s I L. Heppn Help support Heppner Business Men who help support Heppner. Central Oregon gets on and 00 the train at Ileppncr Gateway. With which is consolidated Th lone Bulletin. A first class nesraper entered at the postoffice at Heppner. Oregon as second-class matter VOLUME 4. HEPPNER, OREGON, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 28. 1917. NUMBER 34 ; $ Herald y MADE IN YEAR 191? In spite of war conditions which have enchanced the cost of building materials, labor, etc to an almost prohibitive price. Heppner has made many valuable improvements during the year just passed, all of which have been of the most substantial and permanent character. Not in many years, so old residents tell us, has there been so many sub stantial improvements in t h e town- The Herald has complied the following list of improve ments for the year which shows Heppner to be not only a sub stantial business town but a live and growing one as well. Business Buildings First National Bank $35,000 Farmers Union Evevator 21,000 Palace Hotel (remodeling) 8,000 Garrigus Estate 6,000 Frank Roberts 5,000 Far. & Stock. Bank, Rep. and Fixture's " 2,000 Phil Conn, for Northern Brewery Co. 1,000 Residences Dr. A. D. McMurdo 6,000 H. C. Githens 3,000 Hanson Hughes 1,600 Mike Kenny 3,200 Improvements and Repairs Sam E- Van Vactor 3,500 Phil Cohn E- R. Huston M. J. Bradford Geo. McDuffee 1,500 600 500 250 Total - $102,150.00 In addition to the above class of improvements, about sixteen blocks of permanent cement side walk has been laid, the value of which has been conservatively estimated at about $6000, mak ing a grand total for the year of $108,150. Not a bad showing for a town of 1500 people in war time- Christmas Cantata Great Success The popular Christmas Canta ta, King ot tne world, given in the opera house Chrismas eve, was a pronounced success. The play house was packed to capac ity by an appreciative audience. The production was of a religious nature following the earthly ca reer of Christ from the time His coming was foretold by the pro phets until the end of his minis try. The production included al most 150 voices, all local people, and was rehearsed and managed by Mrs. II. A. Noyes, who is a director of high ability. The entertainment was free, but a collection taken during the evening for the relief of starving Armenians netted almost $00.00. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Wilkin spent Christmas with bcr father at Arlington. Notice to Creditor N'rrttre is hereby liven that the undersirned has keen appointed Kieeulor ot the Feiate ot this J. Avers. irrmM, hr the County Court at the Hiaia rf Orfw for M'Trnw County. All feeraone haw ing e'e'ms against ss 4 etee must present them. rrtert ter.ftMl. u sain eseruinc at the Off re ol the Heppner. termers flevaUie Co.. In Heppner. OreTn. wuhin s i months from the dr ol the first publication hereof listed and Arst published tie J HI'. L. L. MRIi.S r.seeuur. Cunning Cupid's Christmas Capers Cupid, that cunning rascal who has a habit of making him self rather conspicuous around Christmas time, scored a ringer in Heppner this year as the fol lowing record will thow: A pretty wedding took place at the town home of Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Peterson last Sunday, when their son Ture Peterson and Mrs. Eva Crawford of Lone Rock, were united in marriage, Turner MacDanald, of the Christ ian church performing the cere mony. Besides the immediate families of the couple, Mr. and Mrs J. A. Waters, Mr. and Mrs Clarence Scrivner and Rev. and Mrs. Turner McDonald were present. A splendid wedding dinner was served. Sunday afternoon a home wed ding took place at the ranch home of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Huston, when their daughter, Miss Bernice Huston, became the bride of Philip Griffin of lone. Rev. McDonald performed the ceremony in the presence of a- bout sixty invited guests. A three-course dinner was served following the ceremony. The happy couple left that evening for Portland and Albany to spend their honeymoon. Married, Wednesday, Dec. 19, at the home of J. H. Bellenbrock Edwin M- Geinger of Grant county and Miss Grace Bellen brock, whose parents reside on Rhea Creek. The young people will make their home near Mon ument in Grant county. Turner MacDonald officiated. Only im mediate relatives were present. Married, Dec. 20, at the home of the Minister of the Church of Christ in Heppner. Claire Ash- baugh and Miss Fay Kirk, both of Hardman. