i. If You Have Trouble With Cold Feet Try a Pair of All i 1 Knit Wool Gaiters And Your Trouble Is Over E. N. Gonty Shoe Store HEPPNER BAKERY Where Purity and Quality count Fresh Bread, Pies, Cookies, Doughnuts, etc., baked every day Special Attention given Orders for Parties, etc. W. C. BOWLING, Prop. HEPPNER, OREGON Tom Sheridan Returns j Thos. E. Sheridan, who went j to American Lake with the last contingent of the Morrow county j draft, and who has been in train- j ing there since that time, re- j turned to Heppner Sunday" even ing after having received an honorable discharge from the service. His discharge was granted on the surgeon's .certifi cate because of physical disabil ity. Mr- Sheridan's record as a soldier was first-class, as is shown by his discharge papers. Mr. Sheridan met Hap Woods, another Heppner boy while in Portland the other day and learned that he also has received a discharge from the service. Seeks Democratic Nomination HARDMAN GARAGE BLEAKMAN & RAU, Props. Courteous and Efficient Service by Courteous and Competent Workmen Accessories, Supplies, Expert Vulcanizers Guaranteed Tire Service HARDMAN, OREGON UIHDI AUTO CASKET DELIVERY FOR QUICK SERVICE M.L.CASE FURNITURE CO. n::::::r.i!:.r.a:: U. N. KLbl AUKAiN i Under New Management A GOOD MEAL, 25c and up New Waitresses, Clean Tables, Everything First-class ft ii DULL AND SHARP SHOOTING PAINS Michigan Lady Suffered Such Paini In Back and Head, Bat Sayi Cardui Stopped Tbese Bad Spells. Notice for Publication WILLOW CREEK DISTRICT When the time had arrived all was ready without knocking or bowing, Santa Claus on Christ mas Eve went right into the Willow Creek school house, and without any hesitation he weut up to the Christmas tree and with the aid of Frances and Al bert Connor he gave every child a nice present, also a bag uf can dy; to the older folks he gave an orange. Santa was so tired af ter sliding down so many chim neys in Heppner that he sat down by the inner door of the school house, put his ear to the key hole and listened to the pro gram, ne said that lie was so pleased with the manner the children spoke their pieces. played their plays and the way the older folks read their com positions and spoke their pieces, that he felt almost like Koine right in and making a speech himself before his time was ready, but he waited and when be did come in the pupils gave him three rousing cheers that made his heart glad. The next morning a note Was found on the school house door step, which read as follows: The KiDd Folks of Willow Creek, I wish to thanK Mr. aud Mrs. Frank Kasmus, Miss Lena Krebs, Mr. L'. A. Florenon, Mr. and Mrs. Watkins, Mr. Krubs, Mrs. Robert Dexter. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Floien.e, Mr. and Mrs. Hill, Mrs. Jau.es Kirk, George Krebs aud Mrs. Ralph Floreon for decorating the tree and taking such an interest in the program. I wish to llmnk all the ladies for preparing such a bounteous supper, especially will I remember Mrs. L. A. Florence and Mrs. George Krebs for managing its prepar. ation, I feel deeply indebted t Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Thompson, Mr. and Mrs. Clark. Mr. Claud Kuowles, Mr. and Mrs. Justus and Ural and Clifford lleuii rick sen for buying