Heppner herald. (Heppner, Or.) 1914-1924, December 21, 1917, Image 6

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    "Shop Early," let this be our slogan Don't wait until Christmas then make a mad rush
for the store, when it will be impossible to give good service.
Commence Now and Get Good Service
Wo must not forget Our Soldier Boys, they have
need for warm Sweaters. Socks, Shirts. Underwear,
Ktfi, We cun show you something the boy will sure
Mother will enjoy a pair of House Felt Slippers, a
pair of Kid Cloves, nice. Silk Dress or a Cood Woi 1
Serire. Table Linen. Blankets and Toilet Articles. Any
Mother is lad to receive Dishes of any kind for a
Is on hand with a good supply of
Toys, Wagons, Sleds and Games
of all kinds for the Children. Be
sure and let Santa Claus know
what you want.
Now is the time.
Don't let the Kiddies be forgotten.
Big Sister always has need of Silk Hosiery; add a
piece of Ivory to her set we have a nice selection
Silk Petticoat, Kimona, Sweater, or a pair of Gloves or
House Slippers will not come amiss either.
Big Brother will like a pair of Military Brushes,
Bath Kobe, Razor, Mackinaw, Ties, Belt, Purse,
Cloves, Hat, Shaving Set. Etc.
We have a beautiful line of Jardiniers all sizes
they are sure to please.
Come in and let us Help You Solve Your Christmas Present Problem
Heppner, Oregon
Heppner Property Advances in Value
Mike Roberts, who bus been
unking some extensive improve
tncnts on his 1,1 nn imd Willow
street properties the pust yenr.
placed nil cslimtito of some 10(H)
on the same the other (Uy. A
day or two Inter he raised tin
amount to tfTtxXi. Tl reason
for such rapid ndvance in Mr.
Roberts holdings is, he says,
t hat after making the first est
imiite he discovered that lie l.ild
t an or three yunls of lath to put
on and there hi int: no prof'"-,
sional hither in town he hail to
iii ill i1 ivmK liimsi If mid after
resiling with the joti fur an
In ii r m mi lie ei'tii luilril it wf
Wei t h all of sfl'ii'i'H I f lie el er
t'.-t s 1 1.' j ili tiinhed the llenilil
l ill li pin t hull 1 1 1 ; 1 1 ' lll'ter
ii i:U In- lost ami how iii. my
1 1 'i 'nil d'tsi i l s he mc' ill I I'll d III ttm
I I peril I lull
Church Notices
The Federated Church
Sunday School '.1:45 a. in.
Morning service 11:00.
Si'iinon theme "Looking for the
Christian Kmleavor. (V.IW p. m.
Topic, "Christmas diving."
Leader, Kmery Centry.
Regular evening service 7:110
II. A Noyes. Pastor.
Catholic Church Services.
First Mass, H;IH) u.in.
Si'iund Mass 10:H0
Kvetiinn leiotions 7::it p. in.
X mas
First Mass Midnight
Last Mass and Heueilictions
al 10 e a. ill.
Reverend lather I'rintncr.
Chiin'h of Christ.
I'ri'iti'biiiK Sunday inoimng and
evetiitii; as usual, by the regu
lar minister, er a supply.
I ii r i ii i IIM.i, Ihioald. Minister.
Arthur Cotzehausen, an attor
ney of Portland, was here dur
ing the week looking after le
gal business.
Morrow county will make her
quota iu the big Red Cross drive
this week in spite of the rain ami
mud which has interfered with
the work to a consul n able
11. J. Griffith. superititPinli'iit
of the Northwest Rank l'.cii'p
ment Co., is I ere this week in.
stalling the furniture mil tlx-
I ii res in t he tic w
Hank buildintr.
.i t i li I'.setiny jr., is hiui.e
from I he C. of ( ). to spend the
ho!ida s with lr!s p-i rent .
Ilev. Tinier !,IImi!;,!iI. i ho
has h"' II lllillis'i -r nt tie' ( lltist-
ia ii e 1 1 'i re 1 1 tor -.ever il y -:i t's. and
t'-lidered tils re ,.m,Vi ion recent-
True Conservationists
IV, eXpeets
l It II his fun
I he Vi a r ' i i'
roast, w .i ;i
'i'iie ( i ;i '
eout't of .' i
M it v ' (,i
a ve
a; t
Fit si N 1 1 i 1 1 1 1 1 1 h.a r r. - .1 n
Mi, r i. , 1 1 :
The First National Dank of Heppner M
WE are l ighting the candles in our new
home the first of the new year.
May that New Year de a Happy one for
you. and this Christmas a Merry one
The boys up at the Shepherds'
Home ranch, of which Art Minor
, i : the owner, have organized a
: conservation club for the pur
pose of helping to win the war.
They not only observe a wheat-
,,. h",s day and a meatless day each
11 u'ei.l.' tint u icnrlliiCQ rt'.ir qq trall
!irsl "r Mac Nmith says that 'they find
"ii the the workless day works in fine!
j, silh the wheatless and meatless
days because when they don't
'" "" :,('- Work they can't eat so much
h,,', ; :itid when they don't eat much
they can't work so hard and thus
make themselves hungry again
lentil ami eager to devour the wheat
. : i i I meat they had conserved on
the wheatless and meatless days.
Mac has it all hirured out so that
it looks goo 1 to him but just how
it will appear to C A., who is
now conserving down in Port
land, deponent sayeth not.
A Practical Gift
NTwillos. Oil, Brits and all kinds of Sewing
Machine supplies, Krpairiug a specialty.
As Christmas i v.-hot e,
at war to en''otre a i i,:1!"
with justice.
We are a!',i 1 w tiis t!ie cm--We
ure t'krli'it'i; for jn-t a-
imlixidtial rights el' lean .;
ever prechide a re tit. .m of
This is tl'.e spn a! Am- . .. .
our UVS "soli;, u ! ere in !
pallors upon lite 1, . l: se: : i
ul army n-.ol.,',i ! so l! , ..
at khome i-i it- . o
May wpnif p ;r.. :.,;ii ', -
Christmas Fires
Dry Fir Wood
W yoming Coal
Comfort and Good Cheer
Appreciating your goodwill in the past
I wish you all a very Merry Christmas
and a joyous, Happy New Year
General Fuel Dealer