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Buschke were present as witnesses. Turner B. MacDonald officiated. Married, Christmas Eve at the home of J. D. Moyer of Hepp ner, Percy C. Cox and Miss Jes sie Mead. Mr. Cox is home on leave from Camp Lewis, where he is a member of the Baker & Cooks Dept. of the army. Mr. Cox will return immediately to headquarters. Turner B. Mac Donald officiated. P. A. Anderson, owner of the Morrow County Abstract Co., and Miss Leala Cambell, daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Campbell, of this city, were married in Portland. Saturday, December, 22, 1917. The happy couple are now enjoying a trip to the Sound cities and expect to return to Heppner next Sunday. Both are well known and popu lar in Heppner and their many friends will join in best wishes. Orian Wright and Miss Willa Pearl LaTrace were united in marriage at th e Federal church last Monday evening, (Christmas eve) Rev.- II. A. Noyes performing the ceremony Only the immediate relatives of the couple were present. Mr right is a highly popular young man of this unction and his charming bride is one of Hepp ner r fairest daughters Mr. Tom V. I T ) Mi 5 v r a , vi i iti 4e. W: ft? mi asf il k-- Mm. Left, General Allenby of the British Army whose troops have sweep through Palestine. Right, New Sultan of Egypt, was the late Sultan's second son LOCAL AND PERSONAL Mr. and Mrs. Sam E. Van Vac i tor. Garnet Barratt went to Port land Wednesday to spend a few days visiting friends, Mr. and Mrs. Ellis R. Minor and little daughter spent Christ mas with Mrs. Minor's parents J. M. Whitney a well known resident of the Cecil district, was a visitor in Keppuer Mon day. Earl Gordon, who is u student ih the College of Pharmacy in Portland, is here spending his holiday vacation. Miss Flora Noyes, who is teaching in Umatilla county this winter, is spending her va cation with her parents, Rev. and Mrs. H. A. Noyes. Mrs. Blanch Watkins. teacher in the public school, who has been seriously ill for a couple of weeks, is reported better and expects to be able to return to her work after the holidays. I sell the best creamery butter made in Oregon for fifty-five cents a pound- I guarantee ev ery pound to be fresh and sweet and of extra quality. You can get anything good to eat from me that is of the highest quality Miss Melba Griffith, a student : for less than you pay elsewhere in the State Normal School at Monmouth, is spending her va cation in Heppner. Miss Struck, teacher of Do niestiu Science and Art in the Heppner schools, has gone to Llood Kiver to spend the holidays. Miss Baker, a grade teacher and also music instructor in the Heppner schools, is spending her vacation at her home in Portland. Church Notices for questionable stuff. Cummings Fruit and Vegetable Market. 34tf Heppner, Ore The Federated Church Our services next Sunday will be centered around the thought of the closins and opening year. Join us in humble and reverent approach to thu God of nations Sunday School (i.tj a tn. Mornini! service 1 1 oil Christian Kndeavor. : tn. i Regular evening service 7:."