the candy und oranges, thus relieving me of such a heavy load. 1 cannot for get the kindness of Mrs. liry iint for presenting mo with a new suit o clothes, which I badly needed as I had worn my last HAR i .. STARKWEATHER Harvey V- Starkweather, native son of Clackamas county, and prominent in educational circles in the state, has announced his candidacy for the Democratic nomination for Governor. Mr. Starkweather is 49 years old and for many years was prominent in educational work, as school superintendent of uiacicamas county ana also as superintendent of the high school at LaGrande. He was a mem ber of the commission that draft ed the original Workmen's Com pensation act and was a member of the U. S. Rural Credits com mission, which visited several European countries and investi gated that subject He was raised on a farm and has always been closely identified with the farming interests of the state and also has extensive property interests throughout the state. M ralmym. Mlfh. Mrs. din. T. Ful ler, of thin place, wrltpn: "In ml I got run down, und I tmffril (trout pain... with both dull and hnrp nhootlng pains. . .nlno bark ml h'-nd I m mk nr1 ronld cnlv dm urnund, and ihniild hav twn In rwd, for I ronll.v an t tl to b up. At tlni I '"xt'l Mv p!l ,ri' would t po d I d rmv to fo to bd, and riffor'd ln'n'tr... I iWH'd to irr furdul. and . jrent lmt'rovrrnt In 1 thin t r.'T'h'd tin, t n?d T it I boii- r,d m cmnnT. . t ft o nnirh honor thit ir.v p'fonp'h fo'nriiod and rny work . Mar fur rn firlm did yn'm imrld rf r-v-d. tt hull? m ip In hriiKh and a'r'pe'h t haven't hd on of thn bud r1k ln- I hnon't kail in fill. tnv rnnr rndldn 'nr or tiv nv rlrvfrtm ol'hor und ha.ro boon ! to An r r wrk rtM alnna ...f rororr-fpond It to n'h-r wmn htrMr t t!i Kt tr.oHrn I Vnn ef fnr unrnon who auT'or from fornl Iro'il'! " If von mffor from fma1 ?nviM. fol'o h! ilrk.. Ot hn'Ma nt furlnl tndir and ? tt a th"fo.irh trtil t phonld hflp Tn'. I' b" lioipod thr,.-?r.di ft o'br won on In lh tt 41 r. At HI drj"'Jl',4 We iViHluci'I'nntif k'that I'l-u.-'-- at the U-.Ti'.i Shop laulatml Trai t NOTICE OK 1'UHLU'ATION toiiartment of th Interior. U. S. Land Offlc at l.i (,rnd. Ori.n. I). Kith. 1917. K.iticr ia heroby givon that, aa diroctod by thf CtntniHitliiiluiicr of tho (tneral Land Oftlr. un drr proimoni of Soc. Ute. R. S., purauant to the Nl-l-hrMtir.n of Nflha L. Cov, of Kcho. Oro'n. S-rial No. Iil.'.i7, wo will olTor at public aalo. to thr InKhrmt btdilrr. but at not loaa than Sz.'fi wr a n at loo'rlork a. m.. on the 13th day of Kohru ary. l:m. next, at thit irftiro. tho followmc trat ..f land lit I. K'. NKL,. El, SE'.. lic. t. tii. 1 8.. R. ltK.. W. M. 1 ho alo wilt not h kopt opon, but will bo do rlarvd rlMi when thoM preootit at tha hour liiilliwl ha. a roaard bl'idlfic 1 h poraon makiM thrhnihxt bid will ba txiulrod to lmm1iatrl Pa to ih Hi-rnr tho amount thorwit. An iMTMini claiming- adveraely the above do- j M.'Ctlt the holidays. ' riiiOTi lann are anviaen v rue tnir rtaima. or oo I j -tom on or before tha time doa.a-naiad for tale. r S. lil'NM Iterator. IM NOLAN MKIfr. Heroivor. Hooverizing My Tuesdays are meatless, My Wednesdays are wheatless, I'm getting more eatless each day; My socks are feetless, My bed it is