HEPPNER HERALD S. A. PATTISON. PUBLISHER. An Independent, Local News-payer. a shorl vacation Entered at the Heppner, Oregon, Post Office as second-class matter. Terms of Subscription. One Year - - $1.50 Six Months - - 75 Three Months - - 50 FRIDAY, JAN. h. 191H. SOME THINGS HEPPNER NEEDS While the records of the year which has just passed shows Heppner to have made more ma terial improvements than for many years, it is not well for her people to become self-satis fied over that fact and expect this growth to continue without any particular effort on their part. The building activity of the past year was not due to any excitement or "boom" efforts on the part of the people but rather that the time had arrived when the business of the town insist ently demanded more room and better quarters. While the Herald has no desire to see Heppner experience a "boom" in the meaning of that term as it was understood and practiced all along the coast a number of years ago. it does believe that there are other im provements the town needs to keep it in the front rank of pro gressive eastern Oregon cities. One of the chief needs of the town, of course, is street im provements. No argument on this subject is needed other than for every citizen of the town to take a glance at the sea of mud which ebbs and flows along the strips of ground where Ileppjner's streets should be on this bright and beautiful New Year's morn ing of 11)18. All will admit that it is not a pretty sight, it is not a money-making proposition, it is not conductive to health on cleanliness. Such streets are a blot on the fair name of ihe , county seat of Morrow county, the county which led all the j counties in these United States in the great Red Cross Christmas Membership Campaign which has just closed. Portland on Monday. Mrs I'.oyd Logan arid family spent Crismss day at Jean Fair hurst's place returning home Thursday. Leone Logan and family spent their XiJits day at the Franklin home accompanied by C. E Franklin and wife. T. II Lowe arid family spent their Xmas with Jack Hynd and family at Butter by Flats. Jack Hynd h rid T. H. Lowe took a trip into lone after dinner on XniLis day. Miss Annie Lowe-left for the Dalles on Wednesday after hav ing a very jolly time in aud a rond Cecil among her friends. Mrs. Peter Nash is spending the week with her son-in-law Leon Logan. Paul T, Anderson of the Ewing Ranch left for a few weeks visit to nis father who is ill at Chester Washington. Mr. and Mrs. Ellis Minor visited "The Last Camp," Cecil, d u ring the week. Oscar Otto uf Heppner was in Cecil on Wednsday tuning up the piano in Cecil Hall ready for the dance Thursday night. Henry Howell saw his son as far as Arlington (who is return ing to the navy having been home on a visit,) stopped over at Cecil on Thursday and took in the dance, Hank says that he would not miss that lor anytning. Mrs. Flowers of the old Sul livan Ranch visited with Mrs. Bennett on Thursday. Cecil was again honored with a big crowd in spite of the bad roads aud heavy rains Arlington and Heppner being represented dancing was continued until 3:30 A. M The excellent music was furnished by Bowker's Orches tra of Portland. Geo. A. Ander son and 11. K. Everett officiated as floor malingers, Mrs. Lowe furnished supper as usual. , ' 11. E. Everett 'was an lone visitor Thursday on Business Mr. and Mrs. Bob Montague left for their home in Toppenish Washington on Friday Mrs. Cleve Van Nrh'uiieU and Professional Column DR. R. J. VAUGHAN DENTIST Permanently HEPPNER, located in Oddfellow's Building OREGON S. E. NOTSON ATTORNEY-AT-LAW OFFICE IN ROBERTS BUILDING HEPPNER, OREGON DR. N. E. WINNARD PHYSICIAN & SURGEON HEPPNER, OREGON Notice for Publication Isolated Tract PUBLIC LAND SALE Department of the Interior. U S. Land Office at La Grande. Oreaon, Dec. l:)th. 1917. Notice is hereby (riven that, as directed by the Commissioner of the General Land Office, under provisions of Sec. 2455. R. S.. pursuant to the ap plication of Abraham B. Chapman, of Nye. Ore- iron. Serial No. 01HH07. we will offer at public sale. to the hiKhest bidder, but at not less than $2,511 per acre, at 10 o'clock A. M.. on the lath day of February. 