U'4 GREETINGS . 1 . CHRIST TO ALL Our Present Xmas Stock contains Many Gifts out of the ordinary that are Useful and Satisfy the Requirements of Pocketbook and Taste m m m r IN 8 ft w A ?' to w B Vi li I'. s Vi For Ladies and Diamond Rings Diamond La Valliers Diamond Brooches Diamond Ear Screws Solid Gold Brooches Solid Gold Cameo Brooches Solid Gold Beauty Pins Solid Gold La Valliers Solid Gold Hat Pins Solid Gold Emblem Pins Solid Gold Thimbles Solid Gold Bracelets Solid Gold Set Rings Solid Gold Signet Rings Solid Gold Band Rings Solid Gold Watches Solid Gold Ear Screws Misses $10 00 to $250 00 14 00 to 35 00 13 00 to 40 00 2 00 to 50 00 2 50 to 10 00 5 00 to 20 00 1 50 to 2 00 4 00 to 12 50 1 50 to 3 75 1 00 to 6 00 4 50 to 5 00 3 75 to 23 00 2 50 to 150 00 1 50 to 3 50 3 50 to 10 50 29 00 to 37 00 4 50 to 8 00 THE FOLLOWING LIST MAY AID YOU IN YOUR SELECTIONS: For Ladies and Misses Gold Filled Pieceless Ear Drops 1 00 to 14 00 Gold Filled Bracelets 2 50 to 7 50 Gold Filled Thimbles 25c to 2 75 Gold Filled Lockets 2 50 to 10 00 Gold Filled Beauty Pins 50c to 1 50 Gold Filled Rosaries 1 00 to 2 75 Gold Filled Bar Pins 65c to 3 00 Gold Filled Brooches 1 00 to 8 75 Gold Filled Fobs 3 75 to 6 50 Gold Filled Bracelet Watches 10 00 to 37 00 Gold Filled Umbrellas 3 75 to 11 00 Gold Filled Silk Fobs 2 00 to 4 50 Gold Filled La Valliers . 2 00 to 10 00 Gold Filled Long Watch Chains 3 00 to 4 00 Gold Filled Hair Barettes 1 25 to 1 50 Gold Filled Lingerie Pins 50c to 6 00 Fountain Pens 1 00 to 7 50 For Gentlemen Diamond Tie Pins 8 00 to 24 00 Solid Gold Tie Pins 2 50 to 7 00 Solid Gold Tie Clasps 2 00 to 2 50 Solid Gold Cuff Links 3 00 to 5 50 Solid Gold Emblem Pins & But'ns 1 00 to 5 00 Solid Gold Set & Emblem Rings 5 00 to 18 00 Solid Gold Signet Rings 2 50 to 15 00 Solid Gold Vest Chains 12 00 to 25 00 Gold Filled Tie Pins 50c to 2 25 Gold Filled Cuff Links 80c to 4 00 Gold Filled Tie Clasps 75 to 2 00 Gold Filled Fobs 5 00 to 6 75 Gold Filled Waldemar Chains 3 00 to 5 00 Vest Chains 2 00 to 6 75 Belt Buckles 4 00 to 4 50 Watches 5 00 to 40 00 Fountain Pens 1 00 to 7 50 For Children Solid Gold Band Rings Solid Gold Signet Rings Solid Gold Set Rings Solid Gold Pendant Neck Chains Gold Filled Bracelets Gold Filled Ring Chain Gold Filled Pin Sets Silver Children Sets Bib Holders Silver Thimbles 75c to 1 25 I 00 to 2 00 1 00 to 5 00 2 00 to 5 00 2 00 to 4 00 50c 1 25 1 75 1 25 25c Silver Novelties Fancy Scissors, Hand Bags, Match Boxes, Elk Card Cases, Napkin Rings, Sugar Tongs, Individual Salts and Peppers, Souv enir Spoons, Etc. Some Useful Pieces and Attractive Patterns in Cut Glass and Hollow Silverware Also Ivory Py-ra-lin Toilet Ware De Luxe and a Line of the Late Thing in Oregon Myrtle Wood Ware All Goods as Represented Mail Orders From Our Catalogue Given Careful Attention m Yours for a Merry Xmas HAHOli Main St. Heppner, Ore. And a Happy New Year Is Bowers' Shoe Hospital Again Open For Business I have returned to Heppner and re-opened my Shoo Hospital in the old location. Bring in your old shoes and I will make them good again. C. W. BOWERS CECIL ITEMS Cecil was ufraiu patronized on Monday by the Kev. Dr. Van Waters of Portland who gave an excellent address in the hall that evening, leaving mi the local Tuesday morning for Port land, promising to givo another address the Motway evening after the second Sunday in January. Mr. Auiie of The D.illes was in Cecil Monday ovciseoin;; the unloading of i he catei pillar en gine purchased liy J. W. Oslrirn jMr. I almateer of Morgan v.as ialso present In ins)ci:t the stiine - . ..a.. piece of 1 1 1 ji 1 1 L 1 1 r v - nmi-iv Jack , d J