HEPPNER HERALD S. A. PATTISON. Publisher. An Independent, Local Newspaper. Entered at the Ileppner, Oregon, Post Office as second-class matter. Terms of Subscription. One Year - - $1.50 Six Months - - 75 Three Months - - 50 FRIDAY, DEC. 21, 1917. THOUGHTS ON niKISTMAS As the Christmas season ap proaches in this year of grace 1'J17 the holiday time that has been set apart by all Christendom in commemoration of the birth and life and work of the man Jesus, "the greatest man who ever trod the earth," the world may well stand agast at the spectale the present time presents Almost 20(10 years have elapsed since the Christ-child lay in cradled obscurity in the Bethle hem manger; since the man Jesus, promulgated his doctrine of "Peace on Earth, Good Will Towards Men." During that lapse of time the peoples of the earth have been largely brought to at least a nominal acceptance of His teachings. All the great so called highly civilized nations have, by word of mouth and written proclamation, accept ed Him as their model, adopted His system of philsophy as their only guide in life, and have based their laws thereon and then have come to strut .in self-conceited pomp and glory the while they vaunt their high degree of so called Christain civilization. And yet in spite of all this the world has never before been brought to such a condition of misery and anguish, want and woe, death and destruction as at the present time. Practically every Christian nation in the world is at this moment engaged in a conflict such as has never before blackened the human history. Evil varied forms of First National Bank Completed The new First National Bank building is completed so far as (he actual building is concerned dnd as soon as the furnishings dnd fixtures arrive ar.d are plac et! in positon the banking rooms vvill be ready for occupancy, i'he new building is a handsome uiece of architecture and is com pieiely modern in all its ap point merits. It is a credit to ileppner as well as to the bank ing institution that owns it and o the men who manage and di rect the affairs of that ioslit utiori. It is expected the bank- ng rooms will be ready for oc cupancy by the lirst of the new year. Professional Column e DR. II. J. VAUGHAN DENTIST Permanently located in Oddfellow's Building HEPPNER, OREGON S. E. NOTSON ATTORNEY-AT-LAW OFFICE IN ROBERTS BUILDING HEPPNER, OREGON o o t i Pffcrrsr3Qt..i i: .a c , - o O DR. N. E. WINNARD PHYSICIAN & SURGEON HEPPNER, OREGON Wm. Kumuerland, a well Known fanner of" ttie Ileppner flat country, was a caller at the derald office a few days ago when he indicated his satisfaction with the Herald by paying an other year's subsciption. Mr Kummerland is a pioneer of Morrow county having been here about iiii years. He has witness ed many changes here watching the country develop from a des ert, good only for pasturing stock lo a tine wheat growing section. Mr. kummerland's crop this year was very light due to unto ward weather conditions but he has a good ucreage ready for next year and, like most bunchgrass ers he has plenty of faith in get ting a good crop when the next harvast rolls aound. DR. A. D. McMURDO . . . PHYSICIAN & SURGEON Telephone 122 Office Patterson Drug Store HEPPNER, OREGON Watch paper for dates DR. J. G. TURNER Eye Specialist PORTLAND OREGON Regular monthly