sheetless, They're all sent to the Y. C A. The barrooms are treatless, My sugar is sweetlcss, Kach tlay 1 grow poorer and wiser; My home it ishcatless, My trousers are seatless, My gosh, how I do hate the kaiser- Tend d'Orcille Review T. W. tiwo who has. Won spending tho past, (juy weeks around Yamhill und McMinn vdlu returned lioino Sunday. Notice to Creditors Not Ire la herebv mien that the Hoilermtnod hai hf ..ii appoint.! K.cuti.r of the rtate of Kllza J A vom. il-i i-aH,-.) In the f oiioty tmrt of the State f Ori-iron for Morrow f ount. All peraona hav irm rlaimi auaiiial aa.d enlalo mint prevent them year's suit out in climbing in er I ","l"t'1 wiim t.. i rwuiimi the ore nt iirfi.iipi r mi mra r.ie hit m. id neppner Oiea-on. witlimaik mooih Itom the dale of the hr( poliln al ion ro-rf-of. IiNlt-i) and flrt potili.h"! Ie.-. in, 17. 'I1 E. W. ItltlOI.S. Ktorolor. the ice cliffs of the North Pule. Wishing you a ll.ippy New Y ar, i am yuurs for everyday Imp piuess. Sunt a CUus (Hrni'lt Harratt relurneil from Portlind Tuesday where ht i j Notice lor Publication I I leota'ed Tract J rt'KLIt; LAND SALE Ori-artment of the Interior. tf. 8- Land Orn-f at La lua te Ore IW Ulh. HI 7. I Noli. e te Krrehr a-ten thai aa dinectoii br the ( ( Mniniaai'Kier of the Oenera! l-4"d O'O. under I pro. . of '..-. JlU,. K 8 . ponoant to the an- ! pit. a'lori of MaliMa E I'earaon of Lena rireg-i srni'N'i. oi e we will oO?er at public aaia. to ! the r. iei bMpler. b-tt at not loee than t per i a. re ai 10 o r.a a m . on tho t-eri day of ret.r.i ' ar jt ne,t at thla (rftlre tho fnltowmf trart .-f laid SV. , SE I her JV Tp J S.. K. E . H 1 aie will not t kept on. hot will ba da I '.ared r-e. hen th.jaa proeent At tha hour nn. ha. e .eased bwilma 1 ho pwrwi mk ii. I iiini 1.1 will he rwjuire4 to tromadaa r pe t. I he rteeer 'ft aiee.unt thereof A r ire"r m mi adereeiy tha ai,e de r it a-.d are aJiaed Ui f. their cba.ma. of ,tt ..r before tha time dea-fna'ad tor -e C t Dt NN Ft. , lt;" Mil AM'MUM Keeier U i pn.r Herald i.50 a :ar I Church Notices Catholic Church Services. First Mass. ' kj g tl), Second Muss 1 T;n Kvening iJuvolii.ii, 7;:!'' m ReveretiJ Father I 'i miner Tin- I'eieriiti-i Ctiiiri h Sundiv School '. I.'i a m, Mornnikr tierv ice 1 1 in Sorifi'm Theme. (.very Lfe A Plan uf (iol ChrihtiHii Kti'l"vor. 7 in IJKuUr eveinng mtvich "A Sblitti well ft pent llrniifs h wik tif content. And li'-.i'ih for ll. e work i.f the Morro H it S'l,a' h prol-meil. Wli-ltsnever be j,' utii-il Is tir to bring tiouble hi, I sor- "i A ." II A. Noyi s. Pd-tor. Notice for Publication lu.lalrd Ira. I CI III. 11' LASII hAI.E. tl-iarttiietit of the Inlnrp.r, t'. K, Eaid 'imio at La t.ianile. Ornyon ttor. I t'h I'JJf Nolit-e ti heiehh auen that, aa dlrer-ted by tha "fntmitolier of the teiieral lnd iiffn a. under provulooe of Her t.V. ft H , porauaot to tha ap ploalionof Mary ltr.oai, of ffeiipner. Orea-'Mi. -rial No. "int.-.',. we will r.r?.r at public aala to Hi hi heat hiilder but al ii.a I lhan l'I' per a. re. at I'i o - k a rn on the Hlh dev of rebel arv. I'jim hriL at One .rft.o tha following trart of land SO-. .... t.W'., !.E'. hoe. 4V 1 l , i tt r e w m. I he tia. t t r-lted into the market on a h"W ' it a that Itie aieeler t.rt nei Ihereof la mooptein ! -mi or t., rooyh for , o'tn at ion I I he aie will tvA be kept oo hot will be do i r tared r t.Me.