HEPPNER HERALD S. A. PATTISON. Publisher. An Independent, Local Newspaper. Entered at the Heppner, Oreijon, Post Office us second-class matter. Terms of Subscription. One Year - - $1.50 Six Months Three Months 75 50 FRIDAY. DEC. 2H. 1917. A THOUGHT FOR THE NEW YEAR "Look not mournfully into the past; it comes not hack again. Wisely improve the present, it is thine Go forth to meet the shadowy future without fear and with a manly heart." Longfellow. HEPPNER OFFERED FREE DELIVERY According to advices received recently from the l'ost Office De partment by Postmaster Rich ardson. Heppner is in line for free delivery service as soon as the city can show that it has pro vided certain improvements re quired by the Department before the installation of free delivery. These improvements include suitable sidewalks, crosswalks, street signs and house numbers. Patrons of the oflice are required to provide proper receptacles fori0" Situruy mail convenient for the carrier to j ul 1 "ub facilitate the work of delivery. These improvements must tie provided before application for delivery is made or such applica tion must carry assurance that such improvements will be pro vided within a reasonable time One or more deliveries a day will be made as the public need de mands. Compensation for carriers will be $55 per month to start with a yearly increase of $'.() after the first ear. Appropriatons for this service have already been made and it Friday. John Kelly left for Sand Hollow Thursday. A Hendricksen of Willow Jreek Ranch was in lone Thurs lay, returning home Friday. Mrs. Peter v Nash and Mrs. A. K Mash visited with Mrs. Bennett Friday. Dob Montugue and family from Tnppenish Wash., are visit or with old friends around ;i!eii, Jean Fail hurst, S. M. Morgan uid party autoed to Cecil on Fri lny from Rhea siding in Sox's new Ford car. Jim Whitney accompanied by tiis brother Mike returned from Portland and began work for C A Minor at "The Last Camp" Cecil on Friday. Oral Mendrickson and his bro-j ther Clifford spent the week end in Heppner. A tine program was given by the pupils of the Cecil School quite a large crowd gathered at the school and all were highly delighted with the way the child ten are progressing under Miss Inez Huston's care. Miss Viola G. Shea has been visiting at the Harvey Ewing ranch during the past week. M. V. Logan has been visiting among his friends In Cecil during the week. Mr. Logan had a bad fall some time ago breaking a small bone in his right foot and has since been under medical care. A stranger appeared in Cecil morning who ha9 to be "Shorty" I loward of Pendelton. Archie Fllis of "The Last Camp" Cecil left on Saturday to spend his Xmas with friends in Melton Oregon. T' II. Lowe the Cecil Merchant and Postmaster returned home from Portland on Saturday re porting lots of rain down there and says there is no place like Cecil. When the local train arrived in Cecil Saturday there was quite an excitement among the sehool children when Minnie Lowe, their old companion a- i Professional Column Z h 9P DR. R. J. VAUGHAN DENTIST Permanently located in Oddfellow' Building HEPPNER, OREGON E. NOTSON ATTORNEY-AT-LAW OFFICE IN ROBERTS BUILDING HEPPNER, OREGOIs DR. N. E. WINNARD PHYSICIAN & SURGEON HEPPNER, OREGON DR. A. D. McMURDO . . . PHYSICIAN & SURGEON Telephone 122 Office Patterson Drug Store HEPPNER, OREGON Watch paper (or dates DR. J. G. TURNER Eye Specialist PORTLAND ' OREGON Regular monthly viiitt lo HEPPNER and lONE 3C 0 11 WOODSON & SWEEK ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW Office in Palace Hotel. Heppner, Ore SAM tl VAN VACTOR VTTORN EY-AT-LAW HEPFlvER, OREGON LOUIS PEARSON TAILOR HEPPNER, OREGON Office phone Main 643 Residence phone Main 665 FRANCIS A McMENAMIN LAWYER Robert Building, Heppner, Oregon THAT YOU HAVE HAD A MERRY CHRISTMAS AND THAT THE NEW YEAR WILL BRING YOU MUCH Happiness and Prosperity IS OUR SINCERE WISH PHELPS GROCERY CO. II 0 ROY V. WHITEIS REAL ESTATE INSURANCE LOANS Heppner, Oregon QG9C 3C 