Heppner herald. (Heppner, Or.) 1914-1924, January 18, 1918, Image 4

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I This Institution lends money to re
sponsible people at reasonable rates.
I Our Loan Service involves no un
due formalities, no unnecessary de
lays and is strictly confidential.
J Farmers in need of ready funds are
invited to confer with our Officers.
Lexington Bank Elects Officers
At the annual stockholders
meeting of the Lexington State
LJank held on Thursday, January
10. 1918, the following board of
directors were elected: W G
Scott. W. O. Hill. Chas. II. Point
er, Geo. L. McMillan and Mrs.
Minnie Leach, all of Lexington,
and Frank Gilliam of Heppner
and T. J. Niahoney of North Port
land. After the stockholder's meet
ing the board of directors met
and re-elected the officers of the
bank, being W. G. Scott, presi
dent; T-. J. Mahoney, vice presi
dent, and W. O. Hill cashier and
The stockholders were well
pleased with the showing made
by the bank since being opened
at Lexington and look forward to
a p-osperous business for the
coining year.
The matter of adopting plans
for the new home for the bank
was deferred to a later meeting.
Ladies' Silk Sweaters
Ladies' Silk and Flannelette Kimonos
COME in and let us demonstrate this marvelous
instrument to you. Let us play your favor
ite selections in order that you can compare
The Brunswick with all other phonographs.
All Phonographs in One. Play All Records
vThe any-record Brunswick opens a broader field
of music all limitations are removed.
Buy any record you wish what-ever make
whatever artist. Play it on The Brunswick to gain
a new appreciation of tonal values.
For The Brunswick is equipped with two sound
boxes. Use any needle you like jewel point,
steel, sapphire ball, etc
A sound box is provided for the world-famous
Pathe records hitherto barred from many Amer
ican homes. All without extra cost.
$30 to $175.-Easy Terms
427 Washington St. Portland, Ore.
For Sheriff
I hereby announce myself as a
Candidate for Sheriff of Morrow
county on the Republican ticket
at the coming primary flection.
I am a pioneer resident of this
county and heretofore have nev
er asked any favors of it's vot
ers, and I would not do so now,
did I not know that I am compe
tent to administer the affairs of
the office in an efficient manner.
If nominated and elected I will
endeavor to enforce the law and
handle the affairs of the pflice as
economically as is consistent
with the duties of theoflice.-adv.
Yours truly,
Adv. WlLI.AUD II. Herken.
For County Commissioner
I will be a candidate for
County Commissioner at the
coming election on the Reuubli
can ticket
Respect fully,
Adv Hardnian, Oregon
Notice for Publication
Department of The Intm-ior, U. S. Land Office
at The Dallee. Orecon. January ith. 1918.
Notice ia hereby given that William F. Confer,
of lone. Orrcon, who. on Out. 7th. 1814. made
Homeatead Entry. No. 013913. for NEV,, Suction
32. Townahip J Ntrth, Kanara 26-Baat, Willamette
Meridian, haa Ailed notice of Intention to make
Anal three year Proof, to eetabltih claim to the
land above deaeribed, before C C. Patterson, U.
8. Commiaaioner. at Heppner, Oregon, on the Uth
day of February, 11)11.
Claimant namea aa wltneeeee: Dennla Kiernan
and Dan C. Doherty of Lexington, Oregon, Her.
nard McDevitt and Philip Duherty of lone. Ore.
S6-4I H. FKANK WOODCOCK. Regiater.
A Practical Gift
Nordic, Oil, Holt, and all kimle of Bowing
niacume aii'iiira, lU'painuj a apveuuty.
yKurrt tow es'aMished In our now Kinking
homo with in iid.tr H cuiptiifnt and evciv
firihty to care for the Interest of our cu-
t UHCI .
We will bt pleased to see you In tin now
Home, nnd the oflicer mid employe aliUo
will delight In cheerfully serving you nd in
helping i,i promote the bent iutcrcsl of the
com in unity .
Resource over One and Quarter Million
Mr. and Mrs. Ellis Minor re
turned from an extended visit at
Portland lust Friday.
