Heppner herald. (Heppner, Or.) 1914-1924, January 25, 1918, Image 2

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S. A. PATTISON. Publisher.
An Independent, Local News
paper. Entered at the Hemrner. iWentm
i t 0 -. y .
Post Office as second-class matter,
Terms of Subscription.
One Year - - $1.50
Six Months - 75
Three Months - -50
FRIDAY. JAN. 1918.
Unload Freight Quickly
Mr. MuAdoo, Director Geneial
of Railroads, hits just issued a
most earnest appeal to shippers
and to everyone in any way iu
terested in freight transporta
tion to unload and release cars
with all possible expedition.
He calls attention to the cir
cumstances thoughtlessly over.
looked by the average shipper
that every hour a car is detained
unnecessarily adds dangerously
to freight congestion and is more
instrumental than any other one
thing in causing disastrous
freight blockades.
Individual shippers are apt to
feel that an hour or two, or pos
sibly a day, does not amount to
much, while the haste necessary
would inconvenience him consid
erably and entail additional cost.
He forgets that a hundred thou
Band others are feeling and act
ing the same way, that the ag.
eregate delay means hundreds of
thousands of days of lost effi
ciency, and that this stupeudous
waste causes the congestion that
finally breaks down the system.
Mr. McAdoo is not making
this uppeal through any consid
eratious of personal gain or prof
it to the railroads, but as a mat
ter of patriotism and national
safety. The highest possible
efficiency of the railroads of the
nation is absolutely necessary to
put this country where it must
stand if it is to carry on success
fully the great struggle in which
it is now involved. Every
thoughtless citizen, merchant,
shipper or business man who
taKe t i, on -tli.
e i uii u
for -u ' i
pos-.o. , tl.,,,
ttie i i i, hi w
lii eon Shly , ul O
'lee uece!iry
ju-t guilty
1 1 a izuig it an
i j.uils a brick
'on. Hi i i. i .u Iiuii 1. 1 u great
811 uci uii, v I'tn put tilivt ly lew
need be thus removed to bring
the wi.ole ihass down in terrible
wreck, and tin js what, by the
Director lieneial's appeal, he is
tfaiiiehtij snuggling to avoid.
Every pairi.nic citizen In the na
tion hhould fu i behind him witi.
earnest and vigorous support,
and it can bo done in no more ef
fective munner than by txcrcis
ing (he utmost t (Tort to unload
and release frt ighl c ars without
an unnecessary moment's delay.
Soldiers Elect Woman Legislator
Up in t'linittlt, the government
has adopted the very liberal pol.
Icy of allowing their soldier boys
in training camps and in tlm
trenches in Europe to elect their
own represei liMves to the pro
Vineial parliament ( home. As
ft result of this policy the hoys
hare recently elected Miss Ko
beiu McAd.ini, a Keil L'rons
uurio who hat been in France J
for .! ti.tix lifiping io t-are '
for iU bounded soldiers, as!
repreMM.ta.tve. M,hs McAdatn
announce, the platform upon
which hhe witn cli i ti d as follows.
rtt hIhiuI f,.r Hie hKhtniK' ex. , ... .
Ii... n ii . M". Ivtttin Kinnhieu and Mrs
tier prulilein. Hfter the war. ,., ,, - ,.
I ... ..... ... . . . . ,;."ldm lAttlher vimud It) I .pit.
I to lii.d tin J ' tiit'iil I r the re. ,. , ., . 1
. i i nir a few houra lia-kiiny Tiir,
"'" '"n wnhoui i.rkmKMii ' . . . ..
, . i.i Mi.h Mr. luia IVur
. . u i IH.-.1. ill! nm ,. I,,.,, '
c iri) i i on th work
ill their
bn lire.
Hcust for Salt
;.Hd M,i,.rt.in hoj with
ui.Kl.-rn i.i .i.veiuent. Clone
In on May street. -ppoa.ta First
.National M.,k. Fiiijulreof J.L,
W.lkins at Palace lit tel. 3M3l
W. E. Ahalt left for his home
in Echo Monday.
