Heppner herald. (Heppner, Or.) 1914-1924, January 18, 1918, SUPPLEMENT, Image 5

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NO. 37
Mr. and Mrs. Parks of Canada,
returned to their home after a
pieasant visit with their daugh
ter, Mrs. Ralph Finley.
A daughter was born lastTues
day to Mr. and Mrs. Mike Pow.
ell who live on the place form
erly owned by Robert Wilcox.
Mrs. McFerrin, mother of
Mrs. Walter Hill, is here visiting
her daughter.
Seeing by last week's paper
that Mayor Notson bad donated
his salary and its equal for the
Tobacco Fund for our boys "over
there," we beg to ask what is
the matter with the Mayor of
Lexington? Has he come across
with his salary for the fund?
The. Breshears attended
church at Heppner Sunday and
found the roads to be terribly
Miss Rose Eskelson, a school
girl 13 years old, has the distinc
tion of being the only girl in
Lexington who has knitted an
entire sweater for tne Red Cross
society. The parents of ao in
dustrious girl like this should
certainly be very proud of her.
Mrs, Florence E. Bauer, who
has been enjoying an extended
visit in St. Joseph. Mo., is now
back in Lexington again. '
The Fred Ritchie children are
are in San Francisco, called
there by the vey serious illness
of Mrs. Piper's brother, who is
in a hospital.
Mrs. S. A Beymer was a
Heppner passenger Monday
night, going up On the Oregon
A daughter was born to the
wife of Walter Hill, cashier of the
Lexington State Bank, Sunday
J. F. McMillan and wife have
adopted a little girl about 5 years
old. The little lady is called
Claudia Bernice McMillan.
Frank Glasscock and wife vis
ited during the week end with
Mr. and Mrs Lon Knigtiten.
W. P. Prophet, wife and daugh
terSbirlie went to Heppner Moti
day on the stage.
Sam McDanial and wife of
Sinnott, visited Wednesday and
TbursdHy last week with theii
daughter, Mrs. Maud Howell.
Mrs. E. E. Bleakman. Hard,
man post mistress, has recovered
sufticiehtly to resume her duties
in the office. Since sre sustained
injuries. one day last ween from
a fall on the frozen ground, which
confined her to her bed for a few
days. Mrs. Ida Bleakman took
I charge of the office during her
Mrs. Frank Barlow visited
Tuesday with her daughter.Mrs.
just getting over the chickenj Jly Cox in Cttson Canyon.
Guy Nordyke was a passenger
for Seattle, Wash.
Mr. Wahrer, husband of Mrs.
Wahrer, who was formerly Miss
Antonia Bauer, one of our school
teachers, returned to his soldier
duties Sunday morning after a
brief visit with his wife.
Miss Verna McCarty of Sin.
nott visited in Hardman the first,
of the week.
Frank Glasscock's cnildren
have been suffering from an at
tack of la grippe, but at present
writing are much improved.
Mack Riley's smiling counten
ance is st-en on our streets once
more. Mack ha been across
Rock creek nrunini? fruit trees
Mrs John Piper and son Uufuslfor Lotus Robinsoa.
Ed McDaniel made a business
trip to Heppner Monday, return
ing Tuesday.
John Smith and wife.foruierly
of Long Creek, have moved into
the Joe Howell house in town.
Mrs. Smith, daughter of Mrs. A.
Howell, is very ill suffering from
a cancer caused from a tick bite.
She was in Heppner a few weeks
ago for medical aid, but as her
case is a hopeless one she came
to Hardman o be among rela
ti ves during her remaining days.
In spite of t he bad road s Creed
Owens, Heppner-Hardman mail
carrier, has made the round trip
every day in his jitney.
Agricultural Instructors Here
J. C. Hawkins and W. B. Old
ham, fei'eral agents representing
the Department of Agriculture
Hnd co operating with theO A.
C.. are here arranging for a'
course of illusfated Inctures on
plant diseases, varieties, etc..
and expect to spend two weeks
in the county. Their work is
intended somewhat as prepara
tory for the work the agricultural
agent will undertake when he
Miss Cecil Shtirte. chief opera
tor at tne telephone office, has
gone to California for a stay of
several weeks for the benefit of
her health.
John Kilkenny reports having
seen a big air ship pass over his
ranch Tuesday night. The ma
chine was showing a strong light
but showed no sign of making a
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Milholland
and children have arrived in
Heppner from Portland and have
taken the cottage at May and
Court streets, where they are
getting settled. Mr. Milholland
has been appointed manager for
the S'.andard Oil Co. in Heppner,
succeeding .Mr. Nordling, who
was transferred to Portland.