Heppner herald. (Heppner, Or.) 1914-1924, January 04, 1918, Image 4

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A son was born on Dec. 31.
3 This Institution lends money to re
sponsible people at reasonable rates,
3 Our Loan Service involves no un
due formalities, no unnecessary de
lays and is strictly confidential.
J Farmers in need of ready funds are
invited to confer with our Officers.
Miss Lera (Jit hens, who is
teaching near Lexington, spent
the holidays with her parents in
this city.
Eddie Russel, Addie lloilen
and John Monahun were here
from Condon New Year's eve
attending the Elk's ball.
Earl Gordon left for Portland
Tuesday to resume his studies
in the College of L'harmancy
after having spent his vacation
A Happy New Year to my
friends and partrons, good health
good fortune and good friends be
yours through all the year,
J. II Pearson and sons, Wily
ant George, of Lena, were in
Heppner Wednesday, the sons
filling out their questionnaires
while here. Mr. Pearson lias
four sons of the draft age.
Mr. and Mrs. P. A. Anderson
who were married in Portland
a few days before Christmas, re
turned to Heppner Sunday even
ing afterhaving spent several
days at Tacoma and other Sound
Miss Sophia Hurke, who re
cently resigned her position as a
teacher in tho Heppner school,
loft Monday for American Kalis.
Idaho, where she has accepted a
position as teacher in the schools
of that city.
Mr. and Mrs C, A. Minor and
daughter, Miss Blanch, are here
from Portland this week visit
ing friends and enjoying the hol
idays. They e.vpcei to return
to their Portland home tomorrow
to spend the remainder of the
John Kilkenny and family,
who spent several days in town
celebrating New Years, returned
to the ranch Wednesday.
I will pay the top price cash
for good fat chickens and all
other poultry, fresh eggs, dressed
Former Morrow County Women Passes
Word as lecemal m Heppner
Tuesday Htiiioiinc ing the death
in Portland of Mrs I'Yid
veal, vegetables and fruits
Cummings Fruit and Vegetable
Market. 34tf Heppner,
Miss Stasia P. Walsh of Port
land, is spending the holidays
with Peggy O'Rourke. Miss
Walsh expects to leave lor
France in the near future, as
nurse with Unit 40, which is
sponsored by the Elks and the
University of Oregon
Dr. and Mrs McMurdo are
moving this week into their new
home just completed on Chase
street. This residence is one of
the best in Heppner being mod
ern in every detail, including
hardwood floors, first-class plumb
ing, etc.
Mrs. Roy V. Whiteis returned
Wednesday evening from a visit
with relatives at Galesburg, 111.
Mrs. Whiteis is very well pleased
to be back in sunny Heppner af
ter her experience with blizzards
and snow storms in the frigid
Mrs. Wedding, who has been
teacher of English in the High
school for several years went to
Portland to spend her holiday
vacation and from that place
sent in tier resignation to the
local school board, having been
offered another position in the
state of Washington. Her re.
situation was accepted and, it is
understood her successor will tie;
here in a day or two to takei
ehargeof that department Miss !
Hurke. one of the t rude teachers I
has also resitrned ami taken a
position in Idaho. i
1917, to Mr. and Mrs. Arthur
Ashinbust at their home on Sand
Hollow. This is the first child
oorn to the happy couple and
congratulations are in order.
The surveyors for the state
highway commission have been
in Lexington for about a week
doing surveying for the great
Ermund Zoehert, the drayman
increased his real estate holdings
by purchasing some more lots in
Lexington adjoining his resi
eence here.
Chas. Johnson had the misfor
tune to bury an expensive watch
that be had owned for years, in
a car load of wheat, while load
ing the car down at the warehouse.
The stores are busy invoicing
and hardly no matter which one
you enter, you see some of the
clerks invoicing.
Guy Nordyke is back in Lex
ington after enjoying the holi
days in Seattle.
Mr. Briokford of Los Angeles,
who was visiting at Lee Whites,
recently died and was taken to
Heppner for burial.
Bert Vance is now driving a
The teachers all came back
from their vacation during the
holidays and school commenced
again Wednesday.