Ari,IM! mn Main Street Heppner, Oregon Opposite Oregon Garage I ..Choose Your Gifts EARLY AND WITH CARE through Cecil on Wednesday be longing to Mr. Smyth of Hermis ton on their way to Eight Mile Cam p. Miss Mjork of I he Hendrieksen place left Cecil for a f-iw weeks lay off at Oaklaud. John Kelly who is feeding sheep on Willow creek, was a businescallerlin Cecil Wednesday The sad news was received of the death of Leon Logans third son Joe, after under truing an operation for appendicitis in Heppner. the funeral took place in Arlington on Friday and was attended hy a large number of sorrowing friends. A. Honrickscn returned home I'join Cortland Wednesday. T. II Lowe and Ids son left THE BRICK McA TKE & AIKEN, Props. ICE CREAM and CARD PARLORS. VSi Pi n. ;1 (jo to (jilliam & Bisbce v unloaded aline load ot lumber join I'ortlauii eunesilay. v !from Heppner on Monday and j 'J'. II Lowe and his son leflJ5 Tuesday. ; f,,f The Halles ami Portland onijfl Willie K. Ah'lt left Cecil Tues- j husinb.ss Friday. ty day to enlist in the navy, j Troesdoti nod daughter i&1 Mrs. .luck Hynd returned from went cullers on Peter Kaurn- SJ For Your Xmas Gifts WE HAVE A FULL STOCK OF , hi hi it hi The Gift is ever a constant reminder of the giver. It is therefore important that your remembrances be of lasting merit. Here you will find a well selected stock of try va- her visit at Hose Luwn, Sand 1 fiend at (Veil 'n T'hur .V Hollow after having hud a very i Kev. Klacfrniati Ka pleasi nt visit. I ler of Arlington and loiin was i ieo. A. Miller and ('. J. Win- j caller at Cecil d i5fing the week ters were unloading a car of line Albert Howker of Heppner Aluminum IVm lltf rirtf W lumber at Cecil on Wl,,ly, , B rilhiliuif busines,' AlUminUm I CrCUldtOlb 7 l.w.r.r.i i I ...... I !.l ... 1 . ..... ' M 1 irwiay. ! Lommunity bilvcr, Cut dlass and ptist minin. Dprnrntorl PJiinniAnro nf AllKinrl: '?s h Waitinc Travs : All George intends to stmt building 1 ltroUM(i Cecil Friday. a new house right away, vutl, all! moilern Coll VellleiK ms who has been past few weekv Z. iecuruicu ninawarc 01 yu rvinub, v Kinds of is i4 Lavallim. Cuff links. Brooches. Bar kvZZr:,:Z I . '". ' ".""'!!' '".'I M ' jwiegiin jciuiueii ii ii in ii w M''sdaiues Allyn. Flo-.ers. Saturday. iiimI Willi, were ail business tall, j M'.sdaineH .1. II. Franklin. A. nrs III l e( il Uediitsil iv I.' ,! I' Vh visited. .Marrow railed at t ., , i.randma Melton on Mummy. llfKK'r.' .nr., .rs .i . ,r. .. i..x.rV1 Pins, Scarf Pins, Watches, Silverware, Cut Glass, Fine China, Fountain Pens and Umbrellas Come and See Us Gilliam & Bisbce hi hi r5 5! OSCAR BORG -S "l his way to ( hi, dmi. If,, mi 1 representirig the I'.Midieli.ii Mm. tiiu Work', T. II. Iy.e and T. W. I .owe ; were iiisperiitig the U' x r.n r piller at work on tht- Streeter w place Wednesday. 'I'oin mivs thai ' it tlm w y In f.t i in in this ion nt rv i t" H It HilH get I.VI.r H lot III V ground and clues i;i0 witk K lis Minor und w ife were week , lid visitors with Mrs Kennel it " I he Fast Camp " M"Min .lark I ly ml and .1 II Frailkim accomiianicd by Misses Henrico Franklin and Violet I ly tiff wre lone visitors Sunday Up to-Date Job Printing at this Shop Mrs ( 'urier and her s..n Mel. vi ii armed in ' n f , , ;, , oil '.V. ( n. s,.,y ,, (,,,, j, f,,, I M Melton. A hue bdt.d l,f Window Salt A sale of t ked fnl, etr , will be he, m H,,. I1I1OW Window of Tasi, fi Aker '''" Saturday. Ie: L'l' i,v ti.fi I, Vli f W K. M A good pi i. ? '""r' I'itd ,.Sundiy dinner. People's Cash Market IIKNKY SCHWAKZ, I'n.p. All Kinds ol hrcsh and bait Meals Poultry and Lard Phone Main 73 HERALD FOR FINE JOB PRINTING