1918, next, at this office, the following tract of land: NE'4 SW1',, Sec. 35. Tp. 2 S.. R. 29 E.. W. M. The sale will not be kept open, but will be de clared closed when those present at the hour named have ceased bidding. The person making the highest bid will be required to immediately pay to the Receiver the amount thereof. Any persons claiming adversely the above des cribed land are advised to file their claims, or ob jections, on or before the time designated for sale. C. S. DUNN, Register. 35d40 NOLAND SKIFF, Receiver. Y fl DR. A. D. McMURDO . . . PHYSICIAN & SURGEON Telephone 122 Office Patterson Drug Store HEPPNER, OREGON Watch paper for dates ' DR. J. G. TURNER Eye Specialist PORTLAND OREGON Regular monthly viiitl lo HEPPNER and 10NE WOODSON & SWEEK ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW Office in Palace Hotel. Heppner, Ore. Notice for Publication Isolated Tract PUBLIC LAND SALE Department of the Interior, U. S, Land Office at LaGrande, Oregon, Dec. 13th. 1917. Notice is hereby given that, as directed by the Commissioner of the General Land office, under provisions of Sec. 2455. R.S. pursuant to the appli cation of Abraham B. Chapman, of Nye, Oregon, Serial No. 01691)9, we will offer at public sale, to the highest biduer, but at not less than $2.50 per acre, at 10 o'clock A. M., on the 13th day of Feb ruary, 1918. next, at this ofiice. the following tract of land: SWH SW1, Sec. 35. Tp. 2 S R. 29 E., W. M. The sale will not be kept open, but will be de clared closed when those present at the hour named have ceased bidding. The person making the highest bid will be required to immediately pay to the Receiver the amount thereof. Any persons claiming adversely the above des cribed land are advised to file their claims, or ob jections, on or before the time designated for sale. C. S. DUNN. Register. 36u40 NOLAND SKIFF, Receiver. SAM ',. VAN VACTOR YTTORNEY-AT-LAW HEPP1VER, OREGON LOUIS PEARSON TAILOR HEPPNER, OREGON Office phone Main 643 Residence phone Main 665 FRANCIS A' McMENAMIN LAWYER RoberU Building, Heppner, Oregon Notice for Publication Department of the Interior. U. S. Land Office, at The Dalles, Oregon. December 27th. 1917. Notice is hereby given that Ernest Arbeldon Hartwell of lone, Oregon, who, on March 4th, 1914, made Homestead Entry. No. 012606, for EHiNE't, SW(.NE', and SE', Section 18, Township 1-S. Range 24-East, Willamette Meridian, has filed no tice of intention to make Final three-year Proof, to establish claim to the land above described, be fore C C. Patterson. U. S. Commissioner, at Heppner, Oregon, on the 7th day of February 1918 Claimant names as witnesses: Joseph T. Knap- penberg of Heppner, Oregon, Wesley T. McNabb. Paul U. Palsinger and Charles L. Oneil of lone, Oregon. 35d40 H. FRANK WOODCOCK, Register. ROY V. WHITEIS REAL ESTATE INSURANCE LOANS lleppnbr, Oregon Herald Office for Job Printing Every family should help observe Meatless Days by using more macaroni. For one week we will make some 13 very special prices on Macaroni, H I Vermicelli and Spaghetti. J fl 0 " Reg. 12 l-2c packages - 10c y Reg. 10c per lb. in bulk -8c You may never be able to dupli cate those prices again during the war. . Phelps Grocery Co. Heppner, Oregon . ( 0 Notice for Publication lmie ppll'.T ill party of j "prut Sun- i Huiierby ! Another of Ileppner's needs as , 1,11 Nutiirdaj a home town a place where the Hnt.tow people who make their money friends from i -ill I i . . i i nore win ne cneouraKou 10 ouini jay ut Kood homos urn! live and keep Hits." their money lu re, is a more a-1 ;, (ieon;. Imndant supply of water for irri-' ttlu W(,,,k ,.m Kation. 