sennits 5 ' ''I ''J: '"f J w I II II 1 I need your help to feed thousands of starving Belgian mothers and babies. I need it to nurse 700,000 returned prisoners, dying of tuberculosis, contracted in German camps. I need it to send rations to American prisoners in Germany through Switzerland. I need it a thousand times over to rescue and return safe to you your brothers, sweethearts and sons who might be wounded in battle. Help me in my task! Every man, woman and child in Oregon must join the Red Cross. Make yourself a committee of one-enroll yourself, your family and your neighbors in the ChristmasRed Cross Today! Hang the Red Cross Service Flag in your window. Get your Chrismicis Membership at the Red Cross booths TODAY. V' fr-i hi 49 ft RED CROSS CHRISTMAS CAMPAIGN HEADQUARTERS 1 HEPPNER, OREGON Thi Spncc Donated ly the following Stockmen: K. I. WignKwi.fili, I'.mmet Cochran, J. W. Beymcr, Guy Boyer, L V. Gentry and John Kilkenny i 3 m m K3 1 r5 LOCAL AND PERSONAL lw 1". Wiylrtwtirili wuh in from ltuHrr rrci k !uinliiy. In tin hour r Moii.l.iy iiioruintr. Mr Vi:t:l-.wi'iii M'M r Kd ('loss II 1 1' II i Ixl I, : 'H ill lilH lU'ljjh- bo i hooil. Tom Morgan. io i iiiiluig tlo- wnit'r in l'ortliiiil, vm beri' f.T it fi-w (In) iluniuf tbo wri'k liHiking ntti-r iii ri'oulfiu'i' prop Tiy rT-iii!v il.'il toyed by lin 511 1 r r h n 1 1 ii v' t I'.ivc it re built w era In tow n '1'ui'oiliiy f roin tlo'ir i lli'i'i'ioT. vvii' uiiuml m ii,. liomo (n Huttor orink iiciir 1 .t un niy I'imtihIh r . 1 '17. t' Mnii pofttoniop, Mr. IVnrNou i h t nu ,1 u.lm t". r I' n I'lotiiMT tf tliiil M'clioii Imvini un tbo f.'rt'inoiiy , li m i, v (. ki'iuoti wu'ri inorx timn . yriu .i.'in m'M ;ii iiw I i,,r U'owht'ti there wito no rmlrir.iU !,ili prtn mi- ; u.lfi', i. j iintl ttu nmil wn cnrnctl by ni.iv known bete m -l u m tiKO f" h botweon lli'i'i'iHT (non.N w ill j 'in jn I-! l . nii.l IViulU ton Mr. IVr..n f.,r Un-ir titun- I ,i p m ,n ,1 ! h H)tiiniiti,r t I t'ti in tin' (o... Miy .rly Jayi nvA rrrouiit u.i Mr , Mr, a,,,,.,,,.. ' ' ii i iii o f r t 'in I lii i r t i., ! I'lT li I li I II I. it il i 1 1 iv i i i. i i; t v i i r Win I. Mi'iV.t'b. of Arliuirion uirif ! v t tl.o.r (r . i .u Mr, tttiJ Mrs. J, 11. larop 1 4 ti4 M; Mry t- Morgan, vl Utc WL.ic at L Aia, only liit week tlii-y riTi'ivt'il toWxrHiii aniiount'init thi' damrT huh iUiiohh of Mr. Aynr'n fniber .luliii .Iniif. of IVrtlBnd. They: i iiiiK'diHtoly took the train for P. 'i t Win! tthtrt they arrivi-il on I .ttti-r Mr. Join" lmi pa'd iy, j Hinl ronoinii'il thiri until after ilio funeral when they retumeil j in lli jiuer Mr. .yi,r they wei enjoying the buliny ilimite of kouthetn California very ni mil and bail expected to uu.d.u tlerc during th wiotcr. Odd Fellows Elect Officers At I he lei'l'.ir net linj; f lt. itij; i'''i i'i hi i f, Y. M. C. A. War Work Fund Grows M. IV C'tftrk chnir:iifiu i.f th Y M C. A WarWork eomniiiie,. , ,i ,.f n, ij..,...f,t report, fund. Mill eiuniui: for r,,-r of M, l'. li.. f..;.,. i... ......... ... i. .ii.,.. . i 1' -kn'lK'd .1 II Wylan.l K K AUl. It .1 O AUtott U T. Urown Total t" d.itn th . N M -"; ' i"C term ,. W Unci: J . ii o V ,S.,'i ry. V t ; O" Plie,,, Ml lln'.n 1. I I'll" 'io'V i.n'r r ill lie ins'il'il. e I .. irl v in .1 no i n y w lien 1 Hp. rt '-' ' i i .'HiVfi !V, er wil: lt. rii'u-l H. r I l lel v. ( r .(.! I . 1 1 . H.iijI eH. ti ,(ui r i le. I ' IJcraM only per jiar. TL lUra'.d L't L"xlNw.