A New Year's watch party was
held at Mrs. G. M. Allyns and
was greatly enjoyed by all who
Miss Edith Reaney has gone to
Heppner to stay several weeks
with her sister Mrs. Baldwin.
Ladies' Silk Sweaters
Ladies' Silk and Flannelette Kimonos
A small supply of woolen yarn in Grey and
Khaki colors
Ladies high top Shoes, low Military heels in
Black, Nubuck, Brown, Grey and
Tan Colors
Miss Norris arrived from
Portland Tuesday evening to
assume her duties as instructor
in English in the high school.
Miss Norris is a recent arrival
from Iowa, a graduate of the
Iowa State University and comes
highly recommended as an in
structor. Waino Hango, the young son
of Chas. Hango. of the Irrigon
district, was sent to the medical
department of the University of
Oregon, at Portland the first of
ie week where he will be given
1 1 1 eat nient for a spinal affection
I which has troubled him for sev
ieral years. Arrangements were
i made by the county authorities
lo make it possible for the lad io
avail himself of free treatment
under the provisions of a law
passed at the last session of the
state legislature
Butterick Patterns for January
Heppner, Oregon
A Practical Gift
I sell the lyst creamery butter lN. TIU, ,.,,H.rlT ,.(,ntT m.- thk
made in Oregon for fifty-live j statu k hhkhhn kk mhii now
cents a pound I guarantee ev- ; ,','''N ,,., .
a i cry pound to be fresh and sweet:
Tapper an aged Otegon pioneer
and toriner resident of this
county. Peeeased wos a sister
of the late K P. M it teson, w lio
passed away here a few weeks
ami of extra quality. You can
get anything good to cat from
mo that is of tho highest quality
fur loss than oit pay elsewhere
lor questionable stulT.
t'umming Fruit and Vegetable
Market Ultf lloppnor. Ore
Was ushered into being with
a perfect day.
The plan. f the I IKSI' NATIONAL HANK
01' HllTNrR. for Nineteen Kightrrn are to
give the community pel loot rmce, alwayi
kafrgUAiiling the intermit oi its depomtoi with
prudent care, making a connection with tint
Hank an aict to the customer.
unit lU'Umi. I tfnlnht.
M KOM IM 111 l Vl 0 1
Ktl(l; .OM UK K I 1 I.IKV
To An iiu lU'htnii, I he nto n.tinril tie
: In the Nnntr of tk tnt off On-gitm
V.mi ittf lu'trhv tiultflrij thttt KliKit
. ttrih Sin it ti, plaintiff hImi iinmeil, (ho
! hol'lt'l OT I'MlnrfltV vt I 't'llhutHMU-
i innttl1ri MJ !nnu('l on thr I M h il.t of
I Mttv, hv lh Tux L'tillttir of th
t'mmt of Mnrrtiw. Htt of iiikii. f u
I i hi ninmint of KiMiitrrn Pnll.ttn, h
i .un IxMhK h amount thru due ami
; ni'lMHitiiMit for tttftfN ft'F thf v,ir I'M.'
! tt'KiMhi'r with prhiil! , tnttrwt uiol
! cnalH thiMron uihmi t tie it ) iirmi t
! il'-i'Mr.l to you, of Ahhh oil Hie the
uwtjiT tin ui'or-itii of rmot'l. mttiHtt in
i M.tui ( nunt tttnl httttt. Hint i,i r t u ularH
hiMuniril Rtt.l ilrt -rlbl m follow , to-
: wit Th N..tth hittf of ih N.-iilt hrt!f
; or rr-ii.n i-.tpM im tn lotnhii Ki
f iM . nith of It m ii k Tfitt) r-n iT
I iml of th Willnmrtt MiMolutti tn
, M.utitw i ountv. otrii'ti
VtMi rf furthrr tuitip.! Unit mA
rtiinttiff tin I'Mot tittn on nuil topfti
I im fir io lor or uluuint r.iri, itti
' th tiitr if Intri mX on Hinoutita itn
: folloM m
. Ta.
