PAP IP il H CAINS! Men's Fifteen-inch Lace Boots, Brown Calf lif nv. i ii r i men s rive-mcn worK Art -A A . nn Shoe, Light or Heavy $3-12 4 $4:2 Sole, Tan or Black V . Get Yours While We Have Your Sizes at These Prices E. N. Gonty Shoe Store HEPPNER BAKERY Where Purity and Quality count Fresh Bread, Pies, Cookies, Doughnuts, etc., baked every day Special Attention given Orders for Parties, etc. W. C. BOWLING, Prop. HEPPNER, OREGON HARDMAN GARAGE BLEAKMAN si RAU, Props. Courteous and Efficient Service by Courteous and Competent Workmen Accessories, Supplfes, Expert Vulcanizers Guaranteed Tire Service HARDMAN, OREGON AUTO CASKET DELIVERY FOR QUICK SERVICE M.L.CASE FURNITURE CO. W. IV. tILo 1 AUKAiN 1 Under New Management A G06D MEAL, 25c and up New Waitresses, Clean Tables, Everything First-class I U S u "Cured!" Mrs. Gus Griffith, of Everton, Mo., writcsi "I suffered for three years with various female troubles. My life was a misery. 1 was not able to do anything . . . bear ing down pains In my back and liinbs.and head ache . . . weak and nerv ous. Dr. recom mended Cardul to me." TAKE tun Tlie Woman's Tonic 'When I was on the sixth bottle", she contin ues, "1 began feeling like a new woman . 1 am now a well woman . . . I know my cure Is per manent for It has been three years ince I look Cardul." ThouMndl of women, now strong and healthy, who once suf fered from women's ail ment, give Card-u-l the credit nr Ihcif good health. Try It, for your troubles. All Droirutj EBM Eg? No. 3774 REPORT OF THE CONDITION OF THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK at Heppoer in the Slate ot Oregon, at the close of business on December 31, 1917. RESOURCES . Loans and discounts Overdrafts, unsecured U. S. Bonds other than Liberty Bonds of 1917: U. S. bonds deposited to secure circulation par value-... U. S. bonds and certificates of indebtedness pledged to secure postal savings deposits par value Total U. S. bonds other than Liberty Bonds and certificates of indebt ness ! ..- Liberty Loan Bonds, unpledged. 3Va per cent and 4 per cent Bonds, securities, etc. other than U. S.: Securities other than U. S. bonds not including stocks owned un pledged Stock of Federal Reserve Bank 60 per cent of subscription Value of banking house Furniture and fixtures Real estate owned other than banking house .'. Lawful reserve with Federal Reserve Bank Cash in vault and net amounts due from National banks Net amounts due from banks, bankers, and trust companies other than in cluded in Items 13, 14 and 15 . Checks on other banks in the same city or town as reporting bank other than Item 17 Total of Items 14, 15, 16, 17 and 18 ...7 ' Checks on banks located outside of city or town of reporting bank and other cash items Redemption fund with U. S, Treasurer and due from U. S. Treasurer 25.000.00 S946.833.38 2.358.18 26.000.00 11.160.00 18.284.74 3.600.00 28.400.00 6,727.26 8,724.20 61,666.93 83.113.12 60,628.62 1.124.84 4.867.68 1.250.00 TOTAL.. $1,262,618.74 LIABILITIES 82,628.86 17,826.36 36.747.02 Capital stock paid in j Surplus fund Undivided profit Less current expenses, interest, and taxes paid Circulating notes outstanding Net amounts due to National banks Net amounts due to banks, bankers and trust companies other than included in 30 or 31 Total of items 31 and 32 Demand deposits other than bank deposits subject to Reserve depos its payable within 30 days: Individual deposits subject to check Certificates of deposit due in less than 30 days other than for monev bor rowed Cashier's checks outstanding Dividends unpaid Total demand deposits other than bank deposits subject to Reserve, Items 33, 34, 35, 36, 37. 38. 39 and 40 729,303.80 Time deposits subject to Reserve payable after 30 days, or subject to 30 days or more notice, and postal savings: Certificates of deposit other than for money borrowed Postal savings deposits Other time deposits Total of time deposits subject to Reserve. Items 41. 42. 