1 his suinKcstion is not Allusion. made in the spirit of criticism uf; ,,, ,, '. , ., ,, , . . ... . 1. U. Niay of I'.imo, Wash. anv existing condition, out mere- . , . . .. . . . spent .sund.iy at ihe I.oiiue Log- ij in win ti i n 1 1 1 it'll iu a i-n i i- dent fact. A retrospective view of conditions last summer is the Department of the Interior. U. S. Land Office at The Dallt-a. Oregon. December 2(1. 1917. Notice ia hereby given that Janu'a L. Sturgill of lone. Oregon, who. on September 29. 1913. mad. li.mit-ati-ail Entry. No. 0121176. for WVjSEV,. SW. sun left for t'ortliiud Friday after j nk1-.. Sec. s-zi k.-Lou 2 nd a. Section 5. ... .1;.,.. . f . ., .1...., Townnhip 2-Smith. Kango 23-Eat. Willamette spelling a few days with Mi s. 1 M(.rlm h. fiw nollc(! o( int(.nlion to m.he Itt'llllelt I Final three year I'ronf, to Mtabltah claim to the . . 1 land above dmrnhfri, before C.C rtteron. U. S. Allllle lly lltl IS .-pending the e,.niml.tioniT. at Heppner. Oregon, on th. 3llth Week end 111 Heppner. , day .if January. 1DW. j Claimant namea u wilnntac.: Adrain Engle Jllllll 1 1 lie; lie ill Heppner WHS man. Frank Lindsay, J. W. Stringer. Robert ... .1. 1 , ... Muihmun, all of lone. Oregon. CfeeU dUCK llU.llllg II. FRANK WOODCOCK. down tin 34,1 IU Reg later. HEPPFER only argument needed in this case. ; Hut, perhaps, t h 0 greatest need of the town and the one w hich, one provided, would ul timately solve all other commun ity prolilems is a spirit of true cooperation among the people. We need to gel together, wo need to get at'tpiainteil with each other and dicuss the many questions ot puMic concern ami then take held ami solve them in a w ay that w id mean the great est good to lleppner as a com munity A I'mniiuTiial Ciuh with some sort of real get to gel her function once a month, luncheon, dinner or otherwise, might woik wonders in llrpp iicr's civic life It would go far in fostering the cointnuinty spir it ami that spirit is lleppmr's greatest need duri. g the coming troublous da s of l'.MS. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION Department of th. Interior. V. 9. Land Offlre at ,a Crande. OrrKon. November IV. 1917. Sutir. In hereby civ.n that William lUnry hUlll lilt -I'. Spoilt elfrk. l ImalM td.r the laal Will and Tt mttiit uf F.llen Tipp.tt. drcnurti. of Lena. On-con. Willi ll'lellds at h, .!, 2.1. lull, matt Home.t.a.1 Entry No. llU'tUI for SW NKW. SK'i Sec. 32. NWl. SW See. 39. T. 2 S. Lot 2. Sec. 5. Tn. S S. Ran. W r ant. Willamette Meridian haa tiled ntitue of intention to malt. Hirer-year I'roof. to eatablinh claim to the land alttive deaeritted, before C. C. I'at- terwrn. OnittM State. C.immn.ioner. at hi otlloe tCWrMWlMrtU::; at Heppner. omton, on in. itn nr oi anunrir ri n II. F. TAS1I A. S. Akers TASH&AKERS Successors to Vaughn & Sons GENERAL HARDWARE MERCHANTS Our stock of Shelf Hardware, Tools, Builders' Hardware, etc , is full and complete and we respect fully solicit your inspection and pitronage. We be lieve we can give you satisfaction both as to quality and prices. PLUMBING DEPARTMENT We are installing a new Piumb'ng Department and have secured the services of a master plumber as manager. All work in this line will receive care ful attention and will be executed in the post approv ed manner. A share of your patronage is respectfully solicited. TASH &. AKERS OREC.OX an place. ! Mini K.istoti leturned from The halles hiindaj ready to commence school Monday. POLITICAL ANNOUNCEMENTS! i For Sheriff I hereby announce nnsolf as a Candidate for Sheriff of Morrow county on the Republican tuket at the coming primary election. 