3C 0 now seems to be up to the people of Heppner tojcnil) this opportu nity to secure a modern conven ience at practically no cost,. We lighted from the train, tie "Con duetnr was beard to remark, "Dun'i e;it her they want, her U'.'itin in Portland." Minnie is already have sidewalks and cross home for a few diiys vacation, walks practically all over town j Master Herb llynd is spend and the matter of street sinus t ink' his vacation at Duller Plats, and house numbers ishutatri-j Walter Pope returned home IlinU expense at best and one that Sund iy after spending a few will more than pav for itself as a d.iys in Arlington, convenience to citizens and visi-1 McDiiire Itros. gave a very tors aside from the matter of I'tijio, alU dance on tin-event of li i : 1 1 . delivery. tln con. plci ion of their new liiiKiiicss and professional men, Iioiim' ami wa- largely attended CoinnuTciid club nurn Iht-i, city It .ill ilieir friends. Notice for Publication IVnartmtmt of the Interior, U. 8. Land Office at The Dalles. Onwnn, December 2(1, 1917. Notice is hereli? iriven tliat Jamt'H 1.. Sturirill of lone. Oregon, who. on Keptc-mber 2S. 111:1. made llnminlead Entry. No. 01i7ii. for WMiSK'i. SWU NE'i. Si-c. 32-1 S 21 E.-Lota 2 and 3. Section 6. Towimhin 2-South. Hanne 23-Kaat, Willamette Meridian, hal filed notice of intention to make Final three year Proof, to entalihah claim to the land atxive ileit'rtkteil. before CC. I'atteraon. U. S. fomn.ian.oner. at Heppner. Oregon, on the 30th day of January, 1918. Claimant name aa witnemien: Adrain Eniile man, Krank LindHay, J. W. Stringer, Kobert Mathiaott. all of lone, Oregon. 11. UtANK WOODCOCK. :UiM9 Keiti.ter. oilicials and all in isi ly.at o thi.j decide at once a or reject it. cill.eiis should prnposil ion and licttltT lo VCCept NOTICE KOK rrllUCATION liepartnient of the Interior. It. S. Ind Office at La IJraniie. Oregon, November y. 1HI7. Notice ia hereby given that William llenry Clerk, aole legatee u'ider the taut Will and Teala inent of Kllen Tii'pett. iWeaawl. of Lena. Oregon. who, on June Jo. lyil, made llnnieiitead Entry ; No. Oll.'.il for S'a NK'. SE1. Sec, !. NW', SW j '. S.v. SI. T. 2 S. I..H 2. Sec. S. Tp. :l S Kniige W Eaat. W dlnntette Mend, an ho liUil notice of intention to make Ihn-v-war I'roof, to Mti,lliMti claim lo the land aN've diii ribe.1. Iteforet'. C. I'at- Wid Palinaieer bus been doing ; """" "j""""r; " ' h" 0,"c Vis Annie I.owe arrived lioine Sui.day from 'I he Dulles lo MH'lid her X (lilts II. F. TASK A. S. Akers TASH&AKERS Successors to Vaughn & Sons GENERAL HARDWARE MERCHANTS Our stock of Shelf Hardware, Tools, Builders' Hardware, etc , is full and complete and we respect fully solicit your inspection and patronage. We be lieve we can give you satisfaction both as to quality and prices. PLUMBING DEPARTMENT We are installing a new Piumb'ng Department and have secured the services of a master plumber as aianager. All work in this line will receive care ful attention and will be executed in the most approv ed manner. A share of your patronage is respectfully so-licited. TASH & AKERS 11KPPFEU OREGON CI.C II. I l l MS a In; business in the turkey 1 1 ud- I lils last week. Vi i tleo.lt I, Hen ml. of Me;.n ,,f , . J,.,I t 'rn. X ina-Cam piiign l;il. eiaimant nami a aitne,- J. IV Krench. of (iunlNoe. Oregon. John HrxMiian. of Lena. Ofgon lolll I.IIU I' loeal lintnaCtT j Noh lVtlvjohn and Jixeph M. Il.im. of Uepp. Ill Cecil oil ho ami d wilh Miss Mrs. th" Spent Tlie son Wil. us ii liiisines Mi mil a y . Mrs .1 II 1 i .it. 1 .muse Slm v 'si t T II I.oie Mmiilav. Jerome (iCniiiior finin lliifer I .in h. lb pl'in r, Monday uinl I'uesil.iy at Llt I an p" t'ei'd (Ifii, A. Mil i r and I. is Alvin were visitor at the low s on Tuesday I'.M'iell l.i'i;iiiof the Willows w is ai tl e t 'Co. Miller place in ili tii: in runs.' no nts for tl e building of iln iii'v lioini' for ( !en. Mr, Mucaiiiher and party from F.i ho spent a few hours with (irandp k Mellon on ednsil iy, and llii'ti b tl i n their way to have a p ese hunt A. M. I' ri. ns of Ituttetliy plats retilliiid from Peitlaid feeing lliui'li li' tter for his lest Walter Wnts. mi reiesiiitil kT the Ki'lini w ich t i roeerv Ci was M Cecil c.ilU r Thtu s.l iy. .I.ICM ll.Vlid l. ft . lli I ... ti I . . Mes'lailics ll i d in d I nutoed to Kilo. Sl.ititieUI. other points rcturnine; ner. Olrgon. ,l.I.Ui C. 8. IM'NN. Kegi.ier. reports !'