43 and 44 266.210.05 United States deposits other than postal savings: War loan deposit account Customers'Letters of Credit drawn against 100,000.00 20.000.00 64.797.60 16.900.00 14.212.64 22,534.38 704.266.46 24.010.00 837.35 200.00 233.331.67 1.012.87 30,866.61 17,222.80 2,437.67 TOTAL . 1, 252,618.74 SS. STATE OF OREGON, County of Morrow, ) . I, W. P. Mahoney, Cashier of the above-named bank, dn Rnlemn. ly swear that the above statement is true to the best of my knowl edge and belief. W. P. MAHONEY. Cashier. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 15th day of January 1918. Seal RUBINA F. CORRIGALL, Notary Public. My commission expires Aug. 9th. 1921 CORRECT Attest: . W. O. MINOR, J. B. NATTER. FRANK GILLIAM, Directors. We Produce IVintinif that Pleases at the Herald Shop Summons IN THE-CinCTIT COURT OK THE STATE OF OKEOON FOR MORROW COUNTT, Elliabelh Smith. Plaintiff, v. Anna Reldon, Defendant. IMMOK FOH PI III.K ATIU I I'OHKI I.IIM HK OF TAX l,IK. To Anna Heliion. the above named de fendant la the Maes of the Mate of Oreaii'ai You are hereby nottned that Kllia beth Sin 1 1 h. idalntirf above named, the holder, of Ortlrtc ate of Iiellniitienry numbered 61J Iseueil on the 19th day of May. 115, by the Ta Collector of the County of Morrow, Vtate of Oreiton, for the amount of Fourteen Dollar, the a me l,e inn the amount then due and delinquent for taxes for the year 1912 toa-ether with penalty, Interest and coata thereon upon the real property aeaeeeed to you, of which you are the owner aa appeare of recur I. alttiated In aid County and Male, an particularly bounded and described ae follow, to wit: The North half of the North hnlf of Hertton Ki-ht ) In Township Hu f) Houth of Han Twenty-seven 127). Kaet of. the Willamette Meridian In Morrow County, Oregon. Tou are further notified that anld Plaintiff haa paid taiee on (aid prem laea for prior or auheequent year, with the rat of Interest on said amount a follow: YnT- 0-.P-eT,,J" A... 111 'April I. i17 Wo IIS 1', per rent 1)11 April I, 1)17 Ji ll 0i 1$ pvr r,r.t im April I. 117 l7 II 41 IS p.r rent 117 April I. II7 I7 111 14 15 per rent Kald Anna lleldon, defendant above named, a the owner of the Irani till ol th above deerrihed property a the earn appear of rford. Is hereby fur ther notifled that said plaintiff will ap ply to th Circuit Court of Ih County r.d MUte aforesaid for a decree fore-r,.i-ic Ih lien acainat the property above deerll-ed. and mentioned In aald rertiffale And you are heret.y sum moned to appear within suit da af ter th Rrst publication of this in. mona, icluslr of th day of aaid Brat CECIL ITEMS Earl Gilliam, of Gilliam & Bis bee, Heppner, was down at "The Last Camp" doing some plumb ing work- for C. A. Minor, Mon lay. James O'Connor returned from Heppner Monday. James W. Carter of Twin Falls, Idaho, who has been visit ing with his mother, Mrs. Annie Carter, who is housekeeper for J. M. Melton, left ou the local for Monument Monday, to visit friends. A. E. Nash was ir. Heppner Monday doing business and hav ing his questionnaire papers at tended to, returning Tuesday. Mine Whitney hit for the lin ger ranch for a few duys Tues. dy. Mrs. S.H.Lowe vinited with Grandma Mellon Tuesday, tind. ing her home belter after her late sickness. Martin Anthis returned from the Ibiger ranch with a bunch of horses on Tuesday for the Cecil ranch. C. E. Franklin and wifo visited at thy Franklin home Tuesdiiy. Herb Everett returned from Pendleton Tuesduy. W. H. Cronk and Frank Eugle. man of lone were Cecil and Uhea Siding visitors Tuesday publication, and ilefen.l this td.n or pay the amount due as shove shoe n. to (ether with losts and accrued Interest, Slid In rase of your failure ! do so, a de.tee will he rendered fori.. Ii.slna the lien of said taxes arid costs against the land and premieea al,oe named This summons Is published t.y order of the Honorable IV l ratter.., ri. Judge of the County Court of the flat" of t'regun for the County of Morrow, arid aid order was made arid d,itd this Id day of Jsnusry. I'm and the date of the first pul, lb ation of Ihls siiiniiioiis Is the tin day of