HEPPNER HERALD S. A. PATTISON. Publisher. An Independent, Local Newspaper. Entered at the Heppner, Oregon, Post Office as second-class matter. Terms of Subscription. One Year - - $1.50 Six Months - - 75 Three Months - - 50 FRIDAY, JAN. 18, 1918. Lessons in Food Conservation Miss Martha B. Struck, teacher of Domestic Sience and Art in the Heppner high school has been appealed to by Avan B. Mil an, Director of Home Economics for the State of Oregon Federal Food Administration, to under take to give a series of lessons on food conservation to the wom en of Heppner and vicinity, thru the Domestic Science Department of the high school, as outlined by the Federal Food Administration. In his letter to Miss Struck Mr. Milan points out that prac tically all of the women of the country have signed the food conservation pledges but that many are not informed as to the best methods for preparing sub stitutes for wheat, meat, fats and sugar in a manner that will make our meals on the wheatless and meatless days at once palatable and satisfying. In order to help the housewife plan nourishing meals, a course of ten demonstrations on using wheat and meat substitutes and on methods of reducing our con sumption of fat and sugar with out impairing the value of our own diet, has been planned by the Food Administration Office in Wasington. The first lesson of the course of ten which Miss Struck will give in the Domestic Science de partment of the high school was given .Wednesday evening and the course will be continued over a period of ten weeks, one lesson being given each week. evening of each week was chosen as the regular meeting time. The lessons as outlined are: 1 Tart 1- Food the Deciding Factor. Part 2 - Plan of Food Admin istration Organiztion for Food Conservation. 2 Food Conversation measures, Use local food stiills. Use perishables. Hl.niimttion of waste. Const nation of w heat. Conservation ot lats. sugars, and meats Preservation of perishable foods. A'.letjiiate feeding for health 3-4. Wheat Conservation--(de ministrations ot emergency breads) f Conservation of meats (de tnonstrations) fi. Conservations of Fats and (demonstrations) . MMiii .'reservation. lem onstration of canning. 8. Food Preservation. Pern onstration of drying. 9. Fundamentals ot an nd tjuate diet. Adults, Children, Infants. w. iwcuioiis o I organizing Local Croups into a Wot king Unit. for the welfare not only of our own boys at the front, but also to replenish the almost empty bread basket of the world We must win this war and to do so our allies must be fed and equipped. This is Uncle Sam's task-a man's job. Are you willing to help? Will you join the army of boys and girls, who though not dress ed in khaki, must be kept up to the highest point of efficincy in service and intelligent devotion to life. This army back of the lines must be in good fighing form, if the boys in the lines are able to form a fight that will be successf u The Industrial Club this year has been put on a war basis and should have the right of way Show your patriotism with a hoe Seed more and we will feed more ' I have received seed from the Government and you may have it for the asking. Will the boys and girls clubs show a bigger increase this year than ever be fore? This is my hope- Our fair this fall should speak more loudly than dull words on a thin piece of paper. Mr. E. J. Klemme of the State Normal School at Bellinham, Washington says, "Every man women and child Bhould be able to say. Say Woodrow dear, did you not hear the noise that's just gone round, We canw along one hundred strong and plowed up all the ground. We dropped in both the Bpuds and beans and planted wheat for all. We mobilized the turnips, too, and answered your call. The mothers can assist the government and the state in this great movement by encouraging the boys and girls in the home, toward some productive course. It has been estimated that a boy costs on an average $80 00 per year as an actual cash outlay. f the boy can earn a part or all this by keeping a pen of chickens, or taking care of a pig, or calf or lamb that otherwise would have perished he is doing some thing toward conservation of food f the girl cans the fruit that usually goes to waste and sells t to the grocer or the camps, she, to is adding materially