Sox Morgan and party were
Cecil visitors Sunday.
Jack Hynd is a busy man bale
ing hay these days.
Ellis Minor, of lone, was a Ce-
oil visitor Wednesday
Mrs. Peter Nash returned
from Rhea Siding Tuesday.
J. H. Franklin-left for Pendle
ton Wednesday for a few days
A. Troesdson, of Morgan, at
tended to business in Cecil Wed
nesday. A. E. Nash and wife were pas
sengers on the local for Heppner
Mesdames Peter Nash and J.
H Franklin were visiting Grand
ma Melton Thursday,
Miss Violet Hynd, who has
been on the sick list for the past
few days, is outagain.
Walter, Pope. T. H. Lowe and
Master Robbie Lowe were Ar
lington visitors Saturday.
T. V. Tyler and wife, of the
Grover Curtiss ranch. were busi
ness people in Cecil Thursday.
Mrs. P. Nash and Miss Annie
Hynd have been staying at the
Franklin home for a few days.
Mr. and Mrs. Cleve Van Scho
iaok and son visited at "The Last
Camp" on their way home from
Dr. Chick, of lone, was a caller
in Cecil attending Mrs. J. M.
Melton, who is having one of her
bad spells again.
Look out tor the great stock
men and cowpuncher's ball or
ganized by A. Henriksen to be
held in the Cecil hall shortly.
Herb Everett took another trip
over to Pendleton in his Max.
well car Monday, returning Wed
nesday. He said the roads were
a fright.
Rev. Geo. B. Van Waters,
Episcopal missionary, gave his
usual monthly address iu the
Cecil hall Monday evening.which
was well attended.
Mrs. Bennett and Miss Eas.
ton and party, from 4 The Last
Camp, Cecil," took iu the mas
querade ball in Morgau Satur
day ninht, and declare it a tine
A. tlenr.Kseii, arcciuipatlled by
Ins sen L'nff'iiu ami J K.k Hynd,
had a muuuj trip i. ,iuio up io
lit ppnei ioudiii, r. turning to
lone I uesuiiy u In in there
home Wednesday.
Mesdames Hemic t and Lowe
and Him Misses Kaston and Geor
gie Summers, accompanied by
Walter Pope and his Ford, also
Willie Lowe, called upon Mr. and
Mrs. Henriksen and Mrs. Jack
Hynd Sunday afternoon.
Wm. Ayera made a flying trip
to tho county sent Saturday.
J. II. Wyland made a business
trip to the county seat Friday.
Albert Itowkcr hpent a few
hours in town on business Mon
Tura Peterson and wife are
visitinjr at tho home of Mrs. Lou
Mack Kiley made a business
trip to Heppner Saturday, re.
turning Mouday.
J. VI. Stevens Ment a few
day in ll.ppner the ttr. ol the
'eU in buines!.
Dr. N. K. Wmimrd -.. r.n...i
out Friday to .eo D.ck Slears.
who is suffering v.ti. ...
of plturiy
ami Merrill, a pro-rmiii
fiaiinerof M.n utticnt. vimied
few days Hie first of (he week
with rt-luti VP ..nil fr ,li m
town, leaving for hi hoina Wed.
ne,Uy. Mm. Holdla leathers
'and children. . f Mnruouth. who
l.ar bfen visttin heralhei n.t
, wet k. returned with hioi.
I Professional Column I
Permanently located in Oddfellow't
DR. A. D. McMURDO . . .
Telephone 122
Office Patterson Drug Store
Watch paper for dates
Eye Specialist
Regular monthly visit, lo HEPPNER and 10NE
Office in Palace Hotel. Heppner, Ore.
Office phone
Main 643
Residence phone
Main 665
Robert! Building,
Heppner, Oregon
Heppner, Oregon
Notice for Publication
Department of the Interior. U. 8. Land Office at
The Dal leg, Oregon. December 20. 1917.
