Heppner herald. (Heppner, Or.) 1914-1924, January 25, 1918, Image 3

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Men's Fifteen-inch Lace
Boots, Brown Calf -
Men's Five-inch Work
Shoe, Light or Heavy
Sole, Tan or Black
Get Yours While We Have Your Sizei at These Prices
E. N. Gonty Shoe Store
$32 s $42 1
Where Purity and Quality count
Fresh Bread, Pies, Cookies, Doughnuts, etc., baked every day
Special Attention given Orders for Parties, etc.
W, C. BOWLING, Prop.
Courteous and Efficient Service by
Courteous and Competent Workmen
Accessories, Supplies, Expert Vulcanizers
Guaranteed Tire Service
Under New Management
A GOOD MEAL, 25c and up
New Waitresses, Clean Tables, Everything First-class
Say Mrs. Frank Hau
ler, of Carbondale, 111.:
and pains each
I had used . . .
but it didn't Rive any
permanent relief. The
pains came back on me
Just the same as be lore
. . . After taking Cardui,
I was entirely relieved
from the pains, and have
never been bothered with
them since."
The Woman's Tonic
Carduf should help you
Mil did Mrs. Hauler, tilt
has helped thouwndi of
other women who lut
fered from the pains and
discomforts from which
women suffer. Many
medical authorities pre
scribe the ingredients of
which Cardui is com
noted for the female
troubles for which ft is
recommended. Why not
try it lor your trouble?
All Dru((isU
Willow Creek District Has R. C.
Mrs. A. E. Binns, who whs in
vited by the people of Willow
Creek school district (No. 31)
go out last Suuday and assist
thetn io organizing an auxiliary
to the Red Cross chapter, reports
to the Herald that the meeting
was a splendid one, the building
being crowded to capacity. A
splendid program had been ar
ranged which is said to have
been one of the very best in pa
triotic tone and general excel
lence ever given in the county.
Miss Baker, teacher of music in
the Heppner schools, was pres
ent and assisted with the pro
gram with a number of vocal se
lections. Miss Lakenan, anoth
er of our teachers, was also pres
ent and assisted with the enter
tainment, Much of the credit
for the great success of the oc
casion is given to Prof. Paine,
teacher of the Willow Creek
school, who assisted the ladies of
the community with the general
arrangements, arranged the pro
gram and acted as chairman
during the Reeling.
Those present from Heppner
were: lVirs. A. E. Binns, Misses
Baker and Lakejjan, Messrs
Jack and Dave McCollough and
Herbert Hynd. Following the
meeting the Heppner delegation
were entertained at a splendid
dinner at the Florence home near
the school house.
We Produce Printing that Pb-asep
at the Herald Shop
Elisabeth Smith, Plaintiff,
Ann Hnlilnn. Defendant.
To Anna Uvldon, the above named de
fendant la the ft mm ml the Rlate af Orrimi
You are hereby notified that Kliia
beth Smith, plaintiff above named, the
holder' of Certinrate of Delinquency
numbered til Isauril on the lath day of
May, ISIS, by the Tai Collector of the
County of Morrow, Mate of Oreicon, for
the amount of Fourteen Itollam, the
ame being the amount then due and
delinquent for taxes fur the year 112
tuxether with penalty, Interest and
costa thereon upon the real property
assessed to you, of wlilrh you are the
owner as appears of record, situated In
said County and State, and particularly
bounded and described as follows, to-
wit: The North half of the North half
of Section Klaht il In Township Six
() South of Itana-e Twenty-seven I27,
East of the Willamette Meridisn In
Morrow County, Oregon.
You are further notified that said
Plaintiff has psld tales on said prem
Isas for prior or subsequent years, with
the rate of Interest on said amounts si
rT D-r4T-JJ" Art. ft. .I.
1111 April 1. 1917 2t:o IUI!,IS per rent
llll April I. HIT !.'.( IK on IS per rent
HIS 'April I. 1)17, !: IIS 4ii IS per rent
l17 April 1. 1117! 17J 111 l:. IS per rent
Ssld Anna ItMilun. defendant above
named, as the owner of the legal title
of the above described property as the
same appears of record, la hereby fi,r
ther notined that said plaintiff Kill sp
ply to the Circuit Court of the Cuunl
ar.d State aforeald for a decree fore
rleln the lien againet the prnperM
above described, and mentioned In said
certificate And nu are hereby sum
moned to Sl"r atthln ly days sf
ter the first publication of this sum
motis, ei.lusle of the day of said Orel
Lexington Red Gross Items
The Red Cross benefit dance
given here Saturday evening
as a decided success. Beside
the proceeds from the tickets, a
goodly sum was realized from
the delicious lunch served by
the ladies of the Ways and Means
Committee. Numbers were sold
and the lucky one drawn for a
linen table runner and a large
pumpkin was auctioned off and
brought $2.
