Heppner herald. (Heppner, Or.) 1914-1924, December 28, 1917, Image 3

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    If You Have Trouble With Cold Feet
Try a Pair of
And Your Trouble
Is Over
E. N. Gonty Shoe Store
Courteous and Efficient Service by
Courteous and Competent Workmen
Accessories, Supplies, Expert Vulcanizers
Guaranteed Tire Service
H 6tarted Conflictina Emotions at
Work In Her Mother.
Mrs. De GrofT drew a (loop siah whon
her daughter told lier tlutt she had be
come engaged to Mr. Bobles.
I suppose it's foolish of ine to feel
bad about it," she said, wiping her
.7,es, "but I ran't help it. I know it's a
woman's destiny to be married, dear.
and I have always hoped that you
would marry and be happy. But a
mother can never lose a daughter with
out feeling deeplv on the subject. She
can never help regarding it as an aw
fill loss a tragedy. She cannot give
up her little girl, even to the best man
fiat ever lived, without the deepest re
But, mother, dear, I shall come and
see you often. And you mustn't cry as
if it were going to happen right away.
You will have time to get used to it."
Will I? How soon are you to be
Xot for nearly a year. Bob thinks
Not for a year? What on earth does
he mean by putting it off that iong? I
don't believe he intends to marry you
at all, the smirking young snip! If he
did he'd Insist on having the wedding
right away. And I shall tell him so.
1 ou bring him to time. Clara. You tell
him that he'll either marry you next
month or never. Huh, I'll show him!'
How mankind defers from day to
flay the best it can do and the most
beautiful things it can enjoy without
thinking that every lav mav be the
last one and lliat lost time is lost eter-
nltyl Max Muller.
Not 60.
Oh, grandma," esclaimed little Mar
garet, who had been rummaging
through an old bureau drawer in the
attic, "what a curious old kev this is!"
Yes, dear," replied her grandmother.
That was your grandfather's latch-
And y5u keep it in memory of the
old days?"
No, my dear; In memory of the old
nights." St. Fan Pioneer Press.
Heppner Lodge 358, B. P. 0. E.
Will Give a Grand Public Ball
Monday Dec. Eve, 31, '17.
The Proceeds to be Devoted to
War Distress Relief
General Committee in Charpe
Sam L Van Vactor, V. L -Spencer and Oscar Borjf
Master of Ceremonies
Exalted Kuler, II. II. HofTman
Gay M. Anderson, Harry Duncan, Fred Luca3, Charles Cox and
Andrew Kood, Jr.
Reception and Entertainment-
Mrs. Oscar Borsr. Mrs. K. J. V'autrhan, Mrs. Charles Cox. Mrs
Frank Monahan. Mrs. John Hcaly, Mrs. A. Bowker, J T.
Knappenberfr, K. J. Vaughan, 0. B. Rolertson,
.idtfe D. R Barker, Glen Graves
Ladies of the Red Cross
Floor Managers
One Rasmus. W. A. Richardson. John Kinney, Bert btone, John
Vauifhan, Lester Wad. lioUrt l"perry
s' V, Spencer
Everyone Cordially Invited to Attend.
Wa Not Roused.
John li. Toole, the English comedian,
used to tell an amusing story of an at
tempt to charm Sims Reeves with bis
own songs. It was at St. Anne's, near
Rlackpool, Sims Reeves was staying
In Remembrance
Whereas, It has pleased God
in U is wisdom to remove frou
our earthly Chapter to the Grea'
Chapter Above, Sister Khzn J
Ayers, who entered into rest,
November LnJ. 1917. at ber boon
in Heppner. Oregon; and
Whereas Deceased was a mem
bfr in jfood standing of Ilutl
Chapter No. 32, 0. E. S. Hepp
tier. Oregon, tberefors, be it.
Resolved That while we bow
in humble submission to the will,
of God, who doeth all thing
well, yet we grieve for the death
of our sister. As a member ol
the chapter, she was earnesl
eousientious and full of zeal for
the Order, and ever bore herself
while laboring among us in all
faithfulness and honor.
Resolved that we extend to the
family of the Deceased in their
great bereavement, the sincere
and earnest sympathy of this
Chapter, and join with them in
the hope that our parting is but
a few years of time,
Resolved, That we drape our
Chapter in memory of our de
parted sister.
Resolved. That these resolu-
tions be spread upon the records
of the Chapter, and that a copy
thereof be sent to the family of
our deceased sister, and a copy
be 6ent to the Gazette Times and
to the Heppner Herald for pub
licalion. COMMITTEE
Rebecca Patterson,
Jennie Her,
Frank Gilliam.
iff ' JL
Notice to Wheatgrowers
I have been appointed Hepp
ner representative of the Pacific
Grain Company, of Portland,
successors to M. H. Houser, and
am prepared to buy all kinds of
grain. See me before selling.
I Want to Buy A Good Ranch
From 640 to 2000 Acres, well located and
well equipped.
Give me your best price and terms, also FULL
description, and all particulars in first letter.
Address all letters to Lock Drawer No. 20.