!n j II. A. Noyes, Pastor. Catholic Church Services. First Mass. w.imj a m. Second Mass ' In ..In Fvening Devotion T;11 p. tn. Reverend Father Printncr Church of Christ. Sunday, Dec. . will In- the last day on which we will preach for t he people of 1 lepjincr. where we have resided fur one year and nine months. LEXINGTON ITEMS Mrs. Minnie Leach, who re cently injured her hand in the electric wringer, went to Port land to have some skin grafted on it. She is gelling along nice waiter mrton and wire are visiting Mrs. Barton's parents Mr. and Mrs W. J. Davis for the Xmas holidays. Mr. Barton is in traiuing at Ft. Stevens. Chas. A. Johnson is spending the holidays at Walla Walla. Mrs. Jim 'oy titer of Kugene, is here visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Davis. DR. GUNSTER VETERINARIAN LICENSED GRADUATE Phone 722, Heppner, Ore., Day or Night The subject of the morning sermon will lie, fn king Hack ward and Forward " Kvcning Johnson, a well , fcuhject. Lite s Attainments known contractor of thiscity. and t ,u ,. ,., , ,.,.,.,! of myself Mild courteous and I ago. They will reside in Hepp-; kindly treatment we have t--, ncr- ! ceiveil at the hands of the poo. I a p!" f Ih'pp'ier We will rej ' member them must kindly, and! trust we curry away the enmity i of none hit those who are the; lulu li.nndtrnm a trolniit j IDS liUHJ UVilKJ.lU Ulll) tM VI Bill' "I I . , i . a . nurse, also of Heppner. were , V" ,n M,i f married in Portland several days fm'ly for the Miss Jessie Mead and Percy Cox, one of the Soldiers Hi Am erican Lake, were married i.-lirisluias. liiu groom came on his Christmas furlough and the young people took advan tage of the vacation to get mar ried. These people are quite popular and have a host of friends, who wish them much joy in tneir new life. Mr, and Mrs. Holmes are vis iting in Grass Valley over the i holidays. H. O. McCorinick is 'looking after the lumber yard during Mr. Holmes absence. I Marion BreshearH of C)U ia- hoina, came in Saturday night and surprised his uncle, whom lit? had not seen for years. Mr. lirnsheara will remain around I.exitigton for a till. Onw of our school teachers Miss Antotiia Bauer surprised her many friends by going a way on a hnei trip ariri tjy rr : turning and announcing her mar riaire to a Mr. Wan!, a soldier hoy . 'enemies of pvt'lcni ,ni. Jj I f we htve overlooked any ti Jiimiicial ohligatiori c wid up 5 t predate a if pi ople ho know f . (irain Company, of Portland. J 1 mii'h otihu'a'i.,ns w ill knell y send J sticceHsors to M. II. Ilo'ifier, and Notice to Wheatgrowtfs I have Iwen appointed Hepp ner representative of the 1'aVific Our Boys in Uniform Stephen Irwin, who ha been a student in t he college of Cincin nati at Cincinnati, Ohio, since last summer, Is here spending the holidays with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Irwin. Stephen graduated from the Heppner High School last June ana soon afterward entered the College of Cincinnati for a course in mechanical engineer ing. Recently, however, he enlisted in the aviation branch of the officers reserve corps and expects to be called to training within the next few weeks. lie will probably be ordered to the training school of the University of Ohio for six months training when he will receive a commis sion as lieutenant in the aviation corps. Heppner boys certainly get to the front. Glenn Jones who is in the naval training station at Goat Island, writes the following interesting letter to his parents. Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Jones of this city: Dear Father and Mother; Will drop you a few lines to day, we get Saturday afternoon off at least we are taking off. It you can get me a sweater without sleaves and neck send me one any color and if not one like the above please send me one with a nock and sleaves. color blue, We have one but we can wear two here it is pretty cold of a morning. There are nine of us had our pictures taken a while ago Sid Hallook has a camera with him and we are all from Heppner or have lived there, Sid, Harold Cohn. Hob Myers, Ray Judd. Miles Potter, Rail Gurdane, F.lra Hayes, Satn Turner and myself. There uro others here from home and Monument but they were too hard to find. Wo are all In the same Co except Bob Myers. Gee but there is a mob hero for ono camp, they feed us good not much of a variety at one meal hut they change every meal. We sleep warm, only two blankets but that is enough if ono knows how to lix them. We oac.h have a mattress. I thought it was awful the first. day tun ii is tioi bail now wo have a pretty good time. I did soiiih wshiug today, tried to get some one to do it for me hut none of them scorn to like it much bi.'tter than myself. We all live in tuits here up on a steep hill side. Wo look out on the bay and over into lakland we can see Frisco by going farther around the hill. Well this is all I can think in no-v will write as often as poss ible we haven't had much time so far but us WD (.'