LENA NEWS ITEMS .' We have been having snow out our-way. and are expecting more of it. . .. jjuite ar bit ut"liauling from 1 he ir7owitains is being done so we may have some fuel to burn during the winter. We huvwft been having a very big crowd at our "Pleasant Point" Sunday school. Hut hope there will soon be many more to attend. A bunch of Lena folks autoed down to Pine City to attend the revival services Suuday morning The crowd being namely: Roy Willy, and Lester Pearson Miss es Grace Tyler and Klla Pearson Miss Silvia Grngan of little Hutter Creek is now visiting in Meppnor. The desks are being put down in the new school house this week so tha', the children may not, be carried off by the bugs whicn occupy the old school house. The bugs will never bother the sand bank in which the new school house is located. It is reported that John Kee gan has completed dancing school, and is now ready to be gin dancing master work. Mike Maguire has lately pur chased the John Shaw ranch in McDonald canyon. Percy Hughes and C. A. Hinton were seen down the creek in a 'ar last Sunday. It is reported that Hdith Wad. del will soon be a gradate from dancing if she keeps on going so lively. Hut if you want to learn fancy dancing, go to Myrtle Miller about it, been received for the Christmas packet fund: Heppner Committees $309 00 Mrs. J. H. Edwards 5 00 Mrs. Lowe, Cecil Com. 21 25 Strawberry' School 40 25 Mrs. Hughes, Lena Com. 11 75 Total 387 80 For Comfort Kits 10 50 For 275 Christmas pack ets 377 30 Lexington 50 00 lone 2'W 00 Irrigon sent 12 Daekets Total packets for Morrow Co. Chapter 587 Morrow Co. quota 485 The Lexington and lone amounts of $50.00 and 200 re spectively, represent 250 packets The comfort kits are to be filled and sent forward this week. Oregon is asked to enroll 240, 000 members in this campaign -and we will make good. All you need to become a member is a dollar and a heart. Mrs. L. G. Herron will have a supply of Christmas holly here about Dec. 18th, the profits from the sale of which she will donate to the lied Cross- Card of Thanks We wish to thank our gool friends and neigbors of Heppner for the kindness shown and donations offered since our home was destioyed by tire last Mon day morning. We appreciate your help and the spirit in which it was offered Mr. and Mrs, V. A. Schwab. Red Cross Notes The Hazaar given by the Red Cross Chapter last Saturday was a decided success A large and varied assortment of articles were otVered for sale and practi cally everything on the tables was disposed of at good prices. The automobile donated by John Vaughn was put up at auction and was bought' back by Mr. Vaughn himself who knew a good bargain when he saw it. The cooked food, canned goods, fancy work, etc., all went like hot cakes on a co'd morning. The Itizaar netted the Chapter $511. 1 with a few items yet to come in The following amounts have Tom Sheriden Not a Deserter F. A. McMenamin has received a letter from Tom Sheridan, at Camp Lewis, explaining the le port of his arrest as a deserter at Portland recently. There is no dulling at the camp from Saturday noon until Monday morning and Tom. not being familiar with the military regu lat inns run down to Portland Saturday afternoon to attend to some business and on his way to trie depot to take the train back to camp Sunday night a policeman accosted him and ask ed for his registration card. Mr. Sheridan told him he had left it at camp when the i.ftieer accused nim of being a deserter and turned him over to the mil itary. The matter was soon e.v plained and Tom returned to camp wheie he is drilling us usual. A serious attack of grip prevented lii in from writing to his Heppner friends sooner. Tax Levy Fixed at 8.8 Mill At the regular meeting of the county court last week the tax levy for the coming year was fixed at 8.8 mills. This includes state, county, road and school taxes, as against a levy of 0 4 last year. The valuation of of property has been raised from $12,547. tiOn.OO last year to 13. 821, 235 6(5 for the present year. Of the levy made this year 2 5 mills is for road purposes or, in round numbers about $35,000 for that purpose. Y. M. C. A. Fund Grows M. D. Clark, chairman of the Y. M. C. A. drivecommitt.ee, re ports the additional subscriptions to the fund recently ptid in: Previously ackn'lged $3490 20 F P. Johnson " $3 On J. A. Gibbon 3 on Ralph Henge $2 5n I. C. Cox $2 50 Total $3501 20 Church Notices The Federated Church Sunday School 9:45 a. m. Morning service 11:00. Morning topic: '"Christ's Strange Invitation." Christian Kndeavor, (5:30 p. in. Topic. "Christ Oue Peace," Leader, Lorainne Groschen. Regular evening service 7:3" H. A Noyes, Pastor. Catholic Church Services. First Mass. x:i0 a.m. Second Mass l'.i:3o F.veinng Devotions ";30 p. m. Reverend Father Printner. Notice All pupils wihtng to j i n tin Industrial Clubs should call at the office of the conuty Sup rin. tendant and secure enrollment card- Church of Christ. of morning sermon Why Christians Suf. Subject Sun Jay: fer. Kvening subject: "An Hour with the Master at Capernaum." Turner P.. MuT)ona!d, Minister