visits lo HEPPNER and 10NE WOODSON & SWEEK ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW Office in Palace Hotel. Heppner, Ore SAM I ',. VAN VACTOR TTORNEY.AT-LAW HEPPNER, OREGON Teachers' Examinations Not ice is heryby given that the County Superintendent of Mor row county, Oregon, will hold the regular examination of applicants for State Certificates at Heppner, Oregon, as follows: Commencing Wednesday, Dec ember 19, 11)17, at 9;00 o'clock a. m., and continuing until Satur day, December 22, 1917, at 4:00 o'clock p. m. Wednesday Forenoon-U S History, Writing, (Penmanship) Music, Drawing Wednesday Afternoon -Physi- pages ofjology, Reading, Manual Training in all its i Composition. Domestic Science. LOUIS PEARSON TAILOR HEPPNER, OREGON Ofiice phone Main 643 Residence phone Main 663 FRANCIS A McMENAMIN LAWYER Roberts Building, Heppner. Oregon ROY V. WH1TE1S KEAL ESTATE INSURANCE LOANS Ileppner, Oregon NOTICE FOB I'Ulll.lCATION Department of the Interior, U. S. Land Office at La (irnnde, Oregon, Nov. ID, 1917, Notice is hereby niven that John Broanan of Lena, Oregon, who, on May, 1 lyU, made lloineateail Kntry No. (MaoTiU. for SW N VV'i W'a SW'i Sec. 20. NW'i NW'i Sec. 29, NE1- See. '.III. 'I'n. 2 S Kanire 29 Kant, W. M has filed hideollSlleSS1 MVtri.l.U ill l?..!l,lm.r Ton.-.. ..f1 notice of intention to make three-yearlW toe. : tllihh claim to the land almve deacrihed, before seems to lie in the saddle while Study for Drawing, its oip p os i to, flood, seems1 Arithmetic. to be for the time, hidden beneath y ft o tions. Is Christianity a failure? Have the teachings of the nieok and lowly Jesus, the gentle, loving Man from Callileo w ho taught a waiting world the kindly words: "Whatsoever ye would that others tlo unto on, tlo ye even so to them," come to naught? It cannot be. All the better im pulses of the human soul crv out against such thought. Wo know that Ho spoke truth because wo know that every statement Ho made, every principle He enunci ated wa.i fully and completely dotnonsratcd during his ministry. The trouble with the world is not that the teachings of Christ have tailed, or can over fail, to moot it's every need, but rather luvaUM' of the inix'i itl'Ie failure the world has made in it's weak and blniidt nrg appnc.it nm el' tin ise tt at Lii,'-. Wo have drift- d awav fii'tn the course He ' charted ii. to the treacherous ,. . .. .. , ,, waters of K-...I . d ambition. Notice of StcckWders' Meeting and the lion lit hai borne us in Nn'iif i t en lcy j-ivimi that to th.it m.n nm to Ii.it. and M-iMiUr uniuiil ftnoUii'Mer' huleouMi' tai and leiecity, n..'ciii.n I.ci:igttn State death an. I di Mnu ti.-n which. I-'"'" nl I o held itt it. bunk could tin but vvitiit ssit, mihi ng room in the Town (if well uMmiul the i i, ci s of I . m i t; ' 'i'. Oregon, nt 'J the count Ii worlds o ciuee. nYlnck P M Thurxdny Junu- In many In gi Is and huustl.e P. I'M, conin g ttival will lien g but The p.irpeM' fur wliicli thi little Joy bet iiihi' ol v ac.mt t hairs meelii g ix culletf l to elect a anil broken tannSv cin U . M.iv I'murd of Director ( r thu en it bring to a Milli iii g world the Mimg fiir Hint for the Iratimu'- realization thai, in loi . thine the ', .. .1 . ' ;.tty other 1 uitieM which teachings of the Master t '1,1 it ian in ty ri perlf ii'ini' before it iMi'.l it I ,einj;ttll. Oregon. a-on. Noah I'ettyjohn. of Lena. Oreiton, Joseph M. Hayes, of lleptmer Oregitn, iloil tli C. S. DUNN. Keitister. MetllOdS in C. C. I'utteraon. United Statei Conimlsaioner, I his otlice at Ileppner, Oregon, on the 7th day of ' January. 