! I 'M 3 prl1 J. 1K ?M 15 1 Ml r rnt
M t V-t tt tt T S:-M II 1 f.r i Mt
t i " .ui i. i; ni t" i:. t-rr inn
i i 'i : io it j. i m " ,t hi v. t :. rr -
ii-l Aim liehton. tipfrtfUut nto
I'.-f.l, ah th oi'-er i-f the ttl htlf
of the nloe iri'rloel piopi'ity mn thi
Pi'MC At-it'M of teo.t U hfH fUf
tift n.itmr.1 timt niti't i'Uit,iirt at up
; t- the I'irt ult t out! i f the i .'ml
,n. t Hl.tta Hfoteanltt for tr. ifp f..
i I 'Uttj the lien mtniiial the (!.; rti
i'ri (it'f.l, m. Mtent tieI I'l
.'! n, it te A i"1 iu e t rt t t m
' rt . t Bfl"f tii'nn ,f
lef thf flrtt M(tlM I ,,.m . ( ) t. tn
m-o) e . u, e i-f Ih v , f .f C m
I it!.. ftlU'ii, nti.t ilefvtut thii n. ti.-n
i 'he !'i"iir,( .(iir mm ! i
f'!ter With (ta ti.1 A-.ttir.) inlnr!
t'-.t n i oT ur Xmirm ( .!. t a
) . t re will te ren4"e t f"tHloti t e
I rti tf .1 ttr ".( .ifti nl.nt the
t t't 'te-n.e atue i ao r I
hn itiniiitoni ) C('l 'f in I i
. f tl p It t...tl te t ' 'iif-i..r Iw-ue
i ..f lh ',.ft i'iuk t -m le 'f
. - f f.r the I 'ok M if ( -f ,i -l
' ot.'rr n nu t llr. lh, i.l
' of JtHH 11 " 1 te .ltr ,
r f at i - it( -1 t ton of U m m t r ti ' -. i ,
fif t I h I t'f J"llM 1 I
, (1 i o. wm mtui -q rn i th
; rr I I H O ! mrt . . '- t W iM.i. .
-: '.! i" m th n t ' r f ,r f ,
A t!e ' e-r . f 'r ii . -. r 1
M I ,S V T- Ii
j ttof f r f t
i i '' II ri'i nrt. M tiitol t t 1 1 1 1
j virgott
Kwdloii, Oil, Dclts unit nil Vind of Powin
MucUmo upputa, Id imirmu a specialty.
Bowers' Shoe Hospital
Again Open For Business
I have returned to Heppner and re-opened my Shoe
Hospital in the old location. Bring in your old shoes
and I will make them good again
Main Street Heppner, Oregon
Opposite Oregon Garage
I'tvd AshHiuvih it tiJ wifoof the
Atlihnutrti Siw mill, visited with
r-lntivcs it ii d fner.da in town
during the week.
Mr. CoHle Leather and
chi'dren of Monument are here
upending a few weens visiting
relatives and friend.
tuy Ihidly made a flying trip
to the county (.ent Monday.
0. A. HViiUniun, Kirl Kau. and
Jimniie Wyhiiul went to Heppner
Mr. Ttoldie M Daniel ratne
over Monday to opend a few da it
visiting her mother Mr- Wright
H A. Kti erv. A. Warren, atul
Hirvi llirshtnui inotored to
Heppner Mottdny.
Mr. Si'otlie Hurd and daugh.
ter Ivt tia are upen.lii g ti e ti"'.
,;lyi'h ter laiik!lir. Mr.
John Allen i f M Kmney t reek
J, 1. .VI. n returned Sundwy
from Moi uuieni where h bus
beenat work for the pW ten Uhj.
YOUR 1918
will be best solved by figuring with
me for your supply of coal and wood
I handle only the best quality ob
tainable and my prices are based on
the "Square Deal."
Ed Breslin
General Fuel Dealer
Heppner : : Oregon
You can get nu-e fat !rre,J
d.ii'keti of tne at any v time
for the lowest vrice Bt whuh
they can he oM
.Htf lllRKY CtMMlNCS.