$ whei, th'iee present al the rfior nam ' 1 ha. a reave,) l,.l-loa 1 he pe'en mahma- the ' h aheai t... w-M ti re-ioiriai in 'mml aie'r par P. the lteier the err, out thereof An, rrt. i taimma ail.rrarly the alM.ve de . w r.lel land are ejtrtae to hie their r lalrne. of ob ' ftHna on or tefoie tl liloe 'teatai a'el for aaio I I J lil'NS. M Hrr I .PIO) f.i.l AW : It r , H.ei..r I Want to Buy A Good Ranch From 640 to 2000 Acres, well located and well equipped. Give me your best price and terms, also FULL description, and all particulars in first letter. Add ress all letters to Lock Drawer No. 20. LEXINGTON OREGON Home Products for Home People We Mauufacture WHITE STAR FLOUR GRAHAM -WHOLE WHEAT CREAM MIDDLINGS ROLLED BARLEY AND MILL FEED General Storage and Forwarding Heppner Farmers Elevator Co. THE BRICK McATEE & AIKEN, Props. ICE CREAM and CARD PARLORS. Gilliam & Bisbee A UK prepared to furnish the Farmers and Stock Growers with all kinds of Machinery and Ex tras for their l'J18 requirements. Extras are Koinff to be hard to kH and we would advise the Koirir over of all machinery NOW and orflerinir the Extras, and have all ma chinery adjusted and ready for use when the time comes to use it. Take our word for it, if ymi wait until the Extras are needed you may not he able to Kt them and there will be no time to waste in l!)18. Gilliam & Bisbee "We Have it, Will Get it or it in Nol Made People's Cash Market III.NRY SCIIVVAKZ, Prop. All Kinds o) Fresh and bait Meats Poultry and Lard Phone Main 73 Notice to Wheafgrowers I have be ri tt'xillitei Hepp ner P pn m titative of the I'acilic Grain Company, of Portland, sucrehHorH to M. II. Ho'iHcr, and am prepared li buy all kimbiof vtrain. S'-e tne be fun h-1 Ii rt nr. KOY V. Will IMS. Notice lor I'ubliration leHrlmerlnftM h.ierw.r !' H l.ai.l .rfTl-e al l.airar4e Ore.. ier leh I'H N'rtire la Keretir tvei, lr.at Harret I. r .,tn (M. ra f.rfenerlr Harriet I. It a'rertil f li.a f lre..M net A t.ril let. I'M n ate M-.r.i.e'.e't r..ir. Nil I'tr ! N S . !'i HI l .!:' NHtl.'ltn4 I . 'W't :-'-m It I neh ii l-iih ftaife in .. 1 .himhi Uterwtian fcae f.leH l.'rfi.e .f ...lertrK. ! rrake three rer Teerf In ea'al I'.h .la m I., the la-4 al.,a l)e'rid tf.e C f fa"er, t . 'e ;,'a'ea Creeimieaeser a a, .i-e a Me,... er lore.,, rn the th rlav '.f I ! riiar. I ! ( (..man! raenea an ait.eee I hrl A H1" 1, Ankal ! H .alea i tn I . ...rt e. l .n.a I. t'earain all uf l.a li.e.... euUa I. Id, SN k. .ler. Ntitit e lor I'hIiIk ntion N..anrie..t ..r it.e ..ler. r I' I I ai'l I iffre al I a t.rai.'tr Or.. i tiw- let, in; N'.ii.e tt h.r.i, tha Mrttrr I" A'4 ar-l -f I. .a Hi...-, eh., J.,t.e ft . M l. Il .iil I ..t.v ... ' I."'i f..r Ma F t Se. I ..l I ; t e- I" 1. . B ."I t.', t tt al . '.I t '.lt. It Ir.eH h . ? .--th If fa. tAt'a'nette Mart 4 a-t ha. h it I ..... i e - t . t., t.. .t tt.a.e threat .a' f. ..f .. ea'e ' .h .'a in .. the la"1 ahm-. .lM.rl.1 l.t. re t I (Ii.ik . I r.iH t.aea t ..mm ae e a h. ,.. e a lla.-er ,'. !. ih -la, .l r et.r.iarr lua I !a!te't .aMtf4 aa .le.ei f -i fe.her tAa'iert' .,.H.aH A"--e t e ha a'l tA.ta"t ali'.Me.-a !. M It 01 Mi ReaialW,