An impressive feature of the
evening was the playing of
'The Star Spangled Banner" by
the orchestra. Tho crowd arose
and joined in, The total pro
ceeds amounted to $102 after all
expenses were paid.
Mrs- Anna Pichett visited Mon
day in Lexington-
Doc Lewis and wife were nas-
passengers Tuesday for Portland.
Mr. Carson is crointr around on
a crutch, the result of fallinir off
a ladder.
Mrs. Frank Burgoyne is Visit
ing her mother, Mrs. Rice, in
Mrs. Andrew Ilaney is visitintr
her daughter, Mrs. Shelly Bald
win, in heppner this week.
Jas. Carty was in from the
Sands Monday on his way to
Heppner. He returned home
The infant child of Jos. Sibrev.
who has been quite ill, died Tues
day night. The funeral was held
Thursday at 11 o'clock.
Godfrey Anderson was tin from
Portland looking after his ranch
interests here. He returned to
Portland Wednesday morning.
Dr. Purkey has rented the old
postoffice building and w ill main
tain an otliee there. He was
down Tuesday fixing and arrang
ing things.
Mrs. E. A. Pivymcr, who has
been visiting relatives here for
the past Bix weeks, returned to
her home in Portland Wednesday.
Our Boys in Uniform
Allen J. Wilks, who is with the
U. S. forces at the aviation camp
at Waco.Texas, writes his cousin.
Mrs. Mac Suiithofthiscity.au
interesting letter descriptive of
his trip from Vancouver, Wash.,
to Waco, and climatic and other
conditions as bej found them.
The letter says, in part:
"1 ofteu think of you and good
old Oregon. As for the 'balmy
south.' it may be a little warmer
than at the north pole but I
doubt it. You may enjoy a good
night's sleep here if you have a
good, big hot rock at your feet.
The nights are exceedingly cold
and the days are almost as windy
as the average t'ust storm in
Morrow county. Dust almost
blinds us when we drill, which is
all day except Sunday. It has
not rained since, we came and
some tell us it hasn't rained for
two years, but when it does rain
here they say it is fierce. The
trip from Vancouver was fine.
Leaving there in a hard rain
storm we moved up through the
Oregon valleys, climbed into the
snows of the Siskiyous. and then
down through California with its
fruit both green and ripe, much
of it yet unpicked. It was a pic
ture long to be remembered by
we boys from the northwestern
"Arizona, with its cactus and
sands was tine to look at so long
as we knew wewere goiugstraighl
through to New Mexico, but
when we got there we found it a
lot hotter than in Arizona. At
one place it was 90 in the shade
and no shade, and at another
small place it was a few feet be
low sea level. We were on the
train five days and five nights
making the trip and were on the
train all Christmas day.
"The water here is very strong
lime water, and the theory is
that when boiled it should lose
its bad taste, but it doesn't.
Waco is a town of 40,000 inhabi
tants and with 65,000 or 70.000
soldiers added you can imagine
how crowded the streets are.
The officers here are a fine lot of
men. We have all our equipment
for fighting and expect an order
any time. A chance to tiansfer
to other branches of the service
will be given us 6oon and if, at
that time I have a chance to go
to France sooner I will transfer
to the heavy artillery, for I want
to get over just as soon as 1 can.
' I see a hard wind storm com
ing and will have to get out ' and
help hold ourtentdown. Itlooks
line 24 ropes should hold most
any tent down, but it won't in
this country. In the squad I am
in there are two fellows who went
io college with Cal Sweek. of
Heppner. I have taken out f 10.-
UU0 life insurance that father will
get if I should cash in, and have
ilso allotted him half of my pay.
It isn't much to do but it will
help some."