to the food supply, or if she has learned to sew and can make over clothes for the younger ones she is add ing to the conservation of cloth ing which is in harmony with the needs. The silver dollar saved may be more effective than the steel bullet spent." Now l am in hopes we may have a good Btrong club at Hepp ner. l he rural districts are do ing beautifully and the pupils are doing their bit. Every boy or girl in the county ov.r y and under is should tie doing some kind of club work. A certificate of award wili bt given to each club in the state where 75 per cent of the enrolled members complete their work and make their reports and ex hibits. Boys, get busy with the handy craft project and make some thing useful this vear. Girls Hign up for baking and loam how- to make war bread. All those pupils in Heppner w ho wish to join this army and be "Soldiers of the Commissary" this year, please call at my office Those ojtside of Heppner may witte me Who will bo the first? l.KNA SNKU. SlIl KTK, County School Superintendent. Professional Column DR. R. J. VAUGHAN DENTIST Permanently located in Oddfellow's Building HEPPNER, OREGON S. E. NOTSON ATTORNEY.AT-LAW OFFICE IN ROBERTS BUILDING HEPPNER, OREGON DR. N. E. WINNARD PHYSICIAN & SURGEON HEPPNER, OREGON Notice for Publication Isolated Tract PUBLIC LAND SALE Department of the Interior. U. S: Land Office at La Grande. Orezon. Dec. 13th. 1917. Notice is hereby jriven that, as directed by the Commissioner of the General Land Office, under provisions of Sec. 2455. R. S.. pursuant to the ap plication of Abraham B. Chapman, of Nye, Ore gon. Serial No. 01tiyO7, we will offer at public sale. to the highest bidder, but at bot less than $2.50 per acre, at 10 o'clock A. M,. on the 13th day of February. 1918, next, at this ottice, the following tract of land: NE't SWVi. Sec. 35, Tp. 2 S.. B. 29 W. M. The sale will not be kept open, but will be de clared closed when those present at the hour named have ceased bidding. The person making the highest bid will be required to immediately pay to the Receiver the amount thereof. Any persons claiming adversely the above des cribed land are advised to file their claims, or ob jections, on or before the time designated for sale. C. S. DUNN, Register. 35d40 NOLAND SKIFF, Receiver. DR. A. D. McMURDO . . . PHYSICIAN & SURGEON Telephone 122 Office Patterson Drug Store HKi'PNER, OREGON Watch paper for dates DR. J. G. TURNER Eye Specialist PORTLAND OREGON Regular monthly visits lo HEPPNER and IONE WOODSON & SWEEK ATTORN EYS-AT-LAW Office in Palace Hotel. Heppner, Ore SAM 5 I. VAN VACTOR VTTORNEY.AT-LAW HEPHvER, OREGON LOUIS PEARSON TAILOR HEPPNER, OREGON Office phone Main 643 Residence phone Main 665 FRANCIS A' McMENAMIN LAWYER Roberts Building, Heppner, Oregon ROY V. WHITEIS HEAL ESTATE INSURANCE LOANS . Heppner, Oregon j SAVE MEAT Notice for Publication Isolated Tract PUBLIC LAND SALE Department of the Interior, U. 3. Land Office at LaGrande, Oregon, Dec. 13th, 1917. Notice is hereby given that, as directed by the j Commissioner of the General Land otnee, under provisions of Sec. 2455, R.S. pursuant to the appli cation of Abraham B. Chapman, of Nye; Oregon, Serial No. 016909, we will offer at public sale, to the highest bidder, but at not less than $2.50 per acre, at 10 o'clock A. M., on the 13th day of Feb ruary, 1918, next, at this office, the following tract of land: SW'i SWVi, Sec. 35. Tp. 2 S., B. 29 E., W. M. The sale will not be kept open, but will be de clared closed when those present at the hour named have ceased bidding. The person making the highest bid will be required to immediately pay to the Receiver the amount thereof. Any personB claiming adversely the above des cribed land are advised to file their claims, or ob jections, on or before the time designated for sale, C. S. DUNN. Register. 