1 am a pioneer resident of this county ami heretofore have nev er asked any favors of it's vot ers, ami 1 would not do so now, did I nt know that 1 am compe tent to administer the affairs of the oll'ice in an elticient manner. If rotmiiatt d and elected I w ill endeavor to enforce the law mid handle the flfi.tirs of the oihov as economically as is consistent with the duties of the ol!k'e.-adv. Yours truly. Adv. W II I AM. II. Ill KIU N. ii. 1 t laimant name, a witneaw.: J. P. French, of tlunUnv. Orrcon. John Hni.nan. of lna. Orecoti N.h I'etttx.hn and Juaeph M. Make., of Hep ner. Oregon. ,l ii C. 8. Ml'NN. Kea-i.ter. ! NOTU K FOR mU-ICATION. IVpartiftcrU of lh Interior. V. S. Ln4 Ofl.c at m irmna. Orwwn. N. I. N. t)c i ' h rvtov ivn that Juhn flfwnn if Lvna, O !- -n. wh. on May. 1 UW, ti..lf H.wiMtr! Kniry No. Ci-rAW i S fiiH'. to, tp. Z I Haunt r.aai w. m . naa nmi n.-ie of inlrntt(n t n.ak ihr r Prwt tuM- tut ) h claim lu th land abo dvav-nbnf. Wfnrv v) ( (, ratirrMtn. t'nit4 tttat CfnmiMufir. at h't .ffce at Ki'ittr. Otrrtfwn, oa th Tth day ( J January. Ivl. M t laimant narrwa u ttnMa: Hvnrr Clark f lt-a ttrnit n. J l. French, uf ilurjar. Or- 1 m n S.h I'rtti .'hn (f lrtft. lr- n Jth U llntn. uf Mrp'ntr t'ftin. JUST RECEIVED A NEW LINK OF DOLLS ALm ii I is BOOKS UOT1I Ni:vY AND UIvPKINTS HUMPHREYS DRUG COMPANY t.IULIlllJltl ('(WWW fA v fW3f A linght lire In The Morning! No cold rooms, even if the w ind is howling out of the Northwest, when you have A Great Western Duplex Heater For Coal or Wood Tills Move holds the fire, and It hums coI or wood perfectly, liociiiise of its Duplex Grate. All of the paws are burned, and Iht're isn't a corner of the rooms I lint is not warm. Be sure to ask to see this marvelous heater. Case Furniture Co. ii I 0 I I or County Comimitnrr 1 w ill ! a candidate for Mr mid Mm 1 1, n.l ru-U .tn of c,.,,,,... r.iMm, , u c i.cn. in-ms Notice for Publication laattxJ Trct f I II I.IC LAND At t Vi r'mnt 1 1 pi laiiorttfr, V , LaJ Htc at I at.ramt lron U lift ..df t hrt i"n that m dfwmt tt th ( eflirn Ma nf r nf iht tinrl i a4 uf .trr l-r. tKr i rWr im H H . uruaM a h at1' i-itratvun tf Arahti H l Mrm t S. Or, g.en H-riai Hv U u(fr at i-uMir tl uMhf h iKmI h d lrr but 41 iwt W than I, , i rr itt it ('tfcitk A H . m tha l ith da vl tvtrtary al. at ih i 01W th t.t mt lr,4 9TH M Jil R r I H Th '''I b brt tr hut :tl h A t-mrvl rWatl hn rwt at t Kt ha c0 hJJ ' t Mt i th haht h'4 h rMr t imm. n tat tt th Km-w th amvHift tKrf 0 ii oesjj JUST RECEIVED NKW MNK OF WINTER GOODS UNDERWEAR SHIRTS MACKINAWS HOSIERY, ETC. Notice of Stockholders' Meeting Notice is hereby given tbt the regular annual stockholders' tneetinj; of the Lexington Stata Hunk will te held at its bank un romns in the Town of I.exinirion. Orppin, at 2 o'clock V. M,. Thursday Janu 1 l'.'l. The purpnso for which this moetirg Is called is to fleet a Hoard of Directors for tho n "iiinkj jear and for the transac-ti.-.a ;.f any ( tl.er business tvhich may properly cftue before it iMed at Lexington, Oregon, December 7, l'.'lT. W. G. Scoit. Attt-t Premdetit. W.li 1111. Cashier A; Secretary. 31d.il : licu'.d cL'y H -10 per year. liltiw (rt'-k K tin h vt th' i I'D i 1!', J( V Otiorn iitv.'ihuf.til lv tm iiii'r .Mr lWUt lift ftr coming election tm the Ueouhii can ticket Kespect fully, ti A. I t t AKMAV. Adv. llard:m,n, Oregon A" imni ftairMt1 altwly th at- rr tt lanl ar atlJ I ft ht tm n n-l- ,ti f vwfftv th mm ,! atl t,f t ft IH SS Km r 1aB w - SAM. HUGHES " COMPANY J V-Jh- NllAMMl;ll kr 0