.( iin tiit.ers nnd wishes in leliirn many thanks to her limit a-sis'alits A. llendricson i iu I .1 it'll 1 1 v ml. Pinl Pettyjohn and family lefi NiinitaV on I lie loi' il to visit 1 1 NOTICE rtK I'l'III.ICATIoN. Department of the Interior, t'. S. Land Ofl'.ce al La liran.le Oiegon. Nov. IK. 1IM?. Notice w hereby given that John tr,nan. of Lena. Oregon. ho, on May. 1 I'M. made Homeatea! Entry No. I'ltofn'. f,,rSW t, N W i, W', HW'i S. 2 NW i. NW, See. I SUM SW in l o 2 M Hang It Kaat. W M haa Med Is III mill ill'iullld llepplier utne of inlenti. to make three tear l'r...f toe.. lor a few da'. POLITICAL ANNOUNCEMENTS ANNOUNCF.MtNT I hi-n'by a.inti!H,o tnvsolf n (uutulatt1 forShi'ritT of Morrow lahhati rlaii to th land mj Jru ritspJ tfurv (' i rUrritt, t intfil Mutt- 1'umtt tMs.'tirT. t ht iflu- al llri t'n.'r Orrtftn. oti Ihv -th Uy ( January. Claimant namr aa ttnrar llrnry ('lark, uf lna Ora" n. J. l Krrm-h uf (.unlaff Or ton, N'ah lvtt h-hri, uf Orvm. J unn-h M. JUST RECEIVED A NKW LINK OF ii M s 3 immmr--nvtt'-!r's DOLLS Al) BOOKS IWIH NKW AND KF..PKINTS HUMPHREYS DRUG COMPANY A Bright Fire In The Morning! No cold rooms, even if tho wind is howling out of tho NorthweBt when you have A Great Western Duplex Heater For Coal or Wood Thil stove holdi the fire, and it burns coal or wood perfectly, because of its Duplex Grato. All of the rum'S are burned, and there isn't a comer of the rooms that is not warm. Be sure to ask to see this marvelous beater. Case Furniture Co.' r llll : in !wrn iiatrfnM ar.1 Ai i-'i,'ati. it So. u'.h lurvt.M th US i V Sinn U litwr.t.ip li wth H' ( H t'. aniff t Vrrut art ri j th iimWr ihfrfn ut tivr hm pnn iu .f h . art f Jainv i. ftt'tt -i anivn,n'ry h'Htn j a ih 1 in lf ar J rU'ff I a ai urh tt- w ' n hl b f vO I f ai'ra mn1. ftnj thai ru at iv auh ar,'lu-aiK" th laJ aJ X rntr thf , txi hat Wwn at f rtl at ;.' i (h lirnif ((. : mttrsj al .V tr rl ttvt at it H anj th 114 ,i- that wimI fttilM-aM m'A vr Anal; irC in iufwrt ef k at -v'-m ( iwti f taimt tm lh J t lmhf 1', : fi-rm W J Mtmr t tvtt ftatr inm t hi -if at He!' i At rran at lH-Ftt It n(M( tht i v,rs har Wftr mt . .tf ti't a a rit a t l- 5 l atrnt iaMu l ft'rg i Mr"t.tH a-.ta i( ti th i-t, ;'rta' (,( hhh -v.tl- ' (t-t th Mr I ;14 l. 1 SI 1if 4!r. (Notice tor rubucatt-on I f -- f Q iwiartmnt ui th inrur. v . unj vtrc. ivwntv in the Kepuhlican ticket t u..r.-a. ir. sn. .ih . ti:. at the coming l-riniary Action. ..Z .1 oUJTa I inn a iMoni'rr ri'sidi'tit of thin ihe rtkdao iit niemii. . ,-e foutity and hiTftoforo havp nov i r aski d any favor of it' vot-i-r. and 1 would not do so now, did 1 not know that I a:n oompf tout to adtiiinintiT the atTair of tin i'l!i in an I'lVuii'nt' manner. if iioinmatnl and vlrctctl I will i inl.'avor to n foiie the law and liandli- the atTair of the (l!'i'e a I'loi'oniiiiiily a i consiritent ith tl.e ilutir of the nil'ice. Your truly, II I A1U H. lll KUKN. 1 JUST RECEIVED NF.W .INK OF WINTER GOODS UNDERWEAR SHIRTS MACKINAW'S HOSIERY, ETC. C;!l and i yon e'i cttoii early. yAM. HUGHES COMPANYJJ Notice of Stockholders' Meeting Notice is hereby given that the regular annual stockholders' meeting of the Lexington State Hank will be held at its bank ing rooms in the Town of Lexington. Oregon. at 2 o'clock P. M Thursday Janu 10. 19 1 The purpone for which this meeting Is called is to elect a Hoard of Directors for tho en suing year and for the transac lion cf &C7 other business which may properly come before it. Dated at Lexington, Oregon, December 7, 1&17. W. G. Scott. Attest: Frenident. W. 0. Hill. Cashier A Secretary. 3M.14 HeralJ enly tl.5' per yitr.