('I on to I he ways we Hud morn tune. Will close for tnis tune, Glenn ( '. Juno-.. I'. S Naval Training Station. San Francisco. California Camp I) II f ( Creston Maddoi k. who U a j student in the I', of O is here' for theeiUlinas vacation after having enlisted in the otdiiiatn e j service tif the Hitny After su week preparatory tttudy at. the I'nlvertiity Mr. Maddock will go t nome training camp fur furlh er Instruction and then will be sent to thu front. Henry Aiken and Kinil lirosh mis left Wednsday mot long for Cortland to enlist In the aviation corps of thu army. ,c. J The following telegram J was received this forenoon by Satn E- Van Vactor" Jfrom C. C- Chapman, at! ; Portland: ! J "Congratulations, Mor-2 jrow county loads entire jState of Oregon." I Morrow county has been doing her bit in the Red Rross mem bership drive. Sam E. Van Vac tor, who is directing the cam paegn, received reports yester day from all districts but lone showing the following member ships secured during the drive: Heppner Lexington Cecil Hardman Irrigon Boardman Eightmile, Gooseberry and Fairview Lena and Pine Citv 1067 3.10 64 169 64 45 88 180 Total 2007 Morrow county's quota is 1500 and the present standing gives us 135 per cent of that number the highest county standing yet reported in the state. While the stormy weather in terfered to some extent with the drive the workers all responded nobly and put Morrow county "over the top" in fine shape. Herald's Honor Roll The Herald's Roll of Honor continues to grow like a Green Bay tree. During the month of December the following new sub scribers and renewals have been received: James W- Craig, M. L. Curran Vaughn & Sons. Cn-o Thomson, Chas Thomson, Dave McAfee, L- V. Gentry, Pete Farley, Ieouis Groshens, Sherman Wakefield, N. A- ('lark. John Hughes, John .1 Kelly. Chas D. Cox. Paul Webb Wm. T. Campbell; Hepp ner; John Mcllugh, I'oardman; John Sheridan, lone; Maurice A. Frye, I'.vanson, III.; by Mrs Freeman Frye; Mrs, L M. Fit rpia. Nampa, Idaho; by Mh damcs Bert lllcakman and Guy lladley; Thus F Sheridan. Camp Lewis, Wash; J M Whitney, Cecil By the way what better New Year's present could you tnak" some Heppner hoy in the army or navy. A year's Miibscrintion co-its less than writing a letter every week Good schi'itie. Now is the time to get busy. a) i us a bill for thu amount btfote Jtn I . Turuur l).MdcDit,t'id, Minuter am prepared to buy all kinds of train. See me le fore welling. ROY v. wuirtis. You can get nice fat dri se. chickens of meat any old time for the lowest prices at which they can be Hold :)ltf Harry Cum minus. Mrs. Ames Is spending tha holidays with her il ii.'hicr Mrs. "sum K Van Va tor. Mae Smith wa down fiotn tho Minor i;hn h for t'liiitmas ai i'otn pamed by his family Mr and Mrs. .lo Waters and children were thu I 'In ml inns I inner g'li'st -, of hi i ii'int, Mrs. , siKef . Hi I olie I ueilit y ll'ppner e pi I eiii'.'.l her II f s I ton, -ii of winter weather Monday molding when the KroiHid whs sog'ly fro.eii giving a spn-e of riot t t'htistinas went her to the ar an I uiakit g c ery bod V f' I like moving lively WilUrd ll-treii, a well kno-Aii pioneer ( ttt,ii of county. H'moiiii! es hmisi'lf H.ai HU lidnle i for the Ri piihluati nomination for fcheri ill HI t his I-, '! of I lies Herald Mr Ibriei bus had considerable etperii lice as dep illy ill that oltoce, and eiioys 4 wide evi'iaitiUuce lit the county.