35u40 NOLAND SKIFF, Receiver. Every family should help observe Meatless Days by using more macaroni. For one week we will make some U very special prices on Macaroni, Vermicelli and Spaghetti. Reg. 12 l-2c packages -Reg. 10c per lb. in buik Notice for Publication Department of the Interior, U. S. Land Office, at The Dalles, Oregon. December 27th. 1917. Notice is hereby given that Ernest Arbeldon Hartwell of Ione.Oregon, who, on March 4th, 1914. made Homestead Entry. No. 012600. for EVaNEVi, SWViNEVi. and SE!4, Section 18, Township 1-S. rtange 24-East, Willamette Meridian, has filed no tice of intention to make Final three-year Proof, to establish claim to the land above described, be fore C. C. Patterson, U. S. Commissioner, at Heppner. Oregon, on the 7th day of February 1918 Claimant names as witnesses: Joseph T. Knap penberg of Heppner, Oregon, Wesley T. McNabb, Paul G. Palsinger and CharleB L. Oneil of lone, Oregon. J6d40 H. FRANK WOODCOCK, Register. 10c 8c You may never be able to dupli cate those prices again during the war. Herald Oflioe for Job Printing Phelps Grocery Heppner, Oregon I f" !QC -JOCS Co. Notice for Publication Department of the Interior. U. S. Land Office at The Dalles. Oregon, December 20. 1917. Notice is hereby given that James L. Sturgitl of lone, Oregon, who, on September 29, 1913. made Homestead Entry. No. 012076. for WWSEW. SWW NEW, Sec. 82-1 S-23 K.-LoU 2 and 8. Suction 5, Town hip 2-Suth. Range 23-Eaat. Willamette Meridian, has filed notice of intention to make Final three year Proof, to establish claim to the land above described, before C.C. Patterson. U. 8. Comminsiuner, at Heppner, Oregon, on the 30th day of January, 1918. Claimant names a witnesses: A drain Engle- man, rrank Lindsay. J. w. stringer, Kouen Mathison, all of lime, Oregon. H. FRANK WOODCOCK. 34dH9 Register. Notice for Publication Isolated Tract PUBLIC LAND SALE IV,.n,r.nwnt of the Interior, II. S. Land Office at La Grande. Oregon. Dec. 13. 1917. Notice is hnby given that, u directed by the Cmnmiimoner of the General Lsnd olhre. under pruvteione of See. 24t6, R. 8., pursuant to the ap plication of Abraham It. Chapman, of Nye. Ore gon, Serial No. Ditto, we will olTer at public sale, to the highest b'ider. but at not less than f2.5i Pr acr. at l' o'clock A.M.. on the l:uh day of February. ItMH, next, at thu oflW. the following tract of land: SK SLLi. 8t. &. Tp. i 8., R. 2V F... W. M. The sale will not be kept open, but will be de clared cawed when those prevent at the hour named have ceased Inditing. The person making the highest btd will be niftim. to immediately pay to the Receiver the amount theni-f. Any persons claiming adversely the sliove-de-crihed land are advisvd to Ale their claims, or in jections, on or before the lime deitfna!id fur sale. C. H. IH'NN, Kit.-r. VhIIU MiLAND SKIFF. Receiver. H. F. TASH A, S. Akers TASH 8c AKERS Successors to Vaughn & Sods GENERAL HARDWARE MERCHANTS Our stock of Shelf Hardware, Tools, Builders' Hardware, etc, is full and complete and we respect fully solicit your inspection and patronage. We be lieve we can give you satisfaction both as to quality and prices. PLUMBING DEPARTMENT We are installing a new Plumbing Department and have secured the services of a master plumber as manager. All work in this line will receive care ful attention and will be executed in the most approv ed manner. A share of your patronage is respectfully so licited. TASH & AKERS H KPPFK.lt .... OREGON Boys' and Giris Urged to Help Heppner, Oregon, January, !), 1U1H. To the Itovs niul Girls of Morrow Co mty: Ci vetings for u llapi y Now Year, I) sir Hoys and Girls:- Yon tf course realize that this country is at w r. That our boys ar already on the battlefield of En upe. We know not when the report will reach us that our own U)'!i me dabbed in battle. Hun. In ils of tons of j rovisions must cross the ocean and brave the dangers of the nul marine. O. K. Fitrnsworih and family left for Portland Sunday morn mil, whern they expect to make an extetKieii visit. Sum I. Van Vector left Situr. iiy lor iiiiuieiiUiiiH in vimi lor a few ditya itti ln ftltor, who in a prominent pioneer it anient of i hit city, tie returned Tumdity. Notice to Creditor Notir i, h.rrhy icu.n that th. unlmrnd Km Arm, dts'vunl. by ltt County I'.mrt of th ol Oi.K,n for Morrow County. All twranns hml in rUinwMamil Mill Mint, rmt.1 lront them. proovrly vm'tr-l. to u ,1 rtvulor al th OlfW ol the Hrt.pnrr. r armor tlaur Co.. tn Hipnr. Oriron. within am month, from tha dm pf In Aral ponltratiofl hrraof. I'.lrJ and Aral ul'ilihnl tW. HIT. JfclUt L. W. HKWtliS. I tecutor. Notice for Publication laolatnj Ttm.1 I'l IIUC LAND KAI K. Irartmant of th Interior. V. A. Offtf at La Uratola. I w. Uik. inn. Notira f hrvb aivvn