January, lH All prweas and papers In this pro ree.lfi may be sorted upon the under. S hd residlr, within the Male of l,e. son at the address hereafter mentioned HAM K VAN VA T"lt. Attorney for I'Umtiff Address. Ileppnrr, Morrow County, Oregon. Henry J. Streeter Jand family were lone visitors Tuesday. Geo. A. Miller and wife. Walter Pope and Willie Lowe visited the scene of the lone fire Wednes dny. Peter Bauern fiend left for Es. tacada, Oregon, to attend to af fairs in connectian with the late Frank Ilabelt estate Wednesday. Mrs. A. E. Nash returned from Pendleton Thursday. Geo. B. Wbitycomb was a Ce cil visitor Thursday advertising his masquerade ball for January 18th in Morgan hall. Geo. A- Miller and wife spent Thursday in Heppoer. Mrs. Annie Carter was visit ing at the ' Last Cstnp" Friday. Herb Hynd, accompanied by his chum, S. E. Pattison of Hepp ner high school, spent the week end at "Butterby Flats." Mesdiinies Falconer and Ahalt spent the week end at Cecil. E. Bennett of Heppner and daughter were visitors at Cecil with Mrs. Bennett on Sunday; uNo Mr, Van Schiock, wife and of Arlington and Mrs. Wal. luce ol Troutdale. Mrs. Peter Nash spent the week end with the John Nash family. W. E. Ahalt stopped off at Co cil on bin way borne from Port, land to visit with his daughter j Mrs. Boyd Logan. Pat Parley and Johnnie Mcln tiru were business callers at Ce cil Sunday. ' Moving Stock to Heppner Seventy five head of rattle be- longing to Percy Huifbe. which were being fed by KttUno Taylor at the Llalo ranch, will be .taken bdt.k to Hppner next week. On account f the mild winter the htor k cattle were able to get along mj far on bunch graaa, thus leav tig largo .tore of hay at Heiio. n'r. which will now be) fed to boot cattle. Echo News. I Want to Buy A Good Ranch From 640 to 2000 Acres, well located and well equipped. Give me your best price and terms, also FULL description, and all particulars in first letter. Address all letters to Lock Drawer No. 20. LEXINGTON OREGON a a. Home Products for Home People We Mauufacture WHITE STAR FLOUR GRAHAM WHOLE WHEAT CREAM MIDDLINGS ROLLED BARLEY AND MILL FEED ... . General Storage and Forwarding Heppner Farmers Elevator Co. THE BRICK McATEE & AIKEN, Props. ICE CREAM and CARD PARLORS. Gilliam & Bisbee ARE prepared to furnish tho Farmers anil Stuck Growers with all kinds of Machinery and Ex tras for their 1M8 requirements. Extras are going to be hard to get and we would advise the going over of all machinery NOW and ordering the Extras, and have all ma chinery adjusted and ready for use when the time comes to use it. Take our word for it, if you wait until the Extras are needed you may not be able to get them and there will be no time to waste in 1'JlH. Gilliam & Bisbee "We Have it, Will Get it or it is Not Ma It." People's Cash Market HENRY SCIIWARZ, Prop. All Kinds ot Fresh and bait Meats Poultry and Lard Phone Main 73 Notice lor Publication lt,rtmnt ut thm Mrr. I' K. I.-., .eft.. sl let. r,nM. Ortvwn l-r Hh Ul N"t t hmrMr mn ItSal Harrwt I., I urn trir. form Mir IWrf'M L, Hmmont, of t. Or,, mhnun Ai-rtl !!. IW4. rt.vl . - KMry. No. ruavsA. f.r N' NK'i. NK'. nr.w N'tt UK1 m hw. two., u Tuwnhp ft.-rt.ih, 2 r .l!mM. Mt-rMftn. hat AM nUrm of irfiMan u, iin Cn-.f t i..uh rl..m Ui Hmf U"l i.rv 4wrrtisl Mutm r f'., ft -.f.,e, 'n,iH HU Cmrrttr at if..m, l -i trf Ofrs. o 1h I'll 4f 1 t-t.turt ( ta'fnM hmm m il (-) I bmritm A II -ft um AnKur ltfh W.t-P. Vmrsnl. W Wtlta L, fawva. all t 'irfm Ittlt C.i. ULNN k..wr. Nolic lor I'lililirrttion (t.'mt,l ,,f Iht- Ir,!, tf.f V t ,.! 'Mf tm at Is) f.rstMie. (ir. .-. r- I Mb SmIh. 11 h...r tf.i,, Iridl Mrff I H H "f I, i't lirt.M. m J.-. n.l- lf-.rtt4-t.SMil (Mr S Hi trt f,,r 1 I I W 7. I ? I HW 1 H K -I M' lt rW. 1 r.,,,1 ), t f.,fi I- I IU,.r- .t M ll,i.i.n. Urt I li hM a-rtl. f ..eit.-l ff, O r tr I'r'a.f it, wtf nl.h.h Hmm Ihm Is,, t 4-rtrt rf..p r ( -(iM(et. I m'mm f efnm Hr h 'ff1 m M t'-r t'r m ".( Ut ut rlMirv ('! iVfW I i A I . . sv.'l J .hi W'nHiBt, ,i ,tf L(.a ttfm-m 444 t . I'L.SN K.U.