Notice ii hereby given that James L. Sturxlll of
lone. Oregon, who, on September 29. 1918. made
Honienlead Entry, 'No. 012U7B. for WlaSElt. SWta
NKH, Sec. 32-1 S-23 E.-Lota 2 and 8. Section 6,
Townahip 2-South. Range 23-Eaat, Willamette
Meridian, haa filed notice of intention to make
Final three year Proof, lo eatahlinh claim to the
land atve deai-ribed, before CC I'attarson, U. 8.
Cummiaaiuner, at Heppner. Oregon, on the 80th
day of January, 1918.
Claimant nature aa witneaaei: Adrain Engle
man. Frank Lindaay. J. W. Stringer, Robert
Mathiaon, all of lone. Oregon.
3td39 Kegi.ter.
Notice for Publication
Isolated Tract
Department of the Interior, U. 8. Land Office
at La (irande. Oregon, Dec. IS. 1917.
Notice ii hereby given that, aa directed by the
Commiaaioner of the tieneral Land oDt.-e. under
prmMloni of Sec. Ubb, K. S., purauant to the ap
pllralion of Abraham II. Chapman, of Nye, Ore
gon. Serial No. Oldai. we will offer at public aale,
to the highest bidder, but at not taa than t.KI
per acre, at 10 o'clock A. M , on the 13th day of
February. 191a. next, at Ihia olHre. the following
tract of land: 8K'4 SE'. See. J&. Tp. t 8.. K
K.. W. M.
The aale will not be kept open, but will be de
clared rloaod when ttuae preaent at the hour
naine.1 have ceased bidding. The person making
the higheet bid will he required to immediately
pay to the Knreiver the amount Ihereef .
Any persona claiming ailvrrsely the above-dee-eribwt
land are advised to Ale I heir claim., or ot
Jvrlluna. on or before the time designated for aale.
C. 8. DUNN, tteti.ter.
SW" NOLAND8K1FK. Keceiver.
Notice to Creditors
Notice it hsretiy lvn thai the undersianed has
brtra apuomtml K.teruUir of the Katale of Khia J.
A)rm. demised, by the County C.wirt of the Slat,
if llntoi for Morrow County. All person. h..
ing rlaim.sa.mst said estate mu.l present tro-m.
properly v.rinnl. to saul ..evutor at the Oltire ..I
th Heponer. farmers hWstnr Co., in ll.-ri.n,r.
Oregon, within.il month, from th. dst. f t,,
nr.l puliliration hereof.
Paint and first puMnhed IW at. vl 7.
" t- W- IIKKiliS. r.serotor,
Notice for Publication
Is-dsted Trr
IVi arlm..,! of th Interior. I', s. ijj OnVe al
t (.rands. Orravn. IW. Uln. IIJ.
Notice krrhr li Ihst. a. dirwt.1 t the
r.anni, the tn, nc) wll) u(M(f
.rolsms of r K H .. purauant a the ..
pl.rati.i,l M.rt tin...... o M,,.w. tlr.,..
H.i.al No . orTw at put.li. ss i
the hiatMsi IwMer but at a. Irs. tnsa .' i.
sres. at 0t, . a nlk, Itih H f t
arr. tl, !. at this) .Jt.rR the f..lfc.w na u ,
.4laod HS N..',. Use. tp J
K. . M.
Ttue tract is or.l.r-d In la the snaraH m . ,(.,..
mt that l insm wtw lam4 u hvaniam.
. m lra ruu.h f, lti,aiK.
Th sal lllrlrw kept urm.kut mm h.
dansl rkl a ki Ih-as pnmt at th. km, Kmm.
lMi. IW rmm msk r,
a ahsi a, II h minimi to Isnlim, p,,
lh Km p, th emnunt lkes4
Ant avraim. l.,mir, a.ltrrs.lr It.. !,,.
rtrtm atnd ar. adl is a their ! m ,4,
(Mttan. hsr.e the IBM 4intt , M
t ll NN Kasi'sSvt.
M NOLAN Mr. k..,.