Home Products for Home People
We Mauufaclure
General Storage and Forwarding
Heppner Farmers Elevator Co.
- S2.50
General Com in Charge
Up to-Date Job Printing atlhis Shop
I TtlntiiiiT I wofi.n Rorsr. my."
there, and Mr. T"iili nilli'.l nt liU hutrl
to Hi'e lilni. Slum liitucs lunl n'Hie nut
r o Htmll, mid Toole Mnuii'il out to
try to llml liini.
"I'iiiIit hliH'ly tri'O, fomfortnlily
waterl wlili r mn Muiiicr," sun Mr.
roolp, "I saw luy Irii nil. lie (Hi! tint
.CP HIP I went iiilitly I clilnil liliu it tic)
iiue liltn it mihIi h of 'My I'mity .l:ine,'
ifiitlcrcil hs lo Intly mi I'o'-sililc. nficr
Ills most (li'lliiitc iniiiinrr. No ri'Mion
So I thought I wmi'il imiM. him up, ami
I U'tian will) nil Imiliitlon of hla fi.rtp
t.vp, "Ths In Tt.ifiilpir Hiiy.' I lunl
not fiiillii'I n linn hp (iinnij ronn'l.
with a look of pli v nml nimizfiiii'iit e
prpKi ii'r, n hi fiHiiiici, ami-It wan
not PIiuh Itcp p:"
Hopad It Wn Timely. j
N"t loiiu afipr ii Hip In a town ripar 1
Boston onip i liiMuMi In itio Hub tiHil
a rtiatifr fair. In wlilih $:n nn rial
IimI. Till uiii tint for" iinti il t.i Hip
rp'tor of I hi-1 Imp Ii In Hip town w lmrt
tho fir lui'l ik . iirri il. slip p Iip liM'l tak
"ii a romliirnt mt In tin- iHirf woik. '
Ths li'itpr rinl aa f 1 1 w :
"V linvp lini a fair Mini n,a'Ia J" '
N art m ii'lhig It to roil. I' i-a-p
II to tli flrp aiiltpfpn. V"ii tniiv, I
pfp. T. ! v i .i II, p unlfptliig la
not all ovpr."- Iluff.il N'pwa.
8ha etna Trm. 1
Mra. Plltu'in i'it dpr IipimJ mer lia
fi'if ani llm al lni l In r tii'tgh
l"'r. ho a Iiiiii.Iii out lier m-ck'a
"A fanillT liia tn'.i h i,. tl,p p'i ptT
hn'i I'tmi way, llr. rlothia
"la, know -
"Mil yon notl thplr fiirtiliiira?
"Not artlul ir!r "
"Tio l'ai). an" I Toul-ln t gi I"
fir a I' arl of It i an-!' I non'iln't
ptit m 4on In mt kit' Iimi. Ami th
Phlldrpn! I "ii I a:i.w inii, tr, a
aotat with phi, Arl tli tii"'hir'
fha kinka aa If Iip tal r,"pr km'n
a na.T'a bapt'ln 1 fat,pr oVltika.
I nret T-vi t a-1 tlial ail-h to l
aVwi'if ivima Ii th ripfhtinrhl. I
oni1r who ttiPT arp?"
Th mthpr la mr aU'pr, ar,l t!i
f'hr la th auprliitt)it iit of th Pun.
Amj arhnn) "
A ratf al.ptva tn'ip) -N Vork
Notice for Publication
Isolated Tract
tirpartmpnt of the Interior. U. S. Laurj Office at
1-a Crande, Oregon. Dec. lath. 1017..
Notice is hereby given that, as directed by the
CommiBslssioner of the (ieneral Land Office, tin
der provisions of Sec. 24."i6. R. S.. pursuant to the
application of Nellie L. Cox, of Krho, Oregon.
Serial No. 01MW7. wa will offer at nuhlic sale, to
the highest bidder, hut at not less than 12.110 per
acre, at in o'elork a. m.. on the 1.1th day of Febru
ary. 1918. next, at this office, the following tract
of land: Lot 1. SEW NKW. KMi KK'i, Sec. .
To. 1 S.. R. 28 K., W. M.
The sale will not lie kept open, but will be de
clared closed when those present at the hour
named have ceased bidding. The person making
the highest bid will be reuuired to Immrdialely
pny to the Receiver the amount thereof.
Any itenons claiming adversely the ahove-de-scritied
land are advised to file thir claims, or ob
iei'tions. on or before the time designated for sale.
C. S. DUNN. Register.
ld9 NOLAN SKIrr. Receiver.
Notice lor Publication
Isolated Tract
ri'lll.lC LAND HALF.
Iieparlment of the Interior. II. S. Land Offire at
l.atirande. Ore.. Dec. Ilth. 191!. 7o
Notice is hereby given that, as directed by the j Vs
Oiminlssioner of the General Land OnVe. under ivK
provisions of Sec. 2V-Ii. H. S.. pursuant to the Bp- j ,a
plication of Mntllda K. Pearson of Lena. Oregon. "
serial No. Ill V'M). we will offer at public sale, to, 51
the highest bidder, but at not less than li Kl per
ai re. at In o'cloc k a. m.. on the 1 tth day of l eliru I V "
aiy. I'Jlfc, next, at this office, the following tract y j
..Hand. NW'i Nt'.. her. ri'i. 1p. i B.. R. W E.. i.e.1
W M. 2t
McATEE & AIKEN, Props.