1S1K. Thursday Forenoon -Arithme-! ci.rn.ant n.me. .. itna: iienr.ci.rk. the Clollds of halt It' Sllioke from tji HistorV Of Education 1'SV- ' " '" ". J- D French. of (iurrt.iie. Ore- devastated cities and niinetl na- ehology, Methods in deography, j Mechanical Drawing, Domestic Art, Course of Study for Domes tie Art. i I lliiirstlay Afternoon- II rum isolated Tract ""ir- "'"'Krii.ihy. slonogruphy, ...r,mnt llf the ,'t..r,or. u. s. Land oinc. .t , Ainoriean Literal uce. Physics, ! The naii. orenon. Octoiwr 10. mi. -I- . i .1 j r i couce is nereoy aiven in.t. a. aireciea ny tne I y pew i H mg. Mel h,.,)s in Lull. ! ,,,,, lh. ,;,., Und u(,k,, uni)l. gllili;!', l'liesia for Prilllliry Cer- i prlsiims of See. UX. U.S., pursuant to the ap titieaio. Friday Forenoon Theory and Notice for Publication plication of Harley Wnicht, Serial No. UKV2.MI, we will otTer at public aale to the hiaheat bidder, but at n4 less than f:i.lHl per acre, at in ;Hl o'clock a. n i , i . ,.' 'm ir" i'fn nay ot ins-emoer. next, at this I riiotiee.OMhoirniphy (SpHling) .,, th, , ,r.c,r NHNHL.sec. I Mi vii'itl I 'itrHpny. Knlish &- Tuwnhui 6. South khk w Kwi. w. m. laieniture. ( lieimsry. PIi.vmc.iI !;,,.. ,, but ..uai. d K ' U I ! U t, 1 -lfrr-l rUl hin (hiwr frrnt At th hour nam I , i f. .. i i ' - h rcnAnl buiiimn. Th irr4n nikkmc ih r ii a V Afti iiooi Sclmol ..... . . . , . , : hnniii It id will t miutm! tit tmmniiKtrly pay to 1 . i in ill l V , .Mt'hni, V Vil h m..tnt thrrtsf (nil rrillllt'lll . - .ii i , ..,.. ktiImm Utid ar Btlvtnsl tn nl their claim, ur ub- S.t-I U r ii 'i I' uriMiOiHl ( ii'OUirt ry , ; )- ti.n. n or Wforr the tim t1rintr.) f(r al. i. , .... JM.H I.. A IUKMM. KHtvrr, I nil y Sni iirtliiv AftiTntMin ( it-norjil J a riiria illLL. SuptiiiUtMitK'Dt of l'ulilii In siuu'tiiMi. lM,2 Notice (or Publication lVlartmnt uf th Interior, kj, A. Land ifn'. at l atitatutr. lTfn, Srt. th. t-ttr t hrrvl'V ffivrn that K ran It T, fWry, kIiom Hat triu v attrr im I vtia tirrtion. !M. un tt l.th Jay of Autut, Wl nl in th ivfti Skrn Kta(Mn4iit a U At'li atHn, No. 14 7. to I'tir.'ha th Si SK1, Stivrt U. Trthit I H..(ith. Nntfe;ra1. W illatiirt tr Mrrulan atij fhr timtt-r thr'i--!., utitlrr ttif n iion ( th t.l u( Jim ' arul aria amrrntatt-ry , kmin u tht T rt l-rr aa. Htin I aw " at turn ta! i- at nt uh l nknl ly art ia'trmtt. an, I that intrvj. Miit to su. h ai . iii ttiuti thr iafi arul tmitr thrr. i it hatv txn at,'ra ti at I..'' tnv limtirr rati mirimI at i1 v Sat4 frt at TV pr M and th i..l fiiRMV itat aul ai'fii'-aot t fmi! irtnl in iui i-.f t if ha at I'jatii'O and i-rti iatfntnt th t'lt tiat of ( k.-rfit-f )i;T W J Hn r I nni Statra i oflimi4Mr. at H ofTs-g.. at llrtmsiton t'f-)fi.'n An vrn i at t trt tt tri1 th a (-1' h !