2Ccto yrar (Greetings The Holiday .Season is here and the Officers of this Institurion extend to every patron and friend their best wishes for iV 2Baf3,pn 7sca year Filled with prosperity and bright with opportunity. THE FARMERS AND STOCKGROWERS NAT. BANK HKI'I'NKR, ORKGON EC THERE'S A REASON OUR Christmas business during the present month was more than one-third larger than last year; it was on account of the support of our many friends and patrons that made this possible. We. wish to thank you for your liberal xupjtort with A HAPPY NEW YEAR TO ALL HAYLOR Misses Cnur liosser and Joe Conner have u:one to the Willam ette valley to spend the holidays Miss Evelyn Kite and brother Albert came out to spend 'he holiday at Stephens' Urn's. ranch Mrs. 0. C. Stephens is sister of tho Ku" children. Mis Thifle, a toucher in lb ppner schools, is Mending vaciiiioii in Portland. 1 will pay the top price cash fur gmd fat chickens and all other poultry, fresh eggs, dressed vi al, vegetables and fruits : dimming Fruit and Vegetable Market IHtf llepprtor. Ore. HARDMAN HAPPENINGS Happy New Year to all. Tommie Dean left Saturday "or Portland to visit his mother, Mrs. R. H. Still well. Mrs. G. G. Gaunt has disposed f the stock of goods in the drug store, Mr. Humphries taking the prescription goods and Wm. Ay irs, the patent medicines. Mrs. 3aunt left Saturday for Portland where she will make her home with her mother, Mrs. Mekin. A very interesting and appro priate program was given by the grade pupils on b nday evening in the school house. A small Christmas tree for the little ones was greatly enjoyed. The house was filled to overflowing and the teacher deserves much praise for the way they had the pupils drilled. Earl Sailing and Roe Bleak man acted as Santa Claus distributing candy and peanuts, which greatly pleased the little folks. The dance and supper given Friday evening in the Ashbaugh hall was one of the most enjoy able events of the season. It was triven for the benefit of the Red Cross and everyone seemed to enter into the spirit of mak ing it a grand success. The sup per was served in cafeteria style and after supper there being many cakes and other articles of food left, which together with other donations were put up at auction and sold to the highest bidder. Mrs. Emma Emry de serves praise for her cake which was trimmed with a large red cross and sold for 11.50. Alto gether the occasion netted the Red Cross $100.60. There will he another dance given in the Ashbaugh hall New Year's night, Mrs. C. W. Booher and grand children, Jimmie and Debie Leach left Saturday for Port land to spend the holidays. The children will visit their grand mother and Jimmie will make his home in Portland with his father Will Leach. Frank Glasscock went to Mon ument Wednesday after Mr. and Mrs. M. E. Leathers and family, who will spend a few weeks in Hardman and vicinity visiting friends and relatives. A quiet wedding took place on Doc. 20th, at the Christian par sonage, Rev. Turner B. Mac Donald officiating, only a few relatives being present, when Claire Ashbaugh took for his bride, Miss Fay Kirk. Both parties are popular young peo ple of Hardman, Mr. Ashbaugh, being one of the leading mer chants and the youngest son of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Ashbaugh. Miss Kirk is t h e youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Kirk of Hardman. The happy couple will make their home at present with Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Kirk. A host of friends join in wishing them a long and happy journey thru life. A jolly crowd of about 30 friends mot at the homo of Mr. To every resident of Heppner and Morrow County, we extend our very best wishes for A HAPPY AND PROSPEROUS NEW YEAR MINOR & CO. Heppner, Oregon ii n the hor A Practical Gift MODUS OF PERFECTION. PERFECTLY SIMPLE SIMPLY PERFECT. NVdlcd. Oil, Bolts and sit klncln of Powinu Machine luppliet, Repairing a specialty. CASE FURNITURE CO. pital Bowers' Shoe Hos Again Open For Business I have returned to Heppner and re-opened my Shoe Hospital in the old location. Bring in your old shoes and I will make them good again C. W. BOWERS Main Street Heppner, Oregon Opposite Oregon Garage n.l Mm ! til U'niirhttin nn Ymna ,?w4JVk.'. .'..-. .v.'.. Eve with bells, tin cans and all that govs to make a lively cha- 1i w vf ft hi ft WE arelighting the candles in our new home the first of the new year. May that New Year de a Happy one for you. The First National dank of Heppner i rivari, in honor of Mr. and Mrs ll'uura Peterson, prosperous far mer of the Eight-Mile country and Mrs. Eva Crawford of Lone llock, who were married in Heppner on IVc. 2'X and come out to spend Xmas with Mr. and ; Mrs. Knighten. The happy cou ! pie w ill leave at once for Lone luH-k, where the bride has a I homestead. Their many friends j Mrs. Hettie Smith, of Hamil ton, (laughter of Mrs Adeline Howell, has been very sick in the Sanitarium at Heppner, but has ! recovered sufficiently to return ' Wednesday and will visit a !horti ! time with relatives here before! .'returning to her home in Grant' county Her mother also re-i turned from Heppner a few days; sgo w here she had been m at tendance Try It! A medicine which has given satisfaction to its users lor over 40 years, ss Card nl has, must be a good medicine. II you suiter Irom female troubles, and need a reli able, strengthening tonic, cl real medicinal value, as proven by the experi ence of thousands of women users, TAKE Car d-u-i TUB Woman's Tonic Mrs. C. S. Budd, of Covins, Calif., In writing ct her eperience with Cardul. s.iy: "I look bottle at IJyearsold.and it cured my headaches. I have taken it since mar riage, and received much heip Irom it. Cardut is the best medicine I ever lock ... II was tne oniy medicine . . . th.U helped jo ui. in M Mr Jim Hurnsides and wife spent a tew das tms week testing and Mrs. Clyde Stlt of ght Mile. my back... "Try Card All DmjgiiU EB 11 YOUR 1918 FUEL PROBLEMS will be best solved by figuring with me for your supply of coal and wood I handle only the best quality ob tainable and my prices are based on the "Square Deal; Ed Breslin General Fuel Dealer Heppner Oregon HERALD FOR FINE JOB PRINTING o o 1