Gilliam & Bisbee
"We Have it, Will Get it or it is Not Made"
lb -alt will mrt t )t on. hut will b Am
rlart-l clrMaH whn thoM rnt at th hour
rt !. hav i4H bdHtrf. lh rwti maktnv
ih hiithMt hid will h rjiiirM to lmmrd(ly
i'Ry ti the Krtivr th mfift thrif,
Any iif-riumt rtaimtnp; advrnly th ahv-d'
wriln land air atvned u ftla lhir rlaima or
ttaM ti(iiia. cm or lt('r tha tuna draiana.Ml fur
T S. M.'NN. Hritr.
IH: NOl.ANU.SKIrF. K--tr. j
Notice lor Publication )
I.latd Trart j
ilartmrni uf th 1- Urlr.r tj. , Kad (Kftr at
tafirand. iwn Hh
tfuUrw hftv iitn that, m dirvrtaM hv tha
aifriikii(i4ir f th fgotia-ral IauA tfli' unlrr i
I n-M.,f,i ,,i Hr. h S.. purauaMt w lh ai- 1
I'liratioti of Mary Hrmfiait, nf HHpnr. .
i'rial Ko, (iiMV.. w will ofrf at publia? to
th h'iftiMt hid'lrr hui at rwjl Im than Ij! 'ii mt '
' ai !' fl fc a m m th I tf h dar of V (ru
nr tit. at thia frfft.. th tnuwiu trart
" hWi Nr.', .L',. vr. t tn. l
K i . . W. H
1 h tta-1 t ordrd ir-t th irarkt r,n a !
a f hat th rtr prtKji thrtnf )a nvrtiitain
or Stmt rAafi tut ruM ivatwi.
Ih tat will rvrf ! kpt ufn, but iM bm Am
r ar1 rUpm4 m hn thM prfnt at th lvur nam-
M ha rvri btd'tit g 1 h prarrn tnmkmg th
h ahMt h d will h rt4ird $ tmnwdauir u,
Htt th anvittt thrf.
Any trwM.t rimimir-g advrtr th abr d
t 4 land ar wi ut nt thr rimtm nh
t. (., ., b(.,rt ih i im dMitnafMt I'.r
t S ) NS Kwttr
tM Sol. AN ttlvU V Hf.tr
' - a-v a4 4 a-. 4 4S ' av. 7 t ,
Peoples Cash Market
All Kinds ot Krcsh and ball Meats
Poultry and Lard Phone Main 73
Notice (or Puhlirntion
Mfartmtit th Mre 1' i ..d -ff at
t alra.d Or'. ir h I U ,
N'Mlr hrtrV Yti l.ialt I,
". f'rmflr HarriH I, n,ui a
Otwifi mwm AfnlUt I'll H av1
Notlt f fr I'llMlt rttltin
J. W. SOnrr.i miif! a (lyinic
trip to i (.pricr Monday to
1'iiriK h la'ij'h,'r Miss Orili
nit to hpn'l tin- lioli'lays at
r..irr No mrtm N . ht , ',
i-K'.t.K', N'-t :rV ai.d l.'a s',
t"dsh.a I im't, fa.ae H lui V.
Me,,d,sn Kaa alert .ftre ,f Im.,,ium , nske
rear I'c.f Ui eeial,l.h rls'm t.i lt.e la..d
sia desribad tf..e r r Ks"im I'mvi
-''MrMniMMMf al a,s rfi'e al Mepl" ef
j'.gni 'm the Hit der ! 1.1.1 isrr '.
1 ' lannant siims ae si'ii.eM I h,.N A M n
l.i A.'S'.f f M i.hes -I. I. Vine...). .,1
W tl em I, l'.ar"n aM of l.,a firegnn
I Vt4M I. b. Ill I.N. k.,M.
liei t'l' I
1 I s l.ra.-.le 1 1
im ! tM
uri ..I I
N s-le M .
I 'i i' '.H t i I s"t t.ai.e ai
" K' UK. I II I
..'. f ... II. .1 II. ... I W ..
m, J .... , ,
I I ..... ' I ... ).., y, j
i i. i i . i is 1 1 i , n n
si '. i I; a. l t.i, t.t , it t.n
I, I, ; I'a-ss .' lui S Nmii, I4ri
dsn ha. r,d iH.,e ,,1 ii i.tMm to ansae ihn.
h ris'in fn the laed aU.
,f ' ea'al,!
rar Tf.
l ...,.. aifoS'l-e ai tt.. rner. Oref.
w. IK. i,a is, ..I 1 et.r-.art niiS
e- M Is...,
Msll.lt ... .,,,,
vi..tai't all -,f lesa i