Notice for Publication
Isolated Tract
Department of the Interior, U. S. Land Office
at La Grande, Oregon. Dec. 13th, 1917.
Notice is hereby given that, aa directed by the
Commissioner of the General Land Office, under
provisions of Sec. 2455. R. S.. pursuant to the ap
plication of Abraham B. Chapman, of Nye. Ore
on. Serial No. 016907, we will offer at public aale,
to the highest bidder, but at not less than $2.60
ner acre, at 10 o'clock A. M., on the 13th day of
February. 1918, next, at this office, the following
tract of land: NEC. SWV.. Sec. 35, Tp. 2 S., R. 29
E., W. M.
The sale will not be kept open, but will be de
clared closed when those present at the hour
named have ceased bidding. The person making
the highest bid will be required to immediately
pay to the Receiver the amount thereof.
Any persons claiming adversely the above des
cribed land are advised to file their claims, or ob
jections, on or before the time designated for sale.
C S. DUNN, Register.
mv NOLAND SKIFF, Receiver.
Notice for Publication
Isolated Tract
Department of ttie Interior, o. S. Land Office
at LaGrande. Oregon. Dec. 13th, 1917.
Notice is hereby given that, as directed by the
Commissioner of the General Land office, under
provisions of Sec. 2465. R.S. pursuant to the appli
cation of Abraham B. Chapman, of Nye, Oregon,
Serial No. 016909, we will offer at public sale, to
the highest bidder, but at not less than $2.60 per
acre, at 10 o'clock A. M., on the 13th day of Feb
ruury, 1918. next, at this oliice, the following
tract of land: SW'i SW'j, Sec. 35, Tp. 2 S.. R. 29
E., W. M.
The sale will not be kept open, but will be de
clared closed when those present at the hour
named have ceased bidding. The person making
the highest bid will be required to immediately
pay to the Receiver the amount thereof.
Any persons claiming adversely the above des
cribed land are advised to (lie their claims, or ob
jections, on or before the time designated for sale.
C S. DUNN. Register.
35J10 NOLAND SKIFF. Receiver.
Notice for Publication
Department of the Interior, U. S. Land Office,
at The Dalles, Oregon, December 27th. 1917.
Notice is hereby given that Ernest Arbeldon
Hartwell of Ione.Oregon, who. on March 4th, 1914,
made Homestead Entry. No. 012C06. for EliNE'i.
SWWNE'j, and SE'4, Section 18, Township 1-S.
Range 24-East, Willamette Meridian, has filed no
tice of intention to make Final three-year Proof,
to establish claim to the land above described, be
fore C C Patterson. U. S. Commissioner, at
Heppner. Oregon, on the 7th day of February 1918
Claimant names as witnesses: Joseph T. Knap
penberg of Heppner, Oregon. Wesley T. McNabb,
Paul G. Palsinger and Charles L. Oneil of lone,
35d40 H. FRANK WOODCOCK, Register.
Herald Office for Job Printing
Successors to Vaughn & Sons
Our stock of Shelf Hardware, Tools, Builders'
Hardware, etc , is full and complete and we respect
fully solicit your inspection and patronage. We be
lieve we can give you satisfaction both as to quality
and prices.
We are installing a new Plumbing Department
and have secured the services of a master plumber
as manager. All work in this line will receive care
ful attention and will be executed In tbe most approv
ed manner,
A share of your patronage Is respectfully so-licited.
Call and make you selections early.
Notice for Publication
I..LI.-I Trsct
I'flll If l.ANII SM K
tVt.arlnwnt ..f th. Interior, t'. S. Ijin.l office at
l.lirsjul. (Ire. Ore. Ilih I '.:.