Marshall Phelps, who is serv.
ing his country in the Marine
i orps. writes hi parents, Mr.
nnd Mrs. A. M. Phelps, of tl.it,
rity that he is getting along tine
nnd has recently beeo taken from
ilie ranks and promoted to the
p osition of drill aurgcitot. Mar.
shall uUo Bends warning to the
Herald that if his name is not
taken from the navy list and
placi'd with the Marines, where
he bclougs, that he will do thing
io us wheo he gets back to Hpp
ner. Being aotuelhing of a pad-
lint in n case of this kind we will
-hu ttiat the change is made.
puhlli stlon, and defend Ibis a. lion 01
pay the amount due as alme eliown. to
gether with costs and a i u d Inteieet
and In raee of our fmluie to do so,
decree a HI be rendered fori-, lomng the
lien of snld tales and i oeta aanlnal the
land and premises abote nmei
Thia summons Is publixhed l.y nrdei
of the Honorable C c. I'aitereon. Jmlse
of the Count) Court of the Male ,,r
Oregon for the fount)- of Morroa. ami
said order was made and dated tt.ia 3 '
day of Jsnuar. lilt end the dale of
the Ore! publication of II. la summons I.
the th dv of Janusii). lull
All proes and papers In this pro
lee.lmg ma) be served upon the under -signed
reeiding althln the rilnte of ie.
fcon St the S'l'lrpaa hereafter Oieriltofte 1
tAM K VAN VV T'.lt.
VI,,,,,., for I'lainl'tr
Addteaa. Heppner, Morrow County,
Ire user are warned by
Ko Administration that
Niue An much ammonia will
immJ by the arm) and navy
-ti-.tigh may be left to make
ith. If they want Io be ur
to have ice next lummer they
should harvest and atore it now,
wherever poittibte.
Mao Srr.itb, who I building
pvcrUating ft-ncm on the Minor
ranrh up Willow creek, apont
Sunday with Ida family in Ilepp.
High-Class Stallions
and Mares
We are prepared to furnish to the stock men nf
Morrow county the very highest class of Regis
tered animals in Percherons, Belgians, English
Shires, Hackneys and Coaches.
Registered Kentucky Jacks a Specialty
We can sell this stock to responsible parties, when
. desired, on easy paymetits with uo cash down aud
at eight, per cent interest.
Carl Smith, General Agent for Eastern Oregon
Headquarters at Palace Hotel
Stock quartered at Stewart's Livery Barn
Home Products for Home People
We Mauufacture
General Storage and Forwarding
Heppner Farmers Elevator Co.
McATEE & AIKEN, t rops.
Gilliam & Bisbee
A RE prepared to furnish the Farmers and Stock
Growers with all kinds of Machinery and Ex
tras for their 11)18 requirements.
Extras are going to be hard to get and we
would advise the going over of all machinery
NOW and ordering the Extras, and have all ma
chinery adjusted and ready for use when the lime
comes to use it. Take our word for it, if you
wait until the Extras arc needed you may not be
able to get them and theif will be no iim(. t
waste in 11)18.
Gilliam & Bisbee
"We Have it, Will G t it or it is Not Made"
Peoples Cash Market
All Kinds ot Fresh and bait Meats
Poultry and Lard Phone Main 73
Notice lor Publication
lmsrtmait of lh li,i.,x,f. !' ft. ,lnl Va at
Ls lirsMs. Oravon. ! H'h J,
H'Atrm IS hmtwk,, (ia,n that HarriH I,. f'm.
minis, formorlr Harrwt I.. Iiam..r. I,,,.
Or-suB. mhaun Apr. I lat I'ilt n.a.1. U nt
fcnlr,. No. (Ilions. f. N1, Nt (,w , a,f.,
SKtaW.la. KSH.'I M I.S KW'.. hi..'m
loarnah.? I K.-ulh B. & y , ,m,,
Mwi4.sn. sss ., im-mwi i., m...
Ihra ini u, .l.l,.h ,!. , ,. u,,
sh.r.s mmrtllmt. LI.. r,H
ttistaa (mwhim. al h Hn,r.r.
'''"". ! lh liar :l .hfuar,, .;.
Isimsnt taiMa, I l...ln, A, M n-
U Artfcsr C Hwl, W .Pb, . v,,.
sis L I'iwmi, sll -it l.m Or..,.
C. . UIJNN. Ueajwtaa.
Not ire for Publication
l-ai'm.,l ..f lh l.,l.., I' h Iv.lrnn.,,
1-a Uimi.'im O.rS'.n Ifer lift, ril,
N.M... I h-r-t, ,.. I r, ( W...
""I 'f l'.a. Iin.i, ath... mi J,i,a t,. -
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Nt 'l Kar l. Sl4 t 1 M. i !. Ik.s
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Ian t.a. DM i.n....t H.I...I,., , , ,h,, .
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"Hlti-aa -mar al ti'a i.rtl- a, , fP
.m I ha ,h day f I tir.iar,. 11 a
I U'waiit ,iain m aiilw..a , h,.rl,.
Waller W .,.a.taii. Anl. I .ii.ha.
W.larl. sll i.l Cviis tlt'4i
Ha '
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i.ar. 0,g-ri,
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