Heppner herald. (Heppner, Or.) 1914-1924, January 18, 1918, SUPPLEMENT, Image 6

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Lexington Red Cross Items.
Last Friday evening several of
the officers and members of the
Lexington Branch of the Ameri
can Red Cross attended the reg
ular monthly business meeting
of the Heppner Chapter. They
were graciously received by the
chairman, Mrs. Cohen, and her
officers, and invited to witness
. their deliberations.
Besides observing the regular
business proceedings the visi
tors were much interested in a
talk given by a member of the
University of Oregon Hospital
Unit, which sails soon for France,
who is here recruiting nurses
for the unit. The meeting was
much enjoyed by the visitors
who attended. The party con
sisted of the following: Mrs. T.
L. Dorman, chairman; Mrs, L
E. Keaney, Secretary, and Mes
dames Wm, McMillan, Gentry.
Hoimes, Karl Beach, Slocum,
Scott and Faith Holdredge.
Mrs. Carl Beach has donated
a room for the use of the Lex
ington lied Cross in preparing
surgical dressings. It is es
peciallyfitted up for the work ac
cording to orders received from
the National headquarters. The
work is carried on under the di
rection of Mrs. N. E. Fertiff.
The other work of the branch is
carried on in the auditorium of
the high school. An all day ses.
sion was held on Saturday, the
workers enjoying a dinner served
by the domestic science girls.
Niany people dropped in during
the day to "do their bit."
A large amount of yarn has
been received recently and many
socks and sweaters are being
knitted for our boys.
W. W, Smead Appointed Mayor
At an adjourned meeting of
the city council Monday evening
the vacancy caused by the resig
nation of ayor S. E. Notson
was filled by the appointment of
W. W, Smead.
Mr Smead has served the city
in a similar capacity in the past
and his qualifications in that di
rvction are no unknown quantity
The appointment will no doubt
give as general satisfaction as
any other choice that could have
been made. Mr. Smead has been
active as an advocate of good
roads and modern municipal im
provements in the past, and his
energies will no doubt be direct
ed ulong these lines as chief ex
ecutive of the city.
Killed by Runaway Team
Claus Johnson, a well known
farmer of the Gooseberry dis
trict, died at his home last Fri
day from the effect of injuries
received when his team ran away
Tuesday. He whs 5H years old
Deceased wns a native of Swe
den and came to America at the
age of 22 years, settling first in
the state of Kansas. He came
to Morrow county in 18" and
as since resided here. He was
married in 1003 to Miss Emma
Lovgren, who with three sons,
Alton, Kenneth and Edwin, .ur
vive him. The funeral was held
Sunday from the home, inter
ment being made in the ceme
tery at Hard man.
Feeding Many Cattle
K. J. Carsner aid Einmeit
Co'-hran i: i'ti'j in from tjUir in
Greek Sunday evening wh-r-they
spent several 1 1 h - la!
week looking over Mr CarsnerV
cattle, which are being fed and
wintered in that valley. K, J.
has 640 head in the feed yards'
over there, 300 of which are beef
steers which are almost ready
for the market, He also has 340
head of cows there and all are
doing fine on the rich alfalfa hay
for which Butter creek is justly
fatuous. Mr. Carsner is feedint;
cut hay to his beef cattle and he
says the cutting makes a saving
of fully 2" per cent, which would
otherwise be waste, and at the
present price of feed that is an
item worth taking into account
Mr. Carsner is wintering his
calves and young stackers at his
home ranch at, Spray and says
the rante feed is so fine there
that but litt.le hay has been re
quired l bus far
Card of Thanks
We w'uh to thank our friends
and neighbors forkindnessshown
and sympathy extended Ht the
time of the injury and death of
our beloved husband and father.
Mrs Johnson and Family.
Card Social
The Ladies of St. Patrick's
Parish will give a card social in
the Odd Fellow's hall Friday
evening, January 18th. Pro
gressive "500" will be played and
refreshments will he served.
Admission 2T cents All are cor
dially invited
You can get nice fat dressed
chickens of me at any old time
for the lowest prices at which
they can be sold
1 :Utf Hakky Cimmi.m;s.
Cigarette Remedy
Take one tablespoonful of a
one fourth of one percent solu
tion of silver nitrate as a gargle
or mouth wash after each meal
for a week or ten days, then aft
ter breakfast only till you have
mastered the habit.
Do not swallow. Eat plenty
of fruit and cereals. Avoid all
stimulating drinks.
Take out door exercise. Get
plenty of sleep. These things
with an honest desire and effort
on your part will effect a cure in
most cases.
Mrs Guy Boyer left Tuesday
morning for America: Luke,
Washington, in vUil for a le
Jays with her brother. Lo uten
ant Eve i ell May, who is on duty
at that can. p. Lieut. May was
formerly athletic instructor and
coich at the Oregon Agricultural
College and was at one time one
of lh leading football stars o
the coast