N.lr I. hcrrtir ri,i thsl. ss dir. hr tK.
tmiinlMtmer uf the tieneral t.d Of(.-, under
prmiat.4i.uf Kiv iV. K H . putisnt to In ap
plicalt of Mulikla I', t'rsewrti of I. ens. Oreeiwi
tterisl No. O! .''.Ma ,ll .,rTer l pi,l lie ssi. t
th Icehrat hwt-ler pot at r. lea than f. 111 per
acp. at In e rkv. a. m , the 1 11 h .1st f r' et.ru.
sir ll. neat, al thm tw. the I. il...,.-. tea.)
of land K St . PVr It. Tp t ! . K IS K
Th.Ml will smH H lei-t ,r hut w II be de
r tared rhaMal When thns preaerl at th hour
aawieat have r,aa,.t ro..tr, Th peaii malt.,
the highest hid Witt he re.u red tu ImnMal.sle.l
pas t the rWive the ananuel I Nerr. f
An. persons rhvmitMl slirael th sN ve-de.
srrihawl laiad ar ada uart to ft V their r a rna ft
uhrsetaeruh SSI a hrf.ana the tilfMT dea ffn.taal f.ar
' HNS Ue,.t.r.
SCLAM' rhlt t. Kvntr.
Every family should help observe
Meatless Days by using more ma
caroni. For one week we will make some
U very special prices on Macaroni,
Vermicelli and Spaghetti.
Reg. 12 l-2c
I Reg. 10c per
You may never be able to dupli
cate those prices again during the
Phelps Grocery Co.
Heppner, Oregon
A. S. Akers
Notice for Publication
lariated Tract
IVpanment of the Intsrlor. V. t. Land Ofnce at
la Crand. Oraaroa. IW llttv. WIT.
N.we k tMrebf (Iran that, a. dlrartaal bf the
r.MawusMf of the Ceneral Land Ornre, an.
df proMn mt mt. tail, H. f .. rMant I th.
.1 1 Kcation of Nellie L Cm. M Kehax. Oran.
er..l No. 0lat . witl efTer st pahli. mU. to
ih. h.eheat katder. hut at set lees thsa ttno see
acre, at to .Vkarli a. sv oa lh. teth das f Ttbra.
arr. ttls. neat, at thai arnrax. ths folkw(n tract
f land Lot I. NK. BS SBH. t
Tp I ., R. m .. W. M.
Th a.1. ..n not he aspt spot, het iB W a.
rkvrsd caied ha, thsa hrsaesil at th. km
nuMd aae. n., b-Jdih. Th. uarasa eaaatn
the k .keat kl will k Psaalraja) to Tnni.dnrin
pat k the Rere(er the saaauet Thai a if.
s-a easiBH ltwrMit th ttw, a.
scrbai land are ad.ieaai ss II. tklr tlaiasa. a
ft". m sarfurs ike Has eaa.(nsiaa f. as I.
C I DI NN. Reaaater.
laiif NoLAM lilir
packages - 10c
lb. in bulk - 8c
A Bright Fire In
The Morning!
No cold rooms, even if the
wind is howling out of the
Northwest, when you have
Great Western
Duplex Heater
For Coal or Wood
This rtove holds the fire, and it
burns coal or wood perfectly,
because of its Duplex Grate.
All of the gases are burned, and
there isn't a corner of the rooms
that is not warm. Be sure to
ask to see this marvelous beater.
Case Furniturj Co.'
Farm For Sals
The Penland farm containintr
1500 acres. Will sell all or part
Part cash and terms to suit on
3Cd40 Lexington, Ore.
You C&71 CFfi Tft fat AwiamAA
chickens of me at any old time
me mwfsi prices at wnicn
thev rnn bo sM
34tf Harry Cl-mmivhs.
I aoll t V A t,.i
- " rj.-ni ircamtry ouiier
made in Oretron for fifty-five
cents a pound. 1 truarantee ev
ery pound to be fresh and sweet
and of extra ntioKtu V..
U'.aiu;, 1 UU tail
(7Pf B n (' t hi rw. 1 a. .-a '
K.r,n, iU ,Br jrnm
me that is of the highest quality
for less than you pav elsewhere
for questionable stuff.
v umminjrs rruit and Vejretable
Markf.t- 3Jtf ! !fpt)ner,Ore
Heppner Herald f 1.50 a year