-f . f vttrt ot mil at a nntr at at tim tv (.r atrial '- ry n K raimi a '.a t tn t-t . a fa. tatth.th .uhI J frat t' r in. i'O l ( Vl h Hratff When making your preparations for your Christ mas Dinner, don't forget we are Headquarters for Good Things To Eat Fancy Fruits and Vegetables Fancy Canned and Glass Goods Candy, Nuts, Etc. The new sugar regulations are causing a shortage in Xmas Candies. From the fact that we placed our orders early in October our usual supply is assured; prices higher, of course. Place your orders early while the supply lasts. PHELPS GROCERY CO. DC 0 DC H. F. TASH A. S. Akers TASH&AKERS Successors to Vaughn & Sons GENERAL HARDWARE MERCHANTS Our stock of Shelf Hardware, Tools, Builders' Hardware, etc., is full and complete and we respect fully solicit you r inspection and patronage. We be lieve we can give you satisfaction both as to quality and prices. PLUMBING DEPARTMENT We are installing a new Piumb'ng Department and have secured the services of a master plumber as manager. All work in this line will receive care ful attention and will be executed in the most approv ed manner. A share of your patronage is respectfully so-licked. TASH & AKERS HEPPFER OREGON . v n ft M ft ii ft ft ft I i n ft we l.;ive m t the ui'i'ul ar anil that only hy trtniiiii to tie Htruinht itiil iiiirmw path oYr which Hi let t hac truil. can we hope to r ram that pt t tt ft joy mill peace which rhtuil.l he out Ut cadi rreurrinj; t'hriMmasi tnlc. , lefeuitifr 7, I'.'tr. v scoit. Attet I reiuUnt. W O II, I . 1 ahier 1 ccrctury Md'it Notice to WheaTgrowers 1 have been appointed Hepp ner representative ef the Pacitie t'irain Company, of Poit'.and, siicct'ssttrn to M. 11. Houser. an.l am prcpHretl to buy all kind of i:rain. !ee me before ellir.r. i:oy v. wmms. JUST RECEIVED A NEW LINE OP DOLLS ALSO BOOKS HUTU NEW AND ICE-PUINTS HUMPHREYS DRUG COMPANY iv Drignc rirc in The Morning! No cold rooms, even if the wind is howling out of the .Northwest, when you have A Great Western Duplex Heater For Coal or Wood This stove holds the fire, and it burns con I or wood perfectly, because of its Duplex Grate. All of the gases are burned, and there isn't a corner of the rooms that is not warm. Be sure to ask to see this marvelous beater. Case Furniture: Co. I 0? aatcttvtr:tatttt 3C O GXXSmm y TTKT UFCFIVRH NEW LINE OP WINTER GOODS UNDERWEAR SHIRTS MACKINAW'S HOSIERY, ETC. 011 and ma'se you seiectim, riirly. n SAM. HUGHES COMPANY lierald only $1 SUyer year. NOTICE FOR ri'tlLlCATION IV.srtmnt if th Interior. I'. 8, l .nd Of?lc it l..rmn,. Orr..n Nnvrmhr lit. I 'lT. Nutir. I. h.rrhy givrn thst Willuun ILnry Clerk. l Ini.tr lllili-r th. It Will snd Tll rtwnt of l.lirn T'l'ttt. iliw.tnl. of l..ns. Or.m. who. onj jn. an. IH m.l Humratrsil Kntr So. nu' for si, sr. i. si:1, j;. nwi, gw '. (!. it T 2 S. L.t 2. 6, Tp S Kwnt ll. Wilumxtt Mrnil .n hM MxJ notlrs of int.ntiin to n. thrr w l'rt.f. u sstaMnk ri..m to th. Ufui shin. ribJ. b.forC. C. Pt t.rMi. t'nitwl SU'. lVmmiMion.r. at his orV at Mrt'un.r Orrg-'in. on th. Tth day of January, l'.'! Ci. fn.nt nam, a. .itfMir, J. t. I rnrh. of GuM.n., Or., mi J.hn Hrrwn.n of lna. ()rSTin N.h vmj.,hn and J.i h M II. in of ll.pp nor t)rton. I1 0 S. PI NS. bnin. Notice ol Final Account N"ti- la h.rhr '.n that Am. Miatild n. a.lin..tr.tt.r of ttw 1,'ai. of J O tiliam. ... 4 hw ttlp4t.it (,.,.! arrout nh th. County t'irt uf th. )!'. ni.f f. M'm County, and that . d r.mrl ha. t. a. th. t.m and r'a "f wimmt of Md .rvtiKt. lvmt Knd. IT at th. h...,y .,f two o w. Y M , Ik th. tourt m-m of M d tvmrt tn H'M nwr OrM. I't )v tMifl ni'j.l h h'-1 on .it tir,.n m .1 d.t. AM MifMU'lNK. 911 AJm r,.,trauf.