About one inch of rain fell
during the "shower" last Sittur-
dhy night.which is "going some"
for mid-winter time in Morrow
W. J. Beymer. president of
the Farmers & Stockgrowers
Bunk, accouipatiiod by Mrs. Bey
mer. is spending the week in
Joe Mahon of near Parkers
Mill was in town after supplies
during the week, aud while here
hud his name added to the Her
aid's subscription list.
F.dgar Matteson, a pioneer ret
ideut of the Purkers Milll coun
try, was in town during the week
and while here was a pleasant
Ciller at the Herald office.
Miss Struck, domestic science
teacher in the Lih school, wa
called to H n( kI KiviT Wednesday
by a telegram announcing the
lieitth of a relative in that city.
lleiiiy Schwans returned from
Walla Walla Wednesday, where
lie spent si mi- tune taking treat
iiieiit for a trouble in Ins Imnd
and arm resembling i heuin.iiiMii
Mrs Kinny.Me.Vee will demon,
sliate Spircllii made to measure,
meiit torset at Mr Luper'n
inillinery store on Saturday.
To secure the degree i f health
couifort, style and durability
your corset should tie selected
ml tilted by Spirellu profession
ally trained corsetier ;.(V137
Frank tiillutu and (ieorgeCur
morning to attend a iineliiig of
A small supply of woolen yarn in Grey and
Khaki colors
Ladies high top Shoes, low Military heels in
Black, Nubuck, Brown, Grey and
Tan Colors
Butterick Patterns for January
Heppner, Oregon
' " T - r.-.M
Church Notices
Catholic Church Services.
First Mass, 8:00 a. m.
Second Mass, 10:30 a. m.
Evening Devotion, 7:30 p. m.
Rev. Father Printen.
The Federated Church
Sunday School 0:45 a. m.
Morning service 11:00.
Sermon theme, "The Reason
and Nature of Prayer."
Christian Endeavor, 0:30 p. m.
Topic: "Reaching Outward."
Evening Service, 7:30.
Sermon, "The Incorruptable
II. A. Noyes, Pastor.
Final Report cf Elk's Ball
The lo-al lodge of F.iks wants
to thank everybody who hilpid
to make its war relief bull a sue
co. It is pleasing to tell you
t at the gross receipts of theen
tire affair were almost f"(il, hi &
that the lodge has made a depos
it of tV2) with th Farmers &
Stockmen's Ilnnk ot Heppner
subject to the call of tho Red
Cross chapter of this ci'y.
Respectfully joun.
Faulted Ruler.
Ptil KTT Cox. Secretary.
Bring Fins Horses Hers
Carl Smith, of Arlington, c-
t'liin tun. Lil Iti ltirii ll.iMipn
r... I..f. r... I i.e.. ' . .7 . '
"" "eonesuay inj w. W. U.flu. came in Wed
the Scottish Rile Maouio de
gree mid will al..o attend a ron
chive of the Shr ri wine in
lbn Koo City. J(. M. Ilijn
and Andy UohI. jr . went down
Sunday and will be member, of ! breeder
ine cias ot initiate to be induct
ed into the Scottish Uite and
Shrine degree. Mr Cillmii, .
pect to remain In Portluid to
nesday evening with a shipment
of fine ktallion and j irki which
they will sell to Morrow county
stockmen. The mutual sro es
tr fine and will no doubt be
sought for by horse and uiule
Frank Hughe, who Is building
harb.l wir entanglement va
Johnnv Mi Kutire" r.nrli to keen
tiend tbe Or-gou Hardware Dd !(ui tleriuaii spie. try cattle
ImpU-.ii. nt n. aler" A... ut.on Und other undcsirb!e. wa in
wii'i n m.'v.a ti.ero the uf town Saturday ev. ning tkirg in
Bowers' Shoe Hospital
Again Open For Business
I have returned to Heppner and re-opened my Shoe
Hospital ia the old location. Bring in your old shoes
and I will make them good again.
Main Street Heppner, Oregon
Opposite Oregon Garage
YOUR 1918
will be best solved by figuring with
me for your supply of coal and wood
I handle only the best quality ol !
id (n;nAL i i i II
u lauiuuic duu my prices are Dasea on
18 tVio ",ninrn'nrtil - !
Ed Breslin
General Fuel Dealer
Heppner : : Oregon
111 iiiouiu.
j tbe city tight.