelette Kimonos COME in and let us demonstrate this marvelous instrument to you. Let us play your favor ite selections in order that you can compare The Brunswick with all other phonographs. THE BRUNSWICK All Phonographs in One. Plays All Records The any-record Brunswick opens a broader field of music all limitations are removed. Buy any record you wish what-ever make whatever artist. Play it on The Brunswick to gain a new appreciation of tonal values. For The Brunswick is equipped with two sound boxes. Use any needle you like jewel point, steel, sapphire ball, etc A sound box is provided for the world-famous Pathe records hitherto barred from many Amer ican homes. All without extra cost. $30 to $175.-Easy Terms WAKEFIELD MUSIC CO. 427 Washington St. Portland, Ore. m POLITICAL ANNOUNCEMENTS For Sheriff I hereby announce myself as a Candidate for Sheriff of Morrow county on the Republican ticket at the coming primary election. Adv. WlLLARD IL IlKRRKN. For County Commissioner I will be a candidate for County Commissioner at the coming election on the Ueuubli cnn ticket Respectfully, 0 A. Bl.EAKMAN, Adv Hanliniin, Oregon Notice to Ci editors 4. huraliv eivn that t ha uniiera'irntHl h hwti appointi! hr County Umrt uf tha Stale uf Orrnon fi r Muiruw J.'unl. ailininiatrator of tlieaatateof N.'!h A. lUriM. difMwvd. All T iihii having rlailita aaamat aatl aalat mint pre vail! ihfin to ma. irprly vatillwl. At tha nriVa uf WoKlnm ft Kwo-k. In llrMier. llrvun. within li nvtmha from tha data uf nrt uuhltrailun haranf. Ilatrd n,l fltat uilIUhnl thli 2Mb itav nf Janu ary. lUllt. O. M. WAHNKII. aiW2 Ailininiatrator, Notice for Publication Department of The Interior, U. 8. Land Office at Tha Dallea. Ort-non. January 6th. 1918. Notice la hereby iriven that William F. Gorsrer, of lone, Oregon, who, on OrU 7th. 1914. made Homegtead Entry, No. 013922. for NEV. Section 32, Townhip2-Ntrth, Range 26-Eat, Willamette Meridian, haa flilad notice of intention to make final three year Proof, to eatahllnh claim to the land alwve dnacritwd. before C C Patterson. U. 8. Commissioner, at lleppner, Oregon, on the 11th day of February, 1018. Claimant namea aa witneaaei: Dennis Klernnn and Dan C. Dohorty of Lexington. Oregon. Ber nard McDevitt and Philip Di.herty of lone. Ore. 3M1 H. FRANK WOODCOCK. Register. 11 li j- - . - ; I wmm 11 ' ' MB Vrtb i B I I l! ROBERT N. STANFIELD c A small supply of woolen yarn in Grey and Khaki colors 62 Ladies high top Shoes, low Military heels in Black, Nubuck, Brown, Grey and Tan Colors Butterick Patterns for January Tins w t't'lt's Hows I Ins week iimtiiN the lleppner Humid. A Practical Gift MODELS OF PERFECTION. ."v-tti I nrnrrm-i mr . I Mil SIMPLE SIMPLY PERFECT. rCofilli-, Oil, rti'lta find all kitula of rVrln Mmliiiio iiipi Ura, XU'iuiruiC a specialty. CASE FURNITURE CO. I II OVER THE TOP Tlit n'cttrtU of thin Hunk kIiow a liiro list of KHtistlt'd ctiNtoniirn wlio commi'iici'tl businoftg with Kinttll rnpital hihI with the kindly assist, unco and ndvieu of thin Hunk mid its ofticort Iihvo pnin "Over the Top" tinanriitlly tul re now tlm ntrotif; men of this territory. - , LET US SERVE YOU THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK Of HEPPNER of Stanfield, Umitilla County v MINOR & CO Heppner, Oregon EES i 31 LOCAL AND PERSONAL Ralph Benfre. who farm3 the Minor ranch below town, cut his first 1918 crop of alfalfa yester day, January 21th, which is go ing some for this latitude. Miss Lulu Hnger returned Sat. urday evening from an extended visit in California, Mis Ilager also visited friends at Portland and Pendleton while away. I will pay the top cash price for good fat chickens and all other poultry, fresh eggs, dressed veal, vegetables and fruits Cummings Fruit and Vegetable Market 31tf Heppner, The Misses Lillian and Anna Hay net, who have spent the past three months with friends at Cottage Grove, returned loHepp. ner iSaturdriy evening and will reside here with their father. I,. J. Hurnside, a well-known resident of the Hardman country, was brought to Hepp ner yesterday on an insanity charge. Mr. Hurnside has been in ill health for some time and, it is said, has suffered from a nerv ous breakdown which in turn has brought on his unfortunate men tal condition Church Notices - Catholic Church Services. First Mass, 8:00 a. m. Second Mass, 10:30 a. m. Evening Devotion, 7:30 p. m. Rev. Father Printen. The Federated Church Sunday School 9:45 a. m. Morning service 11:00. Sacoainent of the Lord's Sup per. Christian Endeavor. 6:30 p. m. Subject: C. J. Goals and How to Reach Them. Leader Mabel Noyes. Evening Service, 7:30. Topic: "One of God's ders-The Eye." H. A. Noyes, Pastor. Won- Mr. and Mrs. E. G. Noble are spending the week in Portland on a combined business and pleas ure trip. Found An auto chain. Own. er can have same by calling at this office and paying for this no lice. 38tf .'publican catulidute for United Slates Senator from Oregon. The man who be lit'ves In the ilt-wli jMnent of Or'gon'n opportunities. If you have not received complete copy of my prin cipie, write m ut Stan Held. U. X. NTANTIKI.H. IVhI AdvcrtUfiiirnt Stspected of Bootlegging Pave I.ightner, who claims Portland as his place of residence, Vas arrested at Hoard man yes terday and brought to the coun ty jail, where he was held as a suspected bootlegger until this morning when he was taken to Condon, where it is Rait! he is also wanted on a similar charge. iH'puty Sheriff Gibbons of Hoard man made the arrest and took the man to Condon. Notice (or Publication IVrariiMnl el tha Interior. V. S. t-amt Ofnr. at Tha lltoa Omn. January tX NtHir la KMy t.ai thai Ja ) Katlv. af Ml. traon. whs. an J una SH. I.lt. mari. H.Mtaal Kntnr. No. 0il t. lot SN and Mf 4. H II. tuwnahitt t north. nvi. JH Mat, W ill. amatta Mntan, haa Itiad aoti of tntantKMl la ),. Final th(w ar Trm. to aataMiah rtaiM la lha hn4 ttfwr aWnh4 haC.ir l" V. Pat taf. aim. U, S. Cahmtaaa at Ha..naa. ttraanav an tha al4ajf Msrk ltl. ( la.manl hum aa 'tr Carl F, Matt. ai.f. l YiKa (ira- Mxhaal Mlnah af F.hav Oravnaj. Anhar A FnW el I artnn, Ortv W liliam H. I tnlft af laiaat.ai Orr.. II HMl WtXHHH-K. VJtl halaa. YOUR 1918 FUEL PROBLEMS will be best solved by figuring with me for your supply of coal and wood I handle only the best quality ob- tainable and my prices are based on Ed Breslin General Fuel Dealer Heppner : : Oregon HERALD FOR FINE JOB PRINTING Ho raid only ! T per yinr.