that, aa dirwtni by tha r4i)nHM'mr of lha (orral lao4 .rft.rw. uaxlef lrovtax, of (r, sitae, H !t. furauaol to tha at I'lwilwflol Mary Mnwnan. of ltrt itirr. Orranw. rial So. illKt.. wa will offer at cut.. aata to tha h'ahaat bMr. hut at n. taaa than al-Uu af a. ra. al It1 Vk.k a. m . tha uth Uy of lafcru arv IrtR. heat, at th o4ea tha folk-ama trawl ofla.l NK't . NaV, .,. rW. D, Tp. I it . M M 'lh tract ta ortlamt li;t tha irtarhrt oft a show ina" that tha arawtar portion lharaof ta naatntajilt' ow or lt rooah 1. ruttitalHat. I ha aaia w lt nit ha krt't ot-avi. hut will ha aV tarn, containitiir i rl' rani st th h.mam. ait ha.a raaaaal 1'Hl.tthB 1 ha -ara n nk ir.a tha hhat t.t will ha ra.'ral ta imiwa.1 aiaiy (ai U' tha Ha!.a tha anaint tharw-f . - Am i-anam, tiaihn ail.afariy tha ,4a m cirt taol ara al to fila that , . r.. ea aa hIk.i. at, ar halora tha lima 4 a ' a nl fag aaia t U NN H-a Mar. MM hOLAM HK1I r. Karwltar. I TTTT URCRIVRD NEW LINK OF WINTER GOODS UNDERWEAR SHIRTS MACKINAWS HOSIERY, ETC. Call and make you selections early. a SAM. HUGHES COMPANY n A Bright Fire In The Morning! No cold rooms, even if the wind is howling out of the Northwest, when you have A Great Western Duplex Heater For Coal or Wood This stove holds the fire, and it burns cool or wood perfectly, because of its Duplex Grate. All of the paws are burned, and there isn't a corner of the rooms that is not warm. Be sure to ask to see this marvelous beater. Case Furniture Co.' ll I So ' Am u yLj Ferm for Sale The IVnLin.l lfatH) aorca Will m il all or part. Part rash and term to unit on balance. E. N'ORDYKr", 36J40 Lexington. Ore. Notice for Publication atM Trart rt 111 If I AMI HXI.K l..rtma, t of tha I '! I' . Ut. OlTir. t Utiramla. lira . I'h 11" . Noto-a la harat., it,n that, aa ,l.n-tl by lha tWaiiaauwaf af tha I iat.rra.1 Ufl H'll a. UI..U, v.rn...h.o 41 ;"' I " 'want lo tha ai tir.t..vof M .t.l.lK I'r.rwwiof "' aral No. ol wa w II oi'i-r at ajl lia aaia. to lha h ahaal bl,laf. but at laaa than par arra al liioVt.-k a m tha I'lh d of Irlo-u-ary. Ia. wal. at tna .t..-a, lha follow ihf Irart at lanj svt . m. .. iw ii 1 1 t n . a. n r. . M. lha aala w.ll M ba n t ot-an but a 41 ha lo. rlara4 ahwaij whan 1haa tita-a.it at tha h.ur nawaa ha. a raaaait h -II lha ar"i mux lhah'ahaal hl w ll l ta.n r..l to Imnaaliat-ly ty U tha Hara .ar tha aoaxint thet1 Ant paa. flam,,. a a.Ha'a.l tha ala ta. . rbad la'4 afa aH ;r.l l f a tna I ria aia. or 4 jaataia. an at la f -ra tha l a 4aa .anl f ato. C M S R.a .t.r jfctja htiLAMi hkll I'. Kawtaf. Notice (or Publication laolawd Trart NOTICE Or- rmUCATION Itapartmant of lha Intartor. U. S. Land Omr at I al.ramla. (Won. Da. Utfc. If IT. N'otirw t. harabf fiaa that, aa atraaud br tha C.ai.m aalaaHmar of lha lianaraj Land Omrw. an. dar pnmalotia of fW. Uh&. . .. porauant la) lha at'tMiraiiott of Nallta U of Eaha. Oraavat. itar.al No. (il'aa.7 w. will .rtar al oublta aala, to tha h ahaat bailar. but at aot law. than (Lao par arra. at lo or lor k a. wv. aa) tha lltk day of Katmi art. Ipl. nait. al tha omra. tha followm trwrl of land. Lot I. Srv, NK'. tl. Saa. S. lp IS.. R f... W. M. Tha aala will not ha hapt obot. bat W.U ba do- r'.rw rloaad whan thoaa pi Mint at law hour namad hava naiiid btddirtaT. Tha . i lia atakm. tha h ahaat bid Will ba rawulrwd ta lmmarjiataly lr lo tha Raaai.ar lha aaaniiht thorool. Any paranh. rhvavnf ad.raaly lha abaaa-da. arrtbad land ara adriaad ta SI. lair clalwa. ar ab- a. tiena. aa aff bafofw tha tiaia) daa(natad for aala. C I Dl'NN. aaa-anar. M.U( NOLAN Skill'. lUaatrar. John Kilkenny, the aheep king, was in town Saturday wearing that smile that never comes off while the grass holds out togrow. Uev Dr. Geo. IJ. Van Waters held services In the Episcopal church last Sunday morning and evening. I will pay the top price cash for good fat chickens and ail other poultry, fresh eggs, dressed veal, vegetables and fruits. Cummings Fruit and Vegetable Market 3ltf Heppner, I sell the best creamery butter made in Oregon for fifty-five cents a pound I guarantee ev ery pound to be frehh and sweet and of extra quality. You can get anything gmnl to eat from me that is of the highest quality for less than you pav elsewhere for questionable stutT. Cummings Fruit and Vegetable Market- J4lf Heppner, Ore- i